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Thanks to DNA we have found that there are at least 4 distinctly different Edison groups. This project is concerned with those males in Lineage 1 with Haplogroup Rib who have tested and the results prove them to be Marsalis or one of the Variant Spellings of the same  line. Please see the Marsalis and Variant Spellings Project at FTDNA for more background on this family.

Edison / Eidson

    Edward, b. 1680, Yorkshire, Eng. m. Penelope, 1710, Richmond Co. VA - banker [bentley21 AT]
        John, c. 1717 m. July 12, 1751 Anne Stratton, d. 1774 Richmond Co. VA
            Rebecca, b. 1760, Richmond Co. VA. m. May 11, 1780 Daniel Bentley

Lineage 1- Haplogroup R1b - Edison/Addison/Marselas/Marsalis

Introduction with Hypothesis to Earliest Assumed Ancestor:
 1 Pieter Marcelis arrived from the Netherlands on the ship De Bever in 166i  with his wife ( Elizabeth LNU),4 children and 2 servants.  He died  4 Sep 1682 Bergen, NJ.
 2 Marselis Pieterse (as commonly written) b 1656, Netherlands, d 23 Oct 1747, NJ married  Pieterje Van de Voorst the daughter of Ide Cornelissen Van Voorst and Hilletje Jans on 11 May 1681.

 (IDE CORNELISSEN VAN VOORST, b. ca. 1626 is said to be the “1st native white male to have been born in New Netherlands, d. 12 -28 -1683.  He was the son of CORNELIUS VAN VOORST ( 1580 - died early Spring1639 probably at Ahasimus /Jersey City) and VROUWTJE IDES (b. Netherlands died abt 1641 at Ahasimus/Jersey City about a year after marrying Jacob Stoffelson )


The name "Ide" entered the Marcelis/Marselis family by Pieterje Van Voorst and Marselis Pieterse naming a son after her father Ide Cornelissen Van Voorst.  Ide/Edo has no English equivalent. Several different spellings commonly found in early records are Ide/Iden/Idea/Ydes/Edo/Eden/Edea. It is pronounced as "E-da" or "E-duh"
According to the Dutch patronymic system:
a name like John Edeson could be interpreted as "John son of Edo/Ide" and/or written as John Idesen/Edeson/Edison.

 3 Ide/Iden Marselis born 1690 (Baptism NY Dutch Church)

   married 1st  Maritie Cornelis Coddemis/Cadmus April 23, 1713.

We current Marsalis/Edison researchers consider this marriage to be the possible connection - sons from this marriage - which accounts for the DNA results.

The search continues but now known are a Marcellus Idesen and a  Cornelius Idesen/Edeson/Edison who were grandsons of Maritie Cornelis Cadmus' parents according to an estate paper.  In various records Cornelis' last name was spelled Idensse, Edesen, Eidese, Ideson and Ydese.

Maritie Coddemis/Cadmus* must have died. No other record has been found for her.

There are church  records for marriage and the baptisms of  children of Cornelius Idesen/Edeson and Dirje Vreeland.

There are mentions of Marcelis Idesen/Edeson as a witness in baptismal records and this marriage record:

An YDES/Ides, MARSELES married Femmetie Doolhagen, Nov 21, 1741,  2nd  Reformed Dutch Church, Passaic or Bergen.  Was this couple the Parents of John Edeson/Edison??  Femmetie is sometimes Anglicized as Febe or Phebe  If son of Ide Marselis and Maritie Cadmus this Marseles Ides would have been between ages 23 & 27 in 1741

 By July 6, 1718 Ide Marselis and 2nd wife  Arriaentie Bras baptised their son "Harmanus"/HARMAN  Records at the Reformed Dutch Church, Hackensack, N.J.

(It is now known that Ide Marselis married FIRST COUSINS. His two wives – (1) Marritie Cornelese Codemis/Cadmus and (2) Arriaentie Bras-- were the daughters of sisters Marytie KOEMANS and Geertie KOEMANs who were the daughters of Lucas Koemans and Arriaentie.   Research by SRM.)

The earliest documented ancestor of the Edison family is JOHN EDESON/EDISON who married  Sarah Ogden, the daughter of Samuel Ogden and Phebe Baldwin,  on 10 October 1765 at Hannover Presbyterian Church in Morris Co, New Jersey.   Although family tradition has held that John was born in the Netherlands ca. 1727, recent research including DNA sampling, suggests that John is more likely to have been born in New Jersey after 1741.  To date, no definitive documentation has been discovered to confirm John’s birth or the births of his children.  The known children of John and Sarah Edison are Samuel, Adonijah, Mary, Thomas, Catharine, Sarah and Moses all born in New Jersey and Margaret, born in Nova Scotia.  The earliest documentary evidence of John Edeson/Edison is his marriage to Sarah Ogden.  However, considerable documentation survives surrounding his capture,  imprisonment and exile arising from his service as a United Empire Loyalist during the American Revolution.  John Edison is perhaps best known for his role in the American Revolution and as the Great-Grandfather of the American Inventor, Thomas Edison. (Info by Steve E. Edison)

1.  Pedigree  #159936
111Marker Test with confirmed R1b1a2a1a1 Haplogroup.  Marker 12 at allele 439.  Unique  mutation at CDYa
John Edeson/Edison  b.  aft. 1721 (poss. ca. 1741) probably in New Jersey  d. bet. 1811 – 1814; Bayham Twp., Elgin, ON  m. 10 Oct 1765; Hanover Presbyterian Church, Caldwell, Morris, NJ Sarah Ogden
Moses Edison  b. 10 Jun 1782; Acquackanonk Twp., Essex, NJ d. 26 Sep 1849; Walker Twp., Kent, MI  m. ca. 1804; Digby, Digby, NS; Jane Saxton
Hains Edison  b. 16 Apr 1814; Bayham Twp., Elgin, ON  d. 10 Oct 1878; Walker Twp., Kent, MI  m. 17 Nov 1839; Malahide Twp., Elgin, ON; Charity Hains
Milo Hains Edison  b. 08 May 1849; Walker Twp., Kent, MI  
Harry Edison  b. 01 Mar 1885;  Walker Twp., Kent, MI  
Joseph Milo Edison  b. 02 Apr 1907; Walker Twp., Kent, MI  d. 21 Jul 1989;
Don Boyd Edison  b. 28 Mar 1935;


2.  Pedigree # 159306      37 Markers

"Tory" John Edeson  born ca 1708 - 1741  d abt 1812
Captain Samuel Edison b 7 March 1767 NJ, d 27 March 1865
David Edison b 3 June 1798, d 30 October 1886
Absalom Edison b 25 Nov 1830, 
Cyrus Edison b 6 August 1864, 
Austin G Edison b 21 December 1897, 


 3. Pedigree    #285683       111Markers

Pedigree with paper trail back to Abraham Edison/Marselis. Hypothesis from Abraham back to Cornelis Ideson/Marselis based on known children's names and birth dates and vital records.

Pieter Marcelisse arrived 1661 at New Amsterdam, d 4 Sep 1682 Bergen, NJ,  m Elizabeth (?)
Pieterse Marselis b 1656, Netherlands, d 23 Oct 1747, NJ, m Pieterje Van de Voorst 
Ide Marselise  b:1690  (Baptism NY Dutch Church) d:1773   m Marritje Cadmus/Coddemis
Cornelis Ideson/Marselise b: 1717   m Dirikje Vreeland               
Hendrik Edison/Marselise b: 1 Aug 1754 in Second River, NJ d:??    m Elizabeth Furloo
Abraham Edison/Marselise b: 27 Oct 1784 in Second River, NJ d: abt 1855 m. Abigail McCurl
William H. Edison/Addison b: 1820 in NJ, d: 29 Dec 1891 in Newark, NJ, m. Phebe Ann Drew
Lewis Addison b: 03 Feb 1851 in Chatham, Morris Co.,NJ,
Arthur Henry Addison b:17 Jan 1877 in Newark, NJ
Henry Addison b: 1913

Pedigree for # 339069  mtDNA FTDNA     Haplogroup   X2b6
A paper trailed cousin to kit # 285683 
Pedigree with paper trail back to Abraham Edison/Marselis. Hypothesis from Abraham back to Cornelis Ideson/Marselis based on known children's names and birth dates and vital records.
Pieter Marcelisse arrived 1661 at New Amsterdam, d 4 Sep 1682 Bergen, NJ,  m Elizabeth (?)
Pieterse Marselis b 1656, Netherlands, d 23 Oct 1747, NJ, m Pieterje Van de Voorst 
Ide Marselise  b:1690  (Baptism NY Dutch Church) d:1773   m Marritje Cadmus/Coddemis
Cornelis Ideson/Marselise b: 1717   m Dirikje Vreeland               
Hendrik Edison/Marselise b: 1 Aug 1754 in Second River, NJ d:??    m Elizabeth Furloo
Abraham Edison/Marselise b: 27 Oct 1784 in Second River, NJ d: abt 1855 m. Abigail McCurl
William H. Edison/Addison b: 1820 in NJ, d: 29 Dec 1891 in Newark, NJ, m. Phebe Ann Drew
James B. Addison b: 1862, NJ, 
Ruth Hilda Addison b:1899, NJ, 

4. Pedigree    #256211   111 Markers
  Earliest known ancestor with paper trail back to him via censuses and other records is :    
     John Edison/Edason Marselas , b. 1780  Maryland  d. 1842
(All of the Marsalis males are 13 at allele 439 while the Edisons/Addison/Marselas males are 12.  
All MARSALIS males have a documented known paper trail back to the immigrant Pieter Marcelis/Marselis who arrived in New Amsterdam in 1661.  All Marsalis Males are descendants of Ephraim, William and James who were 3 of the 6 sons of Peter Hutchins Marsalis and Mary M (Polly) Gordon Marsalis )

5. Pedigree    #271550  37 Markers
( 13 at allele 439 as are all MARSALIS males. All other markers perfect match with Austin Edison and David Addison)
Peter Marcelis arrived New Amsterdam 1661, d  1682 Bergen, NJ  m Elizabeth(?)
Pieterse Marselis b 1656, Netherlands, d 23 Oct 1747, NJ m  Pieterje Van de Voorst
Ide Marselis born 1690 (Baptism NY Dutch Church) m Arriaentie Bras
Harmanus/Harman Marselis baptized 6 July 1718, Will Dec 1747 m Hannah Hutchins
John Marselis/Marseilles b 13 Sept 1745 d 22 Oct 1805 Somerset Co, NJ m Prudence
Peter Hutchins Marsalis  b abt 1775  NJ d July 1846 Amite Co, MS m Mary M. "Polly" Gordon
Ephraim Marsalis b 1807 GA d 1883 Amite Co, MS m 1st Elizabeth Ann Flowers
James Enoch Marsalis b 1828 Amite, MS
Ephraim Ezra Marsalis b 1855 Pike Co, MS 
James William Marsalis b 1877 Holmes Co, MS
Eugene Graham  Marsalis b 1912 MS 
Bobby Joe Marsalis b 1932 

6.  Pedigree   # 155590  111 Markers
7.  Pedigree  # 232897  67 Markers.
Unique mutation at allele 464c than all other surnames in the Marsalis/Marselis/Edison Project)
Pieter  Marselis b abt 1602 Netherlands, d 4 Sep 1682 Bergen, NJ  m Elizabeth
Pieterse Marselis b 1656, Netherlands, d 23 Oct 1747, NJ m  Pieterje Van de Voorst 
Ide Marselis born 1690 (Baptism NY Dutch Church) m Arriaentie Bras 
Harmanus/Harman Marselis baptized 6 July 1718, NJ, Will Dec 1747, NJ m Hannah Hutchins
John Marselis/Marseilles b 13 Sept 1745 d 22 Oct 1805 probably Somerset Co, NJ m Prudence
Peter Hutchins Marsalis b abt 1775 prob, Bound Brook NJ d July 1846 Amite Co, MS
         m   Mary Magdalene "Polly" Gordon
William Peter Marsalis b Oct 1808 GA d Oct 1877 Amite Co, MS m Lucy Denman 
Dr.Thomas Hutchins Marsalis b Aug 1853, MS
Thomas Ray Marsalis b Dec 1888 MS 
Lane Kinnebrew Marsalis b Jan 1915 MS

8.  Pedigree  # N19898 111markers

Pieter Marcelisse arrived 1661 at New Amsterdam, d 4 Sep 1682 Bergen, NJ  m Elizabeth
Pieterse Marselis b 1656, Netherlands, d 23 Oct 1747, NJ m  Pieterje Van de Voorst 
Ide Marselis born 1690 (Baptism NY Dutch Church) m Arriaentie Bras 
Harmanus/Harman Marselis baptized 6 July 1718, NJ, Will Dec 1747, NJ m Hannah Hutchins
John Marselis/Marseilles b 13 Sept 1745, NJ d 22 Oct 1805 prob. Somerset Co, NJ m Prudence
Peter Hutchins Marsalis b abt 1775 prob, Bound Brook NJ d July 1846 Amite Co, MS
James  Marsalis b 1827 MS d 1882 Amite, MS m Dorcas Swearingen
Peter Lotterick Marsalis b 1845 MS 
Louis Hillery Marsalis b 1876 MS
Peter Hugh Marsalis I b 1904 CO 

    The Edison DNA Project

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