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The Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup H & HV Project

A genetic genealogy community and collaboration
  • 15054 members

About us

Join the conversation! We have a Facebook group for our project members.

Welcome to the H & HV Project

mtDNA Haplogroups H and HV are Eurasian Haplogroups which likely arose in between West Asia and Central Asia. Branches of H and HV migrated into Europe where H became the dominant maternal lineage while HV remained a much smaller population. H is believed to make up 40-50% of the mtDNA lineages in Western Europe. Much of the research of Human mtDNA only compares mutations in the HVR1 and HVR2 control regions, a smaller but more rapidly changing portion of the mtDNA molecule. This provides a false feeling of sameness to the members of the many subgroups, or clades.


The primary goal of this project is to explore the individual identity of each subclade. We are working to:

  • Educate members of this highly successful mtDNA Clade about their shared heritage.
  • Build a sense of community.
  • Recognize population clusters in the Clade and Subclades.

Altogether, the project has more than 11,000 participants, making it the largest public mtDNA Haplogroup project. We are working together to understand the dynamics of a lineage that has its oldest branches in Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and across Northern Africa yet has a large population from the Iberian peninsula up to Scandinavia.


The main project is meant to be the home of all who have tested as Hs, HVs, or any subclade. Here we sort project members by their branch and then look for potential new branches. This places your results beside those project members who are most likely to share ancestry with you in the recent past and sometimes the genealogical time frame. There are also special sub-project areas for those who have taken the full Mitochondrial DNA sequence test (scientifically called the mtGenome and called the FMS by FTDNA). These are dedicated to the discovering of new subclades and mapping geographic migration patterns. The new subclades are increasingly defined by Family tree DNA members and GenBank submissions.


The privacy of project members is respected at all times. The H & HV DNA administrators strictly adhere to the Group Administrator Guidelines GAP for Family Tree DNA Projects, the ISOGG Project Administrator Guidelines and other relevant code of conduct guidelines (the Finnish admin: the Code of Conduct of the the Genealogical Society of Finland Käytännesäännöt 2013). 

See also the Family Tree DNA Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, the Learning Center pages on DNA Group Projects and possible Code of conduct guidelines for genealogists in your own country of residence.

Using data and information

Information and data obtained from the mtDNA H & HV Project must be attributed to the project, administrator, and Family Tree DNA as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please notify the administrators when using data for public or private research.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a 
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

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