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  • 58 members

About us


The Hochreiter Surname DNA Project started in June 2007.

The first 3 participants were known relatives (2nd cousins and 2rd cousins once removed). Their 37-marker DNA tests provided a baseline for the Surname Project. All three descend from Hochreiters who were born in Moosbach, Bavaria, Germany and immigrated to the United States.

A search was conducted to identify other Hochreiter households in the United States, Canada, Europe, and elsewhere. Listings were taken from on-line telephone directories. The results are as follows: United States (135), Canada (10), Belgium (1), Switzerland (6), Denmark (1), South Africa (3), Australia (2), Italy (2), Netherlands (1), Slovakia (2) and Hungary (2). The most listings were in Germany (284) and Austria (690). This represents a good indication of the current distribution and populations of Hochreiter households around the world. It is not a definitive survey nor is it considered complete.

An effort is ongoing to contact Hochreiter households worldwide and inform them of this project. Additional volunteers are needed to provide family histories and DNA samples to help achieve the objectives of this project. The success of the project will depend on the number of male participants who join our testing group. Please, contact and encourage males of this and related surnames to participate in our project.

If you are contemplating having a DNA test performed, your participation would be most valuable to the achievement of our goals. Besides the DNA results, family history information is essential with a lineage starting from your closest deceased ancestor to your earliest known one. By providing this information, Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) will be able to notify others who may match your results, and we will be able to include all pertinent data and information to where others may find a match.


Whether you have already tested or are still in the process of deciding, it is important to understand what DNA testing is and what it can do for you. If you are new to Genetic Genealogy and want to learn more, there are many excellent resources available. To begin with, the FTDNA homepage at provides excellent explanations of DNA testing with tutorials and scientific papers available.

It is strongly recommended that you join the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG) at Membership is free and it is an excellent source of information. The website offers numerous “Newbie” explanations as well as a mini-course called DNA 101 that explains everything from chromosomes to test results. It also provides genetic tools, recommended reading and links to additional resources.


Did you know that there is a German geographical Y-DNA project supported by FTDNA? It is the German Language Area DNA Research Project. You do NOT have to test again. You can use your DNA results from the Hochreiter Project and transfer them directly into the German Project. You can find the project listed in the FTDNA pages under Y-DNA Geographical Projects under the letter “G.” The project also has its own web site at This is a great way of getting even more information from your DNA results while contributing to the research on German DNA origins.


The following statement is now provided by FTDNA to all new members and to those who are upgrading their Kit:

With the increased popularity of DNA testing, you may be asked to export your results to other databases not endorsed by Family Tree DNA. Please note that Family Tree DNA cares about your privacy and can only be responsible for the integrity and use of your data contained in our databases or automatically transferred from Family Tree DNA to We strongly recommend that you never share your Kit number and password outside of Family Tree DNA as it may give away your personal information including the ability to see and modify your personal contact information.
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