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  • 220 members

About us

Started in early 2003, the World-wide Hadley DNA Project is designed to help sort out the Hadley (and similar surname) families through DNA testing. The goal is to get several representatives from each major Hadley family and identify the specific DNA signature for each Hadley lineage.

This DNA project is open to members of any family with Hadley, Headley, Hadleigh, Headlee, Hedley, Hatley, or similar surnames. The goal of the project is to use Y-DNA (and where applicable, autosomal) test results to confirm the conventional research done by participants (and others) and to find new information about these families. 

Who Can Join: You are a male Hadley. The y-chromosome is passed from father to son, largely unchanged from generation to generation. While we welcome Hadley females to join who have taken autosomal DNA tests, the Hadley DNA Project is based on the y-chromosome test. We actively encourage any female Hadleys with known male Hadley relatives interested in this project to make their ancestry available to us as we are actively searching for any Hadley male relatives that descend from lines for which we do not yet have DNA results. 

How to Join this Project: FTDNA members can join by clicking the "Join Request" button. We actively prospective members who have done autosomal DNA tests at other testing sites (primarily Ancestry, 23andMe, and MyHeritage) to join the project. In order to join, members must first download the raw DNA files from these sites and upload them to the FTDNA website.  Once you have a personal account page at FTDNA, sign into your personal account page and click on the "Join Projects" section in the upper left corner, scroll down to "Y-Surname Projects" section and click on "H" or type "Hadley" into the search window. If you have never been tested before, you need to order a Y DNA test kit. 

Important note about useful key data for this project: When you join this project, be sure to fill in your direct paternal line "Earliest Known Ancestor" field in the "User Preferences" section of your personal account page, otherwise a blank will display for that field in your entry. This entry should be based on the family's genealogical knowledge and information for the data in the field has to be based on evidence, not just speculation. If you don't know the full name and specific details about your direct paternal ancestor you could simply enter the his surname and or a country of origin if at least that is known. Also please adjust the default privacy settings under Project Administrators to at least "Limited" so the project administrators can view your DNA results and assist with providing any insights and analysis.

This information will help Hadley researchers verify their traditional research and possibly identify other directions for further study.

The project is open to anybody with these similar surnames (or any similar surnames like this that we missed): Hadley, Hadleigh, Headley, Headlee, Hedley, Hatley, Hoadley etc.

For more information, please monitor the project's Activity log, our website and join our Facebook group Hadley Society 3.0.