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  • 26 members

About us

Welcome to the Horsman DNA Project.

The project was started in late 2007, and now has 11 male Horsman / Horseman members.  

The Horsman / Horseman / Horsaman names are also being researched as part of a One-Name Study of the Horsman / Horseman / Horsaman families. If you are interested in this family, please contact the Group Administrator on:

The Horsman / Horseman / Horsaman families are extensive in Yorkshire, England, although there are many other branches throughout the UK and overseas.
We are trying to see if there is a link between the various family groups.

The Y DNA test tells you about your direct male line, which would be your father, his father, and back in time. You must be male to take this test, and you should have one of the surnames shown. If you believe there is a Horsman or variant in your direct male line, although you have a different surname, you are also welcome to participate. If you are female, you need to find a male relative to participate.

It is best for males to order a 37 marker Y DNA test, although if you order less markers, you can upgrade later, though this costs a little more.
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