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The Gotham / Goatham DNA Study
  • 4 members

About us

The Gotham / Goatham DNA Project welcomes all participants. We encourage you to join today!

This project is just getting started, and we hope to have some exciting discoveries.

Participating is an opportunity to uncover information not provided in the paper records, which can help with your research of your family tree. We hope to learn more about which Gotham / Goatham families are related with an estimation of how far back, where a link can be confirmed.

The surnames in this DNA Project are researched as part of the Goatham / Gotham One-Name Study. You can learn more about this significant research, and the associated family trees, by visiting the One-Name Study web site, or contacting the Teresa, the Group Administrator.

The Y DNA test tells you about your direct male line, which would be your father, his father, and back in time. You must be male to take this test, and you should normally have one of the surnames (Gotham or Goatham). If you believe there is a Gotham or variant in your direct male line, although you have a different surname, you are also welcome to participate. If you are female, you will need to find a direct line male in your family tree to participate and represent your tree.

We encourage males to order a Y-DNA test for 37 markers initially - this will usually be sufficient, though if you want to test more markers that it is fine, the results can be compared with the 37-marker results. If 37-markers do prove insufficient, you can upgrade later, though this costs a little more. If you test only 12 markers it may suggest a match where there is none, at least not within the timescale relevant to the Study. 

Both males and females may also be interested in learning about their direct female line, which would be their mother, their mother's mother, and so on back in time. Both men and women inherit mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA), although only women pass it on, so it is not linked to surnames and is not part of this study. To explore your direct female line, you would order a mtDNA test. For matches in a genealogical time frame, order the mtDNA Full Sequence test.

Everyone can also take an atDNA (autosomal DNA) test. This can help with male, female and mixed lines in your tree - but only in recent generations. Matches may well be found with distant cousins, and you may identify common ancestors, but it is unsafe to assume the DNA confirms them as your ancestors: you may well share more than one set of ancestors. 

We have also established a General Fund, to accept donations in any currency by credit card (via PayPal or by 'snail mail'). These funds will be held at the testing company, and used to help sponsor test kits for those key males who would otherwise be unable / unwilling to afford the cost of participation in the project. We encourage you to make a donation. To make a donation please click on the link below under 'General Fund'. If you decide to donate, please make sure 'Gotham' is selected in the Donation form.

For the Goatham / Gotham study it is important to have males from different trees, preferably two whose lines divided as far back as possible. Once this study is properly underway information will be provided on which lines have and which need participants. Even if your line is covered you may like to have a test, especially if those tested on your tree are quite distantly related to you; this can rule out unsuspected non-paternity events. On the other hand, if your tree already has participants, you could learn more about your family history by making a donation for a key male in another tree to be tested.