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Icelandic studies show a strong effect of father’s age on SNP mutations (Nature. 2012 August 23; 488(7412): 471–475. doi:10.1038/nature11396.), which makes sense given the causes of SNP mutations (cumulative oxidative or similar chemical damage) — which is completely different from STR mutations (slippage by DNA Polymerase in meiosis).  The original project admins could easily have found this research and made a note of it to inform the participants; not doing so suggests that perhaps they didn’t understand the science, which begs the question of what they intended to do with the project data and when.

Bugoye et al (2018) Genet Res Int.: doi: 10.1155/2018/8090469 :

The results clearly shows that fathers’ age at son’s birth may have an effect on Y-STRs mutation rate analysis, though this age difference is statistically not significant.... The results of present study are in agreement with results of research findings by Sanchez-Diz[15], Lee [17], and Goebloed [22] who also reported relatively older average age of mutated fathers in their studies but the age difference between fathers’ age with at least one mutation and fathers' age without mutation was found statistically not significant.

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