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Welcome to the Grant Y-DNA Project

The project is open to (the DNA of) all male Grant's who wish to know more about their early lineage.  By clicking on the links on the navy blue line above, you can learn more about the project and test results.  The tables contain the current Y-DNA and mtDNA values for the Grant DNA Project. This information is linked directly from the on-line database at FamilyTreeDNA. Values in red are predicted by FTDNA and values in green have been confirmed by SNP testing.  (As this is a surname project, you will notice we pay a lot more attention to the yDNA than we do the mtDNA for obvious reasons.) -- 

Kit Backgrounds (this page is out of date and will be updated in the coming months, as we try to keep up with the data and FTDNA changes to haplogroups)


The following kit owners’ claims regarding ancestry are made by and are solely the responsibility of the person submitting the information.  As administrators for this project, we have not investigated and can make no guarantee that the genealogical information is accurate. We would urge any interested party to scrutinize all available data carefully before drawing any conclusions.



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Kit Background Description Claims or Quests

The listing below are shown in the same order as the Y-DNA results are posted on the spreadsheet, so that one can compare background information with the kit most closely matched

Group A (Chiefly), Subgroup 1:R-P312>DF19>DF88>Z17274>Z21133+ (Fruechie, Corriemonie, Shueglie, Glenmoriston, Blairfindy & Kilgraston)

Kit 124908 – No Information

Kit 126897 is a direct descendant of the Grants of Sheuglie in Glenurquhart,Inverness-shire through Alexander Grant 4th of Sheuglie (taken prisoner afterCulloden and died imprisoned at Tilbury) through his 4th son Patrick Grant 1stof Lochletter, Glenurquhart (died 1806), then through his son LieutenantColonel Alexander Grant HEICS 2nd of Lochletter (born 1753, died 1816), throughhis second son, William Grant of the 92nd Regiment (born 1796, in CalcuttaIndia , died 1852). Look forward to a chat.

Kit 133216 is a seventh generation descendant of Alpin Grant, wholeft Scotland September 1775 on the ship Glasgow bound for New York:

  • Sons of: Willard Geddes Grant b. Feb 1903 Trinidad d. Sept. 1979 Toronto, ON, Canada
  • Son of: Thomas Geddes Grant b. May 1866, Merigomish, NS, d. Sept. 1934, Trinidad
  • Son of: Rev. Dr. Kenneth James Grant, b. Feb. 1839; d. Jan. 1931, Halifax, NS
  • Son of George Grant, b. December 1799, d. Nov 1892 Pictou County, NS
  • Son of Peter Grant: b. ca. 1767 Glen Urquhart, Scotland; d. October 1859, Scotch Hill, NS
  • Son of: Alpin Grant b. March 1740, Glen Urquhart, Scotland; d. date unknown, probably Pictou County, N.S. 
  • Son of: John Grant (also known as John Roy Grant, MacAllanvain) born ca. 1700, probably Glen Urquhart, Scotland.  Date and place of death unknown, likely in Glen Urquhart, Inverness hire, Scotland.
  • Son of: Allan Grant (known as Allan Bain)

The ship wasprevented from entering the harbour by a British man-o’-war H.M.S. Asia (“lestthey join the disturbances ashore”) and was sent on to Boston where they wereenlisted in the 2nd Battalion of a loyalist force, the Young Highland Emigrants(later the Royal Highland Emigrants, the 84th Regiment of Foo).  The 2ndBattalion was eventually stationed at Windsor, Nova Scotia and Alpin Grant wasdischarged there in October 1783.  He received a grant of 500 acres ofland in Pictou County for his military service, although he sold it and bought100 acres of land on the harbour just east of the town of Pictou.

The OPR for Urquhart and Glenmoriston, indicates that Alpin Grant was born on15 March 1740.  The records are missing for the period when his first twochildren, Peter and Elizabeth, were born. There is an entry for the birth ofhis second son, James, in September 1773 and it notes that his wife’s name wasMargaret Grant.  They lived at a place called Drum Fadda, which is nearCorrimony House, Glen Urquhart, Inverness Shire.  Alpin Grant had a sisterAnn who married Alex Grant, Carnoch, in 1749 and they also later lived at DrumFadda.  Their elder brother, James Grant, married Janet (Jannet) Grant on13 February 1755.  James and Jannet came to Nova Scotia on the ship Hectorin 1773.  He was a miller by trade and they eventually settled atSpringfield, Pictou County, Nova Scotia.  It is believed there was anotherbrother, John Grant, who served with the 42nd Reg’t. (the Black Watch) duringthe American campaign.  When he was discharged in Halifax in 1783, Johngave Alpin the right to land that he had earned because of his militaryservice. 

 The OPR gives their father’s name as John, or John Roy Grant, Meiklie,and the entry for James’s wedding includes a further name for John Roy, that of“MacAllanvain” or “son of Allan Bain”, or Allan the Fair. Meiklie is at thewestern end of Glen Urquhart and was part of the estate of Grant ofCorrimony.  DNA evidence indicates that this family was descended fromJohn Grant, 1st of Corrimony, by an unrecorded birth, likely in the period1509-1515.

Kit 156327 – No information

Kit 156329 – No information

Kit 157616 – No Information

Kit 171845 – No Information

Kit 172585 – No information

Kit 191455 – No information

Kit 197206 - Owner is a Grant, grandson of Hugh Grant (ca.1844-1924) from Nova Scotia and Ellen Brazille, Indian of the Klamath Riverarea, northern California. Hugh came to California in the 1860s, and was a sonof Paul Grant (1816-1894) of French River, Pictou County, Nova Scotia. Ourresearch found Paul was a son of John Grant (ca 1776+-ca.1841+)who was a son ofAlpin Grant (ca. 1740-ca.1817+) who came to Pictou County in 1784. This is thesame ancestor Alpin Grant in Kit 133216.

Kit 197946 descends from John Ban Grant:

  • John Ban Grant m. (possibly) Margaret ____
  • Peter Grant; Farmer; born 1798; died 1850, Charlottenburg Township, Glengarry County, Ontario
  • James Wright Grant (third of five sons), born 1842, Charlottenburg Township; yeoman; emigrated in 1882 to Cameron, Missouri; died 1911 in Cameron.

You also may be interested to knowthat Alexander Grant, the founder of Alexander Grant & Co. (now GrantThornton) comes from this line. He was James Wright Grant's fourth son (by hissecond wife). Alexander was born in Missouri in 1898, founded the company in1924, and died in Chicago in 1938 at the age of 40.
His lineage is as follows:

  • Father - Harold Kelly Grant
  • G-Father - James Wright Grant
  • GG-Grandfather - James Wright Grant
  • GGG-Grandfather - Peter Grant
  • GGGG-Grandfather - John Ban Grant
  • GGGGG-Grandfather - Peter Grant

John Ban Grant whois on the E 1/2 of lot 10 on the front. I have the Abstract for the sameland and it was given to Peter Grant from the Crown.   Peter Grantleft Glenmorriston, Inverness-shire, Scotland in 1774.  His two sons, Johnand Duncan, arrived in America in 1773.  Peter and his family originallysettled on Sir William Johnson's land in the Mohawk River valley in NewYork.  After the war they moved to Charlottenburgh, Glengarry, UpperCanada (Ontario), in 1783-1784 due to the persecution they werereceiving.  Peter was granted land that was on the St. LawrenceRiver.  Both John and Duncan also fought in the war and received land fortheir services as well.  They were brave and loyal Scotsmen andrepresented the Grant Family well.

Kit 204110 – No information

Kit 21344 - is tied to Thomas Grant of Maury/Marshall County, TN, whowas born circa 1778. We do not know anything about him prior to 1815. Familystories suggest he was indentured for seven years and that was how he obtainedpassage to N. America. The stories suggest he came from Scotland and his wife,Sarah Glover, came from N. Ireland. However, these references could havepertained to their parents. I have exhausted all descendent lines except forone. I am currently seeking any descendents of Thomas' son, John Grant, who wasborn about 1805 and married Martha (Mary) Shannon, January 1, 1840 in MarshallCounty, TN. They moved with most of the Grant siblings to Pontotoc County,Mississippi in the early 1840's and then to Poinsett County, Arkansas prior to1860. They had two sons, David and Jackson. If I can find a male descendent ofeither, perhaps I can obtain a lead on old Thomas' parents or origin.  Mylineage top down is a follows:  Thomas Grant, James Davis Grant, JamesPolk Grant, Stephen Allen Grant, and to me.

Below is his lineage down to the kit#:

  • Kit 21344 is the son of  Stephen Allen Grant, b 09 Apr 1903 Robertson County TX, d 30 Apr 1970 Houston Harris County TX, m Dorothy Estelle Dunlap b 19 Sep 1910 Trout LaSalle Parish LA, d 26 Jul 1991 Houston Harris County TX
  • Son of  James Polk Grant b 05 Dec 1855 Robertson County TX, d 04 Mar 1919, m Carrie Elizabeth Perkins b 03 Nov 1865 Cuthbert (Randolph County GA, d 26 Aug 1935 Houston Harris County, TX
  • Son of  James Davis Grant b 06 Jan 1838 Maury County TN, d 10 Jan 1892 Robertson County  TN, m Sarah Elizabeth Talley b 19 Feb 1825 Tennessee, d 04 Jan 1865 Robertson County TX
  • Son of  Thomas Grant b 1778 Scotland, who can only be traced back to 1815, in a Maury County Court TN document.; d 1838 Marshall County TN, m Sarah Glover b 1784 Northern Ireland, d 07 Jan 1860 Robertson County, TX.

Kit 228319 – No information

Kit 24708is that of the 33rd Clan Chief, the late Sir James Grant of Grant, Lord Strathspey, who was a kind friend to our DNA Project and will be remembered well.

Kit 257795 – No information

Kit 266025 – No information

Kit 268044 – No information

Kit 27245 is a descendant of William Grant born 1847 in Evanton,Ross-shire, Scotland, who emigrated to Dunedin, New Zealand in 1879. Theidentity of his Grant father cannot yet be proven, but it looks highly likelythat his father was William McKenzie Grant (1827-1903, a tailor in Elgin,Morayshire) who was the son of Peter Grant (1784-1861, a grieve who moved fromGlenurquhart to Forres, Morayshire), who was the son of Robert Grant (bornabout 1760) and his wife Elizabeth Grant, who lived in 1784 at Oldton of Sheugliein Glenurquhart, Inverness-shire, Scotland. Robert was a soldier in the 42ndRegiment. Robert is likely a male line descendant of the cadet families ofeither Grant of Corrimony or perhaps Grant of Sheuglie, both in Glenurquhart.In 1790 Robert and his wife were living at Ballintrom (near Tomchrasky) inneighbouring Glenmoriston, but later children were born in Glenurquhart. SeeKits 42813 and 90842 for lineal descendants of this Robert Grant. 

Kit 276780 – No information

Kit 299631 – No information

Kit 304048 – No information

Kit 343382 - Son of:

  • Father - Stuart Fraser Born 12 Aug 1914 Dunedin NZ Died 28 Feb 1993 , Maried Mary Alberta Capill His Father was,
  • Grandfather - George Fraser Born 4 sep 1878 Keith Scotland, died 25 Sep 1949 Fairlie NZ Married Jane Hamilton. His Father was,
  • GGrandfather - James Fraser born 10 Oct 1833 in Fife Keith Scotland died 21 Feb 1922 Otekaike NZ Married Helen Tough. Emigrated to NZ in 1890 with all his Family except his oldest son who had emigrated to the . His Father was.
  • GGGrandfather - James Fraser Born Between 1801-1804 in Glack Kirkmichael died 16 Dec 1875 In Fife Keith . His Father was
  • GGGGrandfather - William Fraser born About 1766 where ? died 14 Jan 1816 in Newmill Keith Scotland.

Kit 373375 - is tied to Lewis Grey Grant born circa 1767 in Craskie,Glenmoriston,Inverness, Scotland.

  • Self
  • Henry W. Grant – born 1920; died 2012
  • George A. Grant - born 1889 in Kenyon Township,Glengarry County, ON; died Ottawa, ON 1961
  • John A. Grant - born 1842 in Kenyon Township,Glengarry County, ON; died Sudbury, ON 1917
  • Angus Grant - born 1813 in CharlottenburghTownship, Glengarry County, ON; died Kenyon Township 1886
  • Lewis Grey Grant - born 1767 in Craskie,Glenmoriston, Inverness, Scotland; died Charlottenburgh 1846
  • Donald(Craskie) Grant Sr. - born in Craskie, Glenmoriston, Inverness,Scotland; died Charlottenburgh

Kit 42813 is a lineal descendant of Robert Grant (born about 1760) and hiswife Elizabeth Grant, who lived in 1784 at Oldton of Sheuglie in Glenurquhart,Inverness-shire, Scotland. Robert was a soldier in the 42nd Regiment. He islikely a male line descendant of the cadet families of either Grant ofCorrimony or perhaps Grant of Sheuglie, both in Glenurquhart. In 1790 he wasliving at Ballintrom (near Tomchrasky) in neighboring Glenmoriston, but laterchildren were born in Glenurquhart. Kit 42813 is a second cousin of Kit 90842.

Kit 458093 is a descendant of Michael Grant of Virginia:

  • Father: Robert Joseph Grant, born 7 Aug 1926 in Indianapolis, Indiana, died 4 Feb 2001 In Indianapoli
  • Grandfather: William Harrison Grant ,born 31 March 1901 in Adair County, Kentucky, died 25 February 1983 in Carmel, Indiana
  • GGrandfather: Elia Grant, born 5 Aug 1878, died 15 Aug 1858
  • GG Grandfather: William Harrison Grant, born 7 Oct 1834 in Adair County, Kentucky, died 28 March 1904 in Adair County, Kentucky
  • GGG Grandfather: Samuel W Grant, born 1790 in Virginia, died 1848 in Kentucky
  • GGGG Grandfather: Michael Grant, born 1761 Virginia,  died 10 Aug 1856 in Adair County, Kentucky

Kit 512131 is a descendant of Robert Grant (2) of Shewglie:

  • Self
  • Father – Robert Grant (1903-1972)
  • Grandfather – General Sir Charles Grant (1877-1950)
  • 2xGrandfather – General Sir Robert Grant (1837-1904)
  • 3xGrandfather – Sir Robert Grant (1779-1838)
  • 4xGrandfather – Charles Grant (1746-1823)
  • 5xGrandfather – Alexander Grant “The Swordsman” (d.1762)
  • 6xGrandfather – Robert Grant
  • 7xGrandfather – Patrick Grant (living in 1683)
  • 8xGrandfather – Robert Grant (2) of Shewglie (d. 1624/50)

Kit 556244 – No Information

Kit 595397 – No Information

Kit 67540 - William Grant c1764 -1840 is my earliest ancestor. Married toChristian McGregor he lived in Cromdale, Moray Scotland and was a miller atCastle Grant. Children are John b. 1785, Balnaclash, Cromdale: Janet b 1787Cromdale : Robert Henry b 1798 Milltown Cromdale, Jean b 1799; David my gr grgrandfather1794; and lastly Mary 1797 David 1794-1868 m Janet McEwan and was anexcise officer who moved around Scotland dying in Perth in 1868 His sonArchibald my gr grandfather b Dunning Perthshire 1842 -1916 emigrated to NewZealand in 1862. My main object in taking part in this project is to see if lcan connect with other Grants going back further. Cromdale records pre 1790were lost in a fire and as Grants are thick on the ground there it has beenimpossible to link in with the right family.

KIT 823721 descends from John Grant of Scotland:

  • Self
  • Father - Benjamin William Grant, born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA, 1888, died 1974, East Andover, New Hampshire, USA
  • Grandfather - David Stuart Grant, born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA, 1857, died 1924, Somerville, Massachusetts, USA
  • 2x-Grandfather - David Stuart Grant, born in Glasgow, Scotland, 1822, emigrated to USA about 1851, died 1875, Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA
  • 3x-Grandfather - David Grant, born in Scotland
  • 4x-Grandfather - John Grant, born in Scotland

Kit 837123 – No Information

Kit 90842 is a lineal descendant of Robert Grant (born about 1760) and hiswife Elizabeth Grant, who lived in 1784 at Oldton of Sheuglie in Glenurquhart,Inverness-shire, Scotland. Robert was a soldier in the 42nd Regiment. He islikely a male line descendant of the cadet families of either Grant ofCorrimony or perhaps Grant of Sheuglie, both in Glenurquhart. In 1790 he wasliving at Ballintrom (near Tomchrasky) in Glenmoriston, but later children wereborn in Glenurquhart. Kit 90842 is a second cousin of Kit 42813.

Kit 93864 is tied to James Grant who married Isabella Cameron 9/9/1788. Atthe time of his marriage he was living at Mill of Tore (Balnain) in Glenurquhartwest of Drumnadrochit. The DNA results show that James is decended from theGrants of Shewglie/Sheuglie but James' father is not known. Two possibilitiesare Alexander Grant (The Swordsman) descended from the second son of RobertGrant 2nd. of Sheuglie and Colonel Hugh Grant of Moy descended from the firstson.

Kit H1414 – No information

Kit H1777 – No Information

Kit IN26062 – No Information

Kit  IN55551- No Information

Group A (Chiefly), Subgroup 2: R-P312>DF19>DF88>Z17274+(Descendants of Duncan Grant, 1st of Fruechie, and other earlier Chiefs)

Kit 80907 - was born in the UK and emigrated tothe US in 1967.  His paternal grandfather, Samuel Herbert Ruddle, was bornin London in 1880 and the illegitimate child of a maid servant.

Kit 555943 – No information

Kit 450952 is a descendant of Alexander Grant, S.: A:2

  • Self – Living
  • Father - Robert Benton Grant b. 1915 El Monte, CA d. 2012 Solana Beach, CA
  • Grandfather - Walter Hellen Grant, Jr b. 1868Linden, AL d. 1940 Perris, CA
  • G.Grandfather - Walter Hellen Grant, Sr b.1822 Onslow County, NC d. 1898 Linden, AL
  • GG.Grandfather - Isaac Grant, b. c1789 Onslow County, NC d. 1835 Marengo County, AL
  • GGG.Grandfather - Bazel Grant, b. c1756 Onslow County, NC d. 1793 Onslow County, NC
  • GGGG.Grandfather - Alexander Grant Jr, b. before 1721, Somerset County, MD d. 1767 Onslow County, NC
  • GGGGG.Grandfather - Alexander Grant Sr, b.c1681 Unknown, d. 1738 Onslow County, NC

Kit 294069 – No information

Kit 179369 has as his oldest known ancestor, William Grant ofColdingham, Berwhckshire.  His lineage is as follows:

  • Father - Ronald Grant (b. 1922 and d. 2002 in Australia) m. Ivy Patricia Gray.
  • Grandfather - Joseph Evans Grant (b. 1876 and d. 1949 in Australia) m. Jessie Campbell.
  • GGrandfather - Joseph Grant (b. 1843 in Dunnet Caithness and d. 1915 in Australia) m. Mary Evans in Melbourne.  Joseph and his 11 siblings emigrated to Australia.  They accompanied their parents Robert and Isabella Grant.  One brother David has a descendant Richard Grant in Darwin.  You can see from the database that "Dick Grant" is a close DNA match.
  • GGGrandfather - Robert Grant (b. 1807 in Edrom Berwickshire and d. 1883 in Australia) m. Isabella Logan.  Robert's brother William also emigrated to Australia.
  • Another brother James emigrated to Canada.
  • GGGGrandfather -William Grant (b. 1771 and d. 23 Nov 1835 in Chirnside, Berwickshire ) m. Margaret Halliday 11 Jun 1799.  Both of my ggg Grand Parents are buried in the Church graveyard at Coldingham.
  • GGGGGrandfather William Grant (b. 1719 in Coldingham, Berwickshire, baptized 19 April 1719).

Kit 154502 – No information

Group A (Chiefly), Subgroup 3: R-P312>DF19>DF88>Z17274+ (known as the MacRobie Grants, the earliest branch on the Chiefly family tree)

Kit 121522 is a descendants of John Grant (c1700) in Inverlochie andhis wife, Jean Forbes. Their place of origin is unknown. They had severalchildren, all born in the Parish of Kirkmichael, Scotland. John came to Americain the mid 1700s but it is unknown whether he stayed or returned to Scotland.One son was William Grant (1743) of Trois-Riviers, Quebec, merchant and seniortrading partner of Grant, Campion and Co. of the Northwest Co. William marriedMarguerite Fafard dit Laframbois at Trois-Rivieres in 1787 and was the fatherof HBC Chief Trader of Ft. Hall, Richard Grant. Richard Grant married Marie AnnBreland and was the father of Johnny/John F. Grant. Johnny was a trader andrancher at Deer Lodge, Montana, and the originator of the Grant-Kohr's RanchNational Historic Site. He was also one of the original settlers of what is nowthe Carman area of Manitoba, Canada. Other families related or associated withthese Grants were Laframbois, Dobie, Breland, Rowand, Grant, Kittson, Higgins,McLauchlin, Dempsey, Tendoy,LaVatta, Bruneau, McIver, Dease and many more. Myinterest lies in identifying the Scottish place of origin of this family andother Grant connections.

Kit 175989 descends from James Cuthbert Grant, son of HBC ChiefTrader Richard Grant (same as Kits 30499 & 121522) and his second spouse,Sarah aka Indian Woman at Oxford House. James aka Jimmy Grant was born c1836 ator near Oxford House and returned to his father’s custody at Fort Hall, Idaho,when he was about 10 years old. He married Marie Cadotte and had children MaryGrant Rides At The Door, Julia Grant Magee, Richard Grant, James Cuthbert GrantJr., John Grant, Emma Grant, and Maggie Grant. James/Jimmy died at Dupuyer,Montana, in 1883. Some of the family history is detailed in Blackfoot HeritageBook. For more info and pictures, please see:

Kit 178979 can be traced back to his GreatGrandfather Reagion Havelick Grant. His grandfather was Orris Osalfort Grant,and his father was Orris Ulysses Grant. He has traced the family back to a JohnGrant, but there are so many, he does not know which trail to follow.  Hewas told the family came over from Scotland to New Brunswick, Canada in thelate 1600's or early 1700's and moved to Canterbury, York N.B. then intoHodgdon, Maine in the early 1800's.  Reagion was born in Hodgdon.  Hehas other names but do not know how they fit in.  "The more Ilook into it, the further I get lost."

Kit 226092 – No Information

Kit 21840 A:2 is a descendant of John Grant of Long Island, NewYork. 

I.    1783 John Grant of Long Island, New York, His WifeElizabeth (        ) (Grant) Cronkhite, AndHis Descendants

A summary of what is known of John Grant is as follows.  He marriedElizabeth and they had the following children:
     1)    Peter Grant, born in about 1771or1772 in New York,
     2)    William Grant, born in about1774,
     3)    Finlay Grant,
     4)    Laurence Grant, and
     5)     John Grant

John Grant was a private in the King's American Regiment and died on August 31,1783, in camp at Long Island, New York.

For convenience of reference, this John Grant is hereafter referred to as 1783[year of death] John Grant of Long Island, New York. [place of death] andsometimes as 1783 John Grant.

Parents and Ancestors of 1783 John Grant of Long Island, New York:

The parents of 1783 John Wright of Long Island, New York, have not as yet been identified.
However, Y-DNA sequencing has established that the Y-DNA of two descendantsof1783 John Grant of Long Island, New York, matches that of James Grant, Lord Strathspey,the current Chief of Clan Grant.  These Y-DNA sequences are set forth atthe Grant DNA Project at:

Kit 212164 refers to the descendants of Donald Grant of Inverlochie (c1677-1738) and Margaret Cumming (c1690-1728). Their known children were: Elizabeth Grant m. John Ross in Croft of Inverlochie; Marjory Grant m. John Grant in Rirorhe; and Beatrix Grant b.c1711-1780 who married Patrick, also recorded as Peter Grant of Glenlochy (c1709-1783)

Patrick/Peter & Beatrix Grant were the parents of Grace Grant, mother of Aeneas Cameron of Timiskaming in the the Canadian fur trade; John Grant of Kilgraston former Chief Justice of Jamaica; Francis Grant of Kilgraston also formerly Chief Justice of Jamaica and the father of the famous painter, Francis Grant; Mrs. Mary Grant of Delmore; and Margaret Grant married to Patrick Johnstone.

Donald of Inverlochie’s oldest son was John Grant (other son(s) names are unknown.) and he is the ancestor of kit 30499 and other descendants of William Grant of Trois-Rivieres. John Grant was born c1700 probably in Inverlochie. There is no marriage record to his wife (1) Jean Forbes. The date of birth of their fist child, however, was 1739, so it was probably around that time. Their children were: Donald Grant 1739; Jean Grant 1740; William Grant 1743; Elizabeth Grant 1745; Margaret Grant 1746; Margaret Grant 1748; Ann Grant 1751. 

William Grant left Scotland in 1743; Was a Liet. Col. in the British Militia in 1775 & 1776 during the Blockade of Quebec. He joined the Canadian fur trade and is known as William Grant of Trois-Rivieres to distinguish him form other others of the same name in the same business. He was closely associated with Dobie, Campion, Gerrard and of course, his nephew, Aeneas Cameron and many others. In 1787, He married Marguerite Fafard dit Laframboise. They had children: William 1787; Jean Baptiste 1788; Marguerite 1790; Jean Francois 1791; Richard Grant 1794; Son 1796; Jeanne 1799; Marie Marguerite Grant 1800. William died and was buried at Sorel in 1810.

John Grant in Inverlochie did not, as previously stated, come to North America. Following the birth of his daughter Ann, in 1751, Jean Forbes brobably died. In 1754, John married Margaret Cumming. Their children were: Donald Grant 1756; a baptized but unnamed son 1758; James Grant 1759; George Grant 1761; Cuthbert Grant 1763; Ann Grant 1765; Girsel/Grace 1767. It is also known that John was a farmer,  and his son, Cuthbert, was a drover. Both sequestered for being unable to pay their debts. John died in September, 1791, but his burial place is unknown. There is no marker in the the Kirkmichael cemetery.

Cuthbert Grant seems to have selected sequestration penalty option 3 - in 1792 he left Scotland, went to Canada and joined the Canadian fur trade. He was known as Cuthbert Grant of Trois-Rivieres to distinguish him from others of the same name in the same business. It is unknown if he married. He was alive in 1805. It is unknown where and when he died. 

The OPR page listing the unnamed Grant son was missing all but 3 of the childrens’ names. It is possibly baby Grant was John Grant and also came to Canada. 

William & Marguerite’s son, Richard Grant was a lieutenant in the War of 1812;  joined the North West Company, and transferred to the HBC in 1821 when the companies amalgamated. He became Chief Trader of Fort Hall. 

Richard Grant married (1) Marie Ann Breland probably at FT. Edmonton and had children: Richard Grant, William Charles Grant, Jeanne Marguerite Grant and John Francis Grant. Johnny/John F.Grant. Johnny was a trader and rancher at Deer Lodge, Montana, and the originator of the Grant-Kohr's Ranch National Historic Site. He was also one of the original settlers of what is now the Carman area of Manitoba, Canada. 

Richard Grant m(2) Indian-Woman-At-Oxford-House aka Sarah, and had one son, James Cuthbert Grant.

Richard Grant m(3) Helene MacDonald (daughter of Big Finnan MacDonald and widow of William Kittson. Richard and Helene were: Helene Wilhelmena; Julia Priscilla (m Christopher Powers Higgins); Adelina Grant.

Richard retired in 1852, and died at Walla Walla, Washington, in 1862.

Other families related or associated with these Grants were Laframboise, Dobie, Breland, Rowand, Grant, Kittson, Higgins, McLauchlin, Dempsey, Tendoy, LaVatta, Bruneau, McIver, Dease and many more. 

I am particularly interested in establishing further connections between the Inverlochie Grants, the Glenlochy Grants and their connections with the Camerons. I am also interested in the various Grants of the fur trade era and 'our' Grant relationship to them and other fur trading families between 1700 and1900. 

Our direct line:

  • Donald Grant of Inverlochie

  • John Grant in Inverochie (& Jean Forbes)

  • William Grant of Trois-Rivieres (& Marguerite Fafard dit Laframboise)

  • HBC Chief Trader Richard Grant (& Marie Anne Breland)

  • Richard Stanislas Grant (& Emilie Levreau de Langie)

  • Joseph Richard Grant (& Laura Delores LaVatta)

  • John Nelson Grant (& Frances Norton)

  • Francis Nelson Grant (& Amanda Lavoie)

Kit 30499 refers to the descendants of Donald Grant of Inverlochie (c1677-1738) and Margaret Cumming (c1690-1728). Their known children were: Elizabeth Grant m. John Ross in Croft of Inverlochie; Marjory Grant m. John Grant in Rirorhe; and Beatrix Grant b.c1711-1780 who married Patrick, also recorded as Peter Grant of Glenlochy (c1709-1783)

Patrick/Peter & Beatrix Grant were the parents of Grace Grant, mother of Aeneas Cameron of Timiskaming in the the Canadian fur trade; John Grant of Kilgraston former Chief Justice of Jamaica; Francis Grant of Kilgraston also formerly Chief Justice of Jamaica and the father of the famous painter, Francis Grant; Mrs. Mary Grant of Delmore; and Margaret Grant married to Patrick Johnstone.

Donald of Inverlochie’s oldest son was John Grant (other son(s) names are unknown.) and he is the ancestor of kit 30499 and other descendants of William Grant of Trois-Rivieres. John Grant was born c1700 probably in Inverlochie. There is no marriage record to his wife (1) Jean Forbes. The date of birth of their fist child, however, was 1739, so it was probably around that time. Their children were: Donald Grant 1739; Jean Grant 1740; William Grant 1743; Elizabeth Grant 1745; Margaret Grant 1746; Margaret Grant 1748; Ann Grant 1751. 

William Grant left Scotland in 1743; Was a Liet. Col. in the British Militia in 1775 & 1776 during the Blockade of Quebec. He joined the Canadian fur trade and is known as William Grant of Trois-Rivieres to distinguish him form other others of the same name in the same business. He was closely associated with Dobie, Campion, Gerrard and of course, his nephew, Aeneas Cameron and many others. In 1787, He married Marguerite Fafard dit Laframboise. They had children: William 1787; Jean Baptiste 1788; Marguerite 1790; Jean Francois 1791; Richard Grant 1794; Son 1796; Jeanne 1799; Marie Marguerite Grant 1800. William died and was buried at Sorel in 1810.

John Grant in Inverlochie did not, as previously stated, come to North America. Following the birth of his daughter Ann, in 1751, Jean Forbes brobably died. In 1754, John married Margaret Cumming. Their children were: Donald Grant 1756; a baptized but unnamed son 1758; James Grant 1759; George Grant 1761; Cuthbert Grant 1763; Ann Grant 1765; Girsel/Grace 1767. It is also known that John was a farmer,  and his son, Cuthbert, was a drover. Both sequestered for being unable to pay their debts. John died in September, 1791, but his burial place is unknown. There is no marker in the the Kirkmichael cemetery.

Cuthbert Grant seems to have selected sequestration penalty option 3 - in 1792 he left Scotland, went to Canada and joined the Canadian fur trade. He was known as Cuthbert Grant of Trois-Rivieres to distinguish him from others of the same name in the same business. It is unknown if he married. He was alive in 1805. It is unknown where and when he died. 

The OPR page listing the unnamed Grant son was missing all but 3 of the childrens’ names. It is possibly baby Grant was John Grant and also came to Canada. 

William & Marguerite’s son, Richard Grant was a lieutenant in the War of 1812;  joined the North West Company, and transferred to the HBC in 1821 when the companies amalgamated. He became Chief Trader of Fort Hall. 

Richard Grant married (1) Marie Ann Breland probably at FT. Edmonton and had children: Richard Grant, William Charles Grant, Jeanne Marguerite Grant and John Francis Grant. Johnny/John F.Grant. Johnny was a trader and rancher at Deer Lodge, Montana, and the originator of the Grant-Kohr's Ranch National Historic Site. He was also one of the original settlers of what is now the Carman area of Manitoba, Canada. 

Richard Grant m(2) Indian-Woman-At-Oxford-House aka Sarah, and had one son, James Cuthbert Grant.

Richard Grant m(3) Helene MacDonald (daughter of Big Finnan MacDonald and widow of William Kittson. Richard and Helene were: Helene Wilhelmena; Julia Priscilla (m Christopher Powers Higgins); Adelina Grant.

Richard retired in 1852, and died at Walla Walla, Washington, in 1862.

Other families related or associated with these Grants were Laframboise, Dobie, Breland, Rowand, Grant, Kittson, Higgins, McLauchlin, Dempsey, Tendoy, LaVatta, Bruneau, McIver, Dease and many more. 

I am particularly interested in establishing further connections between the Inverlochie Grants, the Glenlochy Grants and their connections with the Camerons. I am also interested in the various Grants of the fur trade era and 'our' Grant relationship to them and other fur trading families between 1700 and1900. 

Our direct line:

  • Donald Grant of Inverlochie

  • John Grant in Inverochie (& Jean Forbes)

  • William Grant of Trois-Rivieres (& Marguerite Fafard dit Laframboise)

  • HBC Chief Trader Richard Grant (& Marie Anne Breland)

  • Richard Stanislas Grant (& Emilie Levreau de Langie)

  • Joseph Richard Grant (& Laura Delores LaVatta)

  • John Nelson Grant (& Frances Norton)

  • Francis Nelson Grant (& Amanda Lavoie)

Kit 260368 – No information

Kit 26118 – No Information

Kit 237648 – No information

Kit 383581 – No Information

Kit 318930 – No information

Kit 447737 – No information  

Kit 517050

  • Self
  • Father - Carl Lucien Augustus Grant b. 4/11/1909 in Sequim, WA
  • Grandfather - Walter Irving Grant b. 11/9/1879 in Minnesota
  • G-Grandfather - James William Grant b. 7/17/1852 in St. Johnsbury, Vermont
  • GG-Grandfather - James Arthur Grant b. 10/10/1824 in Iverness, Scotland

Kit 517204 – No Information

Kit 61548 – No information

Kit 97309 – No information 

Kit  82582 is that of Jason Grant, a descendant of1783 John Grant of Long Island, New York, through his son 1847 William Grant ofCarleton County, New Brunswick.

Group A, Subgroup 5: R-P312>DF19>DF88+ pre-Grants (break off the tree before the Clan)

Kit N115528 – No information

Kit N48936 – No information

Kit 30442 – No information

Kit 306697 – No information

Group B, Subgroup 1: R-P312>L21+ The "Cameron Grants"Subgroup

Kit 30056
traces back through Lincolnshire Grants to James Grant[1741-1808] of Donington in Holland [Lincs]. His burial papers state he camefrom Perthshire. I have not been able to trace him back any further, despitegoing to the archives in Perth.

Kit 281839 descends from Peter Grant of Duthil and Rothiemurchus, InvernessScotland:

  • Father: Gordon Grant, b. 22 Jul 1907, Tupper Manitoba, Canada,  d.3 Sep 1984, Cut Knife, Saskatchewan, Canada; m. Agnes Alexandria Rutley b. 12 Mar 1910. Cut Knife, SK d. 29 Apr 1996, North Battleford, SK.
  • Grandfather: Angus Grant, b. 28 Jul 1872 Puslinch Township, Ontario, Canada, d. 9 Jan 1957, Cut Knife, Saskatchewan, Canada; m. Mary Louisa Carlton, b.  23 Mar 1883, Muskoka, Humphrey, Simco, Ontario; d. 29 Dec 1965, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Great Grandfather: Peter Grant, b. 21 Oct 1840, Puslinch Township, Ontario, Canada, d. 26 June 1921, South Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, British Columbia; m. Mary Mclean Clark b. Mar 1841, Wellington County, Ontario, Canada, d. 29 Feb 1924, British Columbia, Canada.
  • Great Great Grandfather: Peter Grant, born 3 Dec 1795, Duthil and Rothiemurchus, Inverness, Scotland, death 13 Apr 1881, Pushlinch Township, Ontario, Canada.

Kit 241440 – No information

Kit 27247 is a descendant of William Grant (1809-1873), a tailorand clothier in Forres, Morayshire, Scotland who married MargaretMcLeod.  William's earliest known ancestor is Charles Grant "aliasMcRobie" (c1681 - 1758), who was a tenant farmer at Balnellan, Inveravonin Strathspey, Scotland and boatman of a ferry across the Spey/Avonrivers.  Charles Grant had many descendants in the parishes of Inveravonand Knockando and who were usually known by the patronymic "aliasMcRobie". Research indicates that the McRobie Grants may have been tied tothe Grants of Glenlochy in the parish of Abernethy and Kincardine, which iscontiguous to Strathavon, Banffshire.  27247 is definitely an InveravonGrant and descended from the same family as 39690.

Kit 31811 Grandfather was Robert Grant- born about 1895 died 1983.My grandfather was born near the River Livet - not far from the village ofTomintoul, Aberdeenshire, just a few miles from the Glenlivet Distillery - infact he worked there and did his first gardening training for the Smith family- the owners of the distillery. All of my Grant ancestors I believe were RCChurch - although my GF gave up his connection to that kirk. The Grants wereall shepherds and indentured farmers all coming as far as I can tell fromSpeyside.

Kit 329912 – No information

Kit 336668 – No information

Kit 39690 is a descendant of John Grant (b 1803 at Belleheiglash,Inveravon, Banffshire, Scotland ), a brother of Kit 27247's ancestor,William Grant (1809-1873, a tailor and clothier in Forres, Morayshire,Scotland) and similarly descended from the McRobie Grants.  John marriedhis first cousin Christina Margach in 1833, emigrating to Oshawa, Ontario,Canada c1840, and died there in 1882.  He has many Canadian descendants.

Kit 196986 is a descendant of:

  • Loyd Randolph Beuoy; b. 12 Oct 1919 in Grant Co. IN; d. 21 Nob 1998 in Collier Co. FL.
  • Ray Beuoy; b. 10 Apr 1889 Grant Co. IN; d. 14 Oct 1957 in Grant Co. IN. Ray's son,
  • Halleck Beuoy; b. 12 Nov 1862 in Delaware Co. IN; d. 6 Oct 1943 in Grant Co. IN. Halleck's son,
  • George W. Beuoy; b. 2 Apr 1826 in Monroe Co. OH; d. 17 Oct 1885 in Topeka, KS. George's son,
  • Thomas I Beuoy, b. 3 Jun 1786 in VA; d. 27 Aug 1865 in Delaware Co. IN. Thomas' son,

Kit 912876 – No information

Kit 122206 lineage is as follows:
My Grant line married into the Allen line back in 1750 in Rothiemay,Banffshire, Scotland. Both sides of my husband’s family were in Rothiemay,Huntly and Aberdeen until the 1900"s. Other family connections areCruickshank, Scott, Hepburn, Gray, Mc Donald, Stewart, Minto (Minty) andMc Pherson.

  • Alan Keith Grant was born 1931 in Baltimore, Maryland. We married in 1957 and he died in 1997 of ALS. We started our genealogy search when he was diagnosed with ALS and so far no trace of it in his genealogy. 
  • Alan Keith Grant was born 1901 in Bankhead, Aberdeen and he died in died Detroit, Michigan in 1953. He married Williamina Scott in Holyoke Mass.
  • Charles born 14 April 1858 in Newhills also went to Maine. His first wife was Jessie Gordon Gray and she died in Maine He sent for a housekeeper Mary Rankin Young and he married her on Deer Island, Maine 4 March 1895. He had 6 children by each wife. When the family returned to Scotland permanently most of the children remained in the States. Some in Mass and some to California.
  • William Grant born 1831 in Abernethie was a feur and stone mason He travelled to Russia and Maine and had a granite quarry on Vinalhaven Island, Maine. He had 2 wives Margaret Minto (Minty) and Isabella Keith. and had 3 children that I know of.
  • John Grant born 1781, in Inveravon,  married a  Marjorie born 1785 (1841,1851 and 1861 census)

As yet unproven:Angus GRANT,

Kit IN30578 – No Information

Kit 751775 – No Information

Kit 55831 – No information

Kit 58191 – No information

Kit 496642 – No Information

Group B, Subgroup 2: R-P312>Z16429+ Grants who immigrated to NC

Kit 487923 - No information

Kit 651701 – No Information

Kit 870236 – No Information

Kit 97440 is tied to:
William Grant, b. 1721, location unknown. He was in Orange County, VA by 1750s,so he may have been born there. William died in 1795 in Rutherford, County, NC.Kit 97440's, his
father was Marvin Grant b. 1896 in MO; his
grandfather was Henry Grant b. 1866 in TN; his
great grandfather was Henry Grant b. 1826 in NC; his
2nd great grandfather was John Grant b. 1799 in NC; his
3rd great grandfather was Alexander Grant b. 1762 in NC; his
4th great grandfather was the above mentioned William Grant.

Kit 126880 – No information

Kit 119412 – No information

Kit 378662 – No information

Kit 239473 – No information

Group B, Subgroup 3: R-P312>CTS3655+ The Peter Grant Subgroup

Kit 26039 is tied to a well-documented descendant of Peter Grant(Kittery/Berwick, Maine). Peter Grant (born 1631) was exiled by Oliver Cromwellfollowing the Battle of Dunbar.

Kit 297787 – No information

Kit 108223 – No information

Kit 122635 – No information

Kit 130052 – No information

Kit 21401 is tied to Stephen Grant of Maine (born circa 1750).Results now confirm that this kit is tied to the line of Peter Grant (born1631) who was exiled by Oliver Cromwell following the Battle of Dunbar.

Kit 21340 - is tied to Joshua Grant of Shapleigh and Dearborn,Maine (born circa 1760). Results now confirm that this kit is tied to the lineof Peter Grant (born 1631) who was exiled by Oliver Cromwell following the Battleof Dunbar.
Jon Patrick Grant (Me) - born 1965 in Newton, Harvey County, Kansas - living(OK TO PUBLISH)

  • Father - living
  • John Howard Grant - born 1917 in Newton, Harvey County, Kansas - death 1992 in Newton, Harvey County, Kansas (only child of Clifford that had children)
  • Clifford Leroy Grant - born 1894 in Newton, Harvey County, Kansas - death 1970 in Newton, Harvey County, Kansas (only child of John Quincy, Jr)
  • John Quincy Grant, Jr - born 1872 in Sedalia, Pettis County, Missouri - death 1957 in Newton, Harvey County, Kansas
  • John Quincy Grant - born 1852 in Washington County, Ohio - death 1922 in Tulsa, Oklahoma (buried in Newton, Harvey County, Kansas)
  • Greenwood Childs Grant - born 1813 in Dearborn, Somerset County, Maine - death 1893 in Newton, Harvey County, Kansas
  • Samuel Grant - born 1784 in NH/Maine - death ca 1869 in Washington County, Ohio
  • Joshua Grant - born ca 1760-1765 - death 1840 in Dearborn, Somerset County, Maine
  • Brick Wall
  • Peter Grant - born ca 1631 in Inverness, Scotland - Exiled by Oliver Cromwell - Indentured to the Saugus Iron Works

Kit 855276 - No Information

Kit 687103 – No Information

Kit 560739 is a descendant of Charles Grant:

  • My Grandfather’s name was Chester Adelbert Grant, he was born 11-18-1924
  • My GGrandfather’s name was Charles Lewis Grant, he was born 5-11-1890,married Blanch Pratt – died within a couple of years of their Marriage, 2nd wife – Cora Frances Conrad – born 10-17-1890 in New York.  He had a brother named, Everett Grant
  • My GGGrandfather’s name was Adelbert Everett Grant, born October 1860
  • (Machias, Washington County, Maine).  He married Essenia MacCarthur , born Sept 1863 ( New Brunswick)

This is where I am not sure …
My GGGGrandfather’s name was Charles Grant .. I don’t have a birth date, butbased on Adelbert’s birth date I’m assuming it’s 1837-1839?  He married aNative American woman from the Passamaquoddy tribe.  I have sent an emailto the tribe to request information.  Some family members have her namelisted as Abigail Garnett … that doesn’t seem correct to me.

The Grant Clan papers were said to be in Adelbert’s possession and weredestroyed while he was in a nursing home.  His daughter wrote a summary ofwhat she had read as a child.

Kit 627552 – No information

Kit 522599 is a descendant of George L Grant of Rome, ME:

  • Self
  • Father - Scott Alvin Grant, b. Jul 31, 1906 in Hallowell, ME and d. Aug 16, 1979 in Auburn, ME
  • Grandfather - Oren/Orrin Alvin Grant, b. Sep 17, 1870 in Starks, ME and d. Dec 15, 1956 in Jay, ME
  • GGrandfather -  Edward Warren Grant, b. May 19, 1842 in Rome, ME and d. Jan 01, 1910 in Richmond, ME
  • GGGrandfather - George L Grant, b. Jun 13, 1812 in Rome, ME and d. Jun 1880 in Cumberland, ME

After George, I am not confident inwhat I've found on Ancestry. Following their hints, I've traced it back toPeter Grant, the Exile, but it may or may not be correct.

Kit N41465 traces back to:

  • Father - Living;
  • Kenneth Leslie Grant (b.1905);
  • Leslie Grant (b.1872);
  • Edwin Ruthven Grant (b.1842);
  • Hobart Ruthven Grant (b.1810);
  • John Grant (Deacon)(b.1777);
  • James Grant (Captain James III, fought on colonial side in the Revolutionary War)(b.1752);
  • Ephraim Grant (b.1731);
  • James Grant (Captain James II)(b.1703);
  • James Grant (Captain)(b.1671/2);
  • Peter Grant (b.1631/4), exiled from Scotland by Cromwell after the Battle of Dunbar.

This Peter Grantline settled in the Berwick, Maine area following Peter's release from theSaugus Iron Works and remained there until Hobart Grant moved to Wisconsin in1848. From there, the line moved to Michigan (mid to late 1800's), back toWisconsin (1963), and recently to Florida.

Group B, Subgroup 4: R-P312>U152+ John Andrew Grant (1779-1812) Descendants

Kit 195907 – No information

Kit 386470 – No information

Kit 329747 is descendant of John Andrew Grant

  • Roy Cephas Grant   B. 10/7/1930 Tallahassee, Fl. –  D. 3/29/1967 Donaldsonville, GA
  • Napoleon Bonapart Grant   B. 11/2/1910 Washington co. Fl. –  D. 10/11/1978  Thomas Co. GA.
  • Houston Lee Grant  B. 7/13/1890 Washington co. Fl. –  D. 2/?/1942  Muscogee Co. GA?
  • John Andrew H. J. Grant  B.  2/13/1866 Holmes co. Fl. – D.  12/?/1942  Muscogee Co. GA
  • Calvin Peter Grant  B.  5/29/1838 Appling Co. GA – D. 6/11/1910  Washington Co. Fl.
  • Peter B. Grant  B.  1803 ? Laurens co. Ga. -  D. ?
  • John Andrew Grant B.  ?   D.  1812  Laurens co. Ga.

Kit 324926 descends from John Andrew Grant:

  • Father - Roy Cephas Grant b. 10/7/1930 Tallahassee, FL, d. 3/29/1967 Donaldsonville, GA
  • Grandfather - Napoleon Bonapart Grant b. 11/2/1910 Washington County, FL
  • Houston Lee Grant b. 7/13/1890 Washington County, FL, d. 2/1942 Muscogee County, GA?
  • GGrandfather - John Andrew H. J. Grant b. 2/13/1866 Holmes County, FL, d. 12/1942 Muscogee County, GA
  • GGGrandfather - Calvin Peter Grant b. 5/29/1838 Appling County GA, d. 6/11/1910 Washington County, FL
  • GGGGrandfather - Peter B. Grant b. 1803 Laurens County, GA
  • GGGGGrandfather - John Andrew Grant d. 1812 Laurens County, GA

Group B, Subgroup 5: R-P312>L21>DF13>DF21> and on down the line to S6000 (test S6000 if you haven't already)

Kit 324709 is related to George M Grant, born 1845:

  • My Self
  • Father - Stephen Wray Grant - Born September 28, 1918 in Clint, TX (El Paso Co.). Died March 8, 2008 in Las Cruces, NM
  • Grandfather - Stephen Gerard Grant - Born June 1, 1883 in El Paso, TX. Died October 16, 1947 in El Paso
  • Grandfather's death certificate shows my Great Grandfather being born in Kentucky
  • Great Grandfather - George M Grant - Born in 1845, 1900 Census places him in El Paso, TX and indicates his birthplace was Tennessee

Kit 344848 living, daughter of:

  • Ethan Hayward Grant b.  9 Nov 1931 Detroit, MI d.  2 Jun 1998 Charlotte, MI and Martha Katrin Jones, b. 29 Aug 1936, Lilesville, NC. d.  14 Sep 2000, Charlotte, MI
  • Ethan Conrad Grant b. 19 Mar 1900, Tennessee d. 2 Dec 1989 Salem, OR and  Barbara C. Kaesemeyer b. 6 Apr 1907, Port Huron, MI d. 27 Feb 1977 Marysville, MI
  • James "Jim" Rufus Grant, b. 2 Mar 1872 Grainger, TN d. 26 Dec 1902 Celina, Texas  and Susan Walker, b 15 Nov 1879 TN d. 22 Jul 1941 Knoxville, TN
  • John Parker Grant b. Forkvale, Campbell Co., TN d. 28 Mar 1904 Liberty Hill, Tennessee, and Sarah Jones b. 24 Aug 1857 Anderson, TN d. 10 Dec 1926 Pemmie, TN
  • Rufus Grant, b. 29 Sep 1824 Campbell Co., TN d 21 Mar 1902 Campbell, TN  and Lucy Parker b. 24 Sep 1822 Kentucky, USA  d. 17 Apr 1902 Campbell, TN
  • John Grant Jr., b. ? Connecticut  d. 9 Nov. 1850 Campbell, TN, and Mary "Polly" Ridenour b. 1796 North Carolina, USA d. 1870 Scott, TN, USA

Kit 194361 is linked to the Grants of Campbell County, Tennessee.James Grant (ca. 1754-1824) came to the confluence of the Clinch and PowellRivers in upper East Tennessee at the end of the 18th century. He was joinedthere during the first decade of the 19th century by other relatives, notablyJohn Grant, John, Jr., another James, Cynthia, Elizabeth, Jonathan, Abigail andperhaps others. The family originated in New England. James Grant was aSergeant in the 3rd, 4th and 1st Connecticut Regiments in the RevolutionaryWar. He was one of the founders of the Knoxville Polk Lodge #2. He served as aJustice of the Peace in Grainger County, and Chairman and Clerk of the Courtsof Anderson and Campbell Counties. James Grant knew many of the influentialleaders of the U.S. Territory South of the River Ohio and the fledgling Stateof Tennessee, including William Blount, Stockley Donelson, Andrew Jackson, JohnSevier, George Washington Campbell, Joseph Anderson, Hugh Lawson White, JohnOverton and Jenkin Whiteside. He was the Lt. Col. Commandant of the 33rdTennessee Militia. He founded and served as a commissioner for the town ofGrantsborough, which was inundated by the reservoir created by the Norris Damin 1936. Known descendants of this family moved to Missouri in the late 1830'sand 1840’s.

Kit 218315 – is the descendant of:

  • Ralph Henry Grant – Living
  • Henry Clyde Grant, b. 24 Jun 1894, Pickens County, SC, d. 5 Jun 1961, Pickens County, SC
  • Willie Greenway Grant,  b. 30 Apr 1827, d. 30 Apr 1887, Pickens County, SCson, William Asbury Grant, b. 21 Oct 1860, d. 17 Mar 1941
  • James Grant  b. in 1778, South Carolina, d. 1852, Pickens County, SC
  • Daniel Grant  b. in 1745, d. 1827, South Carolina

Kit 529029 – No Information

Kit 660430 – No information

Kit 844577 – No Information

Group B, Subgroup 6: R-P312>CTS7030 William Grant (1699Scotland-1777 NC) descendants

Kit 701911 – No Information

Kit 482823 is a descendant of of William Grant of Montebello, Quebec City,Canada:

  • Father - Philippe Grant
  • Birth: 9 February 1914, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  • Death: 27 September 2000, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  • Grandfather - Joseph John Grant
  • Birth: 22 July 1879, Montebello, Quebec, Canada
  • Death: 22 July 1971, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  • G-Grandfather - John Hugh Grant
  • Birth: 18 June 1830, Montebello, Quebec, Canada
  • Death: 13 April 1879, Montebello, Quebec, Canada
  • GG-Grandfather - William Grant
  • Birth: circa 1784, Scotland?
  • Death: circa 1845, somewhere, Montebello, Quebec, Canada                                                       

About William Grant:

The first official record about him is the marriage record: he marriedElizabeth Lagueux at the Quebec City's presbyterian church, St-Andrews, 13November 1811. The record states that he is approximately 27 years old andElizabeth (nick name Frasine), approximately 22 years old. At this time, thereare many Grants in Quebec, merchants and traders and a certain political elite.It seems that he his related to none of them. He emerges as an incredible andcreative individualist, a self made man. William and Elizabeth had 11 childrenborn in Quebec City, Lévis (across the St Laurence) and Montebello on theOttawa river, where the family eventually settled circa 1826.

In the Quebec City's Notre Dame parish census and other census, William alwaysidentifies his birth place as Scotland and his religion as"protestant". Elizabeth is french speaking and catholic. So he musthave learned french.

For now, my main hypothesis is that he came to Canada on the ship Sarah in1801, aged approximately 17. The Sarah travelled from Inverness to Pictou, NovaScotia. The Sarah passenger list mentions a William Grant, laborer from GlenKilmorach, traveling on his own. From 1801 to his wedding in 1811, gives himample time to learn his trade of shipwright, to move to Quebec City and learnFrench.

Kit 346766 - is a descendant of William Grant:
1 William Grant I 1699 - 1777
.. +Margery Verner Unknown - Unknown
…....2 William Grant II 1725/26 - 1804
..……. +Elizabeth Boone 1732/33 - 1814
..... ……..3 John Grant 1754 - 1825
....…......... +Mary Mosby 1755 - 1826
......…...........4 William Mosby Grant 1782 - 1852
...........…........ +Mary Spillar Graves 1790 - 1853
............................5 Flournoy Willis Grant 1823 - 1883
.............................. +Frances Marie Tupman 1835 - 1888
....................................6 William Thomas Grant 1857 - 1935
...................................... +Mattie Triplett 1857 - 1930
............................................7 William Henry Grant, Sr. 1889 -1967
...............................................+Helen Carroll 1889 - 1967
....................................................8 William Henry Grant, Jr.1913 - 2012
.......................................................+ Anna Rebekah Armstrong1914 - 2004
.............................................................9 Living Grant

Kit 297209 – No information

Kit 22822 is tied to William Grant (born about 1700) came to Americafrom Scotland around 1720. Family history claims that he was fighting theEnglish and was sent as a prisoner of war to the Colonies and then spentseveral years as an indentured servant in Maryland. Another branch of thefamily claims that he landed in Philadelphia with his wife, Margery Verner. Hisson, also William Grant, married Elizabeth Boone, Daniel Boones sister. Theylived in Rowan County, North Carolina and then settled in Kentucky near DanielBoone and his family. Many descendants eventually traveled west to Missouri andthen on to California and Oregon to live.

Group C, Subgroup 1: Assumed R-P312+ with Scot/Irish connections?

Kit 32247No information

Kit 316850No information

Kit 409213 – No Information

Kit 154786No Information


Kit 46469 is tied to John Grant,b. about 1760, living in DarlingtonDistrict, SC, at least between 1800 and1820. John’s sons include David (b.about 1789), Giles, and James (1799-1855),my second great-grandfather. About1820, James married Nancy Anderson in SC.Nancy Anderson was the daughter ofJesse Anderson of Wayne County, NC, andlater Darlington District. In the early1820s James and Nancy and four of theirchildren (Martha Ann, Susan Mozella,Mary Ann, and Cherry Ann) moved to GA,purchasing land in Jasper County andsettling in Henry County sometime before1840. By then, James’ brothers Davidand Giles had already moved to GA andlater moved on to AL. James’ son WilliamMiles Grant (1831-1912) marriedElizabeth Permelia Young in Henry County in1853, lived in DeKalb County, GA,at least between 1860 and 1870, and migratedto Ouachita Parish, LA, in themid-1870s. William’s son Reuben Henry Grant(1861-1943), my grandfather, wasborn in Ouachita Parish and lived there untilabout 1900 and then moved withhis wife and family to Eros, Jackson Parish, LA.

Kit 446536No information

Kit 734672 is known to be a descendant to Giles Grant, b. in Anson County,NC:

  • Self
  • Father:  Homer Dallas Grant B:  13 Nov 1920, Luverne, Crenshaw Co, AL; D: 18 May 1978      Pico Rivera, Los Angeles, CA; Interred Rocky Hill Cemetery Autauga Co, AL
  • GF:    John Franklin “Johnny” Grant B: 30 Jun 1896 Luverne, Crenshaw Co, AL; D:  1 Sep 1964    Elba, Coffee Co, AL
  • 1GGF:    William Wesley “Willie” Grant B:  Dec 1873 Barbour Co, AL; D:  15 Aug 1943    Opp, Covington Co, AL
  • 2GGF    John Thomas Grant B: 1843 Louisville, Barbour Co, AL; D:  Unk
  • 3GGF    John William Grant B: 1824 Darlington Co, SC; D:  Aft 1880 Meriwether, Georgia
  • 4GGF    Giles Grant B:  1790 Anson Co, NC; D:  7 Feb 1869 Barbour Co. AL
  • Pea River Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Clio, Barbour Co, AL

Following is not well proven.  I have info on the children(siblings), but weak proof for John Grant and wife, Mary Cameron. I havenothing beyond them.

  • 5GGF    John Grant B:  Abt 1760, Unk; D:  Abt 1819    South Carolina
  • Children Probably Include:     David B, Giles, Mary “Betsy’, Edna, William, James,
  • Roland, John H, Gregory, John P, David Milton Grant

Group C, Subgroup 2: Assumed R-P312+

Kit 557222 is a descendant of WilliamGrant of Scotland:

  • Father-Richard Charles b 8/14/1929 Cols, Oh  d 7/2/1962  Indiana m Betty Lou King b 12/2329 Licking Co.,Oh d. 9/16/99 Cols.,Oh
  • Floyd Edwin Grant  b 1902 Cols, Oh   d  ?  Chicago, Ill m Thelma Jones
  • Roscoe Conklin Grant  b 1/26/1878 Perry Co., Oh.  d. 10/30/1956 Cols.,Oh m. 1901  Laura Belle (Georgie) Rickets  b. 1881 Perry Co.,Oh  d 12/24/66 Cols., Oh
  • John Addison Grant  b. 8/26/1828 Fauquier Co., Va.   d. 1858 Perry Co., Oh m. Jemima Rockhold  b 6/14/1834 Ohio   d 10/7/1905/6   Perry Co., Oh
  • Samuel Russell Grant  b. 9/25/1786 Culpepper Co., Va.  d. 9/28/1861  Perry Co., Oh m.  Mariah Hitch  b. 5/12/1790  Fauquier Co., Va.  d. 5/30/1875  Perry Co., Oh
  • John Grant  b. 3/11/1756  Stafford Co., Va.  d. c1826  unknown    most of family thinks it was Tennessee m.  Mary Lacey (unclear)
  • John Grant  b.c1735  d. 1790  Leeds Manor, Fauquier Co., Va. m.  Lydia Barbee   Stafford Co., Va.
  • Capt John Grant  b. c 1700  Richmond Co., Va.    d. 1762  King Geo Co., Va. m.  Margaret Bronough  d before 7/7/1757
  • William Grant  b.c1670  Scotland  d. 1736 King George Co., Va. m. Elizabeth Mott

This information was provided by thefamily that was alive during the research for this genealogy and a genealogistthat helped.   DAR member was Grace Grant  DAR#3711 August 6,1957

Kit 330165 - No information

Group C, Subgroup 3: Assumed R-P312+

Kit 298559 – No information

Kit 148802 is connected to Daniel Battie Grant. The following is thelineage back to:

  • father was Edmund Griffin Grant b. 1-2-1909 in Chesterfield, SC) d. 2-9-1973 (Columbia, SC) m. 4-27-1931 to Anna Wilkinson Brunson b. 2-17-1911 (Ridge Spring, SC) d. 2003 (Columbia, SC). 
  • Jesse Lee Grant b. 3-5-1873 m. 1-24-1905 Mattie Lee Peele b. 7-11-1885 (Scotland Co, NC) d. 10-30-1973 (Columbia, SC).
  • Jesse's father was Daniel Batie Grant b. 1846 d. 1900 m. Flora Ann Griffin b. 1851.

Kit 101946 goes back to 1846 to Marlboro County, SC with Peter Grantwho was married to Ann Eliza Chance. It is believed that Peter Grant, JeremiahGrant and John Grant were all brothers but this is yet to be proven. Noinformation has been found to date that takes us further back than Peter Grantand we have no history further back. We are interested in making a connectionwith other Grants that can add to our family history.

Kit 120814 - My family, as I know itso far, is from N. and S. Carolina. I've verified my gggrandfather to be JamesS. Grant (b. 1862 or 1878) m. Nancy Prevatt (b. 1869 or 1881). I'm currently lookingfor James Grant, father to James S. Grant, m. Sarah Quick of S. Carolina. It'snot much info, but hopefully it rings a bell for someone.

Kit 22101 is the great-great-grandson of James Grant, born in Cromdale,Scotland, to a Donald Grant and Catherine in 1807.  He died in Dassel,Meeker County, MN in 1896.  He married twice.  His first wife,Elizabeth McMillen, died in 1845.  He married again, to Rebecca Fifer, in1847.  They had 9 children.

Group C, Subgroup 4: R-P312>L238/S182+ Allen Subgroup

Kit 29488 – No information

Kit N5058 – No Information

Kit N3983 is the descendant of Sylvanus Allen.

  • Ward Allen, b 26 Aug 1912, Kalamazoo Co. Michigan near Climax on family farm. d 04 April 1999, Lenawee Co. Michigan, Adrian. (Father).
  • George Green Allen, b 17 Aug 1875, Kalamazoo Co. Michigan near Schoolcraft on Family Farm. d April 1942, Kalamazoo Co. Michigan near Climax on family farm. (Grandfather).
  • Lewis Clark Allen, b 26 March 1846, Ellery Twp, Chautauqua Co., New York, d 10 Jan 1915, Kalamazoo Co. Michigan near Schoolcraft on family farm. (Gr. Grandfather).
  • Sylvanus Allen, b 06 May 1823, Canada East (Quebec)?, d 10 Oct 1865, Kalamazoo Co. Michigan, near Schoolcraft on family farm. ( Gr. Gr. Grandfather).  Sylvanus Allen is my brick wall.

I have over twenty DNA Allen cousins. Several have excellent paper back toGeorge Allen who came from England in 1635 settling at Sandwich, MA.  Imatch those with George Allen proof 66/67.

We have a strong family tradition that our Allen line is Scottish. One ofSylvanus's daughters, in a census report, said her father (Sylvanus) was b inScotland and his preferred language was Scottish. (Gaelic).

There is a strong possibility that my line of Allen's branched off beforeGeorge Allen was born (1585), and went to Scotland. This would mean, GeorgeAllen would not be a grandfather type, but a cousin type relationship. However,George may be a grandfather type and one of his descendants went to Canada andmarried into a strong Scottish family, thus the tradition we are of Scottishdescent.

Group C, Subgroup 5: R-P312>Z2542+ Scot/Irish connections?

Kit N2049 - No information

Kit 509292 is a decendant of William Grant of Scotland

  • Self
  • Father - Raymond Warren Grant
  • Grandfather - Raymond Forcier Grant m. Marion Hall Cable in 1919.
  • G-Grandfather - William E. Grant m. Nellie Jane Forcier
  • GG-GRandfather - William Grant m. Ellen who came from Scotland

Kit 684037 – No Information 

Kit 25705 is tied to a branch of Grant's living in the North Eastof England with origins as Horse Breeders and farmers around the Dundalk areaof County Louth in Ireland. Family stories have connected with President USGrant both in Ireland and his visit to the North East of England. Thisfired my interest in my Family origins. It appears we are directly relatedto the Stewart Chiefs of the Clan Grant possibly a branch of the Grants ofGlenlochy related to Robert Grant the Ambassador and related toothers within the project in Canada, Australia and the USA. There are anumber of theories can explain how we got to Ireland.  As supportersof Mary Queen of Scotts moving to escape persecution, Catholicrelations during the Huntly rebellion moving from Scotland possibly withRebel Grants of Carron, or moving to Ireland during King JamesI, Plantation of Ulster to gain land.

The earliest possible relative I have traced is:
Felix Grant born in 1718 and a Catholic could also mean that there are Jacobitelinks to our move to Ireland.  However, it appears the family wasestablished farmers renting a great deal of Land from the Crown bythen, so any Jacobite link appears highly unlikely.  I have severalsources left to explore which hopefully will supply further links.Clearly, a great deal of historical research will need to be carried out. MyBranch therefore seems to be a very interesting Scottish, Irish English mixwith many cousins across the Atlantic.

Kit 420829 – No information

Kit 154245 – No information

Kit 165817 - No information

Group D, Subgroup 1 - R-P312>S668 Scot/Irish connections?

Kit 167153 – No Information

Kit 149774 is connected to:

  • My Father - Living
  • Isaac Grant, b. 10/24/1854, m. Lula A. Mauldin, b. 11/15/1867. Their son,
  • Radford Grant was b. 04/23/1823, d. 10/24/1871, m. Mary A. Williams, b. 07/29/1832, d. 09/21/1905. Radford and Mary had a son,
  • A son, James Grant, b. 1791, d. 06/03/1873, m. Sarah Hazelwood, b. 1793, d. abt 1875. James' son
  • Humphrey B. Grant, b. abt 1767, d. abt 1850, m. abt 1790 to Elizabeth Bryan(t), b. 1775, d. abt 1840 – 1850.

Kit 118313 - No information

Kit 106085 - No information

Kit 142073 - The original Grant ancestor that we know of fought atCulloden and was exiled to Jamaica in 1746.  We know that a sonaccompanied him who was around the age of 10, (born 1736 approx.), too young to have fought.  His lineage is:

  • My father was Robert Hartley Grant.  I know there are still a lot of blank spots, including the mysterious connection to Ulysses S. Grant yet to be uncovered.  My wife is also connection to Ulysses S. Grant through the Simpson line (Ulysses' mother's maiden name).
  • Robert Hartley Grant, b. July 27, 1917 in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, where Robert S. was managing a Pineapple plantation.
  • Robert Stanley Grant, b. June 28, 1885, in Troy, New Hampshire, (Also two sisters, Dorothy and Margaret).
  • William Francis Grant
  • Colin Alexander Grant II, born approx. 1807 in Jamaica, at their coffee (or sugar?) plantation, Abbey Green. When he was 10, his parents and younger sister died of Yellow Fever and after a guardianship by the plantation manager and a Catholic priest, he was apprenticed to the British Merchant Navy.  He deserted in Falmouth after his first voyage.  He later joined the joined the Royal Navy and married an Anne Richards of Dublin, Ireland. They had one daughter, who dies at an early age and nine sons: Colin, Robert, Reuben, John, Charles, William Francis, James, Frederick and Emmanuel. 
  • Colin Alexander Grant and he grew up and was married in Jamaica.

Kit 21651 is tied to Nathaniel Berry Grant, 1844, AL. I am 99% surehe is the son of Larkin M. Grant, 1817, GA going on back to Daniel Grant of VA.

Kit 192950 is a decendant of:
John Henry Grant born 5/1/1876 in Georgia, unkown date of death in Texas, (wifeSusan Bennett, born 1877 Georgia). John Henry and family moved to North Texassometime after 1904 with two children. John Henry's son and decendants stilllive in Texas. His daughter married into the Apple family.
John Henry was the son of John Grant born 12/1/1852, Hall County Georgia, (wifeMartha W Smith, born 3/1/1850, Georgia),
Thomas Grant, born 11/19/1831, South Carolina, (wife Mecca Adaline Smith, born7/29/1832, South Carolina),
James "Buck" Grant, born 1791 Union District, South Carolina, died1872 Hall County, Georgia, (wife Sarah Hazelwood, born 1793 Union DistrictSouth Carolina, died 1875, Cool Springs Cemetery, Hall County, Georgia),
Humphrey B Grant, born 1767 Union County, Spartanburg District, South Carolina,(wife Elizabeth Bryant, born 1775, Union District, South Carolina, died 1850).Related families after John Henry are Davis, Husley, Apple, and Erwin.

Kit 397914 – No information

Kit 366898 is a descendant of John Thomas Carnes of Ireland:

  • Father: Living
  • Grandfather: Julian H. Carnes Sr . b. 7/14/1905 Alabama d. 11/26/1983 Miami, FL
  • Great-grandfather: John Green Carnes b. May 1871 Cherokee County, AL, d. 1953 Ojus, FL
  • 2X-grandfather: Green Berry Carnes b.8/31/1829 Cherokee, AL d. 6/29/1907 Oneonta, AL
  • 3X- grandfather: Peter Carnes b 1795 NC, d.6/25/1887 Polk County, GA
  • 4X-grandfather: Joseph Carnes b. 1753 Fredrick, MD, d. 1836 Villa Rica, GA
  • 5X-grandfather: John E. Carnes b. 1720 Frederick, MD?, d.1810 Fredrick, MD
  • 6X-grandfather: Joseph Carnes b. 1687 New Have, CT d.?
  • 7X- grandfather: John Thomas Carnes, b.1660 Ireland d. 1735 New Haven CT.

Kit 34306 - Family line is below:

  • William Cuthbert Grant, 1872--1949 m. Petronelle Monette lived on the Turtle Mtn.Rez in North Dakota.
  • Cuthbert Lewis Grant,1834--1909 m. Marie Gingras.
  • Cuthbert Grant jr. 1793--1854 m. Marie Mcgillis Metis/half breed - given the title of Warden of the Plains was associated with the Northwest Fur Co- his history is well documented in Canada.
  • Cuthbert Grant m. native American Cree woman Highland Scot partner of Northwest Fur Co in Canada died 1799 Fort William Ont.
  • avid Grant m: Margarete Grant, 3rd daughter of Robert Grant of Gleanberg.
  • Donald Grant of Letheadry in parish of Cromdale,Strathespey, Scotland.
Gleamed from a stack of notes and chartscompiled by my mother some years ago, she communicated by mail and word ofmouth with many people- but her notes and records are scatered and incomplete.The four Cuthberts lived in Canada and the U.S. and all had large families of10 to 11 children. As I understand the dna results my roots are primarilyIrish/Scottish and that would be understandable as my fathers line traces backto Scotland and my mother's family were all from Scotland, primarily from TheIsle of Mull.

Kit 232234 - No information

Kit 303176 - No information

Kit 312438 – No information

Kit 870029 – No Information

Kit 752956 – No Information

Kit 76350 Our research takes us back to Alexander Grant ofGrantsfield, Scotland.  Born 1693, died April 28, 1776 Kinchirdie,Aberdeen Scotland.  Married to Margaret Farquharson of Inverey Scotland,December 1739. Our line descends from son named James Ogilvie Grant born(baptised) June 10, 1746 at Grantsfield. Died August 17, 1801 in DorchesterEngland.  James was a Colonel in the 49th Regiment.  He was marriedto Isobel Ogilvie on December 3, 1775 in Parish of Keith, Rathven County,Banffshire.  Had at least one son. James Grant. James was born in Blairmaude,Boyndie Co. Scotland c.1788.  Christened April 11, 1788, Church ofScotland. Parish of Boyndie Banffshire. Married Eleanor Maria Ann Elliot at St.Cuthberts, Edinburgh Scotland March 27, 1825.  Family emigrated to SydneyAustralia (for health reasons) on the barque “Mary” in November 1839. Jamesdied in Campbelltown, Sydney Australia on April 19, 1840. Buried inCampbelltown cemetery. Eleanor, his wife remarried to Reverend William Walkeron April 20, 1846 in Wesleyan Church Parramatta. Died June 30, 1872, Randwick,Sydney and is buried in St. Jude’s Anglican cemetery Randwick.  We descendfrom their son Alexander Ogilvie Grant.  Born Jedburgh, Roxburg Scotland,March 30, 1826. Married to Rosanna Amelia (Emma) Reid, April 21, 1851, WestMaitland, NSW. Alexander remarried on September 16, 1881 in Bourke to Arabella(Bella) Battley. Alexander died May 12, 1891 and is buried in C. of E. cemeteryParramatta NSW.  We descend from Alexander and Rosanna’s son CharlesEdward Grant. Married Charlotte Jane (Jessie) Hancock.  My grandfather wastheir son Cecil Lorraine Reidhaven Grant.  Born March 18, 1890 inBarringun, Bourke NSW.  A Chartered Accountant. Died April 20, 1963Longueville, Sydney.  Married Mabel Lillian (Lil) Champion on June 24,1918 in Armidale NSW. Mabel was born January 26, 1894 Armidale NSW and died January29, 1985 in Taree NSW.

Kit 690363 – No Information

Kit 69256 – No information

Kit 721204 – No Information

Kit 539632 - No information

Kit 43215 lineage is as follows:

  • Self  - Living
  • Father - Living
  • Grandfather - Charles Leon Grant who was born 1915 and died in 1974.  He was married to Nellie Flora Oliver. 
  • G-Grandfather - Leon Mills Grant born 1893 and died in 1989.  He married Janie Ethel Lee.
  • GG-Grandfather - Amzi Neely Grant born in 1855 and died 1939.  He married Elizabeth Geneva.
  • GGG-Grandfather - James Henry Grant born in 1818 and died in 1892.  He married Elizabeth Pressly.
  • GGGG-Grandfather -  Benjamin Grant who was born in 1790 and died in 1880.  He married Lavinia Williams. 
  • GGGGG- Grandfather - James Grant born about 1750 to 1755 was married to Dorcas and came to New York with his brother John in about 1774.  James and John were volunteer horsemen under Capt. Francis Kirkpatrick and were both from Chester County SC during the Revolutionary War.  James Grant died Nov 4, 1820. 
  • Leon Mills Grant had a son, George Mills Grant.  We have not been able to identify John Grant and his descendants.
Kit N13886 – No information

Kit B77120 - No information

Group D, Subgroup 2: Assumed R-P312

Kit 50583 Grant family of Strachan Banchory Ternan Kincardinshire.From 1770’s,

  • His son, my uncle, William John Grant born 3 June 1914 Victoria Australia gave the DNA sample. I am still plodding through this family’s history and am awaiting a disc of photographs of papers from the Drum Castle Archive in Drumoak, Aberdeen.
  • My grandfather was  Joseph Grant born 9 September 1871 Maldon Victoria Australia. Son of Joseph b 1826
  • Joseph born 1826 immigrated to Australia in 1850’s, married and had 7 living children. Family lore said that we were descended from a “younger son of a Chief of the Clan” and DNA testing has shown this is possible story. I am as yet unable to find out where we exactly fit but I am researching a hypothesis which will probably take quite some time. I have a fairly comprehensive family tree built up of the families from 1773 and information on this family back to about 1670. I am happy to share my knowledge.
  • my great great grandfather George Grant , the 6th child born April 1783. George married Elizabeth Seivewright at Drumoak on 25 July 1812. George Grant “Servitor to the Lady of Drume “ died in 1639. Drumoak is right next door to Strachan so I bought the Will from Scotlands.   There were 9 children, William, John, Thomas, Henery, Mary, David, Joseph, Hellen, and Jane.
  • John Grant married Mary Will 4 December 1773 at Strachan. There were at least 15 children:
  • There was a George Grant died 1680 in Shampir which is in the cluster of farms/villages that make up the Strachan area.

My family knew that they were “descendedfrom a younger son of the Chief of Grant”.  Adrian has said that it couldhave been a younger brother of James Stewart from whom we are descended. Ifthat is the case I think my ancestors had very good memories for the legend!

So—my Grants have been in the Strachan area for at least 400 years and I havethe paper trail for proof.
I will let you know what the outcome of the castle papers is as I may be ableto go back even further.

Kit 31540 – No information

Kit 180269 – No information

Group D, Subgroup 3: R-P312+ w/MacGregor Connections

Kit 185809 – No Information

Kit 191228 – No information

Kit 180079 – No information

Kit 230563 – No information 

Kit 211501 is a possible descendant of Peter Grant:

  • Myself
  • Father - Ivan Allen Grant - B Sept. 24th 1912, Wellwood, Manitoba - D - Dec 23rd, 1980 Manitoba, Canada
  • GF- Allen James Grant - B March 10th 1882 Granton, Ontario- D Nov 29, 1910, Wellwood, Manitoba, Canada
  • GG - George W Grant - B Aug 18th, 1852, Granton, Ontario, Canada -  D - Dec 30th, 1940  Moose Jaw Saskatewan, Canada
  • GGG - Alexander (Sandy) Grant - B May 11th 1808, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire Scotland, D - Dec 26th 1877 Granton, Ontario Canada (one of 10 siblings)
  • GGGG -John Grant - B 1768 Drumblade, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, D - May 13th 1861, Granton, Ontario, Canada - Married Elspeth Jane Simson or Simpson B Oct 10th 1779, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  • GGGGG - Peter Grant (perhaps)

Kit 206696 is a descendant of paternal Grandfather, Hay McDowallGrant Robb, 1866-1940 who married Hannah Watt Grant 1867-1931.

  • father was John Grant Robb. He was born in Aberdeen 28th September 19054 and died in Slough, Berkshire on 5th May 1983.
  • paternal Grandfather was Hay McDowall Grant Robb 1866-1940 who married Hannah Watt Grant 1867-1931.
  • Hannah was the daughter of John Grant,( born June 1834 but date of death unknown) who was married to Margaret Watt 1835-1893.
  • John Grant was the son of George Grant 27th January 1796 in Gartley Aberdeenshire.  He died 28th January 1888 in Inverurie.  He was married to Mary Barron, born 1801 but date of death not known.

Kit 154568 – No information

Kit 148750 – No information

Kit 239757 – Decendants of James Grant  ( blvd b. abt 1817 )and Mary Grant ( blvd. b. 1818-1823 ). Married February 22 1844.

  • Born to James Grant and Mary Grant of Culdorachbeg were James Grant Sr.  ( * b. 1846 March 12 - d. 1933 July 1. *- substantiated through Registry of Births and Baptisms) and siblings Annie Grant ( blvd b. abt 1849 ), - William Grant ( b.1852
  • John Grant ( b.1857,) - and Mary "Marion" Grant ( b. 1860.)  
  • James Grant Sr. married Margaret Stuart Rose on 1875 April 15. - They lived at Wester Culfoich near Cromdale.
  • Born to James Grant Sr. and Margaret "Maggie" Grant (nee Rose) were John Charles Grant ( b.1891 December 13. - d. 1972 December 10  at Medecine Hat Alberta.) - and siblings Marion Rose Grant ( b.1875 - d. 1967 ), Elizabeth Stuart Grant ( b. 1879 - d.1964 ), James Grant Jr. ( b.1881 - d. 1970.)  Peter Grant ( b.1883 - d. 1973 ). Alice Grant ( b. 1885 - d. 1945 ) Rose Margaret Grant ( b. 1887 - d. 1969 ), and Edith Grant ( b. 1889 - d. 1980 )
  • James Grant Sr. and the entire family emigrated to Canada between 1903 and 1910. With the exception of Marion Rose and Rose Margaret all settled in northern Saskatchewan. -John Charles Grant married Mary Anne Plaxton January 28, 1931.

Kit 493373 is a descendant of Peter Grant of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK:

  • Self
  • Father - Living
  • 1x Grandfather - Myron Stephan Grant, Sr, b. 28 Nov 1910 in Van Buren, Iowa, d. 05 Feb 1993 in Chester, CA.
  • 2x Grandfather - Fredrick Ulysses Grant, b. 28 Jul 1877 in Oskaloosa, Mahaska, Iowa, d. 21 Oct 1962  in Pasadena, Los Angeles, CA.
  • 3x Grandfather - Leslie Monieth Grant,  b. 29 Sep 1827 in Rayne, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, d. 01 Jun 1917 in Croton, Lee, Iowa.
  • 4x Grandfather - John Grant, b. 03 Jun 1782 in Drumblade, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, d. 13 May 1861 in Granton, Middlesex, Ortario, Canada.
  • 5x Grandfather - Peter Grant, b. 1758 in Aberdeen, Scotland.
  • Kit 494575 descends from Alexander Grant b. 1783 in Banff:
  • Mother
  • Margaret Findley
  • Her Father - Andrew Finlay (Cullen) m. Janet Scott (of Jedburgh)
  • Andrew Findlay's father was Thomas Findlay b. 1810  (of Cullen)
  • Thomas Findlay's father was George Findlay m. Margaret Runcie (of Cullen)
  • Andrew Findlay's mother was Jean (Jane) Grant b.1815 m. Thomas Findlay b.1810 boat builder (of Cullen)
  • Jane Grant's father was Alexander Grant b. 1783 Banff d. 1830 (Portknockie)

Kit 558578 - No information

B304767 – No Information

KIT 304767 is a descendant of David Grant b. in Scotland:   

  • Self       
  • Father - GEORGE NORMAN GRANT b. 12-Aug-1925 in CLARENCE, ANNAPOLIS, NS d. 6-Mar-2001 in KENTVILLE, KINGS, NS
  • Grandfather - CHARLES FINLEY GRANT    b. 15 JUN 1888 in ARLINGTON, ANNAPOLIS, NS d. 28-Dec-1976 in BRIDGETOWN, ANNAPOLIS, NS
  • GGrandfather - NORMAN GRANT b. 27 NOV 1865 in LAWRENCETOWN, ANNAPOLIS, NS     d. 18-Jun-1950 in MIDDLETON, ANNAPOLIS, NS
  • 2xGGrandfather - JOHN GRANT b. C 1838 in ANNAPOLIS COUNTY, NS d. 8 NOV 1872 in LAWRENCETOWN, ANNAPOLIS, NS
  • 3xGGrandfather - JOHN HENRY GRANT b. C 1807 in WILMOT, ANNAPOLIS, NS    d. 15 JAN 1892 ikn NICTAUX, ANNAPOLIS, NS
  • 4xGGrandfather - HENRY ALLEN GRANT b. 18 DEC 1782 in SISSIBOO, DIGBY, NS d. C 1872 in WILMOT, ANNAPOLIS, NS
  • 5xGGrandfather - JOHN GRANT b. C 1755 in ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, ANNAPOLIS, NS d. C 1824 in SISSIBOO, DIGBY, NS
  • 6xGGrandfather - DAVID GRANT b. C 1715 ? in SCOTLAND    UNK d. SISSIBOO, DIGBY, NS ?

Group D, Subgroup 4: Assumed R-P312+

Kit 85435 indicates that the oldest known relative I am certain ofis:
John Henry Grant, born in Frederick County, Maryland, February 19,1790, marriedAugust 7, 1817 to Susannah Johnson who was from Pennsylvania and born 1794 anddied August 5, 1852. John Henry Grant died November 19,1853 in Pickaway County,Ohio. He was a private in the War of 1812, served with th first regiment underCaptain William Key from Ross County, Ohio. John Henry Grant is buried at theJohn Graffis farm in Washington Township, Pickaway County, Ohio.
His children are:

  • Samuel Grant (May 28, 1819 in Pickaway County, Ohio - July 9, 1895 in Pickaway County, Ohio),
  • Susannah Grant (1830 - ?), George Grant (1834 - January 20, 1864) and he was with the Second Ohio Calvary during the Civil War,
  • Peter Grant (1835 - ?), Marie (1838 - ?),
  • John Henry Grant Jr. (1845 - July 23, 1863) and he died at the Big Black River in Mississippi as a Private in the 42nd OVI age 18 and buried at Zion Cemetery in Washington Township Pickaway County Ohio,
  • Elizabeth (1847 - died at age of 16), Minerva (1850 - 1860). That is all the children of which I am aware. 

John Henry Grant is my 3rd Great Grandfather and Samuel is my 2nd GreatGrandfather.

I was told by a Darlene Ironmonger a few years ago that the only Grant left inFredrick County Md 1790 was a William Grant. And she felt it was my John HenryGrant's father, but I have never heard from her again. And I have never beenable to find anything else about him. I even e-mailed the USA Grant Clanresearcher and have never heard from him either. And when I had the DNA testdone they told me my Grant line was from the Lock Ness area of Glenmorissonarea and they matched me to the Chief Stewart of Grant.

Kit  344735 is related to John Grant of Kent County, Maryland

  • John Grant b 1660 ? - d 1720, Kent County, Maryland (hereafter KCMD)
  • John Grant b 1699 KCMD - d 1738 KCMD
  • John Grant b 1725 KCMD - d 1762 KCMD
  • William Grant b 1748 KCMD - d 1770 KCMD
  • Richard Grant b 1769 KCMD - d 1846 KCMD
  • John W Grant b 1806 KCMD - d 1850 KCMD
  • Richard T Grant b 1835 KCMD - d 1917 KCMD
  • John W. Grant b 1862 KCMD - d 1945 KCMD
  • Christopher Grant b 1890 KCMD - d 1965 KCMD
  • Christopher Grant Jr b 1921 KCMD - d 2004 Kirkland, Washington, USA
  • Christopher Grant III b 1947 KCMD –

Kit 161925 – Here is my lineage:

  • Father - Living
  • My Grandfather was Henry Warner Grant, Jr (B-1902, D-1972).  He was married to Lottie Rebecca Whaley (B- 1901, D-1980) on 10/9/1927.
  • My G-grandfather was Henry Warner Grant (B- 1878, D-1945).  He was married to Lucinda Ann McClenaghan (B-1879, D-1954) on 10/10/1901.
  • Caleb Wesley Grant (B-1844 D-1913) was my 3Gs Grandfather.  He married Annie Roberts and they moved to Chester, PA around 1900.
  • Seaborn Grant (B-1800 D-1867) was my 4Gs Grandfather.  He married Sarah Worth on 5/16/1825.  They also lived in Cecil Cty. They had 10 children. 
My first known relative isJames Grant.  He lived in Cecil County, MD. He married Margaret Winchester(B-1766 D-1855) on 1/20/1789. They had 10 children.

Group D, Subgroup 7:

Kit 219535No Information

Kit 112611 earliest known ancestor was John of Shettleston,Scotland, who had son, James (1828-1883), a potato merchant; son William, ablacksmith of Grafton Square, Glasgow; and son Robert, who emigrated toAustralia My great-grandfather was also a James Grant, who sired 13 children.Four died in infancy, but a son, John, eventually immigrated to Canada in 1910.Sons William and James died in 1863. A later son, James (1872-1954), was agents clothier and then Robert, (1877-1943) was a butcher, Thomas (1879-1951)was a wholesale grocer, and Andrew (1879 - ?) went to Canada. John, who went toCanada, and his wife, Helen Stewart, had six children. My grandfather wasWilliam Grant (1864-19380. And, my father was Archibald Montgomerie Grant(1900-1972). His brothers were William Montgomerie Grant (1903-1975) and James(Jim) Montgomerie Grant (1910-1990), all of Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Iam trying to find connections earlier than 1829 and where in Highlands ofScotland our line originated and its connection within Clan Grant.

Kit 892150 – No Information

Group E, Subgroup 1: R-U106 Haplogroup U106>FGC15048 Seton/Gordon Grants

Kit 7215 is tied to John Francis Grant the son of Effingham HowardGrant/Jane Harrison married Jan. 28, 1808 at St. Marylebone, Saint Mary-St.Marylebone Road, London, England. John was born in 1821 and after marryingMaria Woodhams, in 1849 immigrated to NY/Michigan in 1855. His brothers/sistersstayed in London; their names were James, Thomas, Jane Lydia, Charles, George,Mary (Alice?), Susan and Robert. Effingham Howard Grant was born in Scotland,exactly where unknown, about 1776. Perhaps he is the Effingham that is one ofthe last of the Grants of Carron that are mentioned in Sir William Fraser'sbook, Chiefs of Grant, written in 1883. The Effingham mentioned there leftEdinburgh (Abbey of Holyrood House) in 1790, apparently penniless when hisfather, James Grant of Carron, died deeply in debt. Trying to make a connectionthere or get any further information on EHG.

  • Son of U.S. Grant, b. Jan 14, 1915, Harmon County, Oklahoma; d. Dec. 11, 2010, San Antonio, TX
  • Son of Angus Herbert Grant, b. May 17, 1887, Traverse City, Michigan,; d. Oct 25, 1975 Hollis, Oklahoma 
  • Son of Charles Herbert Grant, b. Dec. 12 1862, Traverse City, Michigan; d. Feb. 12, 1939, Choctaw, Oklahoma       
  • Son of John Francis Grant, b. before Feb. 21 (Jan 22?), 1821, Kendal, Westmorland, England; d. March 16, 1883, Traverse City, Michigan         
  • Son of Effingham Howard Grant, b. 1776 in Scotland; d. Feb. 18, 1841, Kendal, Westmorland, England,      
  • POSSIBLY son of Captain James Grant of Carron, who died 1790 at the Abbey of Holyrood, Edinburgh, Scotland. (Not proven by documentation, but is assumed by others.    

Of interest is that based on DNAevidence, it appears that I am a Gordon and not a Grant. Using the Y-DNA67results, I am 2 or 3 steps away from four Gordons and nowhere is there a Grant lurkingin the background. My goal now is to try and find one of the Antigua (Carron)Grant’s that immigrated from Scotland in the late 1700’s and compare their DNAwith my DNA. If we are descended from the same Grant (Gordon), it wouldestablish that I am from the offspring of Captain James Grant of Carron. Againbased on the DNA the Gordon/Grant liaison occurred in the early 1700s or evenin the 1600s if we consider the number of steps I am removed from the “true”Gordons.

Kit 299449 – No information

Kit 305280 – No information

Group E, Subgroup 2: R-U106 HaplogroupU106>L257+ - Allens

Kit 42947 I am descended from George Allen.  George was bornsomewhere in England about 1630.  He allegedly migrated to Virginia withWilliam Waller about 1648.  He married Mary Withers (also from England)about 1672 in Stafford County, Virginia and died in Stafford County in1689.  Because of the settlement and migration patterns of this Allenline, I suspect Scottish ancestry.

Kit 106997 – No information

Group E, Subgroup 3: R-U106>Z156

Kit 32020 is the great-great grandson of Charles Grant born in 1832in England & died in 1875 in Canada. He married Catherine McMillian inOntario, Canada. She was born in 1836 in Scotland & died in Canada. Theyhad approximately 11 children, the oldest being William Grant b.Sept 16, 1854in Mimosa, Ontario, Canada (Wellington County) and died March 5, 1909 inDetroit Lakes, Minnesota. He married Sarah Ann Awrey June 30, 1875 in Mimosa.She was born 1855 in Bellwood, Canada and died 1888 in Hawley, Minnesota. Hemarried Nora Adel Peck 1890 in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. She was born Oct 12,1875 in Center, IA and died November 1932 in Alhambra, Los Angeles, CA.
Connection with 30498.  Children born William Grant b 1899Middleton Chaney Northamptonshire England:

Kit 30498 ties to the Richard Grant found in Hanwell near BanburyOxfordshire, in 1590. Descendents are scattered around Northamptonshire andWarshire. This below charts is correct from 1768.  Many descendentsdisappeared.
Descendants of William GRANT born 1768.

  • William GRANT b: Bef. 01 May 1768 in Wroxton & Balscote Oxenshire England  He died  08 April 1854 in Middleton Cheney Northamptonshire England.  He married Sarah (Hiorns) HIRONS b: 15 February 1769 in Chipping Norton Oxenshire England They married on 23 June 1789 in Mollington Oxfordshire England  She died: 05 February 1839 in Middleton Cheney Northamptonshire England. Their children are John, William George, Anthony and others,...
  • John GRANT   b: 10 April 1796 in Upper Middleton Cheney Northamptonshire England d: February 1877 in Middleton Cheney Northamptonshire England   d: February 1877 in Middleton Cheney orthamptonshire England He married Ann PAXTONb: Abt. 1796 in North Hinton in the Hedges Northamptonshire England. They married on: 18 April 1822. She died on: 12 December 1884
  • William GRANT b: 31 March 1799 in Lower Middleton Cheney Northamptonshire England. He died on 23 June 1885 in June 23, 1885 at Hamilton, Barton twp. Wentworth co. Ontario.  He married Sophia BUCK   on: 08 February 1820 in All Saints Middleton Cheney Northamptonshire England. She was born on 13 January 1874 in Grimsby, Grimsby She died on: 13 January 1874 in Grimsby, Grimsby twp. Lincoln co. Ontario Canada. Their children George Charles and others
  • Charles GRANT b: 29 July 1827 in Middleton Cheney Northamptonshire England. He married Catherine McMILLAN Their children are William and others
  • 4  William GRANT b:1852 is great grandfather  to Wayne’s GRANT  KIT  32020                                   
  • 2  Anthony GRANT ( KIT 30498 – is  Ian great great grandfather.)... He was b: 03 March 1802 in Lower Middleton Cheney Northamptonshire England. He died in d: 27 July 1861 in Middleton Cheney Northamptonshire. He married Mary WHITE b: April 1801 in Corkyard Middleton Cheney Northhamptonshire. o: 12 October 1820 in Middleton Cheney. She died: March 1882 in Middleton Cheney.  Their children William Joseph George and others.
  • 3  George GRANT      b: 08 January 1826 in Lower Middleton Cheney Northamptonshire. He died on  25 February 1902 in Geelong Victoria Australia. He married Sarah Eliza FURLONG            b: Abt. 1833 in London England. They married on: 02 March 1850 in Geelong Victoria Australia She died on: 08 November 1906 in 158 Pitt St Redfern N.S.W. Australia Their son George
  • 4   George Hyam GRANT b: 28 April 1851 in Highton Geelong Victoria Australia. He died on 03 December 1918 Colac Victoria Australia   Their sons were Arthur and Ernest
  • 5  Ernest John GRANT b: 19 April 1899 in Cundare Victoria Australia He died on: 17 October 1980 in Echuca Victoria Australia. He married Jeannie Anderson DAIR  b: 10 May 1907 in Tretgwairton Madron Haemoor near Penzance Cornwall England. They married on: 27 April 1935 in Lilydale Victoria Australia. She died on 19 November 1997 in Echuca  
  • 6. Their sons Ian  Kit 30498 and James.

Group F: R-U106>A15177+ Matthew Graunt Descendants

Kit 309300 – No information

Kit 42347 descended from: 

  • James Grant born 26 January 1811 In Matilda, Ontario, Canada died 14 June 1883 Norfolk, St. Lawrence, New York,
  • His father was Julius John Grant believed to have been born 1785 either in Montgomery, New York or in Mass.
  • His father was John Grant born around 1750 and may have lived in Albany, New York before the revolution. John Grant fled to Canada and remained loyal to the crown.
  • His eldest son was John Grant and went to sea. His second son was Calvin and his third son was Julius John Grant. For a time they lived near Cornwall Ontario Canada. Around 1839 Julius John Grant's sons Julius, James, Jacob and John moved to Madrid, St. Lawrence, New York and by 1840 they had cleared land in Norfolk, St. Lawrence New York with the Road being called Grantville. At one time 36 Grant families lived in the area. Today some of the land is the Grantville State Forest of New York. Today some of their descendants can be found still living in the area.

I believe that we are the descendentsof John Grant the son of Noah Grant spoken of in the book by Arthur HastingsGrant "The Grant Family" which includes President U.S. Grant. JesseRoot Grant had a brother John Grant. All of this would mean that my GGGGrandfather was the cousin of U.S. Grant.

Kit 115576 is a descendant of Matthew Grant (1601-1681) is ourearliest known ancestor and sailed to America from SW England circa 1631,arriving first in Dorchester, MA, but settling Windsor, CT, soon after. The line looks like this:

  • Father - Living
  • Dr. Levi Harrison Grant (Jan 19, 1889 Minneapolis, MN-July 21, 1968 Akron, OH) married Helen Gertrude Pepper (June 14, 1891 Boston, MA-Oct. 22, 1979 Akron, OH) on July 12. 1919 in Boston, MA.
  • Dr. James George Grant (May 9, 1861 Smithville Flats, NY-1929 Akron, OH) married Maria Bush Curtis (Nov 1 1860 Danby, NY-June 12 1933 Akron, OH) on April 27, 1887 in Waverly, NY. Physician.
  • Theron Grant (Jan. 28, 1815 Smithville Flats, NY-Apr. 3, 1871 Greene, N. Y) married Jane Harrison (1821 Belfast, Ireland-Nov. 7, 1877 Greene, NY), daughter of James. Harrison and Elizabeth Kinnier, in Smithville Flats on Dec. 1, 1842. Resided in Smithville Flats til 1869 when he moved to Greene, NY. Was a farmer.
  • David Grant (Feb. 25, 1778 Litchfield, CT-July 25, 1849(1850) Smithville Flats, NY) married Jemima Bancroft (May 30, 1781 Torrington, CT-July 22 (23, 25), 1863 Smithville Flats, NY); daughter of Ephraim Bancroft and Jemima Loomis in Litchfield, CT (Torrington), 1805. Resided in Litchfield until 1808, then moved to Smithville Flats, NY. Was a farmer and the US marshal at the ovation given to editor Selleck Osborn, confined in jail in Litchfield in Aug. 1806. ()
  • Ambrose Grant (Sep, 14, 1747 Litchfield, CT-Dec. 7, 1816 Litchfield, CT) married Hannah Mason (Feb, 12, 1745/6 Litchfield, CT-July 3, 1832 Litchfield, CT) daughter of John Mason and Lydia Cook, in Litchfield, CT, on Nov. 20, 1771. Resided in Lithchfield and worked as a tythingman, surveyor, lister, fence viewer. Served in the Revolution (his musket being in the possession of the author Arthur Hastings Grant c. 1900) but was taken ill about the time the British took N. Y. C. and went home. He had prisoners stationed at his house until the close of the war.
  • Increase Grant (Feb 13, 1716/7 Windsor, CT-1793 (will proved Nov. 11, 1801)) married Ann Hosford, daughter of Deacon Nathaniel Hosford and Mary Phelps, in Litchfield on Feb. 19, 1745/6.. Married secondly Mindwell (Lyman) Strong (July 13, 1714 Northampton, MA-1791) in 1786. She was the widow of Jacob Strong, Jr.
  • Josiah Grant (Jan. 28, 1682 Windsor, CT-Feb. 26, 1762 Litchfield, CT) married Sarah Cooke (?-July 30, 1713 Windsor, CT) daughter of John Cooke and Sarah Fiske, in Windsor on March. 30, 1710. Resided in Windsor until 1726, then moved to Litchfield, CT.
  • John Grant (Sep. 30, 1642 in Windsor, CT-July 22, 1684 Windsor, CT) married first Mary Hull (Oct, 8, 1648 Windsor, CT-June 29, 1720) dau. of Josiah Hull and Elizabeth Loomis, on Aug. 2, 1666.  
  • Matthew Grant (Oct. 27, 1601 in England-Dec. 16, 1681 Windsor, CT) married first , Priscilla Unknown   (?-Apr. 27, 1644 Windsor, CT) on Nov. 16, 1625 in England. Married secondly Susanna (Capen or Chapin) Rockwell (Apr. 5, 1602-Nov. 14, 1666 Windsor, CT) in Windsor, CT, on May 29, 1645. She was the widow of Deacon William Rockwell and probably the daughter of Bernard Capen. They did not have any children, allow Susanna did have children from her previous marriage. On March. 20, 1630, he embarked with his family on the " Mary and John " at Plymouth, Eng. , and reached Boston harbor May 30, 1630. He settled at Dorchester, Mass., and was admitted a freeman May 18, 1631 ; but, with many others, he disliked the close union of church and state that characterized the colony of Massachusetts Bay, as well as the growing tendency to establish the government in the hands of a privileged class and to minimize the voice of the people in the conduct of their own affairs. Accordingly, in Oct. 1635, he went overland to the Connecticut River, with the party that prepared for the settlement of Windsor, although his family probably did not remove to Windsor until the following April.

Kit 163661 - My lineage is as follows:

  • Father- Charles Walker Grant b. 1934 Toronto
  • Grandfather- Hugh Grant (need to seek out more info)
  • GGF - Walker John Grant (110335381 as documented by Hastings)

Kit 773901 is a descendant of William Grant of Roxby, Yorkshire, England:

  • Father - Kent LeRoy GRANT b: 5 Nov 1917, New Harmony, Wash, Ut,: 1 Jul 1984, Las Vegas, Clark, Nv
  • Grandfather - Edmund LeRoy GRANT b: 21 Nov 1885, Nutrioso, Greenlee, Az, d: 24 May 1962, New Harmony, Washington, Utah
  • GGrandfather - m. Edmund Carbine "Ed" GRANT b: 11 Sep 1858, Kaysville, Davis, Utah, d: 16 Oct 1949, Cedar City, Iron Ut
  • 2xGGF - George Roberts GRANT b: 14 Jul 1820, Reading, Center, Ny, d: 22 Jul 1889, Placer, Ca
  • 3xGGF - Loring GRANT b: 25 Feb 1789, Queens, Ny, d: 13 Sep 1870, Pentwater, Niles, Mi
  • 4x GGF - Isaac GRANT b: 3 Apr 1760, Litchfield Conn., d: 30 Nov 1841, Albion, Michigan   @ 81 Yrs. 7 Mos. 5 Days
  • 5x GGF - Ebenezer GRANT b: 2 Mar 1722/3, Windsor, Hartford, Ct,: 9 Jul 1765, Litchfield, Ct
  • 6xGGF - Josiah GRANT b: 28 Jan 1681/2, Windsor, Hartford, Ct, d: 26 Feb 1762, Litchfield, Litchfield, Ct
  • 7xGGF - John GRANT b: 30 Apr 1632, Windsor, Hartford, Ct, d: 22 Jul 1684, Windsor, Hartford, Ct
  • 8xGGF - Matthew GRANT b: 27 Oct 1601, Woolbridge, Dorset, England, d: 16 Dec 1681, Windsor, Hartford, Ct
  • 9xGGF - John GRANT b: 6 May 1573, Roxby, Yorkshire, England ,d: 7 Jul 1600, Roxby, Yorkshire, England
  • 10xGGF - George GRANT b: 1534, Roxby, Yorkshire, England, d: England
  • 11xGGF - John GRANT Roxby, Yorkshire, England
  • 12xGGF - William GRANT b: 1479, Roxby, Yorkshire, England

 Kit 75185 – No information

Kit 887140 – No Information

Kit 574405 - No information

Kit 54763 – No information

Group G: R-M64 - Beriah Grant (b.1698)

Kit 521313 No information

Kit 633997 is a descendant of Moses Grant of Virginia:

  • Self
  • Father - James Columbus Grant b. March 29, 1915 in Durant, OK, d. March 15, 1992 in same city
  • Grandfather - Lewis Casteller Grant b. April 14, 1887 in KY, d. February 2, 1963 in OK
  • GGrandfather - Charles Robert Grant b. June 1854 in KY d. January 2, 1914 in Madill, OK
  • 2GGrandfather - William Grant b. 1821 in Posey County, IN d. 1864 in IN
  • 3GGrandfather - Peterson Grant b. 1807 Virginia d. 1835 in Posey County, IN
  • 4GGrandfather - Moses Grant b. 1777 in VA d. November 26, 1834 in Posey County, IN

Kit 595847 – No information

Kit 86785 – No information

Kit 93418 – No information

Kit B234165 is a descendant of Nathanial C. Grant of Ohio:

  • Self- Living
  • Father - Terry E. Grant B 1947 Gladwin, Mi - D 2002 Utica, Mi
  • Grandfather - Jacob K. Grant B 1915 Beaverton, Mi - D 2001 Beaverton Mi
  • GGGrandfather - John F. Grant B 1871 Perry, Oh - D 1916 Saginaw, Mi
  • GGGGrandfather - Nathanial C. Grant B 1831 Columbiana, Oh - D 1916 West Mansfield, Oh

Kit N8873 – No information

Kit 123602 is believed to be a descendant of Christopher Grant, born1608, location- England, not proven, to Watertown, Essex, Mass. where worked asa glazier on the first Harvard U. building. Parent may be John Grant ofRoxbury, Yorkshire, England, born 1563 who had a son, Christopher.

Kit 210095 – no information

Kit 173923 can be traced back to Beriah Grant, born 7/24/1698 NewLondon, CT.  Below is his line:

  • Standifer Franklin Grant, 7/23/1903-8/27/1995, born Sequatchie County, Brock, TN., died Sequatchie County, Dunlap, TN, buried Varner Cemetery, Mowbray Mountain, Hamilton County, near Soddy-Daisy, TN.
  • William Thomas Grant, 11/9/1880-1/10/1964, Master Mason, Farmer, born Sequatchie County, Brock, TN, died Hamilton County, TN, buried Varner Cemetery, Mowbray Mountain, Hamilton County, near Soddy-Daisy, TN.
  • Thomas Rand Grant, 7/14/1845-1/11/1928, Civil War Veteran, born NY, NY, died Hamilton County, TN, buried Varner Cemetery, Mowbray Mountain, Hamilton County, near Soddy-Daisy, TN.
  • Perez (Perry) Woodard Grant, Sr, 1803-7/1865, born CT, died Sequatchie County, TN, buried Original Grant Homestead East of foundation, Window Rock Road (w/son Nathaniel Grant), Sequatchie County.
  • Beriah Grant, born about 1760 New London, CT, probably died about 1847-1849 Marion County, TN, (Now Sequatchie County, TN, probably buried Original Grant Homestead West of foundation, Window Rock Road, Marion County, (Now Sequatchie County, TN
  • Joshua Grant, 9/28/1725-1822. born, died and buried New London, CT.
  • Beriah Grant, born 7/24/1698 New London, CT., died and buried New London, CT.  Martha (Parke) Grant, born 4/1/1699 New London, CT., died and buried New London, CT.

An unknown person fathered Beriah. Itis extremely doubtful that she would have become pregnant by one Grant andmarried another, since DNA results do not indicate any Grants in any directline.

Alexander Sutherland, 8th Earl of Duffus, born 1519 Duffus Morayshire,Scotland, died 3/24/1570 Duffus Morayshire, Scotland – Janet (Grant)Sutherland, born 1534 Scotland, died 10/19/1600 Duffus Morayshire, Scotland,both probably buried Duffus Morayshire, Scotland. Janet is the Daughter ofJames “the Bold” Grant of Freuchie and Elizabeth Forbes.

Kit 416777 – no information

Kit 38400 I know who our great-grandfather Grant is (our father'sgrandfather), and have a reasonable amount of information about him.  Hisname was Joseph Grant, he was born in 1827 and lived in Toms River,New Jersey most, if not all, of his life,  He married Amanda Irons in 1850- they had 9 children, 4 of whom lived to adulthood. (Their secondsurviving son, Andrew Jackson Grant was our father's biologicalfather.)  The problem we have is that we have conflicting information aboutwho Joseph's father was.  Information we have found leads us tobelieve he was born in New Jersey, but we've found two different names for him,which is the problem.   So that's as far as I've gotten with ourGrant line, and why I'm hoping the DNA testing might open a closed door for us.

  • Father - Reginald V. Grant/Page, born June 30, 1902 in Toms River, Ocean County, NJ; (adopted as an infant by first cousin Bertha Grant Page & her husband John B. Page); died November 19, 1989 in Bricktown, Ocean County, NJ; married Lydia Stasio on November 26, 1936, New York City; born January 2, 1909 in Philadelphia, PA; died January 23, 2008 in Lakewood, Ocean County, NJ.
  • Grandfather – Andrew Jackson “Jack” Grant, born May 6, 1866 in Toms River, Ocean County, NJ; died March 7, 1941 in Allenhurst, Monmouth County, NJ; married Matilda Ottmer on June 5, 1892 in Lakewood, Ocean County, NJ; born November 2, 1870 in New York City; died July 1, 1902 in Toms River, Ocean County, NJ.
  • Great-grandfather – Joseph Grant, born May 5, 1827 in either NJ or OH; died January 20, 1904 in Toms River, Ocean County, NJ: married Amanda Irons on April 20, 1850, Toms River, Ocean County, NJ; born June 11, 1832, Cedar Creek, Monmouth County, NJ; died April 28, 1902, Toms River, Ocean County, NJ.
  • Great-great-grandfather – Two possibilities: Joseph Grant Sr., born abt. 1777 in NJ; married to Lucy Grant; OR  Thomas Grant, born 1799 in NJ; married to Elizabeth Grover on December 24, 1823.

Kit 36728 is tied to his:

  • father was named Carl Washington Grant, born in Sumter County, Georgia.
  • great-grandfather was George Washington Grant, born 1845, married Naarcissus Easterlin October 22, 1872 in Sumter County, Georgia. 
  • great-great-grandfather, Thomas Jefferson Grant, born most likely in Georgia around 1810-1815, married Rachel Handcock, and died in Sumter, County, Georgia in 1879.

Kit 313306 – No information

Kit 305697 – No information

Kit 306094 – no information

Kit 231783 is a descendant of Beriah Grant, born in Stonington, CTin 1698.  His lineage is as follows:

  • Louis Talos Grant Jr. -- b. Montclair, NJ March 25, 1900 - d. March 15, 1958 the son of:
  • Louis Talos Grant Sr. -- b. 1869 - d. 1928 the son of:
  • George Clinton Grant Jr. -- b. 1844 - d. 1925 the son of:
  • George Clinton Grant Sr. -- b. 1812 - d. April 1, 1894 in New Jersey the son of:
  • Beriah Grant III -- b. 1776 Stonington, Ct; (Married to Nancy Burrows Grant) the son of:
  • Beriah Grant -- b. 1751  d. Oct. 3, 1825; (Married to Eunice Hilliard Grant) the son of:
  • Joshua Grant --  b. Sep. 28, 1725 Stonington, CT; (the twin of Martha Grant) the son of:
  • Beriah Grant --  b. July 24, 1698 as the illegitimate son of Marcy ‘Mercy’ Billings -- b. Oct. 10, 1674 -- Stonington, CT.

Kit 257842 – No information

Group H: Derbyshire Grants? (L21-)

Kit 426755 – No information

Kit 141765 - "Brickwalled" with John Grant ,born estimated 1660's ? Derbyshire?
  • Father - Leslie Grant , born 20th July 1911, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, died 11th April 1994, Sheffield. Married Miriam (Mirry) Beskaby born 1909 in Great Gonerby, Lincolnshire, died 2004 in Todwick, Nr Sheffield.
  • Grandfather - Willis Wilfred Grant, born 12th September 1881, Sheffield , South Yorkshire, died 14th April 1968 Sheffield, married in Sheffield 20th August 1910 to Mary Ellen Gale born Sheffield 1884, died 8th.May 1956.
  • 1 X Gt Grandfather--Charles Grant Born 1 Sep 1837 Sutton Cum Lound,Nottinghamshire, Marrige Sep Qtr Sheffield S.Yorkshire to Ann Gowland Born Abt 1838 Sheffield S.Yorkshire.
  • 2 X Gt Grandfather-Thomas Grant Bap 25 Sep 1796 Babworth,Nottinghamshire,  Married 27 Oct 1817 Sutton Cum Lound Nottinghamshire to Ellen Carlisle Bap Abt 1799 Manchester,Lancashire.
  • 3 X Gt Grandfather -William Grant, Bap 29 Dec 1764 Chesterfield (Walton) Derbyshire, Married 27 May 1793 Anston S.Yorkshire to Christiana Bennett Bap Apr 1769 Wingerworth, Derbyshire.
  • 4 X Gt Grandfather -Michael Grant, Bap 17 Oct 1732 Chinley,Derbyshire,England.  Married 27 May 1756 Clowne, Derbyshire to Sarah Renshaw Bap 4 Nov 1733 Clowne, Derbyshire.
  • 5 X Gt Grandfather-William Graunt, baptised 13th August 1687 in the hamlet of Whitehough (Parish of Chapel en le Frith) Derbyshire England.  1st Marriage in Chinley (Parish of Glossop) Derbyshire on the 18th October 1708 to Hannah Ashmore baptised Oct 1690 Chinley who was buried on the 27th May 1730 at Walton (Chesterfield) Derbyshire.    Marriage 16 June 1732 Peak Forest,Derbyshire to Jane Ward
  • 6 X Gt Grandfather-John Grant  (No details of Birth,  Estimate 1667?  I have only Paper Proof back to 5 X Gt Grandfather William Graunt (1687)

Group I, Subgroup 1: I-P109+

Kit 158684 can be traced back to his Great Grandfather, Paul WilliamGrant. 

  • Father was also named Howard Edward Grant, B: 2/7/1934 D: 11/15/2001
  • Grandfather was Howard Edward Grant, B: 8/31/1907 D: 1/30/1934
  • Great Grandfather, Paul William Grant, B: 3/8/1878 in Lawrence/Mercer, NJ, D: 5/1961.  Paul's parents were born in Germany.

Kit 39417 can be traced to his:great-grandfather James Knox Grant, whowe believe was born in Inverness in early 1836, possibly the son of Lewis Grantand Ann Dallas. He immigrated to either Melbourne or Tazmania around 1853, andwe know he definitely lived in Launceston, Tazmania for a short period, afterwhich he immigrated to N.Z. He died on the 7th March 1894 in Otago and buriedin Gore, Southland. Our problem is trying to connect him to someone inScotland, as apparently no-one in the family knows any history at all abouthim.

Kit 31972 – No information

Kit 287411 – No information

Kit 78433 – No information

Kit 43245 - My father had told me that my great or great-greatgrandfather (I don't recall which) was a first cousin to Pres. U. S.Grant.  I would really like to trace this back, but I do not have much ofan idea how to go about it.  Father had also said that the immigrantancestor came from Port Glasgow, Scotland.  His name and relationship Ihave forgotten.  Also, my grandparents divorced and father and grandmothermoved from Illinois to California, so I never met any of my other Grantrelatives.

  • Father:  Edward Mervile Grant - Born:  May 25, 1892 - Tonica, Eden Township, LaSalle County, Illinois   Died:  May 25, 1983 - Lebanon, Oregon.
  • Grandfather:  James Henry Grant - Born:  July 30, 1869 - Tonica, Illinois.  Died:  April 21, 1924 - Tonica, Ilinois.
  • Great-grandfather:  David Grant - Born:  February 18, 1828 - Syracuse, New York.  Died:  August 22, 1914 - Tonica, Ilinois.
  • Great-great-grandfather:  David Grant - Born:  about 1809 - Port Glasgow, Scotland.  Died: about 1908 - Illinois.

Group I, Subgroup 2: I-P109+ Elisha Grant of Lenoir, NC

Kit 275919 – No information

Kit 156050 is tied to William Joseph Grant

  • William Joseph Grant born 1829/1830 in Lenoir County, NC. William married Katherine Caroline Bean in 1854. They had six children, Jasper Newton Grant (1858–1926), Elijah Buchanan Grant (1861–1917), Caroline “Katie” Grant (1868–1930), John McFadden Grant (1870–1916), George W. Grant (1870–1905), and William Perry Grant (1872-1949). Caroline was earlier married to Konard Hartwick and had two children named Loduskia and Celianne, which adopted the name Grant. William married the widow Sarah Waddle Morrison in 1877 in AR after the death of Caroline. William Joseph Grant died sometime after 1883 in Van Buren County, AR.
  • Father
  • Elmer Eugene Grant II, 18 Nov 1918, Richland, Scott, Missouri, USA, 01 Sep 1976, Sikeston, Scott, Missouri, USA
  • Elmer Eugene Grant I, 15 Sep 1895 Morley, Scott, Missouri, USA, 08 May 1949, Sikeston Scott, Missouri, USA
  • Jasper Newton Grant, 08 Feb 1858, Arkansas, USA, 15 Dec 1926, McMullin, Scott, Missouri, USA
  • William Joseph Grant, 03 Jul 1829, Lenoir, Caldwell, North Carolina, USA, aft 11 Jun 1880, Davis, Van Buren, Arkansas, USA
  • Elisha Grant, 1798, Lenoir, North Carolina, USA. aft 23 Aug 1850, Ripley, Missouri, USA
  • Kits 156050 and 157437 are connected to Elisha Grant 1798-1850 thru William Joseph Grant 1829-1883 as described in kit 149892.

Kit 151747 – is a member of the very large Virginia-A group over inthe THORNTON Surname DNA Project. The Virginia-A group has several mainsubgroups. Three of these subgroups descend from early settlers in Virginia inthe 1600s. These include William “The Gloucester Immigrant” THORNTON, HenryTHORNTON (thought to be William’s brother - but no proof of that), and Luke.Evidence has been presented that William was born in Ryvington, Lancashirec1621. Luke is thought by some to be William’s son by a first marriage whileothers believe he is the grandson of Henry THORNTON and Martha FLOUD ofMiddlesex, England, however, no proof exists for either theory. The Lukesubgroup is by far the largest within Virginia-A. The fourth group, theNorthamptonshire group (of which I am a member) can be traced back to thesouthwestern corner of Northamptonshire. My grandfather was:

  • William Matthew THORNTON [b. 1901/d. 1988 in Boston, Mass]; his father was
  • George Thomas THORNTON [b. 1866/Kingston, Ontario & d. 1935/Boston, Mass], who immigrated to Boston in 1890; his father was
  • Timothy J. THORNTON [b. 1839/Walsgrave on Sowe, Warwickshire, UK & d. 1907/Halifax, Nova Scotia], who immigrated to Canada in 1859 with the British military (Royal Newfoundland Company); his father was
  • George THORNTON [b. 1806/Wolverton, Buckinghamshire, UK & d. 1865/Walsgrave on Sowe, Warwickshire, UK].
  • George’s father (another George) seems to originate from a succession of George THORNTONs from Canons Ashby in southwestern corner of Northamptonshire beginning c1687. How the Northamptonshire group is connected to the ancestors of William, Henry, and Luke is unknown, but Ryvington, Lancashire is a long way from Canons Ashby!

The Y-DNA testing shows that the“THORNTON Virginia-A” group is closely related to the “GRANT Group 05 (Group10A-Grant/Thornton)” group and the “EDMONDSON Haplogroup I - Lineage I” group.These three groups most likely had a common progenitor that existed prior tothe adoption of surnames some 1,000 years ago (give-or-take a century or two!)We are L22+/P109+ which puts us in the I1d1 Y-Haplogroup; Sweden has thehighest concentration of this Haplogroup today – this suggests that the MRCA ofour EDMONDSON-GRANT-THORNTON group, or his descendant, may have arrived inEngland as a Swedish Viking over a millennium ago.                                    

Kit 149892 is tied to Elisha Grant of Lenoir, North Carolina.

  • Living
  • Ules Simpson Grant, 26 Jul 1916, Blain Bottom, Oklahoma, USA, 09 Sep 1989, Ada, Pontotoc, Oklahoma, USA
  • Elijah Buchanan Grant, 15 Dec 1890, Atkins, Pope, Arkansas, USA, 03 Jul 1946, Ulan, Pittsburg, Oklahoma, USA
  • Elijah Buchanan Grant, 15 Dec 1859, Van Buren, Arkansas, USA. 06 Dec 1917, Vinita, Craig, Oklahoma, USA
  • William Joseph Grant, 03 Jul 1829, Lenoir, Caldwell, North Carolina, USA, aft 11 Jun 1880, Davis, Van Buren, Arkansas, USA
  • Elisha Grant, 1798, Lenoir, North Carolina, USA. aft 23 Aug 1850, Ripley, Missouri, USA

Elisha Grant of Lenoir, NorthCarolina. He is traced from Lenior to Knox Co. Kentucky and Ripley, Missouri.His sons were John Henry Grant (b 1822, d 1907), James Grant (b 1824, d 1850),Thaddeus Theopolus Grant (b 1827 d 1916), Elisha Grant (b 1827, d 1870),William Joseph Grant ( b 1829 d aft 1883), Buck Grant (b 1832, Lewis Grant (b1836), John C Grant (b 1846) and Stephen Grant(b 1850 d 1899). The last foursons were from Elisha’s marriage to Nancy (last name Ukn) of North Carolina.Four YDNA tests have confirmed John Henry, Thaddeus Theopolus and WilliamJoseph are related.

Kit 145959 is a descendant of John Grant.  Below is ourlineage: 

  • Living Grant was born in Buckie to Alexander and Jane and has a son also Living Grant born in England.
  • Alexander was born to John and Marjory 4 May 1880 in Buckie.  He married Jane Coull 14 Dec 1911 and died 2 Feb 1963.  Alexander was a Fisherman. 
  • John Grant was born 14 Mar 1841 in Rathven Scotland, married 23 Jan 1869 to Marjory Watt of Fraserburgh.  John was a Fisherman who died 17 Mar 1892 in Rathven.  
  • James Grant and who died 3 Feb 1902 in Buckie Banffshire Scotland.  He was a Tailor married to Ann Reid in Buckie on 8 Oct 1835.
  • John Grant who most likely was born in Tomintoul Banffshire Scotland in 1814 to James Grant and who died 3 Feb 1902 in Buckie Banffshire Scotland.

Kit 157437 is tied to William Joseph Grant born 1829/1830 in LenoirCounty, NC.

  • Self
  • Father: Allen Artelle Grant                    b. 1914      Oklahoma           d. 2000      California
  • Grand: Henry Isom Grant                    b. 1886      Arkansas            d. 1934      Oklahoma
  • Great:  Elijah Buckanan Grant I           b. 1859      Arkansas            d. 1917      Oklahoma
  • 2 G      William Joseph Grant               b. 1829      North Carolina    d. 1880      Arkansas
  • 3 G      Elisha Grant                             b. 1798      North Carolina    d. 1850      Missouri

Kit 171632 is tied to

  • Richard Lowell Grant, 28 Nov 1919, Huntington, Cabell, West Virginia, USA. 28 Oct 1954, Mahoning, Ohio, USA
  • Richard Stephen Grant, 10 Apr 1898, Knox, Kentucky, USA, 27 Aug 1988, Galia, Ohio, USA
  • Joseph G Grant, 27 May 1863, Knox, Kentucky, USA, 22 Oct 1948, Knox, Kentucky, USA
  • John Henry Grant, 22 Nov 1822, North Carolina, USA, 15 Jun 1907, Knox, Kentucky, USA
  • Elisha Grant, 1798, Lenoir, North Carolina, USA. aft 23 Aug 1850, Ripley, Missouri, USA

Kit 182171 is tied to Thaddeus Theopolus Grant born 1825 in NC anddied 1916 in Grayson, Texas. Thaddeus married Sarah Elizabeth Duncan in 1849.They had twelve children, Lee, Martha, Sarah, Minerva, Charles, Mary, JohnHenry, (1855-1891), Elisha, Lewis, Theodisch, Dulcie, and Lucinda --Thaddeus T.Grant-John Henry Grant-Alvris White Grant -- Kit 182171 is connected to thesame Elisha Grant, but thru Thaddeus Theopolus Grant 1825-1916.

  • Father
  • Alvris White Grant, 13 Sep 1883, Dripping Springs, Grayson, Texas, USA 12 Oct 1956, Denison, Grayson, Texas, USA
  • John Henry Grant, 25 Nov 1855, Butler, Missouri, USA, 28 Sep 1891, Grayson, Texas, USA
  • Thaddeous Theopolus Grant, 1827, North Carolina, USA, 28 Jun 1925, Brazos, Texas, USA
  • Elisha Grant, 1798, Lenoir, North Carolina, USA. aft 23 Aug 1850, Ripley, Missouri, USA

Group I-M253 - William Grant of Greenville Co.,SC (Needs SNP Testing)

Kit 138335

  • Self   Johnny R. Grant   Born Anderson County, S. C.
  • Father - Ralph A. Grant,  Born Oconee County, S. C.   4-27-1914; Died  Anderson County, S. C. 8-6-1985
  • Grandfather - Samuel Asa Grant  Born Oconee County, S. C.  7-1894; Died  Tampa, Florida
  • Great Grandfather - William Grant Born Oconee County, S. C.   3-15-1872; Died  Oconee County, S. C.  5-21-1936;(husband of Anna Maria Grant,  Daughter of Samuel Grant and Granddaughter of Asa Grant, son of William Grant)
  • Great Great Grandfather - Pressley Grant   Born Oconee County, S, C.  11-21-1848  Died Oconee County, S. C.  1-31-1921
  • Great Great Great Great Grandfather - William Grant  Born Oconee County, S. C.1-8-1893 Died  Oconee County, S. C.   1860
  • Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather - William Grant  Born Augusta County, Va. 8-3-1761   Died Oconee County, S. C.8-28-1853
  • Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather - William Grant  Birth place unknown circa 1732   Died Greenville County, S. C.  12-13-1812

Kit 25934 is tied to

William Grant. His family has beentracedfrom Augusta County, Va. to South Carolina in approx. 1767. He livedfirst inUnion County (Ninety Six District) and then Greenville County. He wasborn in1732 and died circa 1812. William Grant and his wife was Keturah had ason alsonamed William.

William, moved from Greenville Countytopresent day Oconee County. He was born in 1761 and died in 1853. Some oftheoriginal William's children and some of his son's children moved toHabershamCounty, Ga. At least one of the family moved to Tennessee and somewent toTexas.

Kit 26052 is tied to:

  • John Henry Grant, b 21 Oct 1895 in Thayer Co. Nebraska or Narka, Republic Co. KS. John Henry Grant m Ethel Lena Allen June 1919.
  • Robert E. Grant b Dec 1862 married Mary Ann Ginn.
  • Harvey B. Grant b 19 Nov 1835 in Corydon, Harrison Co., Indiana. Harvey married Mary Jane McBride 11 Nov 1857. Unsure of how many children they had because census names and Harvey's probate names don't exactly match.
  • Wilkinson Grant b 23 Jan 1804 in Bourbon Co KY. According to "The Descendants of William and Elizabeth Grant" by Dianne Clem Hirschi.  Wilkinson Grant married Christina Ward 29 Sep 1825 in Corydon, Harrison Co. Indiana. Wilkinson and Christina and family moved to Henry County, Iowa about 1843.
  • George Grant and Mary Berry.

Kit 326740 descends from John LeGrant:

  • Paul Edward Grant (1899-1964)
  • Courtland C. Grant (1853-1932)
  • James S. Grant (1825-aft.1880)
  • Daniel Grant Sr. (1775-1841)
  • William Grant II (1746/7-1821)
  • John Grant (1704-1762)
  • William MacDonald Grant (1670-1733) THE EMIGRANT
  • John Grant (1637-
  • William Grant Chieftain of Corrimony d.
  • John Oig Grant 3rd Chieftain of Corrimony d. >1644
  • John Grant 2nd Chieftain of Corrimony d.
  • John Grant 1st Chieftain of Corrimony d. 1553
  • John Bard Roy 2nd Laird of Freuchie Grant (1468-1528)
  • John "Younger" of Freuchie Grant (1439-1482)
  • Sir Duncan 1st of Freuchie Grant (1413-1495)
  • Sir John Roy Grant (1370-1434)
  • John Grant (1333-1370)
  • John LeGrant (1296-1325)

Kit 405764 is a descendant of William Grant of Virginia:

  • Self:    David Joseph Grant – Living
  • Father:  Joseph Lincoln Grant, b. 12 Feb 1920, Humansville, Missouri, USA; d. 15 Jan 2000, Independence, Missouri, USA.
  • Grandfather:  Stanley Richard Grant, b. 13 Nov 1886, Butler County, Kansas, USA; d. 21 Dec 1979, Topeka, Kansas, USA.
  • G-Grandfather:  William David Grant 1, b. 1 Jul 1848, Woodford County, Illinois, USA; d. 17 Jan 1925, Pomona, Missouri, USA.
  • GG-Grandfather:  Joseph Grant 2, b. 7 Jul 1827, Harrison County, Indiana, USA; d. 11 Aug 1904, Kappa, Illinois, USA.
  • GGG-Grandfather:  William Grant 3, b. 22 Sep 1782, Virginia, USA; d. ca. 1837

   1.  According to the cemetery where he is buried, WilliamDavid Grant was born in Fayette County, Illinois, USA.  The book, Kappa,Illinois: Its Early Families and History, indicates that Joseph Grant,William’s father, had originally moved from Indiana to Bowling Green, Illinois,in 1842, prior to the move to Woodford County.  Bowling Green, Illinois isin northern Fayette County.
   2.  Joseph is said to have told William David Grant’schildren that he had the same middle name.
   3.  William Grant’s birth information is based on his beingthe William Grant who married Patsy Browning in Bourbon County, Kentucky in1801.  Their information is found in a family bible, and it doesn’t matchWilliam’s 1820 Census information.  This might be explained by William’shousehold being an extended family, but it probably eliminates this case.

Kit N48297 – No information

Group J: Assumed Clan Allan members, likely M198+

Kit IN45086 – No Information

Kit 443563 – No information

Kit 444958 – No information

Kit 524636 – No information

Kit 55426 – No information

Kit 76847 Grant ancestors can be traced no further than the end ofthe 18th century, when they were farmers in Duffus, Moray. The earliest Grantancestor we can identify positively is Andrew. Alexander's 1859 certificate of marriage in the Borough of Elgin. There arecorroborated records of Alexander's birth in 1823 in Duffus and death in 1912,in Arran Township, Bruce County, Ontario. John Grant in Duffus Parish, parents Andrew Grant and Elspet Dick, but the datelacks corroboration. John is identifiable in the 1841 census, with spouseKatherine (Ross), and place of residence, Woodside, Duffus. The sameinformation is in John's 1873 death record. John and Katherine are named ontheir son (my great-grandfather) Andrew, at the 6th generation. He and his wife Elspet Dick are named on theirson John's death certificate (1873). We have a 1796 birth certificate for 682096

Kit 682096 is a descendant of William A. McBean of Lethbridge, Alberta

  • Self - LIVING
  • Father - Norman Albert McBean, b. March 12, 1922 Fernie, British Columbia, d. December 18, 1968 Edmonton, Alberta
  • Grandfather - Albert Eric McBean b. November 8, 1898 Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, d. September 22, 1973 Calgary, Alberta
  • GGrandfather - Albert Arthur McBeanb. May 31, 1867 Ottawa Municipality, Ontario, Canada ( no birth records), d. November 04, 1939 Sparwood, British Columbia
  • GGGrandfather - William A McBean, d. August 18, 1900 Lethbridge, Alberta

Kit 92374 is tied to John Grant (born abt 1740) inTomchaldon/Thomchalton croft in Tulloch. He married Janet Grant on the 16thSept 1766. They had a son Gregor Grant born abt. 31 Jan 1766 (oops). ThisGregor married Margaret Cameron, date unknown. They had a son Grigor Grant born12th Jan 1786. At this stage the family were still residing at Tomchaldon.Grigor went on to marry Betsie Grant of Rybhoanbhar, but at some stage thefamily moved to Rynuan. He was also a Corporal in the 10th Militia. An areanear Stranrue was named after him "Grigor’s Green" (Not known of nowby the locals). By all accounts he was a bit of a lad! I think this movecoincided with the croft at Thomchaldon burning down and or the marriage of hisson Gregor (born 3rd March 1827 my GGG Grandfather ) to Janet Stewart of Rynuanin 1850. Gregor and Janet had a son Donald Grant (born 3rd March 1855 my GGGrandfather( 1 of 7 children)). The more I look into the circumstances of theTulloch area the more I am convinced that Thomchaldon was perhaps a sub tenantcroft on the Mains of Tulloch farm. More research underway in the SeafieldPapers may resolve this. Donald then married Christina McLeod at Charlestown,Inverness. They had nine children. One of them Charles, my Grandfather, wasborn in Upper Kessock Street, Inverness. It would appear that the family movedaround the Inverness/ Aviemore area. The oldest 2 children appear to have beenborn in Bonar, Balphadrig a suburb of Inverness, they then moved to Alvie wheremy grandfather was born, then they move back to Inverness. Still looking forinformation earlier than 1740.

Kit 384220 – No information

Kit 35990 is tied to Benoni Grant. Benoni was born in the late1750's, supposedly in the state of Connecticut. I don't know when or where hewas born or his parents. Benoni was an officer in the Revolutionary War. Isuspect after the war he lived in New York State (possibly the area of LakeGeorge). In 1793 he moved to the St. Armand area of Canada. He received 1200acres in Stanstead, Canada in 1800. By 1820 he moved to High Gate, Vermontwhere he received a pension for his services in the Rev. War. He eventuallymoved to Lake George,New York. He died March 6, 1825. By his first wife (nameunknown) he had 2 sons William and John. I'm a descendant of William and hiswife Lois Burch. William was born c.1776 in New York State. Benoni married hissecond wife Catherine Deal August 30, 1795 in St. Armand, Canada. He had alarge family with Catherine. I know a great deal about Benoni's descendants,but not his ancestors. Family history say he was related somehow to PresidentGrant, but I've never been able to prove or disprove it. It could have beenjust wishful thinking on the part of my ancestors.

Kit 360815 male ancestral line … the story so far…

  • William Henry GRANT b. 1846 Marseille, Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France, d. 1929 Ryde NSW, Australia + Frances Anne HAMMERTON b. 1855 Walworth, Surrey, England, d. 1943 Marrickville NSW, Australia
  • Charles Henry GRANT b. 1814 Saint Vincent, West Indies, d. 1872 Marseille, Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France+ Emma Catherine RICHARDSON b. 1813 Istanbul, Turkey, d. 1896 Shibden Hall, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
  • Major  Charles GRANT b. 1785 Antigua or Saint Vincent, West Indies, d. 1828 Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England+ Mary Ann HASLER
  • Charles GRANT b. 1751 Elgin, Moray, Scotland, d. 1821 Marseille, Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France+ Ann MAYER d. 1796 Antigua, West Indies
  • James GRANT (“of Carron”) b. 1728 Carron, Moray, Scotland, d. Holyrood Abbey House, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland + 1st wife unknown
  • Captain Lewis GRANT (“of Auchterblair”) b. 1694 + Elizabeth GRANT d. 1728
    Robert GRANT (“of Cour”)+ Wife unknown, Widow of a James GRANT of Auchterblair

From there thetrail becomes muddy. William Henry GRANT believed that Robert GRANT wasdescended from another James GRANT of Auchterblair and his wife Agnes GRANT ofLurg.

Kit 370212 – No information

Kit 370212 – No information

Kit 290177 – No information

Kit 142853 – No information

the possible son ofGeorge Grant III and Patience Hobart.  Their son,
Ichabod.  Birth, marriage and christening records. Unable to verifyWilliam as the son of Samuel, but that was proven by Robert Grant and RickCrume. Info on George and Ida came from my grandfathers marriage license.Records for my grandfather’s brother Levi Raymond was found at the home of mygrandparents in 2007.  Located graves for George’s brother and sister, aschildren of Ichabird and Mary. (s/b Ichabod) Ichabod was the 2nd settler to theSouthampton area in 1862 have located his old homestead site. My grandfatherbirth was never recorded, his parents were both dead by the age of 9, he wasraised by his older sisters.  My grandparents are buried in the EastCloverdale Cemetery with my grandmother’s parents. George Frederick is alsoburied there in an unmarked grave. We have some idea where his grave islocated, family members passed the info down over the ages and my aunts wereable to pinpoint a location.

Kit 100170 is a descendant of

William Grant
Samuel Grant, christened 1760 in Dublin Ireland.  Samuel Grant married AnnNancy Nichols and their children were, William 1787-1879, Samuel Jr.1790-1856,Ann, Mary1792-, Elizabeth 1808-after 1860, Benjamin 1816-, Fanny 1806- andCharles 1806-.  Rick Crume is in possession of Samuel's christeningrecord.

Kit 111921 – No information

Kit 221273 – No information

Kit 225600 – No information

Group K: G Haplogroup M201

Kit 22417 – No information

Kit 21735 – No information

Kit 28780 – No information

Group L: E1b1b1 Haplogroup - Descendants of Edward Grant b. 1632 and d. 1682

Kit 208779  – No information

Kit 768486 descends from William B.Grant:

  • Self
  • Father- Living
  • Grandfather- Robert L. Grant (1926-2004) and Margaret L. Bachand (1927-2001)
  • GGrandfather- Harry L. Grant (1900-1945) and Ruth Estella Allen (1909- ?)
  • GGGrandfather- Oscar L. Grant (1879-1920) and Alice Watson Green (1881-1954)
  • GGGGrandfather- William B. Grant (1842-1910) and Nancy P. Start (1852-1922)

Kit N59611 – No information

Group M: R-M417>CTS4179

Kit 226532 – No information

Group N: Haplogroup E-M2

Kit 423919 – No information

Kit N10161 – No information

Kit B37507 – No information

Kit A3480 – Noinformation

Group O: Scotland to Australia & I-M253+

Kit 527240 is a descentant of Norman Grant of Scotland:
  • Self
  • Father - Robert James Grant b. 10 August 1908 in Kingaroy, Queensland, Australia - d. 3 August 1994 in Kingaroy, Queensland, Australia.
  • Grandfather - Robert James Grant - b. 17 October, 1875 in Keith, County Banff,Scotland - d. 17 May, 1964 in Kingaroy, Queensland, Australia
  • GGF - James Grant - b. 25 January, 1845 in Keith, County Banff, Scotland - d. 14 November, 1926 in Keith, County Banff, Scotland
  • GGGF - Thomas Grant - b. 25th February, 1805 in Inveravon, County Banff, Scotland - d. 24th December, 1881 in Keith, County Banff, Scotland
  • GGGGF - Alexander Grant - b. 23 May, 1749 in Inveravon, County Banff, Scotland - unable to find death information.
  • GGGGGF - Norman Grant - no birth record found, but listed on birth certificate of Alexander Grant - possible death 25 November, 1760 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
I have a record of a brother to my Grandfather - his name was Alexander Grant b. 18 January, 1885 in Keith, County Banff, Scotland - he emigrated to Canada and died there, but we have no records. His brother Alexander Grant b. 27 February, 1890 in Crannoch, County Grange, Scotland emigrated to Canada and joined the Canadian Army on 9 November 1917 . He was in 1st Depot Saskatoon Regiment with a regimental number 258373. We understand that he was killed in WW1 in Europe, but can find no such record.

Kit 263801 – No information

Group P:

Kit 215067 – No information

Kit 45078 – No information

Kit 679919 – No Information

Group R: Scotland to Nova Scotia & I-P27+

Kit 887186 – No Information

Kit 484020 – No information

Kit 265569 – No information

Group S:

Kit 584381 – No information

Kit 64828
– No information

Group T: Descendants of Thomas Grant (1630-1690)

Kit 738515 is descendant of Thomas Grant b. 1630 perhaps in Invernesshire,Scotland:

  • Father - Richard William Grant b. May 19, 1919 Altamont, Effingham, Illinois; d. July 1,
  • 1994  Morgan Co., Alabama
  • GF - William Winfield Grant b. Sept 20, 1880  Loudon, Fayette, Illinois; January 27,
  • 1951   Fayette Co. Illinois        
  • GGF - Anthony Mathias Grant b. Oct. 25, 1852 Fayette Co., Illinois; d. July 6, 1928  Fayette Co. Illinois
  • 2GF - Edmund Grant b.  Jan. 8, 1814 Greene, Pennsylvania; d. August 12, 1867 Fayette Co. Illinois
  • 3GF - Anthony Grant b. Jan. 7, 1783, Monmouth, New Jersey; d. January 17, 1866  Pike, Knox, Ohio
  • 4GF - James Grant  b. 1752  Dover, Monmouth, New Jersey; 1827 Greene, Pennsylvania
  • 4GF - John G. Grant b. 1725 Burlington City, New Jersey; d. 1790 Dover, Monmouth, New Jersey
  • 5GF- John Grant b. Jan. 24, 1676. Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts; d. About 1753 Little Egg Harbor, Ocean, New Jersey
  • 6GF - Thomas Grant b. 1630, perhaps Invernesshire, Scotland; d. June 12, 1690 Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts

 Kit 325975 descends from Thomas Grant:

  • Father - George T Grant b. 26 Nov 1908 in Tuckerton, Ocean, NJ; d. 16 Jul 1984 same area.
  • Grandfather - George Washington Grant b. 24 Oct 1858 in Barnegat, Ocean, NJ; d. 01 Nov 1941 in Atlantic City, Atlantic, NJ.
  • GGrandfather - Enoch Grant b. Jul 1824 in Northampton, Burlington, NJ; d. 1 Mar 1876 in Tuckerton, Ocean, NJ.
  • GGGrandfather - Miles Grant b. 1794 Cedar Creek, Monmouth, NJ; d. 1 Jul 1872 in Tuckerton, Burlington, NJ.
  • GGGGrandfather - John Grant b. 1761 in Dover, Monmouth, NJ; d. 18 Aug 1830 in same area.
  • GGGGGrandfather - Joseph William Grant b. 1731 in Burlington, Monmouth, NJ; d. 1790 in NJ.
  • GGGGGGrandfather - John Grant b. 5 Aug 1672 in Rehoboth, Bristol, MA; d. 4 Jul 1746 in Attleborough, Bristol MA.
  • GGGGGGGrandfather - Thomas Grant b. 1630 in Rehoboth, Bristol, MA; d. 12 Jun 1690 in Rehoboth, Bristol, MA;

Group X: Grants without clear matches to other Grants at this time

Kit 33226 - No Information

Kit 102542 goes back as far as !835, with the birth of Edward Grant of Co. Armagh Ireland, a farmer. He was born Nov 11, 1835 and died April 22, 1892 in Brookfield, MO. Buried in St Michaels Catholic Cemetery. He married Mary E. Grant, of Irish ancestry, born in Canada, July 1839. Listed in the 1910 census as being 69 yrs and a naturalized citizen. We do not know where in Canada they lived during this time. Further research is pending. Mary may be an McConnell, as Edward McConnell born in Co. Armagh Ireland, is buried in the same plot. He died in 1875 at age 90 years. Sons and Daughters born to this union, Emily Grant b. 1860 Canada, Margaret Grant b.1861 Canada, John Grant b 1863 Canada, Joseph Grant b.1865 Canada, (married Josie Grant, daughter Mary E. Grant b 1898); *Robert Grant b. 1866 Canada, (married Alma Grant b. 1873 in Illinois, daughters Lena. b. 1892 and Lilly b. 1894, son, Lewis b.1903, son, Vernon, b. 1906, son Chester, b 1908, daughter Gina, b. 1909 or 10); James Grant b 1868, Canada; Henry Grant b 1870, Brookfield Mo.; **Lawrence Grant, b. 1875 Brookfield Mo; (this was grandfather of our line) (married Grace Brewer Grant ((niece of General John J. Pershing)), b Mountain Grove,Mo); Frank Grant, b. 1878 Grantsville, Mo; Patrick Grant b. 1880, Brookfield Mo. d.1880 6 mo; Mary Catherine Grant b 1884, Brookfield Mo. *Robert Grant was living in Tulsa Ok in 1930, son Chester died in Tulsa, April 11, 1998, born July 16, 1907 or 08. **Sons of Lawrence were Clarence (Pat), b. 1909 (m. Florence, son Robert Lee and daughter Patricia Ann), Emery W. Grant (father of our line) sons, William E. Grant, Clarence R. Grant, daughter Judy Grant Small. Would love to have any information about the rest of this family.

Kit B168816 is a descendant of Alexander Grant of Tomintoul, Banffshire:

  • Father: Robert Calder Grant : Born 22 Nov 1922 at Nether Downan, Glenlivet, Banffshire, Scotland, Died 12 Feb 2013 In Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, home address was Elmgrove, Downan, Glenlivet, Banffshire, Scotland
  • Grandfather Alexander John Grant: Born 22 Jan 1891 at Knockandhu, Glenlivet, Banffshire, Scotland, Died 17 Feb 1971 in care in County Hospital, Dufftown, Banffshire, Scotland.  Home address was Elmgrove, Downan, Glenlivet, Banffshire, Scotland
  • Great Grandfather Alexander Grant: Born 08 Jul 1870 at Fergusons Court, 110 Gallowgate, Aberdeen, Scotland, Died 26 Jul 1907 at Knockandhu, Glenlivet, Banffshire, Scotland
  • G/Great Grandfather John Grant: Born 12 Jan 1840 in Kirkmichael, Banffshire, Scotland, Died 31 Mar 1905 in Tomintoul, Banffshire, Scotland
  • G/G/Great Grandfather Alexander Grant: Born 09 Sep 1804 at Duthil, Rothiemurchus, Inverness-shire, Died 08 Jan 1889 in Tomintoul, Banffshire.
  • G/G/G/Great Grandfather Peter Grant but not confirmed.
Kit 170971 – No information

Kit 745601 is a descendant of Alexander Grant, Sr.:

  • Richard Oscar Grant, Jr. 1936 to 2012 (Wilmington, NC)
  • Richard Oscar Grant 1892 to 1970 (Wilmington, NC)
  • Richard Oscar Grant 1858 to 1912 (Wilmington, NC)
  • Richard Hatch Grant 1816 to 1878 (Wilmington, NC)
  • Lt Col Reuben Grant c 1745 to 1791 (Onslow County, NC)
  • Capt Soloman Grant c 1721 to 1771 (Onslow County, NC)
  • Alexander Grant, Sr. c. 1681 to 1738 (Onslow County, NC)
Kit 67689 – No information

Kit 722998 is a descendant of John Grant, b. 1753 in the Isle of Jersey: 
  • Richard Allen Grant – December 9th, 1913 – January 31st, 1986 – born in Williamstown, NY
  • Roy Andrew Grant – August 31st, 1880 – May 5th, 1955 – born in Rockton, Illinois
  • ****I only know the facts for certain up to this point; the rest I found on through other members’ research***
  • William A. Grant – August 25th, 1858 – February 2nd, 1931 – born in Redfield, NY
  • David Alvin Grant – August 3rd, 1828 – July 2nd, 1905 – born in Penett Square, NY
  • Philip Dexter Grant – December 29th, 1792 – November 15th, 1871 – born in Greenfield, New Hampshire
  • John Grant, 1753, Isle of Jersey

Kit 191205 – No information

Kit 118388 indicates his oldest known descendant is John Grant in Roxby, Yorkshire, England on or about 1450 AD. His son was William Grant, born about 1485 in the same place. This information was researched under the direction of Heber J. Grant when he was President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I cannot vouch for its accuracy. I do have a couple of family rumors on why it stops there. It is said when he made it back this far he found an illegitimate son and stopped the research. Also, I am told that my line is not related to President U.S. Grant. I am told that the King of England gave one of my descendants a large portion of land. As a sign of respect for the king, his descendant took the surname of Grant to show he accepted the grant of land he was given.

Kit 192725 – No information

Kit 362893 is a descendant of Rev'd Charles Grant:
  • Rory Blaise Grant @ Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Robert Michael Grant - 04.12.1973 @ Lancaster, England.
  • Alexander Grant (DNA test contributor - my mother's 1st cousin) - Born 25.06.1947 - St. Andrew's, Fife, Scotland. Currently resides in Lancaster, England.
  • Revd. St. George (Jim) Victor Rowland Grant - 01.11.1917 @ Freebridge Lynn, Norfolk, England to 08.03.2002 @ Glasgow, Scotland. Miniater in Church of Scotland.   
  • Revd. Arthur Rowland Harry Grant - 28.01.1882 @ Shapwick, Somerset, England to 24.10.1961 @ Putney, London, England. Minister in Church of England and Chaplain to King George V.
  • Revd. Charles Grant - Born in ca. 1838 @ Adisham, Kent, England. Death details unknown. Was Prebendary of Bath & Wells Anglican Cathedral.
  • John Grant - 1811 @ Adisham, Kent to 21.02.1892 @ Adisham, Kent.

Kit 40927 is a descendant of William Grant (d 1795) through son Andrew (d ca 1825) through his son Charles B Grant, through his son Henry B Grant. All lived in Rutherford, NC, then Charles moved to Macon Co., NC, where Henry was born.

Kit 192083 – No information

Kit 518233 is a descendant of James Grant of Boyndie Parish, Banffshire:
  • Self
  • Father - James Grant, Jr.- b. 5-27-1915 in Portsoy, Banffshire, d. 4-24-2009.
  • Grandfather - James Grant, Sr. b. 4-26-1890 in Portsoy, Banffshire, d. 1959.
  • GGrandfather - James Grant b. Abt 1850 in Boyndie Parish, Banffshire, d. 1895.

Kit 587204 – No information

Kit 85599 is tied to William M. Grant born 1861 in Ohio . The son of Isaac and Lydia A. Grant also believe to be from Ohio. We do not know anything about him except he was married to Mary L. McDonald ( Nova Scotia) in Medfield, Massachusetts on Feb 27, 1889. They had three children their names were Dorothy, Clarence , and Ethel. He left them about 1898-- we have no idea where he went after. We would appreciate anyone with close DNA ties to respond.

Kit 467431 – No information

Kit 31534 traces back seven generations to a William Grant who was born either in Scotland or Virginia in the period between 1710 and 1720. All records of his birth were list either in the Revolution or Civil Wars unless there is some as yet unknown source. He married a Mary Morris but that is about all we know about her except that apparently she was born in that same 10 year period. William moved to North Carolina and died their in 1794. Mary died in 1800. The remaining members of my family, up to father, all lived in North Carolina. My family then includes Andrew, 1755-1825, a son of William and Mary. Andrew married a Martha MacKey or MacKay, no birth/death info about her. Then Charles B. Grant, 1790-1867, a son of Andrew and Martha. He married Mary "Polly" Morris, 1799-1880. Then their youngest son, Henry Burnett Grant, 1836-1882, is my great-grandfather. He married Elizabeth C. Morrison, 1835-1924. Elizabeth was apparently born in Virginia and moved with her parents to North Carolina when she was a girl. Henry and Elizabeth had a large family and my grandfather, Vance Monroe Grant, 1865-1899, was one of the younger ones. Vance and his older brother Randall Vaney Grant, moved to Madison County, Arkansas, in the 1880s. Vance married Effie Mashburn in Madison County and they had four children, 3 boys and a girl. My father was the middle boy. Vance died of severe pneumonia in the late winter of 1899 while Effie carried their youngest boy. My father, Hobart McKinley Grant, 1896-1960, moved with his mother and her second husband, and the other two boys, to Kansas about 1912. My father was born on election day, Nov. 4, 1896, and was given the names of the new vice-president and president. Dad was a Methodist minister and went to college at Kansas Wesleyan University, then to Boston University School of Theology, where he met my mother, a Canadian registered nurse, Allie Elizabeth Cameron, 1903-1991. We have the Cameron linage back at least four generations in Scotland. Bottom line, we need the DNA results to prove, one way or another, that we are Scottish Grants rather than English.

Kit 50380 – No information

Kit 431008 – No information

Kit 163670 – My lineage is:
Father was Thornton James Grant born in Buffalo NY
son of Harry P. Grant and Clara Stewart of Sacketts NY.  The records were lost in a Church fire.  It is estimated Harry Grant was born about 1886 Sacketts NY.  
However his parents died when he was quite young and he was sent to Buffalo to live.  Then prior to World War II, in order to work in the defense industry he had to prove citizenship.  Upon return to Sacketts, He learned of the fire.  He found someone who had known the family and they gave him a letter.  So I am trying to get past this hurdle.
I have tried every avenue that I could think of to trace back to a more distant relative on the Grant side.  That’s why a joined the DNA project.  I'm hoping to find a close enough match to get me to a area of Scotland where my Grant relatives came from. Through investigation I know that there a several possible areas.  Harry Grant was born about 1886.

Kit 245615 - No information

Kit B4761 – No information

Kit 552181 – No information

Kit 171847 can be traced back to John Grant, 1753-1820, who was born on the Isle of Jersey and emigrated to Marblehead, Massachusetts around 1769.  Settled in Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, where three more generations of Grants were born.  Family then moved west to Wisconsin and then on to Missouri.

Kit 251914 – No information

Kit 467431 – No information

Kit 240192 is a descendant of John Grant and wife Janet.

  • Father John GRANT b 1884 Polmont, Falkirk d Edinburgh 1967 m Williamina McEwen McIntosh b 1899 Banff d Edinburgh 1984
  • GF John Drummond GRANT b 1851 Huntly d ? m Mary Ann Clark b 1848 Falkirk
  • GGF Alexander GRANT b 1823 Abernethy d ? m Isabella Drummond b 1827 Muthill
  • GGGF James GRANT b 1792 Cromdale d ? m Mary Stewart
  • GGGGF Lewis GRANT m Ann McDonal
Kit 325975 descends from Thomas Grant:
  • Father - George T Grant b. 26 Nov 1908 in Tuckerton, Ocean, NJ; d. 16 Jul 1984 same area.
  • Grandfather - George Washington Grant b. 24 Oct 1858 in Barnegat, Ocean, NJ; d. 01 Nov 1941 in Atlantic City, Atlantic, NJ.
  • GGrandfather - Enoch Grant b. Jul 1824 in Northampton, Burlington, NJ; d. 1 Mar 1876 in Tuckerton, Ocean, NJ.
  • GGGrandfather - Miles Grant b. 1794 Cedar Creek, Monmouth, NJ; d. 1 Jul 1872 in Tuckerton, Burlington, NJ.
  • GGGGrandfather - John Grant b. 1761 in Dover, Monmouth, NJ; d. 18 Aug 1830 in same area.
  • GGGGGrandfather - Joseph William Grant b. 1731 in Burlington, Monmouth, NJ; d. 1790 in NJ.
  • GGGGGGrandfather - John Grant b. 5 Aug 1672 in Rehoboth, Bristol, MA; d. 4 Jul 1746 in Attleborough, Bristol MA.
  • GGGGGGGrandfather - Thomas Grant b. 1630 in Rehoboth, Bristol, MA; d. 12 Jun 1690 in Rehoboth, Bristol, MA;

Kit 334831 descents from Thomas Grant who married in 1639 in Lyndhurst Hampshire:
  • Self
  • Father Joseph Albert Frederick Grant b 1917 Lyndhurst Hampshire d 1983 Gosport Hampshire.
  • Grandfather Joseph George Grant b 1889 Lyndhurst Hampshire d 1974 Gosport Hampshire.
  • 2x grandfather  Joseph Grant b 1855 & d 1934 Lyndhurst Hampshire.
  • 3x grandfather Thomas Grant b 1825 & d 1902 Lyndhurst Hampshire.
  • 4x grandfather James Grant b 1783 & d 1864 Lyndhurst Hampshire.
  • 5x grandfather John Grant b 1750 & d 1817 Lyndhurst Hampshire.
  • 6x grandfather John Grant b 1722 & d 1788 Lyndhurst Hampshire.
  • 7x grandfather John Grant b 1690  Lyndhurst Hampshire d-------
  • 8x grandfather Augustus Grant b------ d 1713 Lyndhurst Hampshire.
  • 9x grandfather Thomas Grant b------  d ----- (married 1639 in Lyndhurst Hampshire.)

Kit 46999 has traced his Grant forebears to: James Grant, born about 1850 and lived in Fearn, Ross-shire. He is looking into more deail, so will let you know if anything surfaces.

Kit 163789 can be traced back to his Grandfather carried out detailed research into our family history finding that our recent past is established definitely back to a Gregor Grant who was thought to have been the son of Patrick (McAlpine) Grant, 5th Laird of Rothiemurchus and his second wife Rachel Grant of Tullochgorum in about 1743. Gregor and his wife Margaret are thought to have lived in Blair Street, near the Tron Kirk. Gregor was a Merchant in the Old Kirk Parish but later, we are told, became a Kings Messenger for the Sheriff of Edinburgh. In a memorandum of a Great Uncle Colesworthey Grant published in Calcutta in 1881, page 2, “The Grants that came to Calcutta were connected with the Grant’s of Rothiemurchus” and on page 4, speaking of my GGGrandfather George Grant, a Watch, Clock, and Chronometer maker there, it says, “Sir John Grant (Rothiemurchus himself)”, another Judge of the Supreme Court, called on George shortly after Sir Edward Ryan’s first visit and said “Mr Grant, I find we are kinsmen, to which George respectfully nodded. This would have been Sir John Peter Grant. 8th Laird of Rothiemurchus and father of Elizabeth Grant of Rothiemurchus who wrote the “Memoirs of a Highland Lady” or her brother, Sir John Peter Grant, GCMG, KCB. 10th Laird.
The Gregor Grant Family, 1720 – date.

  • Gregor, assumed son of Patrick Macalpine Grant 1665 – 1742, Laird of Rothimurchus (See Sir Wm Fraser, Chiefs of Grant p 509.  Mother, Rachell of Tullochgorum, Patrick’s second Wife (see NRS:SC29/55/3, fos 92-3). b.approx 1728 Inverdruie, Merchant in Edinburgh, d. Edinburgh 17 February 1782, buried in Greyfriars Churchyard, Edinburgh.
  • James, Gregor’s second son b.1770 Edinburgh, Actor, D. London 1829
  • George, James first son, b Carlisle 1798, watchmaker London and Calcutta, d. 1873 Islington.
  • George Gregor, George’s first son, b 1839 Calcutta, Clockmaker, d. 1908 Bexleyheath, Kent 1908.
  • George Ferguson Gregor, George G’s son, b. 1869 Calcutta, Civil Servant London, d. Tunbridge Wells, Kent 1939.
  • Garrow Gregor, GFG’s first son, b. London 1900, Chartered Architect, d.1973 Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
  • John Michael Gregor, GG’s son, b. Tunbridge Wells 1935, Chartered Quantity Surveyor London, retired 2001.
  • James Alister Gregor, JMG’s son, b. Tunbridge Wells 1969, Chartered Structural and Civil Engineer.
  • Adam Gregor, JAG’s son, b.2007.
It is understood that Rachell and Gregor left Strathspey after Patrick’s death in 1742 and went to Edinburgh.  Rachell lived with Gregor’s family after he died.  It is recorded in George’s memorandum that she was a stately old lady, dressed in black silk who walked with a long silver beaded stick and he remembered being taken when a child by his father to her funeral attended by an enormous number of mourners in 1806 and that she was over 100 years old when she died.  I have a record of a Mrs Grant that lived at 3 Society, Edinburgh who died on 22nd July 1806.  Her age, over 100 as stated by George in his memorandum and that George was taken to her funeral indicates that she was Rachell, Patrick’s wife and mother of Gregor.  I am looking for this to be confirmed.

Kit 303991 – No information

Kit 155811 – No information

Kit 65552 – No information

Kit 26043 descends from John LeGrant B.1296:
  • Self- Kenneth Grant
  • Father - Foster Grant,B.1911, Pereaux, Nova Scotia, Canada.D.1996,Peabody,Mass.
  • Grandfather -John William Grant  B.1881 in PortGreville, Nova Scotia, Canada D.1945 in Cambridge,Nova Scotia,Canada.
  • GGrandfather- Elijah T. Grant B.1849 inParrsboro,Canada D.1891 in Port Greville Nova Scotia
  • GGGrandfather- John Grant B. 1795 in Fraserville, NovaScotia, Canada D.1871 in Fraserville,Nova Scotia, Canada
  • GGGGrandfather - William J. Grant B. 1748 inCromdale,Inverness-shire, Scotland D. in Parrsboro,Nova Scotia,Canada
  • GGGGGrandfather - James Grant B. 1717 in Sheuglie,Urquhart, Inverness-shire, Scotland. 
  • Alexander Grant B.1689 in Sheuglie, Urquhart, Glenmoriston, Scotland D.
  • 1740 in Tilbury, Scotland.
  • James Grant B. 1630 in Sheuglie,Glenmoriston, inverness-shire, Scotland.
  • Robert Grant B. 1609 in Sheuglie, Urguhart, Glenmoriston, Scotland D. 1661 in Glenmoriston, Scotland.
  • Alexander Grant b. 1585 in Sheuglie, inverness-shire,Scotland D. 1631 in Glenmoriston, Inverness-shire, Scotland.
  • John Grant B. 1536 in Urquhart, Inverness-shire, Scotland D. 1593, same place.
  • John(1st Laird of Corriemony) Grant B. 1487 in Freuchie Castle, Strathspey, Inverness-shire, Scotland D. 1553 in Urquhart.
  • John Grant B. 1439 Perth, Perthshire, Scotland D. 1482 in Kindrochat, Inverness-shire, Scotland.
  • Duncan (1st Lard of Freuchie) Grant B. 1413 in Cromarty, Ross & Cromarty, Scotland D. 1495 in Freuchie, Inverness-shire, Scotland.
  • John (Ian Ruadh) Sheriff of Inverness-shire) Grant B. 1370 in Ross & Cromarty, Scotland D. 1434 in Inverness-shire, Scotland.John Grant B. 1333 in Inverness-shire, Scotland D. 1370 same place.
  • John LeGrant B. 1296 in Inverallan-shire, Scotland, D. Grant Castle, Moray, Scotland.

Kit 69265 – No information

Kit 651701 – No information

Kit 126367 is a direct descent of:
  • Their second son, Sidney George Grant, my father, was born 1/9/1888 who married my mother Elsie May Pike on 26/12/1920 in Crewkerne,Somerset. He died 27/6/1968.
  • Their second son, another David, my Grandfather, was born 14/4/1858 at Glenlarig,Edinkillie. He married Cis (not her true christian name) Smith, who was born about 1857 in Taunton Somerset. They were married on 23/11/1884 in Marylebone,London. He died 14/12/1932.
  • Their second son, also David, and my great Grandfather, was born 1814-1817. He married a Jane Ross in 1849 in Edinkillie.
  • Alexander Grant, his great-great-great-grandfather, who married Margaret Grant 26/6/1756 in Edinlillie. One of their sons was David, my great-great grandfather, who was born/Baptized 14/5/1767 in Bogginay,Edinkillie. He married a Margaret Duncan 3/12/1804 in Edinkillie.

Kit 150263 – No information

Kit 128066 - No information

Kit B134610 - is a descendant of William Grant of Kilrandon, Scotland b. 1787:

  • William GrantBorn 1880 in England and died 1959 Glasgow, Scotland
  • Hector Grantborn 1855 Islay, Scotland died 1928 Glasgow
  • William Grantborn 1814 Gairloch, Rossshire, Scotland died 1896 39 Landressy Street Glasgow
  • William Grantborn 1787, Kilbrandon and Kilchattan died 1827 Kilchoman, Islay, Scotland.
After this it gets a little difficult but I think his father was John Grant bornaround 1760. It appears the family worked in the Whisky industry in Islay butfrom a farming background. There may a connection to the small Islandof Easdale in Scotland with a John  Grant appearing in Church records. Iam fairly certain up to William of 1787 as I have DNA links to othermembers who share this route.

Kit 91779 is a descendant of William Grant, b. 1707, of King George County, VA.  William was married to Margaret White. They had one son, James Grant.  On his maternal side, Eduardo Henriquez, b. 1864, was from Analusia, Spain via Cuba.

Kit 344848 living, daughter of:
  • Ethan Hayward Grant b.  9 Nov 1931 Detroit, MI d.  2 Jun 1998 Charlotte, MI and Martha Katrin Jones, b. 29 Aug 1936, Lilesville, NC. d.  14 Sep 2000, Charlotte, MI
  • Ethan Conrad Grant b. 19 Mar 1900, Tennessee d. 2 Dec 1989 Salem, OR and  Barbara C. Kaesemeyer b. 6 Apr 1907, Port Huron, MI d. 27 Feb 1977 Marysville, MI
  • James "Jim" Rufus Grant, b. 2 Mar 1872 Grainger, TN d. 26 Dec 1902 Celina, Texas  and Susan Walker, b 15 Nov 1879 TN d. 22 Jul 1941 Knoxville, TN
  • John Parker Grant b. Forkvale, Campbell Co., TN d. 28 Mar 1904 Liberty Hill, Tennessee, and Sarah Jones b. 24 Aug 1857 Anderson, TN d. 10 Dec 1926 Pemmie, TN
  • Rufus Grant, b. 29 Sep 1824 Campbell Co., TN d 21 Mar 1902 Campbell, TN  and Lucy Parker b. 24 Sep 1822 Kentucky, USA  d. 17 Apr 1902 Campbell, TN
  • John Grant Jr., b. ? Connecticut  d. 9 Nov. 1850 Campbell, TN, and Mary "Polly" Ridenour b. 1796 North Carolina, USA d. 1870 Scott, TN, USA
Kit 345650 Robert Yarborough group P312
  • Robert Claude Yarborough (adopted)b 1930 ?
  • Winona/Wyona/Wiona Allen b 1913 Hartsville, SC
  • Robert Claude Allen b. 1876 Roberson Co, NC m. Ella Grant b.1884 Chesterfield Co. SC
  • John M Grant b 1851, Marlboro Co, SC
  • Rev. Jeremiah Grant b. 1815 Chesterfield Co. SC
  • Malachi Grant b 1785, Wolf Pit, Richmond, NC - no information on Malachi's parents
The Allen line is:
  • Robert Claude Allen b. 1876 Roberson Co, NC
  • Robeson Allen b 1855, Newberry North, South Carolina
  • Hugh Allen b. 1814, Bladen NC
  • Euphraim West Allen, b 1781, Duplin, NC
  • William Allen, 1758, Duplin NC
  • Henry (Henary) Allen b 1723 Duplin,

Kit 77145 – No information

Kit N64459 is connected to John Henry Grant. He was married to Margaret Grant (her maiden name). Margaret's grandfather was from Ireland and he married a Native American. My grandparents lived in Cross Hill SC. [Please provide lineage chart.]

Kit 22870 – No information

Kit 146881 b. Apr. 29, 1954, L’Abord-a-Plouffe, Quebec, Canada

  • Son of: James Arthur Douglas Grant, b. Oct. 26, 1926, Montreal, Quebec, Canada;
  • d. 2001, Los Angeles, California
  • Son of: Jack Douglas Grant, b. 1896, Essex, England; d. 1980, Pointe
  • Claire, Quebec, Canada
  • Son of: Andrew John Grant
(The birth certificate of Jack Douglas Grant has been requested from the UK GRO to confirm his date and place of birth. It may be 22 May 1896, Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex, England. No information is available for Andrew John Grant other than he is listed as the father of Jack Douglas Grant on his church marriage record.)

Kit 35466 - Here is my line:
  • great-grandfather was George Washington Grant.
  • Grandfather and great-grandfather was George Washington Grant.  Don't know if any suffixes are applicable, like Jr or . The first one was born in 1827 in Virginia and wound up in Griffin, Ga. which was Henry County until 1853 when Spalding County was formed, including Griffin. He married Ellen M. Kirkpatrick. The 1860 census shows them married and mother-in-law living with them, and each worth $50,000 and owning slaves! They apparently invested in Confederate bonds, though, because in 1870, their "worth" was down to $400, and mother-in-law was no longer around. I still have a silver serving spoon with Ellen's initials and a "memory" book, each page of which has a poem written and signed by some guy, all dated 1853. There's NOT one by Geo W Grant, so I've surmised that he was the first to refuse, and she grabbed him! He was 37 and she 18 when they married. I realize this is a lot more than "just the facts" of genealogy, but she's interesting as well because she aged only about 8 years between each census from 1850 to 1880 - it's a miracle! 

Kit 397531 is a descendant of William Grant.
  • Self – Living
  • Father - Charles Edward Grant b. 11 Aug 1911 Toppenish, Yakima, Washington d. 25 Jan 1963 Anchorage, Anchorage, Alaska
  • Grandfather - Virgil Gordon Grant b. 24 Feb 1889 Witchita, KS, d. 27 Mar 1963 Tocoma, Pierce, Washington.
  • G-Grandfather - James William Grant b. 02 Sep 1854 Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO, d. 30 Jun 1912 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
  • GG-Grandfather - William Grant b. 29 May 1811 Inveresk, Midlothian, Scotland, d. 31 Aug 1864 in steamer Burlington between ...
  • GGG-Grandfather - William Grant b. Inveresk, Midlothian, Scotland, m. Janet Duncan b. Abt. 1780 Inveresk, Midlothian, Scotland.
My Grant heritage takes two tracks.  The first from my 2nd Great Grandfather Charles Gordon and my 6th Great Grandmother Countess of Fife, Jane Grant.  According to, this Grant line than runs back to the first clan chief.   My 4th Great-Grandfather, William Gordon, married Janet Duff, daughter of the Countess of Fife Jane Grant.   This is found in the second attachment.
The second line (the first attachment), runs from my 3rd Great Grandfather, William Grant (Sr.), born in Inveresk, Midlothian Scotland in 1811.  Written records from the family indicate hewas born in Edinburgh.  The William Grant/Janet Duncan were found on FamilyTreeMaker and that family indicates a William born 1811.  We have yet to confirm this family connection and are searching for other relatives. William Grant was a military man enlisting U.S. Army in 1838, killed in 1864serving as a Captain in the Union Army.  He arrived in NY from Scotland in1834.  Notes also indicate while in Scotland, he served for a short time in a Highlander Regiment.  Many of the Grant's ended up in Iowa, notfar from US Grants home in Galena, Il.  There was a William Grant earlier in the same area and he may have been an Uncle.  Both my Grandfather William Grant and this second William Grant owned property in Clayton County (Millville) Iowa although different tracts.  The second was there in the l830's and was commissioned a Captain in the Illinois Militia.  
Three of William Grant's sons married threeGordon girls in Iowa before coming to the West Coast, settling in the Seattle, WA area.
The Grant men obviously had a fondness for Gordon girls on both lines through out history.

Kit H1045 – No information

Kit 441157 – No information

Kit 286273 – No information

Kit 504843 – No information

Kit 19996 traces back to "John Grant in Glenchernick" father of Peter Grant 'junior' a merchant who lived in Grantown (1774 - 1854). I would certainly be interested to hear from anyone (a) with a close DNA match and/or (b) who can show any link to this family - especially as it is unlikely that any records further back will show up. It would seem quite likely that John Grant's father was also Peter.

Kit 381769 – No information

Kit 542981 - descendant of Michael Grant of Connecticut:
  • Father - Edward Roy Grant - b. June 18 1913 Philadelphia. PA; m. November 2 1940 Philadelphia. PA; d. September 6 1988 Philadelphia. PA
  • Grandfather - Arthur S. Grant (nothing shows what the "S" stands for); b. August 1 1888 (from death certificate). (1900 census shows 1889 & R: Danbury Connecticut); His son's birth certificate shows Arthur S. Grant's birthplace as Bridgeport, Connecticut; m. November 5 1911; D: April 24 1944 Philadelphia.
  • Great-Grandfather - Michael Grant; b. January 1855; d. 1905 Connecticut; Resided & probably emigrated from Buncrana, County Donegal, Ireland to Connecticut.

Kit N17252 – No information

Kit 20976 can be traced back to Carroll Alonso Patterson (1880 Swain Co., NC - 1922 Swain Co., NC) & Hattie T. Grant (1879-1953).  Marvin R. Grant (b 1902 Swain Co., NC - d 1992 Cobb Co., GA) was born out of wedlock to Carroll Patterson.  Marvin R. had a son Garland S. Grant (1922 Union Co., GA - 2000 Alamance Co., NC).  His son, Marvin A. Grant ("Alan" b 1946 Cherokee Co., NC) was my father.

My ancestor William Grant had four sons who had offspring: Alexander, Andrew, Thomas and Charles. We've had two DNA tests from Andrew's lineage and one from Alexander's, none from Thomas and Charles, at least not yet. Surprisingly the DNA tests aren't a match, though Alexander and Andrew are proven brothers. There must be something wrong somewhere else in the lineage. I haven't figured it out yet. There was lots of illegitimacy in my Grant family, so I shouldn't be surprised about the non-match. However I don't know exactly where the break might be. The tests are kit # 31534 (Andrew's lineage), # 40927 (Andrew's lineage), and # 97440 (Alexander's).

Kit 28844 is tied to John Grant, supposedly born in 1817 or 1818. His son, Benjamin Franklin Grant was my great grandfather.

Kit 468020 is a descendant of John Grant of Scotland:
  • Parents - Arthur Wood (illegitimate) b. 27 Oct. 1913 Portsoy, Banffshire, Scotland ; d.  27 April 1991 Banff, Banffshire, Scotland.  Elizabeth Ritchie Smith b. 4 May 1917 Banff, Banffshire, Scotland ; d.  22 May 1993 Birmingham, West Midlands, England.
  • Paternal Grandparents - Forbes Grant b. 11 March 1893 Portsoy, Banffshire, Scotland ; d. 17 June 1940 off St. Nazaire, France (while aboard the S.S. Lancastria) Williamina Wood b. 13 April 1893 Portsoy, Banffshire, Scotland ; d. 21 August 1966 Windsor, Ontario, Canada
   [Note 1. Forbes & Williamina never married. Aged 33, in 1926 Williamina emigrated to Canada and never returned to the UK. No father’s name is stated on Arthur Wood Snr.’s full birth certificate. The Baptism Book for the West Portsoy, Church Of Scotland (National Archive Scotland document ref CH2/305/2) records that on 6th May 1914 Arthur Wood Snr. was christened, taking his mother’s maiden surname, and that his father is named therein as Forbes Grant of the Commercial Hotel, Portsoy]

Kit 173896 – No information

Kit 747586 is a descendant of Benjamin Lindsey Grant Sr:
  • Joseph Benjamin Grant Sr. -  b. 1914 • Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina, USA; d. 1989 • Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina
  • Charles Thomas Grant (Twin) Sr. - b.  1875 • Onslow County, North Carolina (m. Theodosia King);  d. 1920 • Wilmington, New Hanover, North Carolina
  • Benjamin Lindsey Grant II  -  b. 1845 • Onslow County, NC (m. Christian A.Hardison);  d. 1924 • Wilmington, New Hanover, North Carolina
  • Benjamin Lindsey Grant Sr. - b. 16 Dec 1804 • Onslow, North Carolina, United States  (m. Mary Ann E. Justice);  d. 9 Apr 1857 • Sneads Ferry, Onslow County, North Carolina

Kit B27058 -Descendant of William Colin Grant of Rutherford County, NC
  • Self – Living
  • Father – Living
  • Grandfather – Clarence Donald Grant 1925-1997
  • Great Grandfather – William James Alexander Grant 1880-1955
  • Great Great Grandfather – Burrow Eaves Grant 1848-1918
  • Great Great Great Grandfather – William Colin Grant 1824-1891
My line continues back (non-paternally) to Sgt. William Grant of Scotland or Virginia 1725-1795

Kit 112611 earliest known ancestor was John of Shettleston, Scotland, who had son, James (1828-1883), a potato merchant; son William, a blacksmith of Grafton Square, Glasgow; and son Robert, who emigrated to Australia My great-grandfather was also a James Grant, who sired 13 children. Four died in infancy, but a son, John, eventually immigrated to Canada in 1910. Sons William and James died in 1863. A later son, James (1872-1954), was a gents clothier and then Robert, (1877-1943) was a butcher, Thomas (1879-1951) was a wholesale grocer, and Andrew (1879 - ?) went to Canada. John, who went to Canada, and his wife, Helen Stewart, had six children. My grandfather was William Grant (1864-19380. And, my father was Archibald Montgomerie Grant (1900-1972). His brothers were William Montgomerie Grant (1903-1975) and James (Jim) Montgomerie Grant (1910-1990), all of Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland. I am trying to find connections earlier than 1829 and where in Highlands of Scotland our line originated and its connection within Clan Grant.

Kit 394631 Descendent of Thomas Grant
  • Self – Living
  • Father – b. 6/30/1914 Sumter. SC. d. 5/12/1984, Washington, DC.
  • Grandfather b. 1890, Sumter, SC. d. 1939, Sumter, SC.
  • G-Grandfather b. 1863, Sumter, SC. d. ?
  • GG-Grandfather b. 1830, Barnwell, SC. d. ?
Kit 83161 is tied to Donald Grant born 1735 -1759 Married to Marjorie "May" Falconer married 1774 Children Alexander 1781 died 8 Oct 1862 in Tomnahurich Bridge Scotland ( was the start of my line) he married Ms Ann "Nanny" Mc Kinnon born Inverness Scotland married 2 Dec 1804 died 1855; Donald born 6 March 1775 in Dalcross Scotland : William born 5 Oct 1777 ; Ms Margory Grant born 10 Aug1791; Sister: Duncan Born 1795. William Grant was an Inverness man, who migrated to Stornoway, Scotland and settle in the area long before marrying Johanna Morison in 1906.  In 1917, he founded the Stornoway Gazette.  Three of their six sons became prominent figures in the newspaper world in the Highlands.  Johanna was the youngest daughter of Roderick Morison, a retired ship's captain.  Johanna had a brother by the same name as her dad, who became a minister of the Stornway High Church.  William Grant died in 1932 at the age of 59.

My father, Duncan, was born in Clachan, North Uist - 9 Apr 1893. Married Isabella Duncan Jessiman in Capetown on 10 June 1929.  His father was also Duncan, born in Duthil IV 20 Feb 1855. Married to Marion MacRea in Dornie Kintail 22 June 1880. They had five children two of whom settled in the USA another remained in Dornie, another who died at age 16, and my Dad who left the Scotland he loved and settled in Southern Rhodesia, doing a stint in Northern Rhodesia where his two sons were born. In 1938 he was transferred to Umtali (now Mutare) where he dies in 1982, followed two months later by his wife two months later. I have tried to delve back into the history of the family and thought I had unearthed Duncan's family but it proved incorrect.

Kit 30840 My family is from Connecticut and Massachusetts, my grandfather is Clarence E Grant b.5/23/1910, d. 12/11/96 who was a retired machinist at Draper Corp in Hopedale. He was married to Edna M Tiffany and had three brothers, Joseph H, William E, Aaron V and a sister Cecilia Winifred. I am definitely related to John Marsh of Salem (now Peabody) who was aboard the Mary & John 3/27/1633. Clarence’s parents were Joseph J Grant and Susan Marsh (b.9/1887 m. Milford). Susan Marsh related to my father that her mother was Eleanor Cain b. 5/1851 NB, m. 17/6/1870, d. 3/8 1925 Hopedale, who was a Native American from Petitcodiac NB. She married George-Albert Marsh b. 22/4/1848 W. Peabody, m. 17/6/1870, d. 4/8/14 Chelsea Soldiers Home. Their children were George-Walter Jr., Florence L, Mary A, Aaron C, Sidney F, Nellie, Susan, John A, Sara A. Both my grandparents visited Petitcodiac in the ‘70s and found Eleanor’s relatives’ graves. It is now Ft. Folly First Nations. On my grandfather Clarence E side of the family his father was John Grant of Edinborough. He married Bridget Bird of Ireland and they had Joseph J, Frank, Harry, Bill, Winifred, Nellie, and Emma. That is the last record of the Grant clan. I would appreciate any further information and contacts.

  •    [Note 2. In Aberdeen on 24 May 1916, by Warrant of the Sherriff Substitute of Aberdeen, Kincardine and Banff, Forbes Grant and Evelyn Mary McRobie (b. 7 May 1893 ; d. 28 June 1961), both of Portsoy, were married. I have traced three generations of descendants, passed and living, from this union].
  •    [Note 3. Although Forbes passed two weeks after the Dunkirk Evacuation per se (26 May – 4 June 1940), his name is recoded on the Dunkirk War Memorial].
  • Paternal Great Grandparents - James Grant b. c. 1853 Insch, Aberdeenshire, Scotland ; d. 13 July 1898 Portsoy, Banffshire, Scotland Marjory Forbes b. 3 May 1862 Fordyce, Banffshire, Scotland ; d. 8 April 1947 Rose Innes Cottage Hospital, Aberchirder, Banffshire, Scotland.
  •   [Note 4. In the 1861 Census, Andrew Grant records the place of his, then 8 year old, son James’ birth, as the Parish of Rayne, which lies adjacent to the Parishes of Insch and Culsalmond]
  •   [Note 5. At the time of her birth, Marjory’s father Peter was farming at Redstack (aka Reidstack) in the Parish of Fordyce]
  •   [Note 6. Prior to her passing, Marjory Grant had been residing at The Neuk, Fordyce]
  • Paternal Great Great Grandparents - Andrew Grant bapt. 8 October 1826 Tarland & Migvie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland ; d. 25 April 1872 Boyndie, Banffshire, Scotland.  Jane Melvin (also recorded at birth as Jean Melven) b. 22 October 1824 Insch, Aberdeenshire, Scotland ; d. 8 January 1893 Boyndie, Banffshire, Scotland
  •   [Note 7. Jean had a twin sister, christened Margaret]
  • Paternal Great Great Great Grandparents
  •   John Grant b. c. 1781 Culsalmond, Aberdeenshire, Scotland ; d. 5 March 1870 Tarland & Migvie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  •   Janet Grassich bapt. 28 February 1786 Strathdon & Corgarff, Aberdeenshire, Scotland ; d. unknown assumed Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  • Paternal Great Great Great Great Grandparents
  •   Father, to date Unknown
  •   Mary Erskine to date, details unknown (abstracted from information on John Grant’s death certificate)

Kit 27598 – No information

Kit 58691 – No information

Kit 89653 – No information

Kit 212359 – No information

Kit 145982 has little information about his family, but knows that his grandfather was Kenneth William Archibald Grant, b. in Banjoewangi (Indonesia) on November 6, 1894. His father is George William Grant, also b. in Indonesia (Surabaja), on October 21, 1920. Kit client was born in Jakarta (Indonesia) in 1952.

Kit 35068 Grandmother was GRACE PAULINE GRANT, born 9 Jan. 1904, in Clinton, Laurens Co. SC, died 2 Sep. 1960 in Greenville, SC. She had two brother's (Charles F. and Dwight M.) they were children of; BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GRANT, born 6 May 1882, in Laurens Co. SC, died 2 Feb. 1934 in Greenville, SC. He was a son of; GEORGE W. GRANT, born Dec. 1839, in what was known as 96 Dist. of upper SC. Today that area is Greenwood, Abbeville, and Laurens County, SC, he died in July 1889 in Pelzer, Anderson Co. SC. GEORGE W. GRANT was a son of ADDISON SAMUEL GRANT, born approx. 1815, died 14 Jan. 1848, Newberry Co. SC. Benjamin F. Grant, had five brothers and two sisters. I only have names for two brothers, (William, and John) and the two sisters, (Sallie and Bessie). George W. Grant had three brother's (William H., John S. and Andrew A.) and one sister (Mary/Mariah F.).

Kit 21365 is tied to William Grant, born 1642/1643, in St. Nicholas at Wade on the Isle of Thanet, Kent, England (near Canterbury). Father of William Grant is John Grant, born about 1610. Birthdates, marriages, and other records in IGI coincide with Grants living in the same region back to early 16th century and into the 15th century. Probable ties to the family of a Henry Grant and son Laurence Grant in the Eyethorne region about 1510, and 1540 respectively. The DNA signature of this line has a strong Scandinavian influence from Western and Northern Norway with no exact matches in the FTDNA database and the closest matches being in Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Isle of Man, Shetland Islands and Scotland and derives from a Central Asian population near the Siberian Altai region. It is believed at this time that this line, of haplogroup R1a1, belongs to the original Norse line of the Grants. Kit owner is especially interested in any participants who can document their line from either Matthew Grant (Windsor, Connecticut and ancestor of Ulysses S. Grant) and/or Ulysses S. Grant.

Kit 174068 – No information

Kit N175841 – No information

Kit 519579 is a descendant of John Grant of Ireland:
  • Self
  • Father - Robert D. Grant b. 1930 Iron River, MI/d. 1980 Iron River, MI
  • Joseph E. Grant b. 1892 Republic, MI/d. 1963 Iron River, MI
  • Michael Grant b. 1850 Granville Twsp., Milwaukee County, WI/d. Republic, MI
  • John Grant b. abt 1816 Ireland/d. 1892 Republic, MI (Immigrated about 1838 and purchased land in Wisconsin territory in 1841, which he cleared and farmed until retirement.)
I do not know John's father's name, but suspect it was Michael since that is what he named his first son.

KIT IN30884 is a descendant of James Charles Grant:
  • Self - Living
  • Father - James Douglas GRANT, born on 24 Nov 1918 in Dunfermline (Fife), died on 11 Oct 1986 in Perth (Perthshire).
  • Grandfather - Alan GRANT, born on 5 Feb 1883 in Dundee (Forfar), died on 20 Apr 1951 in Dunfermline (Fife).
  • GGrandfather - James Charles GRANT, born in 1850 in Inveravon (Banffshire),died on 16 Jan 1933 in Leven (Fife).
  • GGGrandfather - Charles Grant, born 4 April 1806 in Cromdale (Morayshire), died on 10 April 1856 in Aberlour (Banffshire).
  • GGGGrandfather Donald Grant, Born about 1761, died 24 January 1839 in Cromdale (Morayshire).

Kit 201465 descends from Richard George Washington Grant (1823 – 1905) who was born in Georgia but died in Arkansas. Richard G W Grant had a son Thomas Sterling Grant (20 Jul 1862 - 29 May 1947) who was born and died in Montgomery, Arkansas. Thomas S Grant had a son Winnie Robert Grant (23 Sep 1898 - 16 Jan 1959) born and died in Lucky, Montgomery County, Arkansas. His son was Coy William Grant (6 Jun 1918 - Jan 1986. He was born in Montgomery County Arkansas, but died in Malvern, Hot Spring County, Arkansas. The Kit owner's father is William (Billy) Harold Grant.

Richard George Washington Grant is believed to have had the following siblings:

  • Nathaniel Grant 1818 – 1865, William, Jr. Grant 1820 – 1854, Charlotte Grant 1822 – 1870, Lydia Ann Grant 1825 – 1892,
  • James Grant 1828 – 1847; John H Grant 1829 – 1900, Robert R Grant 1832 – 1900, Margaret Jane Grant 1834 – 1900,
  • Thomas Jefferson Grant 1838 – 1914, Andrew Jackson "Jack" Grant 1842 – 1933, Sarah Isabelle Grant 1845 – 1919,
  • M. Grant 1846 – 1860.
  • Their father is believed to be Captain William B. Grant born around 1793 in South Carolina and died in October 1847 Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia during the Mexican/American War. His wife was Sara Wofford who died about 1880 in Georgia as well.
Kit 171841 – No information

Group Y: Non-Grants without clear matches to other Grants at this time

Kit N194912 descends from John Grant of Scotland (?) b. abt. 1751 in Scotland?
M1 at the Anglican church in Quebec City, Canada on 23 March 1784 with Ann Walsh (widowed of a Mr Christie)
M2 in Bathurst, New-Brunswick, Canada in 1795 with Anne Thebeau
From this second marriage, here is my line:

  • Pierre Grant b. 10 July 1799 in Bathurst
  • Pierre Grant b. 30 December 1828 in Petit-Rocher, New-Brunswick
  • Jean (Johny) Grant b. 1 September 1863 in Petit-Rocher, New-Brunswick
  • Andre-Theodore Grant b. 20 November 1892 in Petit-Rocher, New-Brunswick
  • Yvonne Grant (my mother) b. 5 December 1917 in Petit-Rocher, New-Brunswick
Kit N11560 is a descendant of Christopher Grant of Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA:
  • Self – Living
  • Phyllis June GRANT 9  was born10  on 30 Apr 1925 in Marion township, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA. She died11  on 30 May 1997 in Saint Augustine, Saint Johns, Florida, USA.
  • George Spencer GRANT  was born on 19 Jul 1889 in Marion township, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA. He died on 17 Nov 1974 in Wautoma, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Remus Romanzo GRANT  was born on 5 Mar 1849 in Jefferson, Ashtabula, Ohio, USA. He died on 18 Apr 1933 in Spring Lake, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA.
  • John F. GRANT  was born in 1800 in Windham, Vermont, USA. He died in 1889 in Spring Lake, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA.
  • Neverson GRANT  was born on 1 Jan 1765 in Medway, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA. He was christened on 20 Jan 1765 in Holliston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1820.
  • Robert GRANT  was born before 1742. He died before 30 Nov 1773. He married Anna Grant.
  • Anna GRANT  was born on 6 Mar 1742 in Medway, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 20 Feb 1825 in Stratton, Windham, Vermont, USA.
  • William GRANT  was born on 10 Jun 1717 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1802 in Holliston, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Joshua GRANT  was born on 13 Dec 1694. He died on 9 Jul 1731.
  • Joseph GRANT  was born on 28 Sep 1646 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 12 Feb 1722 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Christopher GRANT  was born about 1610 in England. He died on 6 Sep 1685 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA.

Kit 407109 descendsfrom Matthew Grant:

  • Father - Atlas Matthias Grant b. 1909 Panola, TX d. 1985 Rusk County, TX
  • Grandfather - Bryant Atlas Grant b.1877 Panola, TX d.1930 Panola, TX
  • G-Grandfather - Atlas Matthias Grant b.1839 Tennessee d. 1909 Rusk County, TX
  • GG-Grandfather - Matthew Grant b.1799 Virginia d.1860 Panola, TX

Kit 515872 - My family is supposedly of the Kern Sept of Clan Grant in Scotland. I've joined the group and am contributing Kit 515872 Y-DNA to confirm our possible relation to the clan via Edward Grant (Born 1632, Died 1682).  He's actually listed as a member of the group under kit N59611.

Kit 112204 – No information

Kit478720 – No information

Kit B42250– No information

Kit 16473 – No information

Kit 114384 – No information

Kit 35345 – No information

Kit B125044 – No information

Kit 286228 – No information

Kit 37065 – No information

Kit 23039 – No information

Kit 284929 – No information

Kit N102031 – No information

Kit 35611– No information

Kit 157225 – No information

Kit 147093 – my lineage:
  • father was Leroy Douglas Garrison (1930-1985)
  • son of Leroy Garrison (1892-1984)
  • son of George Lester Garrison (1855-1925)
  • son of George Garrison (abt 1822-?) all in the eastern New York area around Hudson, Columbia County, New York.
I have nothing prior to that and was hoping that possibly someone in your group had information or links to Garrisons in the early 1800’s.

Kit 416028 – No information

Kit 277761 – No information

Kit 10391 - My Mother was Naomi Grant who was the daughter of Neville Carroll Grant who lived on Wesser Creek in Swain County NC. I can trace my Grant line back to Wilkie Grant who married Mary Ann Totherow.

Kit 306815 – No information

Kit 214315 – No information

Kit 512163 – No information

Kit 163007 – No information

Kit 378155 – No information

Kit 171280 – No information

Kit 201501 – No information

Kit 249276 – No information

Kit 307845 – No information

Kit 328893 – No information

Kit 159444 – No information

Kit 421061 – No information

Kit 513226 – No information

Kit N73778 – No information

Kit 42838 – No information

Kit 290670 – No information

Kit 27700 is tied to:
E. ALLEN. He died during the battle of Vicksburg. While serving under U.S. Grant. Stories have it that E. came over from Ireland. He was drafted into the Union Army in Springfield, Illinois. He fought and was killed in the battle.
My Great-grandfather was EDWARD "BUGG" ALLEN (E.1) the son of E. Allen. He died November 30, 1918 in Shiloh Baptist Cemetery, Sontag, Mississippi. He married ELIZABETH ANNE ANDERSON. 1910 census records show that he live in Attala C. MS., The records show him as being born in Mississippi even though the family stories have him being born in Ireland. William's 1920 census records show that Bugg was born in MS. Buried at Shiloh Baptist Church, 601-587-7653 Sontag Road, Sontag MS 39665.

Kit 157233 - No information

Kit B11383 - No information

Kit 151979 - No information

Kit 581443 is a descendant of John Grant:

  • Self - Living
  • Mother - Doris Marilyn Grant - b. 1 Aug 1939 Toronto, Ontario, Canada, d. 24 Jul 2015 Port Colborne, Niagria, Ontario, Canada
  • Maternal Grandfather - Otis Ray Grant b. 19 Mar 1911 Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada, d. 4 Mar 1983 St. Catharines, Niagara, Ontario, Canada
  • GGrandFather - Otis Grant b. 13 Jul 1869 McAdam, York, New Brunswick, Canada, d. 3 Sep 1930 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • GGGrandfather - Adney Grant b. 21 Sep 1845 Canterbury Station, York, New Brunswick, Canada, d. 3 Jan 1925 Rockland, York County, New Brunswick, Canada
  • GGGgrandfather - Peter Grant b. Northampton, Carlton, New Brunswick, Canada, d. 16 Aug 1884 Canterbury Station, York, New Brunswick, Canada
  • GGGGrandfather - William Grant b. 1774, d. 26 Mar 1847 Southampton, York, New Brunswick, Canada
  • GGGGGrandfather - John Grant b. 1754 Albany, New York, USA, d. 31 Aug 1783 Long Island City, Queens, New York, USA, m. Elizabeth ? 1742 Albany, Albany, New York, USA d. 29 Jul 1819 Carleton Co., New Brunswick, Canad
Kit 600230 - No information

Kit 247419 - No information

Kit 128037 - No information

Kit 554485 - No information

Kit 258304 - No information

Kit 412191 - No information

Kit N113834 - No information

Kit 186631 - No information

Kit 51865 - No information

Kit 637171 is a descendant of John Grant, believed to have been born in North Carolina:
  • Mother - Emily Hill Grant -  Birth date(August 7, 1910 in Jackson, North Carolina) - Death Date (January 18, 1993 inClemmons, North Carolina)
  • Grandfather - Leroy Couling Grant - Birth date(December 14, 1870 in Jackson, North Carolina) - Death Date (July 23, 1950 inJackson, North Carolina)
  • GGrandfather - Reverend William Shadrach Grant -Birth date (September 9, 1818 in Jackson, North Carolina) - Death Date (March10, 1895 in Jackson, North Carolina)
  • GGGrandfather - Shadrach Grant - Birth date (November1, 1790 in Northampton County, North Carolina) - Death Date (January 3, 1875in Northampton County, North Carolina)
  • 3rd GGrandfather - John Grant - Not sure of birth dateor place of birth. He may have been born in 1739 and died December 12, 1804 inNorthampton County, North Carolina. He may have had a brother named James.
Kit 211023 - No information

Kit 279304 - No information

Kit 230226 - No information

Kit 547549 -
  • Self (Irving) - Living
  • Father (Irving) - Living
  • Grandmother - May Grant m. Adam Irving.  May Grover Grant, born 1875 in Toronto, Death November 20th 1907 inManitowaning, Manitoulin Island(Ontario)
  • Robert Grant was born on September 16, 1839, in Morrisburg (along the St. Lawrence Seaway), Ontario, Canada and died in Toronto September 20, 1910.  His father is believed to be James Grant and his mother Amelia Whilaw or Whitlow.   Robert Grant married Annie Coulson on February 25, 1874, in Ontario, Canada. He was a contractor and architect. He had five children:
  • William Frederick Grant 1876 – 1919

  • Duncan Campbell Grant 1880 – 1965

  • Arthur Coulsen Grant 1881 - 1968

  • Robert Kennedy Grant 1882 - 1934

Kit 317338 descends from William Grant:

⦁    Andrew J. McIntosh Jr., b. 1926, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
⦁    Andrew J. McIntosh, b. 1892, Milton of Redcastle, Scotland
⦁    William McIntosh, b. 1836, Parish of Killearnan, Scotland
⦁    Andrew McIntosh, b. 1798, Parish of Killearnan, Scotland – married Anne Grant, b. 1803, Kirkhill, Scotland

Anne Grant:

⦁    Father: William Grant, b. 1758, Parish of Killearnan, Scotland 

⦁    Grandfather: William Grant, b. 1740

⦁    Brother: James Grant, b. 1793, Parish of Killearnan, Scotland  d. 1836, Texas, USA

⦁    Sister: Sarah Grant, b. 1795, Parish of Killearnan, Scotland

⦁    Brother: Gregor Grant, b. 1798, Dyke, Scotland   d. 1818, Mauritius, East Indies

⦁    Brother: Christian Grant, b. 1805, Kirkhill, Scotland

⦁    Brother: Hugh Grant, b. 1806, Parish of Killearnan, Scotland  d. 1855 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

⦁    Sister: Jane Hannah Grant, b. 1809, Milton of Redcastle, Scotland

⦁    Brother: Alexander Stuart Grant, b. 1810, Milton of Redcastle, Scotland

⦁    Brother: Peter Grant, b. 1812, Parish of Killearnan, Scotland

Kit 397276 - No information

Kit 1016 - No information

Kit 528774 - No information

Kit 157125 - No information

Kit 281988 - No information

Kit 551356 - No information

Kit 23170 is related to Thomas Jefferson GRANT b.1812 Georgia, USA. m. Rachael Hancock. Children include: Charles Clement, Gilphen G, George Washington, Mary Frances, Sara Temprence, John A, Irene Alice, Philo Thornton, Wilburn C, Martha A, Henry, Thomas L B, Robert E Lee, Joel Jackson.

Kit 324307 - No information

Kit 72091 - No information

Kit 82442 - is a descendant of Josiah Allen.
  • Self - Living
  • Father Jesse Rufus Allen b Mar 1, 1907 Thomas City, Jefferson County, Florida  d 05 May 1999, Vero   Beach, Florida
  • G Father Joseph Rufus Allen, b 03 Jul 1870 Jefferson County, Florida d 12 Nov 1930  d 12 Nov 1930 Vero Beach, Florida
  • GGF Joseph William Allen, b 28 Dec 1840 Decatur County, Georgia,  d 06 Sep 1915 Waukenah, Jefferson County, Florida
  • GGGF William C. Allen b 1804 South Carolina d 10 May 1859 Georgia
  • Not sure of the following but believe it to be true!!!
  • GGGGF William Winn Allen b Abt. 1782 96th District, Edgefield, South Carolina d Bef. 1826 Bef. 1826 ?
  • GGGGGF Josiah Allen b Abt. 1756 Virginia d Abt. 1783 South Carolina
Kit 345650 is descendant if Malachi Grant b. 1785:
  • Self
  • Winona/Wyona/Wiona Allen b 1913 Hartsville, SC
  • Robert Claude Allen b. 1876 Roberson Co, NC m. Ella Grant b.1884 Chesterfield Co. SC
  • John M Grant b 1851, Marlboro Co, SC
  • Rev. Jeremiah Grant b. 1815 Chesterfield Co. SC
  • Malachi Grant b 1785, Wolf Pit, Richmond, NC
no information on Malachi's parents

The Allen line is:

  • Robert Claude Allen b. 1876 Roberson Co, NC
  • Robeson Allen b 1855, Newberry North, South Carolina
  • Hugh Allen b. 1814, Bladen NC
  • Euphraim West Allen, b 1781, Duplin, NC
  • William Allen, 1758, Duplin NC
  • Henry (Henary) Allen b 1723 Duplin,
Kit 487017 is a descendant of Zachariah Grant, b. 1868:
Mother - Mattie May Grant: b. 24 Nov 1893, Bird Point, Mo. d. 6 Jul 1945, Charleston, Mo.
Grandfather - James Thomas Grant: 10 Apr 1857, Jackson Co., FL. d. 29 Aug 1911, Bird Point, Mo.
GGrandfather - Zachariah Grant: b.1821, Edgefield, SC d. 1868, Jackson Co., FL.

Kit E15416 - No information

Kit 608556 - No information

Kit N26244 - No information

Kit 485210 - No information

Kit N12471 - No information

Kit 100187 - No information

Kit 315707 - No information

Kit 233990 - No information

Kit 233990 – No information

Kits pending new groupings additions to this page:

Kit IN100727 - Scotland (prob Sutherland) to Canada

        Robert Grant (b.1769 Sutherland, Scotland-d.1870 Nova Scotia) who married Elizabeth McPherson.

        John Grant (b.1805, Glasgow, d. ? in Quebec), w/ brother William.

Kit IN94080 -Scotland to Canada

        George Grant (b.1755)

        Hugh Grant (b.1782 Rogart, Sutherland, Sotland-d.1870 Nova Scotia)


Non Y-DNA Testers' Background Information

Kit B325086 is a descendant of James Grant:
  • Self - Living
  • Mother- Linda Suzanne Archer (nee Grant) Born Scarborough On Canada Died Bowmanville On Canada 1950-2014
  • Grandfather- William Ritchie Grant Born Aberdeen Died Scarborough On Canada 1915-2001
  • Great Grandfather- Alexander Grant Born Aberdeen 1875-1927
  • 2x Great Grandfather- James Grant Born Aberdeen 1840-1943
  • 3x Great Grandfather- Alexander Grant Born Aberdeen ?-1874
  • 4x Great Grandfather- Charles Grant Born Aberdeen
  • 5x Great Grandfather- James Grant Born Banffshire

Kit #324336 is a descendant of Captain William Grant:
  • Self - Living
  • Mother - Betty Louis Grant, 1936-2016 born Greenville, SC
  • GFather - Roy Manning Grant, 1914-2007, born Oconee County, SC
  • GGFather - Milton Clarence Grant, 1890-1929, born Oconee County, SC
  • GGGFather - William Byrd Grant, 1872-1936, born Oconee County, SC
  • GGGGFather - Presley Allen Grant, 1848-1921, born Oconee County, SC
  • GGGGGFather - William Dannely Grant, 1807-1860, born Pendleton, SC
  • GGGGGGFather - Ltn William M Grant, 1761-1851, born Augusta County, VA
  • GGGGGGGFather - Captain William Grant, 1732-1812, born Augusta County, VA
  • ?GGGGGGGFather?- Captain John Peter Grant, 1704-1762, born King George County, VA
  • ?GGGGGGGGFather? - William McDonald Grant, 1670-1734, Inverness, Scotland
Also my grandfather’s grandmother was a Grant from the same line:
  • Me - Living
  • Mother - Betty Louise Grant, 2/29/36-6/11/16, born Greenville, SC
  • GFather - Roy Manning Grant, 1914-2007, born Oconee County, SC
  • GGFather - Milton Clarence Grant, 1890-1929, born Oconee County, SC
  • GGGMother - Annie Moriah Grant, 1869-1943, born in SC
  • GGGGFather - Samuel Grant Sr, 1839-1928, born in SC
  • GGGGGFather- Asa Preston Grant, 1799-1853, born in Townsville, SC
  • GGGGGGFather - Ltn William M Grant, 1761-1851, born Augusta County, VA (same as above)
I’m not sure I have these correct before about Captain William Grant, but hope this helps with the project.  I have a GEDCOM file if that will help.

Kit 838589 is a descendant of Matthew Grant through her grandmother, Dorothy Lee Grant:
  • Self - Living
  • Father - Living
  • Grandmother - Dorothy Lee Grant b. 2/16/1907 d. 12/14/1996
  • Andrew Miner Grant (aka Henry Andrew Grant) b. 7/10/1884, Lawrence, Kansas d. 3/12/1931
  • Henry Williams Grant b. 7/17/1860, Ashford d. 1/13/1952
  • Andrew Miner Grant b. 2/27/1825, Ashford d. 5/21/1899 Lawrence, Kansas
  • Clark Grant b. unknown d. 4/16/1826 Ashford
  • Miner Grant b. 2/28/1756 N Stonington d. 3/26/1828 Ashford - Surgeon in the Revolution
  • Oliver Grant b. 7/18/1729 Stonington d. 5/22/1798 - Capt. of Troop of Horse 9th Regiment 1769, Capt. 4th Battalion 1776
  • Oliver Grant b. 9/3/1703 Stonington d. 5/4/1757
  • Oliver Grant b. 9/3/1703 Stonington d. 5/4/1757
  • Josiah Grant b. 3/19/1668 Windsor, Michigan d. 1732 Stonington, Michigan
  • Samuel Grant b. 11/12/1631 Dorchester, Mass d. 9/10/1718 E Windsor Hill
  • Matthew Grant b. 10/27/1601 d. 12/16/1681 Windsor


Kit 597254 -
Father - Tom Harrison |
Grandfather - Ivan Harrison

First connection to Grant is when William Harrison (1796-1844) married Helen Grant (1796-1847) on 24th April 1822 at St. Cuthberts in Edinburgh. We then have Helen Grant's father, Nathaniel Grant (1770-1830).

Kit B220891 is a descendant of George Grant of New York:

Kit B214617 is kin to Kit 542981, found in Group X.

Kit B214617 is kin to Kit 542981, found in Group X.

Kit 343605 is a descendant of William Thomas Fraser b. 8 Nov 1824 in Maryland:
  • Father James Kyle Fraser b. 23 Oct 1927 Ark
  • Grandfather - John Kyle Fraser b. 29 Apr 1890 MS
  • GGrandfather - John Abraham Fraser b. 3 Oct 1860 MS
  • GGGrandfather - William Thomas Fraser b. 8 Nov 1824 MD

Donald Cameron Grant Gill has a website which includes a substantial section devoted to the Grants of Strathspey from William Grant 1733 to the Cheeryble Grants of today.  The link is:

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