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About us

The recent results from Louis Gottlober add a new dimension to the project research. There we are looking at an 11 marker match out of twelve with Gerol L. Goodlove. This indicates about a 70% chance that we have a common ancestor within 28 generations.

In Comparing 37 markers the probability that Mr. Gerol L. Goodlove and Mark A. Goodfriend (Gutfrajnd) shared a common ancestor within the last
4-8 generations is .05%
12 generations is 1.05%
16 generations is 5.94%
20 generations is 17.33%
24 generations is 34.22%

The Goodlove family direct male line are the first Christian's to match the Cohen Modal Haplotype exactly. The CMH is a large group that encompasses about 2% of all Jews in the Europeans and ex-Spanish Jewish communities and to date FTDNA has not found a Christian who has matched this group.