E-M35 etc Scotland

E-Haplogroup / Y-DNA ONLY Scotland Haplogroup
  • 295 members

About us

I've listed some links to articles and maps that MAY be some help to those

wanting to understand the European Origins of haplotype E1b/E3b. 

If you find any other links you thin are suitable,  email them to me


Learn about Y-DNA Haplogroup E

Haplogroup E1b1b (Y-DNA)

Haplogroups Time Line

Distribution of European Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups by country in percentage

Haplogroup E3b1a2 as a Possible Indicator of Settlement in Roman Britain by Soldiers of Balkan Origin

by Steven C. Bird, Journal of Genetic Genealogy, 2007  

The Y-DNA Analysis of Clan Colquhoun: Researching Umfridus (Humphry) de Kilpatrick

by Akper Aliev, Ross Kilpatrick & Anthony Kirk, The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy, 13 Jan, 2013 

BBC - Scotland: Rome's Final Frontier (You Tube)

The Antonine Wall in Scotland

Scotland: The Roman Presence

(Scottish Archaeological Research Framework)


Roman Scottish Maps

E1b Distribution Map


Analysis  of E1b Members in Known Scottish Surname Projects at FTDNA

TMRCA chart

      TMRCA Predictor

Haplotype Predictor


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