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  • 166 members

About us

Welcome to the worldwide Hyde DNA project. For the purposes of this DNA project we are using the Y-DNA test, which tells you about your direct male line, that is, your father, your father's father, your father's father's father, and so on back in time. To participate in the test you should therefore be a male with the surname Hyde or any other variant spelling. If you believe there is a Hyde or variant in your direct male line, although you have a different surname, you are also welcome to participate. If you are female, you will need to ask your brother, father, uncle or cousin to take part and represent your tree. Because several Hyde families are genetically very close, we recommend purchasing your Y DNA 37 or 111 test with Family Finder included. Big Y 700 is strongly recommended because it will provide you with the most detailed haplogroup and genetic information - this test has been a game-changer, particularly for Hydes with origins in the United Kingdom and some other parts of Europe and the West Indies.

A General Fund has been established in conjunction with FamilyTreeDNA to provide a central repository for donations to assist with the cost of DNA testing of key descendants and to split the cost of testing between all interested parties. The fund is maintained independently by the testing company. Contributors can either make a general contribution to the fund or specify that their donation should be used to test a specific participant. Contributions can also be made "in memory" of a family member. Donations can be accepted in any currency via credit card. To make a donation, visit the General Fund section at the bottom of this page.

The privacy of project members is respected at all times. The project administrator strictly adheres to the Family Tree DNA Group Project Administrator Terms and Policies and the ISOGG Project Administrator Guidelines. For information about FTDNA privacy settings see the article in the FTDNA Learning Center on Privacy and Sharing.

The Hyde DNA Project is an independent genealogical research study run by volunteer project administrators. We receive no payment or incentives from Family Tree DNA or from any other organization or institution. There is no guarantee that every participant will match anyone in the DNA project or in the wider FamilyTreeDNA database.