
Houghton/Haughton Surname Project
  • 103 members

About us

The Houghton DNA Project is part of the The Houghton/Haughton Family Surname Project which now includes 94,200 descendants of Ralph and John Houghton of Lancaster, MA and John Houghton of Stony Brook, NJ, and all Houghton/Haughton surname individuals prior to 1940 who lived in or emigrated to the United States. Variants include Haughton, Hotton, Hotten, Hoten, Hoton, Howton, etc. Please consider contributing your Houghton/Haughton descendancy data to the project. You will be cited as the contributor of any new data. I will try to help you with your research needs regarding this surname. Houghton lines can be checked at: www.houghtonsurnameproject.com
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