About us
All members are highly encouraged to upgrade to all 111 markers and to confirm their haplogroup via a SNP test. We do realize that there is a cost associated with these tests; however, they only need to be ordered once in your life on each sample. --------------------------- For each haplogroup section label, the furthest-downstream tested defining mutations are indicated. Please see the "International Society of Genetic Genealogy" for the current nomenclature and all known haplogroup-defining mutations. To be 100 % certain of their haplogroup, members are encouraged to order the SNP test. Members whose haplogroup field shows a "-" are highly encouraged to order an SNP test, which is available under the "Haplogroup" tab. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal notice: all data (Y-DNA haplogroup, Y-DNA haplotype, and mt-DNA haplogroup with HVR I/II mutations) of all members of this project can only be used in a publication by either academic or commercial authors if explicit written permission is given by the project/group administrators. Appropriate co-authorship is required if the data and results are discussed in detail. -------------------------------------------------------------------- We now have more than 3,000 YDNA members including several Germany residing ones for comparison.

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(this map will be updated)