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Part of the Hollow One-name Study
  • 23 members

About us

What do we hope to find out in the Hollow DNA study?

I am hoping to sort out the following questions:

·        Are the two biggest family trees, the family commencing with the John Holla and Chesen Thomas marriage in Zennor in1695 and the family commencing with the William Holla and Uslea Cock marriage also in Zennor in 1685, related? This question has been sorted, our Y-DNA results the families did have a common ancestor, that is the John Holla family and the William Hollow family are all one big family.

·        Do the various other Hollow trees that at the moment have no connection to these trees connect or are there more origins to be found? The Y-DNA results have shown that at least one of these families does connect to the larger Zennor Holla/Hollow family.

·        Do the Hallo and Hallow families connect to these Holla or Hollow origins?

·        Do the U.S. Hollows all have a connection to the Holla/Hollows in Cornwall? We have two U.S. Hollow families so far that connect back to Cornwall.

·        Do the Hollow families who seem to have origins in countries other than Cornwall actually go back to Cornwall?

In addition I hope we can:-

·        Discover information about our distant origins

·           Discover clues regarding the origin of the surname

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