
Hallissey DNA Project
  • 14 members

About us

The surname "Hallissey" is an Irish surname, and the surname originates in Counties Cork and Kerry in the south West of Ireland around the year 1600 AD. There are a very large number of spelling variations in this surname. No matter what way you spell your version of the surname, please do come and join our Hallissey Surname DNA Project.

You can also visit our Hallissey surname Facebook Group;

The Haplogroup for the Hallissey Lineage 1 Group is R-BY14091.
Haplogroup, long version; R->M173->M343->L754->L389->P297->M269->L23->L51->P310->L151->S1194->A8039->BY14091

The Hallissey Lineage 1 Group are part of R-A8039 Y-DNA Haplogroup Project at Family Tree DNA;

Hallissey Lineage 2 Group are descended from the O'Shea surname of County Kerry, Ireland, possibly through a Non-Paternal Event that occurred between about 1760 and 1790. The likely Haplogroup for the Lineage 2 Hallissey's is R-BY402, which is untested, but quite likely due to extra testing by the O'Shea matches.
Hallissey/O'Shea Lineage 2 Haplogroup, long version;

Link to the O'Shea DNA Project;

Surname spelling variants include; Hallissey Hallisey Hallissy Hallisy Halasey Hallacy Hallassey, Hallisay,
Hallassy Hallasy Hallessey Hailsy Halacy Halessy Halesy Halicy
Halissy Halisy Hallessy Hallesy Hallsey and sometimes "Halsey"

The origin and meaning of the Irish surname Hallissey;
Ó hÁILGHEASA—I—O Hallyse, O Hallishy, Hallissy, Hallissey, Hallessy; 'descendant of Áilgheas' (desire, request, importunity); a Munster surname; found chiefly in West Cork and South Kerry.
Author; Rev Patrick Woulfe
Date; 1923
Source; Irish Names and Surnames
Link; http://www.libraryireland.com/names/oh/o-hailgheasa.php

And thank you,
John Hallissey,
Hallissey Surname Project Admin.
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