• 992 members

About us

The GUTHRIE surname has been in existence for at least 700 years since Squire Guthrie was sent to France to bring William Wallace back to Scotland. The charter for the BARONY of GUTHRIE has been in existence since the time of King David II of Scotland (1324-1371). Burke's 'Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry' indicates that the origins of the Guthrie surname extend back to a time where its earliest writs are unattainable, and thus untraceable before the reign of James II of Scotland.

DNA testing has proven the existence of several different GUTHRIE FAMILY GROUPS, meaning that they have ancestors of different genetic origins. Some may have descended from the 'Landed Gentry' of historical note. Others may have assumed the GUTHRIE name at a time that surnames came into use during the 10th-12th centuries because they were in some way associated with the family or the location.

Discovering your GUTHRIE DNA will help you to identify if your ancestors belonged to one of the known Colonial American Guthrie lines, or to a group that might be able to trace some of its ancestry back to Scotland or Ireland.
Join us as we discover more about our diverse history using the science of DNA to strengthen our genealogical pursuits. Each Guthrie DNA Project participant brings new information. Your DNA could help provide new clues and break down some of those proverbial brick walls. 

Complete a JOIN REQUEST form to include some basic information about your Guthrie ancestry. Contact the project administrator Ann Guthrie at if you need assistance or want to share the details of your genetic genealogy quest.

Men inherit Y-DNA directly from their fathers. Therefore, only male Guthries are eligible to contribute Y-DNA tests to this part of the project. If you are ineligible for Y-DNA testing because you are female or descend from a female Guthrie, consider recruiting a Guthrie brother, father, uncle, grandfather, or cousin who can represent your Guthrie line. Y-DNA testing provides the best method of determining the origins of your lineage's Guthrie Family Group.

Y-DNA tests are currently available as Y-37 marker, Y-111 marker, and Y-700 Big Y tests. 

The various Guthrie Family Groups have participated at varying levels of testing. If you are not certain which level of testing you need to achieve your genetic genealogy goals, please contact the project administrator to discuss your plans before purchasing your test. 

The Guthrie DNA Project also examines Autosomal DNA in order to bridge the gap for lineages that do not have an eligible participant in the Y-DNA project. Guthrie females and descendants of Guthrie females should participate in Autosomal DNA testing. 

FTDNA's Family Finder test can provide you with matches to cousins from all of your ancestral lines. We'll try to provide some insight into the origins of your Guthrie matches.

FTDNA's Autosomal Transfer Process allows you to transfer autosomal DNA tests from AncestryDNA, 23andMe, and MyHeritage.

Project members will receive an analysis of their Guthrie matches.

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