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E-M35 Project

  • 8510 members

About us

· Collect and maintain an accurate database of E1b1b1 (formerly known as E3b) haplotype test results and their corresponding SNP definitions.

· Analyze SNP data and their possible relation to sub-clade clusters as indicated by extended STR values.

· Attempt to identify single or combined STR marker occurrences that are unique and indicative of specific SNPs and their corresponding haplogroup subclades.

· Correlate ongoing peer reviewed scientific reports into the analysis of our haplotypes and SNP database.

· Coordinate the SNP nomenclature from various laboratories with current sub-clade designations and submit proposals to the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG).

· Promote and encourage the participation of all members in a free exchange of ideas, including historical, sociological and anthropological aspects that correlate significantly to the origins and migratory movements related to haplogroup E-M35 and its many branches.

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