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One of the World's Rarest and Oldest Dynastic Bloodlines!
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Helon FamilyTree DNA Project

One of the World's Rarest and Oldest Dynastic Bloodlines!

Copyright (C) and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED George W. Helon: Queensland, Australia; 2006-2021


Y-DNA Origins and Genetic Findings

Y-HAPLOGROUP RESULTS - A Summary by Testing Agent (last being the most current):

Family Tree DNA = E3b ---> E1b1b ---> E1b1b1a ---> E1b1b1a2 (E-V13) ---> E1b1b1a1b (E-V36) ----> E-FGC11451 ---> E-BY4825 (Ashkenazai). N.B. 'Null' ('0') Allele Value for DYS #425; Locus 48.

National Geographic Genographic Project = E-V13 ----> E-PF2217 (Anatolia and West Asia).

23 and Me = E1b1b1a ----> E1b1b1a2.

Y-Full = E-V13 (shortform) ----> E-Z5018 ----> E-S2979 ----> E-FGC11457.

In human genetics Haplogroup E-V13 (shortform) can be found in northeastern Africa. It is most frequent in the Balkans, but is rare in the Near East outside of Turkey. It likely originated in western Asia, reached the Balkans shortly afterwards, and from there spread into Europe within the last 5,000 years.

Accordingly, both the ethnic semitic origin (Ashkanazi Jewish/Greek/Scythian), and the geographical areas historically associated with this Y-DNA Haplogroup / Haplotype signature are consistent with the known localities of biological origin (Black Sea, Scythia, Anatolia, Turkey) as put forward by the Helon DNA Surname Project.

Worldwide, Family Tree DNA has accumulated over 518,533 Y-DNA records in their database; of these only 3 samples (as at 01 January 2015) in the Helon Family Tree DNA Surname Group match Y-DNA at 67 Allels; this supports the premise of a rare Haplotype, or bloodline.

A more detailed molecular genetic analysis into the deep ancestral origins was undertaken by DNA Tribes, Salt Lake City, Utah on 11 April 2013; it confirmed more precisely Ashkenazic / Hebrew, Scythian and Turkish / Armenian descent about Padan-Aram, now Harran, Sanliurfa Province, Mesopatamia / Turkey / Anatolia: Latitude 36.8669 X Longitude 39.0229. This is commensurate with the birthplace of Jacob's sons and grandsons, including Zebulon and his sons Sered, HELON and Jaleel.

For further information refer to the onomastic study of the name HELON at Wikipedia:

NEWS FLASH! 25 April 2016

In a report filed by Independent's Archaeology Correspondent David Keys, scientists have concluded that: "the majority of the world’s modern Jewish population is descended mainly from people from ancient Turkey, rather than predominantly from elsewhere in the Middle East.

"The new research suggests that most of the Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia. At that stage, the Persian Empire was home to the world’s largest Jewish communities.

"According to research carried out by the geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Turkey.

"His research is based on genetic, historical and place-name evidence. For his geographic genetic research, Dr Elhaik used a Geographic Population Structure computer modelling system to convert Ashkenazic Jewish DNA data into geographical information.

"Dr Elhaik, an Israeli-born geneticist who gained his doctorate in molecular evolution from the University of Houston, believes that three still-surviving Turkish villages – Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz – on the western part of an ancient Silk Road route were part of the original Ashkenazic homeland. He believes that the word Ashkenaz originally comes from Ashguza - the ancient Assyrian and Babylonian name for the Iron Age Eurasian steppeland people, the Scythians.

"Referring to the names of the three Turkish villages, Dr Elhaik points out that “north-east Turkey is the only place in the world where these place-names exist.”

Note the geographical proximity to the genetic ancestral origins of the Helon family!

(Article retrieved on 25 April 2016:

HELON (R) is a Registered and Protected Trademark and the Intellectual Property (IP) of George Wieslaw Helon: Australia

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