Ely Carroll

  • 217 members

About us

In 2004, the Carroll project was started at FTDNA.

In 2008, Carroll 112378, a descendant of Charles Carroll of Carrollton had his DNA tested.

In 2011. the Ely Carroll project was started at FTDNA. Peter Carroll (107055) was first to join.

In 2013, a separate web page on
Ely Carroll DNA was started.

In 2018, Carroll 738989, a descendant of Charles Carroll of Duddington had his DNA tested.

In 2020, a study of 163 testers in the Ely Carroll project found 61 testers with nine names in the ancient genealogy of Cian: Bohan/Bowes, Carroll, Corcoran, Dooley, Flanagan, Keeffe, Kealy/Kelly, Meagher, Murphy, Redmond.

In 2022, FTDNA began estimating the birth years of SNPs and estimated the birth of R-Z16291 at 150 AD. 

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