
HAM DNA Project for genetic genealogy at FTDNA
  • 149 members

About us


It is known that the oldest spelling of the surname is with one "M," as in "Ham" which comes from an ancient Celtic word that dates at least from the 4th Century. There are, for example, over 10 villages, townships, and fiefs called "Ham" in France alone.


It is the goal of this project to see if we can establish a common ancestors for the HAM immigrants who come from England, Scotland, Ireland, France, and Germany for this study. A similar goal is to establish countries of origin for slaves and perhaps, Native Americans. HAM DNA Group #1 has been matched to the Ham surname in Somerset, England. It should be possible to pinpoint the location of origins for most participants in this project, provided that we can obtain enough participants in the U.S. as well as overseas.

A secondary goal is to establish regional ancestors to the various states here within the US. Regional information is helpful by providing information about where the information may be found, and what other contacts may be related.

Beyond that, a final goal would be establish ancient migration routes (over the last 2,000 years) using the STR information.


Results will be posted at this Family Tree DNA web site and analyzed at the "HAM Country" web page: