
Green Y-DNA Surname Study
  • 826 members

About us

Thank you for your interest in the Green Y-DNA study project. This is a Y-DNA surname study project for male Green/Greene. We recently had our projects rules verified with FTDNA and we updated them here. Anyone who meets our projects rule requirements may join. Please see our rules to find out if you qualify to join us. Project Information: This Project is for males that want to check his paternal line (father's father's father's, etc.). The test to be ordered is either the Y-DNA12, Y-DNA25, Y-DNA37 or Y-DNA67. Who Can Join? 1. Male Green(e)s from anywhere can join. 2. A Y-DNA test is needed to join our study. 3. Females with the birth name of Green(e) can join. NOTE: Females need a Y-DNA test from a male Green relative. 4. Adopted males whos known birth parents are Green/Greene can join. NOTE: This includes males whos father or fathers father, etc., changed their name and have proof they are Green(e)s. 5. Members from other surname study projects can join. NOTE: Your Y-DNA test must be an exact match with other Green/Greene members in our study at Y-37 markers and above. Members must have purchased their Y-DNA test and have their results back before they join. NOTE: We will contact non-Green(e)s who join this study project. Family Finder test (autosomal) and MTDNA test (mitochondrial DNA) are not supported here and we do not use these tests in our study. NOTE: Member kits may and can be removed from our study if they don't meet the above study requirements. Please contact us if you are upgrading your tests to a Y-DNA test.