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Home or Hume

Y-DNA Research Project for all males named Home, Hume, Homes and Humes
  • 197 members

About us

Our Home/Hume YDNA project will hopefully provide all those participating with very useful information regarding common genetic links in the male line. Ideally we want as many different Home / Hume family groups to join this project as possible in the anticipation that links between all of them will become apparent. If this proves to be the case it will re-enforce our perception that the majority of Homes and Humes stem from the original line in Berwickshire. By joining this group, you agree to provide the project with 3 things: 1) The surname of the person being tested 2) The name, date and place of birth of the oldest researched male ancestor of your male patrilineal line and the equivalent female ancestor of your matrilineal line. 3) Permission to publish, within our closed groups, your DNA results and the names, places and dates of birth of these ancestors.