Black Friday Sale: Discounts on Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All Bundles! Now through Dec 4th.

W and N2a Haplogroup

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GOOGLE Translate link: This project is for mtDNA haplogroups W and N2a as tested at Family Tree DNA and its affiliates (iGENEA and National Geographic's original Genographic 1 Project). Currently it is not possible to transfer mtDNA results from 23andMe or Geno2. You must have mutations listed in your mtDNA section (MyFTDNA - MTDNA - RESULTS). They must show that you are in W or N2a or one of their subclades. To JOIN the project, LOGIN at FTDNA. Point to PROJECTS. CLICK on JOIN A PROJECT. At the bottom of the Project Join page you will see MTDNA HAPLOGROUP PROJECTS. CLICK on W. The Matching Projects page will appear. CLICK on the W and N2a Haplogroup link. On the Join the W and N2a Haplogroup W Project page tell us the test you took (mtFullSequence, mtPlus, mtDNA) and information on your mtDNA Earliest Known Ancestor. BE SURE to CLICK on the Orange REQUEST button to send your request.