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I2a Y-Haplogroup

  • 4890 members

About us

October 2019 update: The Rootsweb mailing list for Y-DNA haplogroup I was active for several years, and our I-P37 administrator Bill Morrow posted the links below to some of the most interesting posts from 2006-2015. Bill's summaries below tell some of the history of our project and genetic genealogy testing. Unfortunately the mailing list is no longer active and we don't recommend posting new information to the list. The links below might not work, but maybe you can search the archives at:

Rootsweb discussion group Haplogroup I

TIMELINE Listed below is "News" from various sources regarding I2a Haplogroup and its subclades, in chronological order, with links to the sources. Scroll down to bottom of this page for most recent updates.

Feb 27, 2006. Lewis Banks, kit #41616 started a project for M26 members. So little was known about M26, he felt he could post what info he could gather for the members and collect markers for geneticists to research. When FTDNA changed their designations to match ISOGG, he changed the projects name to include the entire I1b/I2a Haplogroup in order to assist non-M26 members.

May 08, 2006 Aaron Hill posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Haplogroup Descriptions This is the very first posting on Hg I list by its creator, Aaron Hill. He also created a website for present day I1 Haplogroup.

May 08, 2006 Aaron Hill posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Understanding Haplogroups

May 19, 2006 Lawrence Mayka posting to Rootsweb Hg I list: P37.2+ a shorthand test for I1b1

Dec 28, 2006 Wil Husted posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Haplogroup I and Blood groups Numerous postings on Bloodtypes of Haplogroup I donors.

March 25, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Our Precarious Beginnings

May 08, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Dinaric I1b1 and DYS 448 Ken hopes DYS 448 will cleve Dinaric I1b1 into two subclades.

May 08, 2007 John Weaver posting to Rootsweb Hg I list: Books sheding light on Hg I's history and culture

Aug 28, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Haplogroup I in Europe

Aug 31, 2007 Victor Paul posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: HHow to read Ken's "Founder Haplotypes" spreadsheet? Victor has numerous questions about determining his subclade Ken Nordtvedt's answers

Oct 02, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting to Rootsweb Hg I list: Kittler Order..2 extremes Ken discusses "Kittler Order" test results for DYS 385 which include I1b1-Dinaric haplotypes.

Oct 17, 2007 ISOGG revised Hg I as follows:

I1b S31 I1b1 P37.2 (formally I1b)

I1b1a P41.2/M359.2 (formally I1b1)

I1b1b M26 (formally I1b2)

I1b1b1 M161 (formally I1b2a)

Oct 19, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: I1b1-Isles and P41 SNP

Oct 20, 2007 Ken's follow-up to his previous posting. I1b1 and P41

Oct 22, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: What's an I1b1-Western SNP worth to us? Ken says I1b1-Western has the longest branch separating it from the rest of "I" and which has no defining SNP, to assess the probability of finding by deliberate search, such an SNP. ..probably separated from the rest of "I" some 500 generations before its MRCA.

Nov 05, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Dividing I1b1-Dinaric

Nov 05, 2007 postings on Rootsweb Hg I list: Another I1b1 Oddity Ken Nordtvedt and Joseph Rondinella discuss I1b1's complete absence in Norway or Sweden or Finland.

Nov 28, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting to Rootsweb Hg I list: Was y Haplogroup I early in Europe?

Dec 10, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Kittler Report --Do a Kittler! Ken tabulates Kittler results to date for Haplogroup I.

Dec 10, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Just 8 male ancestors 16,000 years ago Dec 11 Follow-up Shows I1b1 subclades

Dec 15, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Dinaric I1b1 Variance Ken says I1b1 Dinaric is about 3600 years old.

Dec 20, 2007 postings on Rootsweb Hg I list: P41+ is Southern I1b1-Dinaric Ken Nordtvedt and Victor Paul discuss Dinaric North & South differences.

DDec 24, 2007 Joseph Rondinella posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Origins of the British Joseph, Ken Nordtvedt, Gary Felix and others discuss Oppenheimers book which states Haplogroup I1a lived in the Balkans during the last Ice age. Ken refutes this saying that I1a didn't appear until after the last IGM. M26 is a focus of later discussions.

Dec 31, 2007 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: My Haplogroup I Website Update

Jan 09, 2008 Plos (Public Library of Science) One: Issue 1 Y-Chromosome Based Evidence for Pre-Neolithic Origin of the Genetically Homogeneous but Diverse Sardinian Population: Inference for Association Scans Sardinia and I-M26 discussed.

Feb 05, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: The Story of I1b1(P37.2+) Ken discusses his findings on I1b1 and its subclades. Follow-up to I1b1

Feb 06, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: M423 and P37 Ken says it may separate Dinaric from Isles and from Western. M423 is ancestral for M26+ and positive for Dinaric P37.2+.

Feb 8, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: M423 placed in my I tree Ken discusses new SNP M423

Feb 19, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting at Rootsweb Hg I list: M423 SNP for I1b1 is Here Ken discusses the new M423 SNP, says I1b1 Western = 15 repeats (alleles) at DYS 388; Isles generally has low 11 or 12 repeats at DYS 385a while having normal 13 repeats at DYS 388; Dinaric is almost always 14-15 at DYS 385.

Feb 23, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: My Website Update Ken says due to forthcoming nomenclature changes, he will start using the appropriate downstream SNP names as Haplogroup names from now on.

March 03, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting at Rootsweb Hg I list: M423 for Western I1b1 Ken says "M423 splits I1b1 (P37.2+) by rendering Dinaric clades positive and western clades negative" ...."you are I1b1-Western if you have 15 at DYS 388 and 18 at DYS 448 and 10 at DYS 607. You will also have 12-15 at DYS 385 and 11-14-14-15 at DYS 464 or something close to that."

March 04, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting to Rootsweb Hg I list: Ancient Asterisk for I1b1(P37.2+*-Western Clade By having an asterisk with P37.2+*-Western, means members of this subclade are negative on any known downstream SNPs.

March 18, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: New y Haplogroup I paper Ken summarizes and comments on "New Phylogenetic Relationships for Y-Chromosome Haplogroup I."

March 25, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: M423 splits P37.2+ Robustly Ken reports that an I1b1-Dinaric haplotype of eastern Europe was found derived, M423+. Two I1b1-Western of western Europe were found ancestral, M423-. One I1b1-Isles was found ancestral, M423-. M423 is downstream from P37.2 SNP. More about M423 Results

March 31, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: First M161+ Ken discusses his first finding of a donor who tested M161+.

April 04, 2008 "Genealogies Fritsche" posting to Rootsweb Hg I list: Angles, Saxons and Jutes

April 04, 2008 Ken Nordtvelt posting to Rootsweb Hg I list: MRCA Ages by SNP counts April 26, 2008 Aaron Hill posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: New "GINA" law would stop Genetic discrimination

April 29, 2008 Aaron Hill posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Scientists Reshape Y Chromosome Haplogroup Tree Gaining new insights into Human Ancestry

April 29, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: M423/P37 Report Ken's quick update on results so far for M423

May 05, 2008: ISOGG changes the subclade numbering. 2007 2008 I1b = I2 I1b1 = I2a I1b1a = I2a2 I1b1b = I2a1 I1b1b1 = I2a1a May 16, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Hg I Clade Ages

May 16, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb GENEALOGY-DNA list Pinpointing M423 in I tree

June 12, 2008 Diana Gale Matthiesen posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Derived vs Ancestral SNPs The "derived" condition means you possess a "new" mutation, one not possessed by your ancestors. If you don't possess this mutation, it means you have the "ancestral" condition.

June 15, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: 3 DeCODE SNPs Ken discusses 3 SNPs affecting P37.2-Western.

June 16, 2008 Keith Harris posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: New Scientific American article "Traces of a distant Past" Discusses "out of Africa" into Europe treks of our ancestors.

July 21, 2008 Diana Gale Matthiesen posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Genetic testing labs Diana clarifies that SNP and Haplogroup studies are deep ancestry, not genealogy. "Determing your haplogroup subclade is an interesting thing to know about oneself, but knowing it is not going to help you with your genealogy".

Aug 05, 2008 Zdenko Markovic and Ken Nordtvedt postings on Rootsweb Hg I list: FTDNA topology of M423 Topology of M423 is P37.2+ M26- P41.2-.

Aug 05, 2008 postings at Rootsweb Hg I by Graham Durant, Ken Nordtvelt and John O'Grady on testing M423 M423 testing

Aug 12, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Roostweb Hg I list: M423 Isles A,B,C and D

Aug 31, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: What's In and Not In Scandinavia? Ken gives MRCA's for I2a & subclades and asks why are only the young Hg's found in Scandinavia?

Sept 11, 2008 Elizabeth Harris posting on Rootsweb Hg I list in response to Chris Haynes query about location of I2a-Western in UK? Counties = Northampton, Nottingham, Lancashire and Worchester (per Todd Johnson's "Todds Report"). I2a-Western in UK?

Sept 19, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: "Is Northern I-M26 Older?" .

Oct 13, 2008 Ken Nordtvedt's posting on Rootsweb Haplogroup I list: Random Comments on the State of y "I" Ken mentions I2a1-Isles, I2a M26+ and M423. As of 21 Oct 2008, FTDNA has expanded Haplogroup I2a's tree to incorporate a separate branch. Subclade M423 and its subtype P41.2 will now be designated I2a2 and I2a2a, and M26 and M161 are now designated as I2a1 and I2a1a.

Oct 31, 2008 Rootsweb posting on Haplogroup I list: Bill Morrow becomes new Group Adm for I2a Haplogroup Project at FTDNA

Oct 31, 2008 Bill Morrow, kit #11612, became new Group Administrator for I2a. At that time there were 85 members. Lewis Banks was on active duty with the military and couldn't give the project the attention it deserved. He asked Bill to treat all subclades equally and turned control of the project over to him. The 85 members were divided according to their subgroup and whether they had confirmed or predicted subHaplogroups. This made some very large groups, especially M26 = I2a1. Bill felt the members should be divided by their most downstream SNPs (which wouldn't be changing so often as Haplogroup numbering). This would make the groups smaller. He followed Ken Nordtvedt's numbering system of SNPs and further division by Ken's research findings. Bill used J.T. Cullen's Haplogroup subclade predictor to find subclades of each member and then updated the Y-DNA Results portion of the I2a website accordingly. This resulted in 12 subclades.

Dec 5, 2008 FTDNA emailed that they could not add Modal haplotypes of each subclade of I2a per Bill's request, to YDNA Results portion of our I2a Haplogroup project website. He instead plans to email each subclade and type in the particular modal for those members to compare with their own haplotypes.

Dec 05, 2008 postings on Hg I list: I2* Geography Ken Nordtvedt, Bernie Cullen, Pete Hanke, Diana Gale Matthiesen discuss I2* vs I2a Ken's Chart showing I2* and I2a relationships

Dec 05, 2008 email to Ron Radzilowski from Larry Mayka that "based on what he has seen so far, Ken Nordtvedt still thinks the origin of M423-Isles-B in what is now Germany, to be most likely. But this view could change if we find more (info)..Ken estimates the age of M423-Isles-B to be 6600 years."

December 12, 2008, the yDNA test results of I2a members have been divided into 12 subclades by Bill Morrow at the I2a website. This made smaller, more defined groups and allowed easier exchange of info between members.

Dec 19, 2008 Rootsweb Hg I list, SNP for Dinaric I2a2a Ken Nordtvedt discusses rs9786274 of 23andMe makes P37.2+ Western as I2a* and P37.2+ M423+ Isles becomes I2a2 and P37.2+ M423+ rs9786274 = T Dinaric I2a2a; P37.2+ M26+ = I2a1.

DDec 24, 2008 email to Bill Morrow from Steve Williamson regarding I-M423. "I-M423 Balkan Y chromosomes are consistent with a late Mesolithic time frame. In addition the low frequency and variance associated to I-M423 in Anatolia & middle east support an European Mesolithic origin." Dienekes Anthropology BlogEuropean Journal of Human Genetics

Dec 25, 2008 ISOGG chart for I2a: I2 (formally I1b) I2a P37.2 I2a1 M26 I2a1a M161 I2a2 M423 I2a2a P41.2/M359.2 I2a2b rs59786274 = T

Jan 07, 2009 ISOGG I2a P37.2 I2a1 M26 I2a1a M161 I2a2 M423 I2a2a P41.2/M359.2 I2a2b L69 (=T)

January 6, 2009 the I2a group had 108 members. The I2a website had been updated to incorporate changes and new information.

Jan 09, 2009 postings at Rootsweb Hg I list: Haplogroup I info wanted Ken Nordtvedt asked for more Hg I haplotypes and Bernie Cullen explains how to search Ancestry for haplotypes, Haplogroups and surname matches.

Jan 11, 2009 Rootsweb Hg I list: Early Isles Farmers I2a2a-Isles (P37.2+ M423+) Ken Nordtvedt references TIMESONLINE "Radiocarbon dates indicate early Irish were just visiting". As of Jan 15, 2009 the I2a group has 112 members.

JJan 17, 2009 Bill Morrow posting on Rootsweb Hg I list, Invitation of anybody predicted or snp tested I2a and its subclades, to join the I2a group. Invitation to Join I2a .

JJan 20, 2009 Bernie Cullen posting on Roosweb Hg I list: Volunteers needed to look for new Hg I results

Jan 21, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting at Rootsweb Hg I list: New SNP for Hg I Ken discusses rs 9786274 = S163 at EthnoAncestry which is G for Isles and T for Dinaric. In a follow up posting he says Dinaric is 14-15 at DYS 385, Isles are 11 or 12 at DYS 385; Dinaric has higher 439 generally.

Jan 22, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt email to Bill Morrow suggests that I2a members of M423 Dinaric and Isles could be tested for SNP S163 at EthnoAncestry to find out which subclade they belong. Jim Keaveney noted that FTDNA will have L69 (same as S163) in the future and if a member of FTDNA was tested for M423, the L69 test is free.

Jan 22, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt's posting on Rootswebs Hg I list, Age of Sardinian M26 which he concluded..." M26+ I2a1 is not dominated by Iberian or Sardinian representatives. France is strong and elsewhere on the Atlantic seaboard of Europe. Also Italy. He noted how very young I2a-Dinaric M423+ S163+ of Eastern Europe remains as a population, even though it is spread north and south over a long range -- Baltic states down to Balkans.."

Jan 29, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Kittler for I2a1-Sardinian

Jan 29, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Is I2a1 the oldest Clade in Western Europe?

Jan 31, 2009 Aaron Hill posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Deep Clade Tests Aaron says "generally a waste of money. Please upgrade to as many markers as possible"

Feb 01, 2009 Aaron Hill, et al postings on Rootsweb Hg I list: Preliminary Summary of new HIV Hg I Study Study finds infectious disease-DNA connection Y Chromosome ..Hg I shows greater risk than other Hg's to moving into AIDS much faster. An independent analysis of AIDS-related illnesses also suggests the increased risk of the Y-I haplogroup in all disease categories

Feb 01, 2009 Bill Morrow and others postings Hg I descendants might be headed to extinction?

Feb 02, 2009 Bill Morrow posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Bill clarifies Feb 1 remarks

Feb 12, 2009 In response to a question from a I2a member as to how many projects can a person join at FamilytreeDNA, here's FTDNA project limits: 2 surname projects 1 Y-DNA Geographical project 1 mtDNA Geographical project 2 Dual Geographical projects 1 mtDNA and 1 Y-DNA haplogroup project

Feb 20, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting to Rootswebs Hg I list: New I2a2 "Din-Isles" clade and SNP test one match in I2a group members This means we now have a new clade within I2a, bringing the total to 14 separate subclades. Din and Isles members are encouraged to check their own haplotype against the DYS markers of the new clade to see whether theirs match or do not match. (Ken would certainly be elated with more haplotypes of this new clade). The new clade DYS markers: 17,10 15-15 at DYS 19, 391 and 385a,b; 21 at DYS 448; 12-14-14-15 at DYS464 and the usual DYS388=13 and YCAIIa,b = 21,21; other DYS: 406=10; 511=10; 534=11; 565=11 per Brad Pierce who is a member of this new group. (Brad says that Ken deleted 511, 534 & 565 from the new modal on March 09, 2009).

Feb 20, 2009: Ken followed up by saying it doesn't have to be a perfect match of the mentioned DYS markers. Feb 21, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt et al postings on Rootsweb Hg I list: Ken names the new clade I2a2-Disles . This is a contraction of Dinaric and Isles.

Feb 21, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: My Hg I website update New clade I2a2-Disles discussed.

Feb 24, 2009 Changed I2a2-Disles to I-M423-Disles within I2a website to match Ken's FoundersHaps.xls

FFeb 25, 2009 email from Tim Owens to Ken Nordtvedt "I2a2-Isles": current position?: "That the I2a2-Isles clades most likely originated in what is now Germany. Clade A contains no continentals as yet; Clade B, the oldest, contains 2 Germans, and assorted French, Poles & Basques; Clade C contains no continentals as yet; and Clade D (Tim is a member) contains 1 German. Is this up to date? (Ken's) conjecture that Clade C originated in the British Isles ...who may have been in the oldest Clade B...for what it is worth, Isles B folk entering the British Isles via Doggerland from what is now the German plain, going first to Scotland and then on to Ireland 'giving birth' to Isles Clades A,C and D." Ken's reply: "A has 1 of 38 continental--Italian B has 13 of 35 continental--Poles, Germans, French, Basque C has 3 of 37 continental-- place indeterminate D has 1 of 42 continental-- German (Ken) I agree with your theory although I don't know about the timing yet. I should do an age estimate again."

Feb 27, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: New Subclade of P37.2+ I2a*-Western Ken displays DYS markers which have shifts from the I2a*-Western modal Bill Morrow response Bill shows five kit numbers (of I-P37.2-Western members) who match one or more of the defining markers of the new clade. Ken may want to add their haplotypes to his database?

Feb 28, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: A French clade of M26+ Ken lists six DYS markers which define the new clade: DYS alleles (3) 19 = 17 (4)391 = 09 (9)439 = 12,13 (18)447 = 24 (36)442 = 13 DYS 461 = 23,13

March 01, 2009 Bill Morrow posting on Hg I list 11 members of I2a may fit new clade March 01, 2009 Wil Husted posting on Hg I list Wil disagrees with Ken's M26 MRCA of 6,000 years ago.

March 3, 2009 added new clade to I2a, I-P37.2-Western Isles

March 4, 2009 added new clade to I2a, I-M26-France

March 5, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: I2a2 M423+ P41.2 Ken discusses Dinaric vs. Isles, gives background info. March 5, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Dinaric I Variances Ken gives coalescence =(fuse; to grow together)& Interclade ages of Dinaric N and S.

March 10, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Ken answers Wil Husted's questions on Hg I beginnings

March 11, 2009 Charles Hollenbeck posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: CCharles answers Wil's questions on Hg I beginnings

March 11, 2009 Charles Hollenbeck posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: CCharles answers Wil's questions on I2a1 being Danes/Germans

March 11, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Ken answers Weldon Smith's questions, mentions I2 and I2a, P37.2+ beginnings

March 17, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Finding new SNP's in Hg I Ken proposes several SNP searches of Hg I clades.

March 19, 2009 Ken Nortdvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Ken summarizes SNP searches

March 19, 2009 Three options for SNP searches are discussed (1) I2a*-Western and a donor from any of the I2* clades (2) I2b1 Roots to an I2b1-Cont - 1 or 2 (3) Some form of I1-AS1 and I1-AS

March 20, 2009 I2a Haplogroup Project to handle donations

March 20, 2009 I2 SNP search project is a GO Initial project will compare dna from I2a2-Isles-D clade donor and an I2* haplogroup donor.

March 21, 2009 This I2a website is set up to receive donations. Click onto the icon: Contribute to the Surname Project General Fund in the upper left of this screen. Scroll back up to the top of this page, then move your cursor over the icon, and click onto it. When the donation screen appears, instructions are shown for donating by credit card, Paypal or by sending your check or money order by US Mail. These donations will pay the costs for the SNP search which are $1500 per search. Three such searches are proposed. If the first is successful, we will move on to the other searches. So your donation may be used on those (with your approval). All such searches will benefit all Hg I folks. With new SNPs being found, your particular subclade might benefit, and your donation could go towards the cost of testing a new SNP? So lots of doors being opened by these SNP searches.

March 21, 2009 received $750 donation from John O'Grady, I2a2-M423-Isles-D2 donor for the forthcoming I2a/ I2* SNP search at FTDNA. John gave his permission to reveal his name as donor on this website.

March 21, 2009 I2* donor (name withheld for privacy reasons) sent his application to Dr Krahn at FTDNA

March 23, 2009 John O'Grady, I2a2-M423-Isles-D2 donor mailed his application to Dr. Krahn at FTDNA

March 30, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Haplogroup Takeovers

April 02, 2009 BBC News: Clues to ancient invasion in DNA ancient invasion of Scotland from Ireland. 40% of pop of western Isles could have Viking ancestry while no Viking ancestry was found in NE Scotland.

April 4, 2009 John O'Grady, I2a2-M423-Isles-D2 donor mailed his new DNA samples to FTDNA April 4, 2009 Ken Nortdvedt posting to Rootsweb Hg I list: I2a2-Isles Clades divide again Isles A,B,C and D are now A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,C2,D1,D2. As soon as possible I will change members over to their new subclade.

April 6, 2009 Aiden Mulvihill emailed a link of a map showing locations of Haplogroup I SNP's throughout Europe. Map of Haplogroup I's SNP locations throughout continental Europe

April 6, 2009 Wil Husted posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Surprise! Wil begins his own "Walk Through the Y" project, I2a1-M26-A at FTDNA.

April 8, 2009 Wil's follow up posting at Hg II2a/M26 SNP search Wil decides to wait for his test results to see if there are useful results before proceeding with another M26 SNP search.

April 8, 2009 FTDNA began "Walk Through the Y" test for John O'Grady, the I2a2-M423-Isles-D2 donor. His $750 donation was withdrawn from the I2a general fund by FTDNA, to pay for his portion of the SNP search.

April 9, 2009 Aaron Hill posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: I1* Walk through the Y Aaron advises for any Hg I person wanting the "Walk through the Y" test can deal directly with Dr. Krahn at FTDNA rather than dealing with a Haplogroup Project Group Administrator.

April 9, 2009 the I2* donor (at Barcelona, Spain) sent his DNA kit to FTDNA at Houston, Tx.

April 10, 2009 Aaron Hill posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Donations to I1* SNP search Aaron says anybody wishing to donate to I1 can use the I1 Project and show "Walk Through the Y Project" on their donations. Then send an email to (I1 group adm email).

AApril 10, 2009 Adam Waalkes posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Any news on a Manager for I2b1 SNP search donations? Adam is I2b1-Cont-1a M223+ and is willing to be a DNA donor plus contribute towards SNP search.

AApril 10, 2009 Greg Moore emailed a link to BBC news article on "Signs of earliest Scots unearthed near Biggar in South Lanarkshire may date back to 12,000 to 14,000 years ago" Early Scots April 11, 2009 Obed Odom posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Update on I1* WTY application Obed Odom says he submitted his application for his I1* "Walk Through the Y" test 2 days ago to Dr. Krahn; he erroneously gave Haplogroup I Project (instead of Hg I1) as the WTY Group; intends to fully self fund his test, if application approved.

April 12, 2009 Aaron Hill posts on Rootsweb Hg I list: Dr Krahn's 2009 presenation of Walk through the YDr Krahn's 2007 presentation of Walk on the Y

April 13, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Disles I2a2 is T at S163.2 aka L69 Ken says S163 aka L69 is a useful snp to divide I2a2-Isles from I2a2-Dinaric and Disles.

April 13, 2009 John O'Grady emailed that his Walk Through the Y testing is in batch 303 and estimated completion date is May 20, 2009. April 14, 2009 Aaron Hill postings on Rootsweb Hg I list: Estonia Genome ProjectEstonia Genome Project website

April 15, 2009 emails from Gary Felix, Mexico DNA Project Adm and Wil Husted regarding an Iberian participant with Wil's Walk Through the Y SNP search. Gary says there are a couple of M26 tested members, and Wil asked Gary to see if someone could pay the full $750 for his test, otherwise, Wil said Bill Morrow has offered to handle an I2a1/M26 fund for accepting donations. Wil thinks his DNA specimen should have arrived in Houston by now and may be at the laboratory.

April 15, 2009 Aaron Hill posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Deep Clade Testing at FTDNA Aaron encourages that everyone concerned requests individual SNP testing be available rather than only the Deep Clade testing..using L22 as an example. It is not available except in Deep Clade testing. Aaron's above posting gives two links to FTDNA to use in sending a request to them to give us individual SNP tests rather than a more expensive group of SNPs tested, some of which may not be revelent to us. April 18, 2009 O.W. Odom reported that he had mailed his sample kit to FTDNA for his I1* Walk Through the Y. April 19, 2009 ISOGG clarified L69 to L69.2 and added equivalent S163.2 plus added notes* on their relationship to P41.2/M359.2. *Note: L69.2(=T)/S163.2 appears in Hg I. L69/S163 appears in multiple locations. *Note: The exact relationship between P41.2/M359.2 and L69.2(=T)/S163.2 is being studied as of 19 April 2009 as one sample is positive for both. The current chart shows them as mutally exclusive. Source: ISOGG 2009

April 20, 2009 Bill Morrow asked for donations from the 59 M26's of I2a to help finance Wil Husted's M26 SNP searches, he is one DNA donor with subclade = M26-A, of British descent, c1575 Pilsdon, Dorset; he wants another donor from M26 Iberian descent; and maybe a third M26 of Italian desent.

April 20, 2009 Julie W of FTDNA returned my email query on the status of the I2* donor, that the I2* donor (for the first SNP search of I2a2-M423-Isles-D2 and I2*) who reported he mailed his DNA kit from Barcelona, Spain on April 9th, ..her response: "it may take four weeks or longer for his DNA sample to make it thru customs".. to Houston. That means May 9th or later for FTDNA to receive his kit.

April 20, 2009 "BBC news" DNA test to prove Bronze Age link 4,000 years ago Local Wales men are needed for DNA tests to prove their distant ancestors moved from the Mediterranean to north Wales as migrant workers. Higher than average presence of a DNA marker that is commonly found in people from the Balkans and Spain.

April 21, 2009 Jane Gilbert becomes Group Administrator of the I2b1 Haplogroup Project, taking over from Grant South.

April 21, 2009 an anonymous donor has paid $750 for his own "Walk Through the Y" SNP search. His kit is already at Houston, pending shipment to the lab. His subclade is I2a2b-M423-Disles. This should work well with the I2a2-M423-Isles-D2 donor and the I2* donor. And let's not forget Wil Husted who had paid his $750 cost for WoY of his subclade I2a1-M26-A. These SNP searches should really produce some results, ie, new SNPs to allow us more knowledge about Haplogroup I2* and I2a. Early results should be in late May 2009.

April 22, 2009 Wil Husted's "Walk Through the Y" SNP search is posted at FTDNA, his kit is at Houston, pending shipment to the lab. April 22, 2009 the I2* donor's kit arrived at FTDNA (whew!) This will allow all four "Walk Through the Y" SNP searches to happen simultaneously. To recap, the subclades involved in the first SNP search: (1) I2a2-M423-Isles-D2 (2) I2* (3) I2a1-M26-A (4) I2a2b-M423-Disles. Ken Nordtvedt has also proposed SNP searches for I2b1 and I1 which are needing donations now.

April 22, 2009 Two donors in the I2a/I2*SNP searches (M423-Disles and M26-A), kits are in FTDNA batch 305 and their estimated date for completion is

June 3, 2009. April 23, 2009 the I2* donor in the SNP search emailed that his kit is in batch 305 at FTDNA, with results due June 3, 2009.

April 23, 2009 Adam Waalkes posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: I2b1* "Walk Through the Y" SNP search Adam says he was accepted for WTY, his subclade is I2b1-M223-Cont-1a.

April 24, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list I2b1 SNP search Ken asks for more contributions; discusses possible outcomes of the I2b1 SNP search.

April 25, 2009 email from Dr. Greg Moore which enclosed an April 13 email from Dr. Angelika Kritz, of EthnoAncestry "please note that S163.2 is a back mutation. Chromosomes in groups A-G carry T at this marker, whereas chromosomes in Group I, J and K carry G. However, a subgroup of chromosomes within I2a have reverted to T."

April 28, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt email to Greg Moore, subject: I-M423 Disles. ..."markers which seem to best distinguish Disles from Dinaric: DYS 464c = 14; DYS 19= 17; 391=10; 385a=15; DYS 635 high; 406=10; 511=10; 461=11; 446=12; 565=11; 395b=17. April 29, 2009 Jane Gilbert reports I2b1 SNP search donations total $1230 ($1330 by 1pm) needs $170 more to fully fund the I2b1 SNP search ($1500). April 30, 2009 One half of the I2b1 SNP search is underway with the I2b1-M223-Cont-1a donor's "Walk Through the Y" funded, which means FTDNA has started his SNP search. The I2b1 group still needs $120 to fund the other half of the I2b1 search. Any donation will be appreciated from anybody. Jane Gilbert instructions for I2b1 donations

May 01, 2009 Jane Gilbert posting on Rootsweb Hg I list I2b1 SNP search is ongoing Jane reports the I2b1 SNP search is fully funded. The donors subclades are I-M223-Cont1(Adam Waalkes) and I-M223-Root2 (Phil Alfeld).

May 02, 2009 Group Adm notes: Since we have a lull in our activates awaiting SNP search results, I will start gathering tidbits of info on each current subclade which will be added to the "Results" section of this I2a website. Such as defining SNPs, defining DYS markers, where subclades might have originated, age back to common ancestor for each subclade, etc. Please email Group Adm Bill Morrow if you want to contribute any info or data.

May 09, 2009 Bryan Cook posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Maps of Neolithic and Bronze Age migrations in EuropeDistribution of European Y-Chromosome DNA haplogroupgs by RegionOrigins, age spread and ethnic association of European Haplogroups and Subclades Folks, do click onto these links and move around inside Eupedia websites, lots of tidbits on I2a, hope it's all correct :) lots of flak from other readers, Bryan says he's headed to his foxhole. I say look it all over and use what you can.

May 9, 2009 Bryan Cook posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: Est. Y-DNA distribution 2000 years ago Maciamo is the author, posting is dated Feb 23, 2009 at Eupedia.

May 9, 2009 OW Odom posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: I1 project WTY update

May 9, 2009 Group Adm Bill Morrow begins adding I2a subclade descriptions to the Results section of this website. Descriptions to include known SNPs, Defining SNPs, Defining DYS markers and Distinguishing DYS markers for each subclade.

May 18, 2009 Group Adm Bill Morrow is upgrading to yDNA 67 markers and later will apply for the "Walk Through the Y" SNP search. Bill will pay all his costs. Bill's subclade is P37.2-Western, so that should work well with the other ongoing I2a/ I2* WTY SNP searches.

May 19, 2009: Whit Athey, Editor, says Spring 2009 issue of Journal of Genetic Genealogy has been issued: JoGG Spring 2009

May 25, 2009: Status of I2a members upgrading at FTDNA:Pending shipments to Lab: 3 upgrades in DYS markers; 1 deep clade-I. Unreceived Lab Results for I2a members: (partial list) (1) one Walk Through the Y SNP search in batch 303 due 5/25/2009 (2) Two Walk Through the Y SNP searches in batch 305 are due 6/8/2009. (3) 12 upgrades in DYS markers in batch 309 are due 7/8/2009

May 25, 2009: I1 SNP's Ken has a new approach which might have a cost advantage over WTY's.

May 28, 2009: Don't mention test prices Genealogy-DNA List Adm. Jim Bullock reminds everybody not to mention prices of products or services on Rootsweb lists.

May 30, 2009: A major question in this field: archaeology,languages, mtDNA, Y-DNA and atDNA Andrew Lancaster refers to his article in JoGG Spring 2009

-------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------

June 1, 2009: Status of I2a members upgrading at FTDNA: Pending Shipments to Lab Two mtDNA Refine One Deep Clade-I Two Upgrades in yDNA markers ----------------------------------------------Unreceived Lab Results:........................................Batch.....Est.Result Date One Walk Through Y.....303........5/25/09 One mtHvr2toMega(FGS)..303........5/25/ Two Walk Through Y.....305........6/08/ One Upgrade Markers....306........6/17 One Autosomal CCR5.....308........6/29 12 upgrade markers.....309........7/06 One upgrade markers....310........7/13

-------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

June 1, 2009: Updated Haplogroup I Tree Ken Nordtvedt has updated his "Warpedfounderstree" showing relationships between the various subclades of Haplogroup I. Here's a jpg version: Hg I Tree by Ken June 5, 2009 Italy acted as a Refuge for Paleolithic humans Research to be published in June 12 issue of American Journal of Human Genetics. AJHG article . Both mtDNA U5b3 and yDNA I2a1-M26 founder event marking both female and male lineages in Sardinia.

June 6, 2009. FamilytreeDNA has a new feature in section Y-DNA Results of this I2a website: YDNA Most Distant Known Ancestor Distribution Map (All New Map). To get to the new map in the Y-DNA Results section, scroll up to the top of this webpage, move your cursor to the left over the icon "Y-DNA Results" and click onto the icon. When the new screen appears, scroll below the haplotypes to the Map. The new feature is that instead of all haplotypes showing on the map, you now can select any of the subclades of I2a. Those haplotypes of your selected subclade which have their ancestors known location keyed into their personal pages at FTDNA website, will appear. You can click onto any of them to read info on that ancestor. Be sure and click onto "map directions" (after you select your subclade)Move your cursor to the upper right of the map, over the icon "Map Directions" click onto the icon, to learn all new features. If you haven't added the map location to your most distant ancestor, want to but need help, email Familytreedna: Be sure and show your kit number in the email.

June 9, 2009: FTDNA is having a 1/2 price sale for new members of Surname projects or Geographical Projects, who join between June 9 thru June 30, 2009. yDNA 37 + mtDNA will be dropped from $248 to $119, kits ordered must be paid by June 30.

June 9, 2009 Group Adm Bill Morrow submitted his application to FTDNA's Dr Thomas Krahn for a "Walk Through the Y" SNP search. Self funded. Bill is P37.2*-Western. Ken Nordtvedt emailed: "Bill you stand a very good chance of finding a snp which explicitly tags the I2a* Western clade. That's a very long branch line (20,000 years) on which it can fall. Good luck. Your participation could also help sort out the order in which Western and Sardinian branch apart from the Dinaric/Isles branch line if a snp is found close to those nodes."

June 12, 2009 FTDNA reports Wil Husted's WTY SNP search results are in. Ken Nordtvedt email to Bill Morrow: "Wil Husted is discoverer of 3 new SNPs in his Walk the Y. We just have to pin down where they sit now."

June 14, 2009 FTDNA reports John O'Grady's WTY SNP search results are in. Ken Nordtvedt email to Bill Morrow: "one more new SNP found in O'Grady's test results. His SNP is ancestral for Husted & Husted's three are ancestral for O'Grady's so that places all four downstream of the I2a1 split for I2a2."

June 15, 2009 Ken Nordtvedt posting on Rootsweb Hg I list: 3 new I2a1 SNP's Ken urges all I2a1 folks to take the new L158, L159, & L160 SNP tests to further define this clade. Group Adm note: Those members of I2a1 who made donations for SNP tests should email me in this regard.

June 16, 2009: FTDNA says "these SNPs are still being developed and I do not have a date as to when they will be available or if they will be viable SNPs that we can offer. Thomas Krahn will need to complete the testing on these SNPs and I do not have a time line as to how long it may take nor what the price of the SNPs will be." Group Adm note: we are presently selecting a few of the members who donated money for the I2*/I2a SNP searches as candidates for testing the new SNPs. Four, probably will be narrowed to three donors, due to money problems. This should not discourage any I2a1 member from applying for the L158, L159 or L160 SNP tests at their own prerogative. We understand that O'Grady's new SNP is L161 and any I2a2 members who want to test for this SNP are also encouraged to do so, if and when FTDNA has the SNPs ready for testing.

June 16, 2009: Kittler Tests for I2a1-M26 Ken discusses kittler tests plus the newly discovered SNPs, (a must read).

June 18, 2009 new SNPs at FTDNA Dr. Krahn reports that SNPs L158, L159, L160 and L161 will be available in the next few days for tests at FTDNA. Dr. Krahn didn't state what the cost will be. L158, L159 and L160 are newly discovered SNPs from Wil Husted's WTY, and we will test three I2a1 members at FTDNA. This does not preclude any other I2a1 member from taking their own tests. SNP L161 was discovered on John O'Grady's WTY and testing that SNP L161 needs to be held off awhile for the other WTY SNP search results, since it is of a Disles donor.

June 20, 2009: Group Adm Bill Morrow made advance orders for three SNP tests of L158, L159 and L160 at FTDNA. This will cost $261 which will come out of the I2a fund, leaving $789 for future SNP tests from other WTY SNP searches. June 22, 2009 FTDNA reports the SNPs are not yet available to test... I was hoping my key word "advance" might get an early order accomplished..

June 27, 2009: They're Heeere! New Hg I SNPs Ken Nordtvedt says L158, L159 and L160 are now available for I2a1 folks to order tests at FTDNA. L161 is also available for I2a2 folks to order tests at FTDNA.

June 27, 2009 Group Adm Bill Morrow ordered SNP tests for three I2a1 donors, each will be tested for L158, L159 and L160. Subclades of the three are M26-B, M26-B and M26-A.

June 27, 2009: They're Heeere! New Hg I SNPs Elizabeth Kipp ordered SNP L161 test for donor whose subclade = I2a2-Isles-B1. June 28, 2009 Kent Bishop, subclade M26-France says he will order SNPs L158,L159 and L160.

June 28, 2009: Ken clarifies L158,L159,L160 and L161 vs. M161

June 28, 2009 Four members of I2a have ordered SNP L161: (1)105779 = Din-S; (2)113806 = Isles-C2;(3)N3470 = Disles (4) N43038 = Isles-B1. Two members have ordered P215: (1) 153528 = Isles-A (2) 80598 = M26-A. Group Adm note: To order SNP tests, go to your FTDNA personal pages, when the screen appears, move your cursor to the left over "Order Tests and upgrades", click onto the icon. When that screen appears, click onto "SNP". That causes the various SNP codes to appear, then pick whichever you want tested.

June 28, 2009 Wil Husted urges all M26 folks to test new SNPs

June 28, 2009 Ken reminds those M26's who will test to include Kittler if they are 12-13 or 11-12, etc.

June 29, 2009 rs13447374 Walk The Y Results??? Ken thinks this may be another new SNP between I2a1 and I2a2. 6/30/2009 Received Lab Results for I2a group during June: number....product.....lab test 1.......Deep Clade....M423 2.......Walk The Y.....WTY (Wil Husted & John O'Grady) 14.......upgrade DYS.. 1.......mtHVR2toMega....FGS 6/30/2009 Unreceived Lab Results for I2a group as of June 30: number..Product......batch#...est Result date....comments 1.......Walk the Y.......305......6/08/2009........Disles 1.......upgrade DYS...306......7/17 8.......upgrade DYS...309......7/06 1.......mtDNARefine...310......7/13 1.......upgrade DYS...310......7/13 2.......mtDNARefine...311......7/20 1.......mtDNA(HVR1)...312......7/27 1......upgrade DYs....312......7/27 6/30/2009 Pending Shipment to Lab number....SNP test 2.........P215 (includes L158-161;L35, L37 L68) 4.........L158 4.........L159 4.........L160 5.........L161 July 2, 2009 donor for I2* Walk Through the Y says no results yet. July 2, 2009 sixth L161 SNP test ordered July 3, 2009: Unreceived Lab Results: (tracing progress of new SNPs L158-L161 testing) Number..Product..Batch....Est Results date 6......L158-160...315.......8/18/2009 6......L161..........315.......8/18/2009

July 6, 2009 Pending shipment to lab: Two L161 SNP tests.

July 6, 2009: Status of "Walk Through the Y" I2*/ I2a SNP searches: (1) I2* Kakhi says no results as of July 2. (2) I2a1-M26-A kit#40308 6/12 results = L158, L159, L160 (3) I2a2-M423-Isles-D2 kit#N28466 6/14 results = L161 (4) I2a2-M423-Disles kit#8386 no results as of July 6 (5) I2a*-P37.2-Western kit#11612 6/19 application is pending

July 6, 2009 Recap of SNP tests ordered: .........................

-----SNPs--------------- Subclade:........L158..L159..L160..L161 M26-A

...................3.......3.........3.......1 M26-B

...................2.......2.........2 Isles-A1

................1.......1.........1.......2 Isles-B1

.............................................1 Isles-B2

.............................................1 Isles-C2

.............................................2 Din-S

..................................................1 Disles




July 6, 2009: Walk The Y with I2b1 Adam Waalkes reports no ETA for his WTY for I2b1.

July 07, 2009: Hg I2* still needed? Ken answers John Mellanby's query, "stay tuned" to the Hg I forum for news. July 07, 2009: FTDNA advised that Group Adm Bill Morrow kit 11612 subclade I2a*-P37.2-Western was accepted 6/29/2009 for a Walk Through the Y SNP search. Today Bill donated $750 to the I2*/ I2a SNP search, this amount to be used on his WTY. Bill's DYS marker upgrade from 25 to 67 markers (results due 7/6/09)still lacks results on panel 48-60 markers.

July 8, 2009: Jane Gilbert, Group Adm of the I2b1 Haplogroup Project, says "no news yet on the WTY" for her group. Here are the two WTY's. kit 144628 = I2b1-Cont1 4/29/2009 kit 95338 = I2b1-Roots2 5/21/2009

July 8, 2009: Blog regarding call for Legislation for DTC Genetic Tests Roberta Estes gives link to the blog. For more about DTC "Direct to Consumer" testing: DTC Genetic Testing

July 9, 2009: FTDNA reports two SNP tests (were under pending shipment to lab)for L161 are now in the lab under batch 316 with estimated due date 8/24/2009. Total L161 SNP tests todate is nine.

July 9, 2009 Group Adm Bill Morrow mailed his new DNA samples (vials #3 and #4) for kit 11612 back to FTDNA for forthcoming "Walk Throught the Y" SNP search for I2*/ I2a project. He is I2a*-P37.2-Western. FTDNA should receive his DNA kit no later than monday July 13, 2009.

July 11, 2009: Seven Evolutionary leftovers in the human body

July 11, 2009: I2a1-France in Ireland indicates Norman/Continental origin? Bernie Cullen comments.

July 11, 2009: Recent WTY Results?

July 11, 2009 Vincent Vizachero says FTDNA stated that WTYs are priced at an unprofitable level.

July 14, 2009: World's oldest Willy Genealogy-DNA posting by Dennis Wright.

July 14, 2009 FTDNA shows new I2*/ I2a WTY SNP search "pending shipment to lab" status for Group Adm Bill Morrow kit 11612 subclade: I2a*-P37.2-Western.

July 15, 2009 Status of WTY SNP search for kit 8386 has changed from "unreceived lab results" to "received lab results". His subclade is I2a2-M423-Disles. He emailed today that FTDNA has not notified him yet.

July 15, 2009: Status of I2*/ I2a WTY SNP search for Bill Morrow, kit 11612, changed by FTDNA from "shipment pending to lab" to "unreceived lab results" batch 317, expected completion date is August 31, 2009

July 16, 2009: Null 425 in M26-F . Ken says DYS425 = -0- might be a super marker for subclade I2a1-M26-France. Of the four current members, three do show -0- at DYS 425, the fourth member only has 37 markers, with DYS425 being within the 48-60 marker panel.

July 16, 2009: Charles Kerchner's null425 yDNA Project If you have DYS425=0, Charles suggests testing DYF371X.

July 17, 2009: DNA Study at Univ of Leicester, Eng Viking I1 Study has stopped taking applications for the time being.

July 17, 2009: FTDNA reports new tests ordered for SNPs L158, L159, L160 for kit 28581 subclade I2a1-M26-France. This raises the total tests for these SNPs to seven members of I2a.

July 18, 2009: donor kit 8386, subclade I2a2-M423-Disles, whose WTY SNP search results are in says he sent results to Ken Nordtvedt for his analysis so we laymen may soon have new info.

July 18, 2009: Is the Y Chromosome Going Bye-bye?

July 18, 2009: Early results from WTY SNP search for Disles donor, per Ken is a new SNP L178. More Walk the Y new SNP You need to read Ken's posting, it offers a good explanation of the benefits from this SNP search.

July 18, 2009: FTDNA reports results from SNP tests: -------------SNPs Tested--------- subclade...L158..L159..L160..L161 Isles A1.............................................+ Isles A*......?..........-............-..............+ Isles B1.............................................+ Isles B2.............................................+ Isles C2.............................................+ Disles...............................................- M26A........?............+..............- M26B........+............+..............+ M26B........+............+..............+ footnotes: ? = awaiting results * = only 12 markers tested, can't distinquish A1 or A2 until later.

July 18, 2009: Ken discusses results from SNP L161 tests.

July 18, 2009: The donor (kit 8386,subclade I2a2-M423-Disles) for the WTY SNP search which discovered the new SNP L178 says he tested ancestral (-) for SNPs L158, L159, L160 as part of his WTY.

July 19, 2009 I2a1-M26+ have snps..interesting snps Ken says more SNP tests by I2a1 members are needed.

July 20, 2009: new order for SNP L161 test by donor whose subclade is I2a2-M423-Isles-C2. New order for SNP L158, L159, L160 by donor whose subclade is I2a1-M26-France.

July 21, 2009: The WTY donor subclade I2a2-Disles says he is + derived for his new SNP L178; he is T+ on SNP L161 and is ancestral for L161 and is derived for SNP L69=T. July 21, 2009: The WTY donor subclade M26-A Wil Husted says he is derived (positive) for his new SNPs L158, L159, L160 and is ancestral (negative) for L161.

July 21, 2009: The WTY donor subclade I2a2-M423-Isles B-2 is ancestral (negative) for SNPs L158, L159, L160 and is derived (positive) for his new SNP L161. He is also value = A = ancestral for rs161492.

July 21, 2009 FTDNA has been reporting results on Fridays. I understand though that Dr Krahn is out of the office. If more results are reported Friday July 24, I will recap everything like July 17 so the reader can see at a glance the results by subclade for the SNP tests.

July 22, 2009: M26-A donor has ordered SNP L160.

July 22, 2009: DNA Coalescence vs MRCA vs Founder Ken explains there is no way to estimate age back to happening of an SNP. Just nodes.

July 23, 2009: FTDNA reports in "Unreceived Lab Results" new batch 318 with estimated date 9/7/09 which includes the following new orders for SNPs: SNPs ordered........donor's subclade L158,L159,L160....I2a1-M26-France L158,L159,L160....I2a1-M26-France L160.....................I2a1-M26-A L161.....................I2a2-M423-Isles-C2

July 25, 2009: FTDNA reported new SNP test results: donor's subclade.....SNP test results M26-A.................L158+ Isles C2..............L161+ Din-S.................L161-

July 26, 2009: new order for SNPs L158, L159, L160 by donor with subclade M26-A.

July 26, 2009: From Group Adm Bill Morrow: we need more SNP L160 tests from M26-B and M26-C folks. The cost is $29 US, as Ken Nordtvedt says, "about the same price you pay for a large pizza with three toppings." If you don't want to order SNP tests, please consider donating to the I2a general fund, any amount.

July 27, 2009: new SNP L160 test ordered, subclade M26-A.

July 27, 2009: new SNP L160 test ordered, subclade M161+

July 28, 2009: Group Adm's commentary on SNP Tests We currently have $789 in the I2a general fund. That will pay for 27 future SNP tests. ($29 US cost per SNP test). We have five ongoing "Walk the Y" SNP searches which have discovered five new SNPs thus far and we expect four more new SNPs to be discovered. There have been 32 SNP tests completed, with 26 more ordered. New SNP L178, the 5th discovery, has yet to be available for testing. So we will have at least five new SNPs to test. Divide 5 into 27 = 5 tests per new SNPs. SNPs L158, L159, L160 and L161 have 56 tests (includes current orders not completed) = 14 tests average. Five tests for future SNPs compared to 14 tests for existing SNPs is lopsided. It is apparent we need more donations. Folks see the $789 and think that is plenty but the amount is misleading. Please consider donating to the I2a general fund. Anybody, any amount. Each $29 US donation pays for one SNP test.

July 28, 2009: new order for SNP L160, subclade M26-C, from Azores.

July 29, 2009: FTDNA posted SNP L158 test results as negative for subclade Isles-A* ancestry: UK. This was expected.

July 29, 2009: This friday I intend to recap the various SNP tests both completed and those on order.

July 29, 2009: The I2* donor of the "Walk the Y" SNP test says today that he still has not received any test results from FTDNA.

July 29, 2009: FTDNA posted SNP L161 test results as positive for subclade Isles-C2,whose ancestry is Ireland. This was expected.

July 30, 2009: Ken recaps the effect of new I2a SNPs will have on ISOGG subclade nomenclature

July 30, 2009: FTDNA reports new batch 319 in lab with results due 9/15/2009 of the following SNPs to be tested: subclade....SNP......ancestry M26-A.......L160.....France M26-A.......L160.....Spain M161........L160.....Spain M26-C.......L160.....Azores Isles-C1....L161.....Ireland Isles-C1....L161.....USA

July 30, 2009: Group Adm notes. Regarding SNP tests and other orders by donors, FTDNA has three reports to the Group Adm, first report: "Pending shipment to Lab". This report is a list of all orders which are pending payment. When payment is made, next step, the order is moved to a second report "Unreceived lab results" Simply means the order has gone to the lab for testing. In this second report, orders are given a batch number and expected due date for orders. This info also appears in the donors personal pages at FTDNA, under "Pending lab results". The third and final report to Group Adm is "Received lab results" which shows each donors completed tests. This info also appears in the donors personal pages "Haplotree" at FTDNA, and shows whether SNP tests are positive or negative. In my "News" daily updates, I try to report when a new order has been made, then when it is sent to the lab, and finally, the received lab reports. This way the reader can keep updated on the progress of all SNP tests during this crucial stage of WTY SNP searches. Because of FTDNA privacy rules, I will not show a donor's kit number but will show their subclade, SNP test taken, results whether positive or negative and each donor's ancestry. This will be valuable info for those keeping track of the SNP searches.

July 31, 2009: new order for SNP L160 by donor whose subclade is M26-France and ancestry is USA.

Aug 1, 2009: Recap of SNP tests and results:subclade..ancestry...L158...L159....L160...L161 *M26-A.....England........+...........+............+............- *Isles-D2..Ireland........-...........-............-..............+ *Disles....USA............-...........-............-..............- Isles-C2..Ireland.................................................+ Isles-B2..USA.....................................................+ M26-B.....Wales..........+............+............+ Isles-A1..USA......................................................+ Isles-A1..U.K............-............-............-...............+ M26-A.....France.........+............+............- Disles....Serbia...................................................- M26-B.....Spain..........+............+.............+ Isles-B1..UK.......................................................+ Isles-C2..Ireland..................................................+ Din-S.....Bosnia...................................................- footnote: * = WTY SNP search results ---Unreceived Lab Resultssubclade..ancestry...L158...L159...L160...L161 M26-F...Spain..............0............0.............0 M26-A...Ireland..........................................0 M26-A...England............0...........0............0..........0 M26-F...England............0..........0.............0 M26-A...Portugal...........0..........0.............0 M26-F...France..........................................0 M26-A...Spain...............0...........0.............0 M161....Spain..........................................0 M26-C...Azores.........................................0 Isles-C1.Ireland...................................................0 Isles-C1.USA.......................................................0 M26-F....USA...........................................0 footnote: 0 = new SNP test orders

Aug 02, 2009: FTDNA posted new order for L160 by a donor whose subclade is M26-A and whose ancestry is c1791 USA

Aug 02, 2009: SubHaplogroup L160- May be DYS438=11? Ken discusses new SNP L160 and need for those M26ers with DYS438=11 to test SNP L160.

Aug 02, 2009: Ken has updated his Hg I Tree

Aug 3, 2009: FTDNA rec'd order for SNP L160 test from M26-A donor w/England ancestry who has DYS438 = 11. This test is important since we suspect this type donor will be negative for SNP L160 while other M26ers are positive. If this bears out, we could have a new subclade.

Aug 3, 2009: FTDNA reports an order for I-P215 which includes SNPs L158, L159, L160 and L161 from a donor whose subclade is M26-C and whose ancestry is Germany.

Aug 3, 2009. FTDNA rec'd 2nd order for SNP L160 test from M26-A donor w/England ancestry who has DYS = 11. This is a different donor from 1st order but they have a common ancestor. Aug 4, 2009: I2a's L178 is Relocated Upstream

Aug 4, 2009: FTDNA reports an order for SNP L161 from a donor whose subclade is Isles-B2 and ancestry = Poland.

Aug 5, 2009: FTDNA reported the following SNP test results: subclade...ancestry..SNP test results M26-C......Azores.........L160+ Isles-C1...UK.............L161+ Isles-C1...Ireland........L161+ M26-A......England........L158+ L159+ L160+

Aug 6, 2009: Did Dinaric I2a2 MRCA ancestors move Southeast rather than Northwest?

Aug 6, 2009: FTDNA reports the following new orders for SNP tests under batch 320 expected due date = 9/21/2009 "Unreceived Lab results": subclade...ancestry...SNP test M26-A......England.....L160, DYS452 M26-A......USA.........L160, kittler M26-F......USA.........L160 M26-A......England.....L160, DYS452 M26-C......Germany.....L158,L159,L160,L161 Isles-B2...Poland......L161

Aug 7, 2009: Ken says DYS635-461-441 separates Disles from Dinanic

Aug 7, 2009: Dr Krahn has accepted an advanced order to test SNP L178 of a I2a donor whose subclade is I2a*-P37.2-France w/ancestry in France. I checked to see if SNP L178 is available to everybody but did not see it listed.

Aug 7, 2009: FTDNA reported SNP test results for a donor whose subclade is M26-A w/ancestry England: L161-

Aug 7, 2009: FTDNA reported an order to test SNP L161 from a donor whose subclade is Isles-C1 w/ancestry USA.

Aug 7, 2009: My I1* WTY Results Obed Odom says two new SNPs were found and may have split I1*

Aug 8, 2009: FTDNA reports test results: L160- for donor whose subclade is M26-A w/ancestry Ireland. As Bernie says, this is a surprise! Aug 8, 2009: FTDNA reports test results: L158+ L159+ L160- for donor whose subclade is M26-France w/ancestry: England.

Aug 8, 2009: 14,000 year old map May have been engraved by ancestors of M26ers?

Aug 8, 2009: Summary of SNP tests as of 8/8: SNP...#completed..#in lab..pending to lab L158.........6..................4............1 L159.........6..................4............1 L160.........8..................8............2 L161.........12.................2............1 L178............................................1

Aug 11, 2009: FTDNA reported SNP test results: L158+ L159+ L160- for donor whose subclade is M26-France w/ancestry: Spain

Aug 12, 2009: Our 200th member joined today.

Aug 12, 2009: FTDNA reported to Kakhi Sakhltkhutsishvili, I2* donor for WTY SNP search with our I2a group, that they might be completed with his WTY near the end of this month. "The first run did not pass quality control and had to be redone. The second run is complete and things look good so far. The test is going into scoring now and while the lab does not provide an estimated date we should have these within the end of the month, provided it still looks good through the final stage of quality control". Our thanks to Kakhi for sharing this info.

Aug 12, 2009: FTDNA reported SNP test results: subclade...ancestry.....SNP test results M26-A......England.......L160+ M26-C......Germany.......L158+, L159+, L160+, L161- Isles-B2...Poland........L161+

Aug 12, 2009: FTDNA reported new batch 321 in the lab, estimated date complete 9/28/2009:

subclade....ancestry...SNP test ordered P37.2-France..France....L178




Aug 13, 2009: As Group Adm I am compiling SNP L160 test results to try to determine what causes some M26ers to test negative while others test positive. Hoping to zero in on one or more DYS markers which might predict positive or negative. Not much luck so far. Any M26ers are welcome to test the SNP L160, the cost is $29 plus a one time $9.50 transfer fee moving your DNA sample from Arizona lab to Houston lab.

Aug 14, 2009: FTDNA reports SNP L160+ on donor whose subclade is I2a1-M161+ (subclade of M26) w/ancestry: Spain. This is our only I2a member who tested positive for the SNP M161 so we had him tested for the new SNP L160 to see whether he would test positive or negative.

Aug 14, 2009: FTDNA reports new orders for SNPs L158, L159, L160 by a donor whose subclade is M26-A w/ancestry: England.

Aug 15, 2009: What are L160 results telling us? Bernie Cullen comments and analysis, asks for more M26ers to test L160.

Aug 18, 2009: FTDNA reports SNPs L158+ L159+ L160+ for donor whose subclade is M26-A w/ancestry: Spain, he previously tested M161-.

Aug 19, 2009: a new member of I2a who joined today, had earlier(7/17/09) tested L158+ L159+ L160+ L161- his subclade is M26-A w/ancestry: Germany; he also tested M161-

Aug 19, 2009: FTDNA reported new batch 322 with est. result date Oct 5, 2009 for the following new SNP tests now in the lab: subclade....ancestry....test ordered M26-A.......England...L158, L159, L160 M26-A.......Mexico....DYS-YCAlla ordered, to determine if M26 or not. Aug 21, 2009 FTDNA reported two SNP tests completed: subclade....ancestry.......SNP results M26-A.......USA............L160+ M26-France..USA..........L160-

Aug 24, 2009: National Geographic will begin airing "The Human Family Tree" next sunday Aug 30, 2009 at 8pm Eastern time. Here's a link: The Human Family Tree

Aug 25, 2009: FTDNA reported a new order for SNP L160 by a donor whose subclade is M26-B w/ancestry: Ireland

Aug 26, 2009: The Peopling of Europe Dennis Wright's posting with links to articles.

Aug 27, 2009: FTDNA reports in "unreceived lab results" a new batch 323 with est. results due Oct 12, 2009 which includes one order of SNP L160 by donor whose subclade is M26-B w/ancestry: Ireland. Aug 27, 2009: Summary of SNP tests completed L158.....9...............1...........10 L159.....9...............1...........10 L160.....10..............6...........16 L161.....10..............5...........15 _____________________________________ totals...38.............13...........51

Aug 27, 2009 "unreceived lab results" SNP......orders L158.......3 L159.......3 L160.......7 L161.......1 L178.......1 ________________ totals....15

Aug 27, 2009: FTDNA has a new order to test SNP L160 & Kittler in "Pending lab results" by donor whose subclade is M26-C w/ancestry: USA

Aug 28, 2009: FTDNA reports one completed SNP test: L161+ for donor whose subclade is I2a2-M423-Isles-B1 w/ancestry: USA

Aug 31, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L160 & kittler by a new I2a member whose subclade is M26-B w/ancestry: England

Aug 31, 2009: FTDNA reports results on SNP L160+ test by donor whose subclade is M26-C w/ancestry: USA

September 01, 2009: The recent SNP studies have us double checking all existing SNPs. The SNP with the least information is SNP P41.2. According to ISOGG, SNP P-41.2 defines I2a2a which is a subclade of I2a2-M423. Of the 236 members of I2a, none have been found positive for this SNP P41.2 so a check was made of any member who has tested SNP P-41.2 to see whether they tested positive or negative. From a cursory study by Bill Morrow, 22 of our 236 members of I2a have tested the SNP P41.2 from June 2008 thru July 2009 and all were found negative. Subclades were: 1-M26-B; 3-P37.2-West; 4-Din-N; 2-Din-S; 2-Isles-A1; 1-Isles-A2; 1-Isles-B1; 1-Isles-B2; 2-Isles-C1; 1-Isles-C2; 3-Isles-D2; 1-Disles. Ken Nordtvedt has one anonymous donor from a university DNA study who tested positive for SNP P41.2.

September 01, 2009: White Europeans evolved only 5,500 years ago?

Sept 2, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L160 by a new donor whose subclade is M26-B w/ancestry: USA

Sept 2, 2009: Where I2a2-Din lived prior to the Balkan migration

Sept 3, 2009: FTDNA reports "in lab" new SNP L160 test, by M26-C donor w/ancestry: USA; new SNP L160 test by M26-B donor w/ancestry: England.

Sept 3, 2009: FTDNA reports a completed test for SNP L160 which is negative for donor whose subclade is M26-B w/ancestry: Ireland. Previously only M26-A donors had tested both positive and negative.

Sept 5, 2009: We may now have a clue about M26ers testing negative for SNP L160. So far, any M26er with 17 or greater alleles at marker (51)DYS 557 tests negative. Of the 82 donors who are M26 A,B,C or F, there are 61 who have not tested enough markers for their results to include marker DYS(51)557. Since marker (51)DYS 557 is part of panel four, these M26ers would have to upgrade markers 26 thru 67 or markers 38 thru 67. The cost to upgrade from 25 to 67 = $148 and the cost to upgrade from 38 to 67 is $99. So that probably keeps the M26ers from upgrading. Money is a problem for most I2a members including M26ers. The cost for testing the SNP L160 is $29 plus FTDNA charges $9.50 to transfer DNA to the Houston lab, for a total of $38.50. Much less than upgrading. It would greatly help our efforts for any M26er who hasn't tested SNP L160 to do so. We really need more tests to help us understand why SNP L160 tests both positive and negative for M26ers. If any M26er tests SNP L160 and the result is negative, the I2a Group Adm. will use I2a funds for the test for marker DYS(51)557 to see if its alleles are 17 or greater.

Sept 6, 2009: FTDNA reports two new orders for SNP L160, one donor is subclade M26-B w/ancestry: USA, the second donor is subclade M26-A w/ancestry: Spain.

Sept 6, 2009: SNPs, Clades and Trees A "must read" by Ken Nordtvedt who clarifies his perspective on the relationships between Clades, SNPs and the y Tree. His last paragraph is what Haplogroup study is all about.

Sept 7, 2009: 40 Nodes to You Ken predicts 40 nodes back to genetic Adam.

Sept 7, 2009: FTDNA reports a donor whose subclade is M26-A with ancestry: USA has ordered SNPs L158, L159 and L160 and the Kittler.

Sept 8, 2009: FTDNA reports a donor whose subclade is M26-A w/ancestry: Ireland has ordered SNP L160.

Sept 8, 2009: SNP Mutation Rate from WTY-I's Ken mentions I2* Western WTY and possible scenarios which might happen regarding new SNPs.

Sept 8, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L160 from a donor whose subclade is M26-A w/ancestry: Spain. This donor has 67 markers and marker (51)557 has 15 alleles, so if our theory holds true, SNP L160 should test positive.

Sept 8, 2009: FTDNA reports test results for SNP L159 and L160 are positive for donor whose subclade is M26-A w/ancestry: England SNP L158 is still in lab, results due 10/05/09. This donor shows 16 allele at DYS marker (51)557 which agrees with our theory that 17 and above alleles test negative for L160.

Sept 10, 2009: FTDNA reports SNP L178 tested negative for a donor whose subclade is I2a*-P37.2-France with ancestry: France. FTDNA still does not show L178 available for other testing. This was an advance order. These results mean that SNP L178 may be phylogenetically equivalent to SNP M423. My thanks to all the donors placing orders to test SNPs. Here are the totals as of 9/11:

Number of SNPs tested

L158 = +9 -1 = 10

L159 = +10 -1 = 11

L160 = +12 -7 = 19

L161 = +11 -5 = 16

L178 = .......-1...= 1


totals..+42..-15...= 57

SNPs still in lab: L158 = 4

L159 = 3

L160 = 13



Sept 16, 2009: Kittler Tests are last game in town

Sept 16, 2009: New Clues to Sex anomalies in how Y Chromosomes are copied

Sept 17, 2009: FTDNA reports completed tests for two SNPs. First SNP test: SNP L158 tested positive for a donor whose subclade is M26-A with ancestry: England. Second SNP test: SNP L160 tested negative for a donor whose subclade is M26-A with ancestry: France. This donor agreed to test DYS marker (51)557 to see if the alleles are 17 or greater. This cost of less than $9 bucks will be paid out of I2a funds.

Sept 18, 2009: FTDNA reports two tests of SNP L160 completed. First donor whose subclade is M26-A w/ancestry: Ireland = L160+ Second donor whose subclade is M26-C w/ancestry: USA = L160+ FTDNA also reported one donor tested negative for SNP M161 whose subclade is M26-C w/ancestry: Germany. Yes, this is M161 not L161. M161 is an older SNP which is downstream of M26.

Sept 22, 2009: FTDNA reports test results on SNP L160 is positive for a donor whose subclade is M26-A w/ancestry England. We also asked for a test of DYS 452 with this donor but this test is still in the lab. This leaves nine more tests for L160 still in the lab.

Sept 22, 2009: FTDNA reports test results on SNP L160 is negative for a donor whose subclade is M26-B w/ancestry: England. This donor has 16 allele at DYS marker (51)557 which changes our theory of 17 or higher allele. Haven't checked, but I think some who have tested positive for L160 also have 16 allele at 557. Bad news for our theory.

Sept 25, 2009: The sponsor of the donor whose subclade is M26-B w/ancestry: England who 9/22 tested L160- has ordered L158 and L159. This is very helpful to our research.

Sept 25, 2009: 11 pounds of 675-725 ad dated gold coins found in UK Archeological treasure of Anglo Saxon gold and silver artifacts may change ideas about medieval England's Germanic rulers.

Sept 28, 2009: The I2a group now has 250 members, up from 85 back on Oct 31, 2008 when Bill Morrow became Group Adm.

Sept 30, 2009: The newly discovered SNP L178 is now available for testing. This SNP affects Dinaric and Isles folks, testing will tell us more. Thus far, Isles D2 is derived (positive); Disles is derived; and I2a*-France is ancestral (negative). M26ers need not test this SNP, but all M423's are invited to test. To order a test, go to your personal pages at FTDNA. When the screen appears, move your cursor to the left and select "Order Tests and upgrades". When that screen appears, select "Go to Advanced Orders" When that screen appears, click next to SNP. The screen will change, scroll down and click next to L178. Continue on thru payment processing. The cost is $29 US, plus there may be an additional $9.50 if your DNA sample needs to be moved to Houston. I will select five members of I2a to test the new SNP L178 using I2a funds. The purpose will be to see how certain subclades are affected. But as mentioned, all members who are Dinaric or Isles are welcome to test the new SNP L178.

Sept 30, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order to test SNP L178 from a donor whose subclade is Isles-C2 w/ancestry: Ireland.

Oct 1, 2009: FTDNA reports one donor tested negative to SNP L160 whose subclade is M26-B w/ancestry: USA. I am asking this donor to test DYS marker (51)557 to see if his alleles are 17 or greater.

Oct 1, 2009: FTDNA reports new batch 328 in lab with expected due date of Nov 16, 2009 which includes one order of SNP L178 for donor whose subclade is Isles-C2 w/ancestry: Ireland; also orders for L158 and L159 from donor whose subclade is M26-B w/ancestry: England.

Oct 1, 2009; Before Lucy came Ardi, new hominid found who lived 4.4 million years ago

Oct 2, 2009: FTDNA reports four new orders for SNP L178 with subclades: Isles A1, Isles B2, Din-N and P37.2-France.

Oct 2, 2009: Summary of SNP tests:

L158 = 11

L159 = 11

L160 = 25

L161 = 16

L178 = 01


totals = 64

Oct 2, 2009: Current orders and "in-lab" SNP tests:






total: 20

Oct 2, 2009: FTDNA reported an order for SNP L178 for a donor whose subclade is Isles-C2 w/ancestry: Ireland.

Oct 3, 2009: FTDNA reported test results for five donors: (1) subclade M26-A w/USA ancestry L158+ L159+ L160+ (2) subclade M26-B w/USA ancestry L160+ (3) subclade M26-A w/Mexico ancestry L158+ L159+ L160+ (4) subclade M26-A w/Spain ancestry L160+ (5) subclade M26-A w/England ancestry L160+

Oct 5, 2009: FTDNA reports test results for SNP L160 is positive for one donor whose subclade is M26-A w/ancestry: Spain.

Oct 6, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L160 by a donor whose subclade is M26-A w/ancestry: England

Oct 7, 2009: FTDNA reports batch 329 in the lab with due date 11/23/09 which includes testing:


(1) L160...M26-A... England

(2) L178...Isles-A1.. UK

(3) L178...P37.2-France..France

(4) L178...Isles-C2... Ireland

(5) L178...Isles-B2....UK

(6) L178...M26-A......Russia Federation

(7) L69....Din-S.....Bosnia

(8) DYS557..M26-B.....USA

Oct 8, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L159.1 for a donor whose subclade is M26-France with ancestry USA. Please note L159.1 rather than L159, this is because other clades than I2a also test positive for L159. FTDNA has renumbered all previous L159 tests, now they all read L159.1 for I2a members.

Oct 11, 2009: "Discovering Ardi" and "Understanding Ardi" three hours special tonight on the Discovery Channel.. about the 4.4 million year old Ardipitecus Ramidus discovered 1990's in Ethiopia..

Oct 12, 2009: Gloucester body is 400 A.D. Goth Warrior

Oct 12, 2009: There are two I2a orders for SNP L69.2. One just ordered by a donor whose clade is Isles-B2 with UK ancestry, the other is already in batch 329 and due 11/23/09 by a donor whose clade is Din-S with ancestry in Bosnia & Herzegovina. This SNP L69.2 defines I2a2b according to ISOGG.

Oct 13, 2009: FTDNA reports test results for SNP L69 is positive for a donor whose clade is Din-S with ancestry in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Oct 14, 2009: FTDNA reports a new member of I2a has ordered SNP L69. His subclade is Din-S with ancestry: Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Oct 14, 2009: We now have 260 members in I2a.

Oct 15, 2009: FTDNA reports new batch 330 in the lab due 11/30/09 which includes the following SNP tests: (1) L159.1 by donor with subclade M26-France ancestry: USA (2) I-L69 by donor with subclade Isles-B2 ancestry: USA (3) I-L69 by donor with subclade Din-S ancestry: Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Oct 16, 2009: FTDNA reported orders for SNP L160 and Kittler for one donor whose clade is M26-B with Wales ancestry. Donor has 16 allele at DYS marker (51)557.

Oct 19, 2009: The Mysteries of La Hougue Bie 6,000 year old burial site at Jersey UK

Oct 21, 2009: a new donor with subclade Din-S and ancestry: Hungary, has ordered SNP L178. To date there is one test completed and six in the lab with results due 11/16 to ll/23/09. This total does not count the WTY SNP searches which also have L178 results for two WTY's, the Isles B2 WTY donor tested positive, the Dinaric WTY donor tested positive and the P37.2-France donor tested negative. The six L178 orders in the lab are: (1)Isles-A1 ancestry UK,due 11/23/09 (2)Isles-C2,ancestry Ireland due 11/16 (3)I2a*-P37.2-France, ancestry: Germany due 11/23 (4)Isles-C2 ancestry: Ireland due ll/23 (5)Isles-B2 ancestry: UK 11/23 (6)Din-N ancestry: Russian Federation due 11/23

Oct 22, 2009: FTDNA reports new batch 331 in lab, results due 12/07 which includes one order for Kittler and L160 by donor whose subclade is M26-B with ancestry: Wales

Oct 22, 2009: FTDNA reports test results for two SNP L69 (1) Isles-B2 ancestry USA tested L69 negative (2) Din-S ancestry Bosnia and Herzegovina tested L69 positive

Oct 25, 2009: FTDNA reports a new Din-S donor with Montenegro ancestry has ordered L178.

Oct 25, 2009: The visitor counter to this I2a website reached 6016 which averages 44 visits per day since counting started on June 10, 2009.

Oct 28, 2009: FTDNA reported that SNP tests for L158, L159. L160 were positive for donor whose subclade is M26-A with ancestry: Portugal

Oct 29, 2009: FTDNA reports two new orders now in lab in batch 332 due 12/14/2009 for SNP L178. Both donors are Din-S, ones ancestry is Montenegro the other's Hungary.

Nov 2, 2009: Using DNA to solve a problem Don Munro's question leads to his joining our group at the suggestion of Michael Keaveney. Using DNA to solve a problem Nov 4, 2009: FTDNA reports two new orders for SNP tests: (1) L69 by new donor whose subclade is Din-N w/ancestry: Spain (2) L178 by new donor whose subclade is Isles A-1 w/ancestry: Scotland

Nov 6, 2009: FTDNA reports new batch 333 in lab, due 12/21/2009 which includes one order for L69 by donor whose subclade is Din-N with ancestry in Spain.

Nov 11, 2009: It may be premature, but it looks like my WTY SNP search has discovered a new SNP L233. I have emailed Dr. Krahn and have asked for Ken Nordtvedt's help in this matter. This is as good as Christmas, waiting on presents. Dr. Krahn verified SNP L233 was discovered in my WTY SNP search, and is ancestral in M423 and M26. So all I2a* members who are P37.2-Western,P37.2-France and P37.2-West Isles are invited to test the new SNP L233, when it becomes available for testing.

Nov 12, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order for L178 in batch 334 due 12/28/2009 by a donor whose subclade is Isles A1 with Scotland ancestry.

Nov 12, 2009: FTDNA reported test results for L160 and L178: (1) M26-B donor whose ancestry is Wales tested L160+ (2) Din-N donor whose ancestry is Ukraine tested L178+

Nov 13, 2009: Derived and Ancestral vs. Positive and Negative Diana really explains the differences well.

Nov 13, 2009: FTDNA reports a donor tested L159.1+ whose subclade is M26-France with USA recent ancestry. He previously tested L160-.

Nov 14, 2009: In an exchange of emails between several I2a members and Ken Nordtvedt, Ken says: "I2a2 Dinaric and Isles branched apart many thousands of years before either Isles or Dinaric clades begun to multiply from their MRCAs. This split may have occurred 10,000 years ago...Do we have any clues about the ancestry of Dinaric I2a2 or Isles prior to their MRCAs? We have the Disles clade which split from the Dinaric line maybe 5 or 6 thousand years ago. Disles is found mainly in the British Isles, though it looks most like Dinaric. And there is I2a-F clade which is M423- but branched off the I2a line not much before Isles and Dinaric split. I2a-F is strongly associated so far with French origins, but one haplotype of it from Albania seems to have been found".

Nov 14, 2009: FTDNA reports two new orders pending being sent to the lab: (1) one donor whose clade is M26-B with Italian ancestry has ordered L160. (2) one donor whose clade is Isles-B1 with English ancestry has ordered L178

Nov 14, 2009: FTDNA reports new batch 334 due 12/28/09 includes an order for L178 from a donor whose clade is Isles-A1 with Scottish ancestry.

Nov 18, 2009: FTDNA reports test results for SNP L178 is positive for donor whose subclade is Isles-A1 with Scottish ancestry. This was expected. Nov 19, 2009: FTDNA reports orders for L158 and L159.1 by a donor whose clade is M26-A and ancestry is Ireland.

Nov 19, 2009: a donor whose clade is Din-S with ancestry from Bosnia and Herzegovina has ordered SNPs L60 and L178.

Nov 19, 2009: four donors have ordered SNP L233 (1) P37.2-West with UK ancestry (2) P37.2-France with France ancestry (3) P37.2-West with UK ancestry (4) P37.2-West with USA ancestry Nov 20, 2009: FTDNA reports test results for L178 was derived (positive) for a donor whose clade is Din-S with Hungarian ancestry.

Nov 21, 2009: FTDNA reports test results for SNP L178: (1) Isles-A1 donor UK ancestry = L178+ (2) Isles-C2 donor Ireland ancestry = L178+ (3) Isles-C2 donor Ireland ancestry = L178+ (4) Isles-B2 donor USA ancestry = L178+ (5) P37.2-France donor France>Germany ancestry = L178-

Nov 23, 2009: FTDNA reports one order of SNP L233 by donor whose subclade is M26-B with recent ancestry in USA.

Nov 23, 2009: I ask all I2a2-M423-Isles members to test SNP L69 to see if it splits Isles from Dinaric and Disles. L161 did split Isles from Dinaric and Disles but FTDNA has removed it from the order list so Bernie Cullen suggested using L69 which may give the opposite results, ie, Isles tests derived (positive) for L161 and tests ancestral (negative) for L69. So far seven Dinaric/Disles tested derived (positive) for L69 and one Isles-B2 tested ancestral (negative). So we need more Isles donors to be tested.

Nov 23, 2009: advised by an Isles-A2 donor with UK ancestry that he tested ancestral (negative) for L69 at 23andMe.

Nov 23, 2009: FTDNA reports an order for L69 from a Isles-A1 donor with UK ancestry.

Nov 23, 2009: FTDNA reports new batch 335 due Jan 4, 2010 which includes orders: (1) L160 by M26-B donor w/ancestry: Italy (2) L178 by Isles-B1 donor w/ancestry: England

Nov 24, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L233 by a I2a*-P37.2-West Isles donor whose ancestry is 1694 London, England.

Nov 24, 2009: Genetic Genealogy on CNN Tonight Campbell Brown interviews Larry Vick on "Genealogy: uncover the mysteries that lie in your genes" 8 pm ET - 5pm PT Nov 24, 2009: FTDNA reports new batch 336 due 1/10/2010 which includes: (1) Isles-A1 donor with UK ancestry ordered L69 (2) Din-N donor with Bosnia & Herzegovina ancestry ordered L69 & L178 (3) P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry ordered L233 (4) P37.2-France donor with France>Germany ancestry ordered L233 (5) M26-B donor with USA ancestry ordered L233 (6) P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry ordered L233 (7) P37.2-West donor with USA ancestry ordered L233 (8) P37.2-West-Isles donor with English ancestry ordered L233 Nov 25, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order for L178 from Isles-C2 donor with Irish ancestry.

Nov 25, 2009: Summary of SNP test results:

SNP....Number tests completed









Nov 25, 2009:

Summary of SNP tests ordered:











What have we learned thus far from SNP testing? There have been six new SNPs discovered from the "Walk Through the Y" SNP searches by I2a donors: L158, L159, L160, L161, L178 and L233. (1) L158 is derived (positive) for those testees who are also derived for M26. It is downstream from P37.2 on the branch of M26. (2) L159 is derived for those testees who are also derived for M26. It is downstream from P37.2 on the branch of M26. Test results for I2a donors are shown as L159.1 to differentiate between I2a and other Haplogroup donors. (3) L160 Downstream from P37.2, M26, L158 and L159. L160 is on the branch of M26. Four M26 clades are affected: M26-A, M26-B, M26-C and M26-France. L160 is ancestral (negative) for clade M26-France. L160 is derived for clade M26-C but can be either derived or ancestral for other clades M26-A and M26-B so both M26-A and M26-B clades' members should be tested for L160. (4) L161 Downstream from P37.2, M423 and L178. L161 is on the Isles branch after it splits from Dinaric/Disles. L161 is derived for I2a2-M423-Isles (all varieties) while other M423 Dinaric and Disles clades are ancestral. L161 was removed from FTDNA order list, so we now are using I-L69 to tell whether a donor is Isles, Dinaric or Disles. Those who test ancestral (negative) for I-L69 but derived for M423 or L178, are I2a2-M423-Isles (all varieties). (5)L178. Appears to be equal to M423. L178 is downstream from P37.2 and on the M423 branch which include Isles, Dinaric and Disles clades, so they all test derived for L178. (6) L233 was recently discovered from a WTY of I2a*-P37.2-Western donor (myself). L233 is downstream from P37.2 and is on the P37.2-Western branch. I tested derived for M233 and have been told I tested ancestral for M26 and M423 but nothing was told to me about other SNPs. There are three clades affected: P37.2-Western, P37.2-France and P37.2-West Isles. There are currently six tests of M233 with results due Jan 10, 2010.

Other SNPs tested P41.2 It is downstream from M423 and I-L69.2 and is on the Dinaric branch after it splits from Disles. P41.2 was tested by 24 I2a donors, all were negative. Donors tested include P37.2*, Isles, Dinaric and Disles, M26-B.

M161 It is downstream from P37.2, M26 and L160. M161 is on the M26 branch downstream from L158 and L159. There were 22 I2a donors tested, all were negative except for one. Donors tested include P37.2*, Isles, Dinaric, M26-B.

I-L69.2. Downstream from P37.2, M423 and L178 located on the Dinaric/ Disles branch after they split from Isles. Nine I2a donors tested: three Isles were ancestral, two Disles tested derived. One Din-N and three Din-S tested derived. Thanks to all who donated, helped and/or participated. Special thanks to Ken Nordtvedt and Bernie Cullen. Here's Ken's WarpedFounderTree chart showing various clades and SNPs Founders Tree "A picture is worth a thousand words". Also here is Bernie Cullen's Tree of I2a only, making it much easier to read: Bernie's I2a Tree When the screen appears, click onto the chart and it will enlarge.

Prediction of how I2a Subclades will test with new SNPs

M26-A............L158+ L159+ L160(+ or -) L161- L178- L233- L69 -

M26-B............L158+ L159+ L160(+ or -) L161- L178- L233- L69 -

M26-C............L158+ L159+ L160+...... L161- L178- L233- L69-

M26-France..L158+ L159+ L160-.........L161- L178- L233- L69-

M423-Dinaric...L158- L159- L160- L161- L178+ L233- L69+ M423-

Disles....L158- L159- L160- L161- L178+ L233- L69+

M423-Isles.......L158- L159- L160- L161+ L178+ L233- L69-

P37.2-Western....L158- L159- L160- L161- L178- L233+ L69-

P37.2-West Isles L158- L159- L160- L161- L178- L233+ L69-

P37.2-France........L158- L159- L160- L161- L178- L233- L69-

The purpose of the above chart is to show a donor the probable test results if he should chose to test any of the above SNPs. Find your subclade and then look for the SNP you want to test. For brevity, I showed either + (derived = positive) or - (ancestral or negative). Dinaric includes Din-N and Din-S, Isles includes all varieties A1 thru D2.

Dec 1, 2009: SNPs for a Universal Identification Panel

Dec 3, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order for L233 from P37.2-West donor with ancestry in Italy.

Dec 3, 2009: FTDNA reports a new batch 337 with results due 1/18/2009 which includes the following orders: (1) L178 by Isles-C2 donor with ancestry: Ireland. (2) L178 by Isles-A1 donor with ancestry: UK (3) I-L69 by Din-S donor with ancestry: Hungary

Dec 4, 2009: FTDNA reports test results as follows: (1) Isles-A1 donor with UK ancestry tested negative for L69 (2) P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry tested positive for L233 (3) P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry tested positive for L233 note: the two positive test results for L233 proves it is not a private SNP. It may give us a new subclade: I2a3, have to wait and see what results occur with P37.2-France and West Isles and then wait for ISOGG to reclassify.

Dec 5, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order for L69 by M26-B donor with ancestry: USA

Dec 8, 2009: FTDNA reports a new order for L160 by M26-B donor with French ancestry.

Dec 10, 2009: FTDNA reports test results as follows: (1) M26-A donor Ireland ancestry, tested L158+ L159.1+ (2) M26-B donor USA ancestry, tested L233- (3) P37.2-West donor USA ancestry, tested L233+

Dec 10, 2009: FTDNA reports two new orders: (1) M26-A donor USA ancestry ordered L160 (2) P37.2-West donor Polish ancestry ordered L233

Dec 10, 2009: FTDNA reports a new batch #338 with results due Jan 25, 2010 which includes the following orders: (1) L178 by Disles donor with UK ancestry (2) L233 by P37.2-West donor with Italian ancestry (3) L69 by M26-B donor with USA ancestry (4) L160 by M26-A donor with USA ancestry

Dec 10, 2009: FTDNA reports test results as follows: (1) L69+ for Din-S donor with Hugarian ancestry (2) L178+ for Isles-C2 donor with Ireland ancestry (3) L178+ for Disles donor with UK ancestry (4) L178+ for Isles-A1 donor with UK ancestry

Dec 12, 2009: FTDNA reports an order for DYF371X from M26-France donor with recent ancestry in Spain. This advanced marker is 0 = null for M26-France members.

Dec 14, 2009: Bernie Cullen, kit 55069, subclade I2a1-M26-A with Ireland ancestry, has agreed to be Co-Administrator of the I2a Haplogroup Project. He is also Administrator of the I2a group at Bernie knows a lot more than I about Haplogroups so I welcome his expertise.

Dec 14, 2009: FTDNA reports an order for L160 by a M26-B donor with Ireland ancestry. Dec 14, 2009: summary of SNP tests completed: L158 = 16 L159 = 17 L160 = 34 L161 = 16 L178 = 12 L69.2 = 11 L233 = 4

Dec 14, 2009: summary of orders for SNP tests: L160 = 4 L178 = 3 L233 = 7 L69.2 = 4 comments: ISOGG will be revising the Hg I tree during January 2010 so SNP testing needs to pick up speed in our I2a group. L160 needs to be tested by all M26ers. This will be the only way to know whether you test derived or ancestral and where you will fit in the revised Hg I tree. L233 also needs to be tested by all I2a*-West, France and West Isles, again, to know whether you are derived or ancestral and where you will fit in the revised Hg I tree.

12/14/2009: FTDNA reported my WTY SNP search is completed. I am kit 11612 clade is I2a*-P37.2-West with USA ancestry (probably UK). As mentioned earlier, a new SNP L233 was discovered, I tested A+ derived. I am ancestral for M26- M423- L158- L159- L160- L69- M161- P41.2- but L161 and L178 are missing from my report. There are 50 tests per page x 30 pages = 1500 tests for $750 US for my WTY.

Dec 15, 2009: (Pure Speculation) Is I2a1 M26B Norman? Joe Rondinella finds Norman roots with another M26 member?

Dec 16, 2009: FTDNA reports two new SNP orders completed: (1) M26-B donor with Italian ancestry tested L160+ (2) P37.2-France donor with French ancestry tested L233- note: Since this P37.2-France donor tested ancestral for L233, this splits the existing three clades of I2a* into at least two groups, I2a*-P37.2-France is one group and the other group is the two other clades, P37.2-Western and P37.2-West Isles.

Dec 17, 2009: FTDNA reports new batch #339 now in lab, results due Feb 1, 2010 which contains the following orders: (1) M26-A donor USA ancestry ordered L160 (2) M26-B donor Ireland ancestry ordered L160 (3) P37.2-Western donor Polish ancestry, ordered L233

Dec 17, 2009: FTDNA reports completed tests for the following: (1) M26-B donor USA ancestry tested L69- (2) P37.2-Western donor English ancestry tested P41.2- M423-

Dec 19, 2009: For those interested, FTDNA has a webpage on new SNPs which gives descriptions: SNP Descriptions Select a SNP and click onto its icon, then scroll to the bottom of the webpage for the description.

Dec 22, 2009: FTDNA reports tests results = SNP L178+ (positive) for Din-S donor with ancestry from Montenegro Dec 22, 2009: FTDNA reports a new batch #340 with due date Feb 7, 2010 which includes the following order: (1) L233 by P37.2-West donor with English ancestry.

Dec 25, 2009: FTDNA reports M26-B donor with French ancestry tested L160+

Dec 28, 2009: FTDNA reports Din-S donor with recent ancestry from Bosnia & Herzegovina tested L69+ and L178+.

Jan 01, 2010: DNA analysed from 30,000 yr old European BBC News

Jan 03, 2010: Radiocarbon evidence indicates that migrants introduced farming to Britain

Jan 03, 2010: French find puts humans in Europe 1.57 million years ago .

Jan 03, 2010: 4,000 year old lentil seed spouts plant from the past .

Jan 03, 2010: Imre Bokor, subclade I2a2-M423-Din-S with ancestry in Hungary, sent this link: Possible language shifts in the Uralic language group Jan 03, 2010: Y-STR Allele Frequencies for Haplogroups listed in ysearch and public projects . This covers 32,287 haplotypes involving 7 main Haplogroups vs. 67 markers. Shows percent spread of allele per seven main Haplogroups for each DYS marker (locus) in FTDNA order. Haplogroup I (5700 haplotypes)= 12% of total 32,287 haplotypes. You can use this by comparing your hapotype (test results), noting your number of allele vs. Hg I or other Haplogroups. See where you fit overall. Mind bender.

Jan 04, 2010: FTDNA reports two new SNP orders: I-L69 and L178 by donor whose subclade is Din-S with ancestry in Germany.

Jan 05, 2010: FTDNA reports test results of Isles-B1 donor with ancestry in England for SNP L178 was positive.

Jan 05, 2010: FTDNA reports two test results: (1) Din-S donor with Germany ancestry tested negative for SNP P41.2 (2) M26-B donor with Irish ancestry tested positive for SNP L160

Jan 06, 2010: FTDNA reports test results L233- for P37.2-West donor with Italian ancestry. This shocked us, we thought only P37.2-France members would test negative. So this means P37.2-West is split negative and positive like SNP L160 for M26-A and M26-B. All members who are I2a*-P37.2-West, West Isles or France should therefore take the test for SNP L233 to see whether you test negative or positive. It is likely that ISOGG will change the nonmenclature soon regarding I2a's new SNPs and individual testing will have members ready to know which new subclade they fit. This goes for M26-A and M26-B members regarding testing L160. We have asked FTDNA to re-instate L161 for testing so Isles members can take the test, no response from FTDNA yet.

Jan 8, 2010: FTDNA reports SNP L160+ test results completed for M26-A donor with USA ancestry. Jan 8, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L233 by a P37.2-France donor with French>Germany ancestry.

Jan 9, 2010: Glad to announce that FTDNA has re-instated SNP L161 to its order catalogue. All members of Isles varieties can test this SNP and if the test is derived (positive), prove their DNA possesses SNP L161. It also splits Dinaric and Disles members from Isles by their testing ancestral (negative) to SNP L161. This is a very useful SNP for our I2a group.

Jan 9, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for L233 by P37.2-West donor with Prussian ancestry.

Jan 9, 2010: FTDNA reports a new batch #442 in the lab which includes orders for SNP I-L69 and L178 by Din-S donor with German ancestry

Jan 9, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for L178 by P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry.

Jan 11, 2010: Summary of SNP tests taken by I2a members: SNP...number of tests taken L158 = 16 L159 = 17 L160 = 37 L161 = 16 L178 = 15 I-L69 = 13 L233 = 6

Jan 11, 2010: Summary of new orders for SNP tests by I2a members: SNP...orders L178 = 2 L233 = 8 I-L69 = 4

Jan 11, 2010: Number of SNP tests still needed Of the six new SNPs and older L69: SNPs L160, L161, L233 and I-L69 still need to be tested by I2a members. The main reason for testing by an individual is their own personal knowledge, finding out whether they are derived (positive) or ancestral (negative). Another important reason is testing to give the group more knowledge about these SNPs which can be passed on to ISOGG. SNP....who should test L160..any M26-A or M26-B member L161..any M423-Isles member (all varieties) L233..any P37.2-West, West Isles or France member I-L69..any Disles or Din-N or Din-S member

Jan 12, 2010: Din-N donor with Bulgarian ancestry ordered I-L69

Jan 12, 2010: FTDNA reports orders for L158 and L159.1 by P37.2-France donor whose ancestry is France.

Jan 13, 2010: FTDNA reports an order for L161 for P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry.

Jan 14, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch #343 with due date 01 Mar which includes the following orders: (1) P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry testing L161 and L178 (2) P37.2-France donor with French ancestry testing L233 (3) P37.2-West donor with Prussian ancestry testing L233 (4) Din-N donor with Bulgarian ancestry testing I-L69

Jan 19, 2010: FTDNA reports two new orders for SNPs: (1) M26-France donor with Ireland ancestry ordered L160 (2) P37.2-West donor with Ireland ancestry ordered L233

Jan 21, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch #344 with due date March 8, 2010 in lab which includes the following orders: (1) M26-France donor with Ireland ancestry L160 (2) P37.2-West donor with Ireland ancestry L233

Jan 21, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L233 by P37.2-West donor with USA ancestry.

Jan 21, 2010: Human ancestors were an endangered species 1.2 million years ago

Jan 23, 2010: FTDNA reports SNP test results for P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry: L161- and L178-

Jan 23, 2010: FTDNA reports an order for SNP L233 by P37.2-West Isles donor with USA ancestry.

Jan 24, 2010: I1 vs. I2a3-Western coalescence

Jan 24, 2010: Hg I node's timing Jan 25, 2010: FTDNA reports test results = SNP L158- for P37.2-France donor with French ancestry.

Jan 27, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch #345 with due date March 15, 2010 which includes the following SNP orders: (1) Din-N donor with Greece ancestry ordered I-L69 (2) P37.2-West-Isles donor with USA ancestry ordered L233 (3) P37.2-Western donor with USA ancestry ordered L233

Feb 01, 2010: Ken Nordtvedt has ascertained a new subclade, I2a*-Alpine. There are two members of the I2a group who fit the new subclade thus far. The defining SNP is P37.2+ with negative test results for downstream SNPs such M26, M423, etc, and L233 in particular. The new subclade is very similar to P37.2*-West. Ancestry of donors is centered around the Alps.

Feb 02, 2010: Results of DNA testing on King Tut's mummy to be revealed soon .

Feb 8, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for I-L69 by a Din-N donor with Ukraine ancestry.

Feb 10, 2010: FTDNA reports SNP test results = L160- for M26-France donor with Irish ancestry.

Feb 11, 2010: FTDNA reports SNP test results: (1) P37.2*-France donor with French ancestry tested L159.1- (2) Din-S donor with German ancestry tested L69+ L178+ (3) P37.2-West donor with Polish ancestry tested L233+ (4) P37.2*-France donor with France>Germany ancestry tested L233-

Feb 11, 2010: Imre Bokor, a member of I2a, sent a link to a posting on Eupedia: Why is it wrong to assume that a haplogroup originated where it is most frequent now?

Feb 16, 2010: Tune in for "King Tut Unwrapped" Sunday Feb 21 and Monday Feb 22 at 8pm ET on Discovery Channel. King Tut's new genetic tests

Feb 16, 2010: FTDNA introduces Family Finder, autosomal DNA testing which will give relationships of the testee to other donors, similar to 23andMe. Cost is $249.

Feb 17, 2010: FTDNA reports new orders: (1) Disles donor with British ancestry ordered Family Finder Chip01 (2) M26B donor with Ireland ancestry ordered Family Finder Chip01 (3) P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry ordered Family Finder Chip01 (4) P37.2-West donor with USA ancestry ordered SNP L233

Feb 17, 2010 FTDNA reported test results L233+ for P37.2-West Isles donor with USA ancestry.

Feb 18, 2010: FTDNA reports SNP L69+ results for Din-N donor with Greece ancestry.

Feb 18, 2010: FTDNA reports new orders for Family Finder Chip01 (1) M26B donor with Wales ancestry (2) M26A donor with Greece ancestry

Feb 18. 2010: FTDNA reports a new batch #348 in the lab with April 5, 2010 due date which contains the following orders: (1) Disles donor with British ancestry ordered Family Finder Chip01 (2) M26B donor with Irish ancestry ordered Family Finder Chip01 (3) P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry ordered Family Finder Chip01 (4) P37.2-West donor with USA ancestry ordered L233 (5) P37.2-West donor with Irish ancestry ordered L233 Feb 19, 2010: FTDNA reports two new orders for Family finder (1) M26-A donor with England ancestry (2) Isles-A1 donor with UK ancestry

Feb 19, 2010: FTDNA reports test results for "1st" Family Finder Chip01 for I2a1-M26-C donor with Portugal ancestry. Results are shown in the testee's personal pages at FTDNA website, there is a new Icon to the left: Family Finder, with three links, "Matches" "Chromosome Browser" and "Known Relationships". I clicked onto "matches" and there is a list of kinships with degree kinship (1st cousin, etc) with icon: "Send an email" (hidden email address) to email each person listed. I looked over this testee's list of kinships and it had his mother and father, cousins and uncle listed.

Feb 19, 2010: I have emailed FTDNA to order Family Finder, Max Blankfeld returned my email saying he had unblocked my personal pages so I could order, but all there was, was a place to input my email address with a note that orders will be available in March...I'm awaiting another email from Max to see if I can get an immediate order. Bill Morrow Feb 19, 2010 FTDNA reports results on two SNP tests: (1) Din-N donor with Greece ancestry tested L69+ (2) Din-N donor with Ukraine ancestry tested L69+

Feb 21, 2010: Remember "King Tut Unwrapped" tonight at 8pm ET on the Discovery channel.

Feb 22, 2010: "King Tut Unwrapped" continues tonight, Discovery channel at 8pm Eastern time.

Feb 22, 2010: Bernie Cullen, Co-Adm of I2a and Group Adm of Ancestry I2a, gives his analysis of Family Finder..very informative reading. Family finder question

Feb 24, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for Family Finder Chip01 by M26-A donor with Spain ancestry. Feb 25, 2010: FTDNA reports two new orders: (1) M26-A donor with Spanish ancestry ordered L158 (2) Isles-D2 donor with Irish ancestry ordered Family Finder Chip01

Feb 25, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch #349 in the lab with due date of April 12, 2010 which contains the following orders: (1) Four Family Finder orders: Isles-A1 donor with UK ancestry; M26-A donor with Spanish ancestry; P37.2-West donor with Irish ancestry; M26-A donor with English ancestry. (2) P37.2-West Isles donor with English ancestry.

March 01, 2010: FTDNA has notified all members with current Family Finder orders that the "due date" is based upon having an unused vial in the lab. If one is not available, a new DNA kit will be sent and when the vials are received in the lab, a new "due date" will be set at that time.

March 03, 2010: Episode 4 on PBS will show in the USA tonight "Faces of America" 8pm ET "DNA science takes the search for ancestors one step further". See previous episodes

March 4, 2010: FTDNA reports a new batch #350 with due date 4/19/2010 which contains the following orders: (1) L158 by M26-A donor with Spanish ancestry (2) L160 by M26-A donor with German ancestry (3) Family Finder Chip01 by Isles-C2 donor with Irish ancestry (4) Family Finder Chip01 by Isles-D2 donor with Irish ancestry

March 6, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for Family Finder Chip01 from P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry.

March 8, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for Family Finder Chip01 from P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry. Folks, this is yours truly, William Robert Morrow. I am donating the $249 cost to the I2a general fund for the FF test, and will have that amount debited to pay for my FF test. Only way I could get it done. I am hoping a descendant of my great grandmother's Sarah Reeves/Reaves 1850-1933 line also takes the FF test and more hopes, matches me and I am able to make contact with the line. This is my personal "Brick Wall" in my 30 years of genealogy. My great grandmother was a "Civil War refugee". I found her in the 1870 USA census living with the Moses Walters family in Fayette, Alabama whom I do not know were kin. I had given up finding my Reeves/Reaves lines, so maybe this new test will work for me?

March 10, 2010: FTDNA reports test results for SNP L233 were negative for P37.2-Alpine donor with Prussia ancestry.

March 11, 2010: FTDNA reports a new batch #351 in the lab with a due date of April 26, 2010 containing the following orders: (1) Family Finder chip01 order by P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry (2) Family Finder Chip01 order by P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry

March 16, 2010: FTDNA reports completed SNP tests: (1) L233+ for P37.2-West donor with Irish ancestry (2) L158+ for M26-A donor with Spanish ancestry (3) L233+ for P37.2-West donor with Irish ancestry.

March 16, 2010: FTDNA reports new orders: (1) L69 by Disles donor with GB ancestry (2) L69 by Din-S donor with Austrian ancestry (3) FF Chip01 by M26-C donor with USA ancestry (4) I-M423 by Din-N donor with Romanian ancestry

March 17, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch #352 due May 3, which contains the following orders: (1) L178 by Din-N donor with Romanian ancestry (2) L69 by Disles donor with Great Britain ancestry (3) L233 by P37.2-West donor with Irish ancestry (4) Family Finder Chip01 by M26-A donor with USA ancestry

March 22, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for Family Finder Chip01 by Isles-B1 donor with USA ancestry.

March 22, 2010: FTDNA reports completed Family Finder Chip01 for the following: (1) M26-A donor with Belgium ancestry (2) M26-B donor with Wales ancestry (3) M26-C donor with Portugal ancestry

March 25, 2010: DNA identifies new ancient human dubbed "X-Woman" March 25, 2010: FTDNA reports completed test results for SNP L160 were negative for M26-A donor with German ancestry.

March 25, 2010: FTDNA reports a new batch 353 with due date of 12 May 2010 which contains the following orders: (1)Isles-D1 donor with USA ancestry ordered Family Finder Chip01 (2)Din-S donor with Austrian ancestry ordered L69 (3)M26-A donor with USA ancestry ordered L160 March 26, 2010: anyone can still order 23andMe for $199 until March 31, 2010 at this link: 23andMe discount order

March 27, 2010: FTDNA reports 5 new Family Finder Chip01 orders: (1)Isles-C1 donor with USA ancestry (2)Din-S donor with German ancestry (3)M26-A donor with Portugal ancestry (4)Isles-B2 donor with USA ancestry (5)Isles-A1 donor with UK ancestry

March 28, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for L160 by M26-A donor with USA ancestry

March 31, 2010: FTDNA reports new orders for Family Finder Chip01 (1) Disles donor with English ancestry (2) M26-A donor with USA ancestry (3) Din-N donor with Greece ancestry (4) Din-N donor with Greece ancestry

March 31, 2010: RECAP OF PENDING ORDERS AND COMPLETED TESTS:Pending Orders as of Mar 31:L160 = 2 L178 = 1 L233 = 5 L69 = 3 Family Finder chip01 orders = 22

Completed tests as of Mar 31:L158 = 18 L159 = 18 L160 = 40 L161 = 17 L178 = 17 L69 = 18 L233 = 13 Family Finder Chip01 tests completed as of Mar 31: 3

March 31, 2010: Ken Nordtvedt posting Timeline of the Insteresting I2a2b-Isles L161+

April 01, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch 354 in the lab with due date of May 17, 2010 for the following Family Finder chip01 orders: (1)Isles A1 donor with UK ancestry (2) Isles-C1 donor with USA ancestry (3) Din-N donor with Greece ancestry (4) Disles donor with English ancestry (5) Din-S donor with German ancestry (6) Isles-B2 donor with USA ancestry (7) Din-N donor with Greece ancestry (8) M26-A donor with Portugal ancestry One order for SNP L160 by M26-A donor with USA ancestry

April 5, 2010: FTDNA reports new order for SNP L161 by Isles-D1 donor who was adopted.

April 7, 2010: Croatian I2a2a Dinaric Ken discusses new DYS identifiers.

April 7, 2010: FTDNA reports these completed SNP tests: (1) L69+ by Din-S donor with Austrian ancestry (2) L178+ by Din-N donor with Romanian ancestry (3) L233+ by P37.2-West donor with Irish ancestry (4) L233+ by P37.2-West Isles donor with English ancestry

April 08, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch #355 in lab with due date May 24, 2010 which contains the following orders: (1) SNP L161 for Isles-D1 donor with USA ancestry (2) Family Finder Chip01 for M26-A donor with USA ancestry

April 10, 2010: Russian I2a2a-Dinaric Characteristics

April 13, 2010: FTDNA reports new order for Family Finder Chip01 by Din-S donor with Italian ancestry.

April 13, 2010: FTDNA reports completed Family Finder Chip01 tests: (1) M26-B donor with Irish ancestry (2) Isles-C2 donor with Irish ancestry.

April 13, 2010: Russian I2a2-Dinaric TMRCA

April 14, 2010: FTDNA reports two completed Family Finder Chip01 tests: (1) M26-C donor with USA ancestry (2) P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry

April 14, 2010: FTDNA shows the cost for Family Finder is now $289 April 15, 2010: Updated Hg I clade TMRCA estimates (editors note: TMRCA = Time (to) Most Recent Common Ancestor. Our thanks to Ken Nordtvedt for this update. Here are I2a clades: M26 I2a1 = 6,000 years L161 Isles-A = 1500 years L161 Isles-B = 5370 years L161 Isles-C = 2730 years L161 Isles-D = 2520 years L69=T Dinaric = 2520 years L233-Western = 1860 years. April 15, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch #356 with due date 5/31/2010 which contains an order for Family Finder Chip01 for Din-S donor with Italian ancestry.

April 15, 2010: FTDNA reports a completed Family Finder Chip01 test by M26-A donor with Spanish ancestry.

April 19, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L160 by M26-A donor with English ancestry.

April 19, 2010: FTDNA reports two completed Family Finder chip01 tests: (1) Disles donor with British ancestry (2) P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry.

April 20, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L160 by M26-A donor with Italian ancestry.

April 21, 2010: FTDNA reports two completed SNP L160 tests and one L161 test. (1) M26-A donor with USA ancestry tested positive for L160 (2) M26-A donor with USA ancestry tested negative for L160 (3) Isles-C2 donor with USA ancestry tested positive for L161

April 22, 2010: FTDNA has new batch #357 in the lab with due date June 7, 2010 which contains the following SNP L160 orders: (1)M26-A donor with Belgium ancestry (2)M26-A donor with English ancestry (3)M26-A donor with Italian ancestry

April 24, 2010: FTDNA reports two new orders for Family Finder (1) M26-France donor with Irish ancestry (2) M26-A donor with USA ancestry April 24, 2010 FTDNA reports one completed Family Finder test: Isles-D2 donor with Irish ancestry

April 26, 2010: FTDNA reports two Family Finder test results (1) Isles-A1 donor with UK ancestry (2) P37.2-West donor with UK ancestry April 26, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for I-L69 and L160 by Din-N donor with Polish ancestry. April 28, 2010: Aiden Mulvihill reports he has taken over the I2a Isles site at Ancestry.

April 28, 2010: FTDNA reports a test for SNP L160 was positive for M26-A donor with Belgium ancestry.

May 2, 2010: Dr. Tim Owen says Aiden is doing an excellent job as Adm of the I2a2-Isles (old I1b1) group on and the site has been updated recently with some interesting maps, photo-features (dolmen, ring-forts, etc.)There are also some interesting speculations as to the origins of the "Isles" clades, and possible geographical "tribal" links. Invites anyone interested to join.

May 2, 2010: Ken Nordtvedt discusses Hg I surviving nine subclades of the Younger Dryas ice age. The Younger Dryas Nine

May 11, 2010: FTDNA reports a P37.2-West donor with USA ancestry tested positive (derived) for SNP L233. May 12, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L160 by M26-B donor with USA ancestry, and FTDNA reports a completed test for SNP L69 which was positive by Din-N donor with Spanish ancestry.

May 14, 2010: FTDNA reports the following completed SNP tests: (1) P37.2-West donor with England ancestry tested L233+ (2) M26-A donor with England ancestry tested L160+ (3) M26-A donor with Italian ancestry tested L160+ (4) Din-N donor with Polish ancestry tested L178+ (5) Din-N donor with Polish ancestry tested I-L69+

May 29, 2010: I2a1 in the UK Wil Husted discusses his I2a1 subclade.

June 1, 2010: Summary of SNP tests to date: SNP....number of tests completed L69.1 = 22 L158 = 22 L159 = 22 L160 = 50 L161 = 20 L178 = 20 L233 = 18 June 3, 2010: New I2a Results Ken Nordtvedt says Isles-C2 with L161 = 1500 years back to TMRCA. June 5, 2010: Bernie Cullen asks about a Jewish I2a2-Dinaric cluster? Jewish I2a2-Dinaric Cluster?

June 13, 2010: Age of I2a1 n' stuff .Wil Husted requests Ken Nordtvedt to calculate the split between L160+ and L160-. Age of I2a1 . Ken says L160- is slightly over 6,000 years ago and L160+ is 4,200 years ago. Age of I2a1 Ken revises L160- to 6,400 years ago. Age of I2a1 .Ken's final estimates on the "Age of I2a1" postings.

June 18, 2010: FTDNA reports three new orders for SNPs are in batch 365 in the lab, due Aug 2, 2010: (1) L160 by M26A Eng donor with England ancestry (2) L161 by Isles B2 donor with England ancestry (3) L158 by M26-B donor with USA ancestry Another order for L159.1 by M26-B donor with USA ancestry is pending being sent to lab.

June 21, 2010: Names of subclades of I2a1 Bernie Cullen discusses new SNPs.

June 22, 2010: Another I2* WTY? Bernie Cullen recaps WTY results. June 22, 2010: a la carte SNP testing Bernie recaps SNP testing per subclade of I2a.

June 30, 2010: FTDNA reports batch 367 due 8/16/2010 has the following orders: (1) SNP L161 ordered by Isles-D2 donor with Irish ancestry (2) SNP L160 ordered by M26-C donor with Sardinian ancestry (3) SNP L161 ordered by Isles-B1 donor with USA ancestry

July 1, 2010: Genes Predict Living Beyond 100 .

July 6, 2010: I2a2 Dinaric is a hard nut

July 8, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch 368 in lab with due date Aug 23, 2010 which includes the following orders: (1) Isles-C1 donor with Irish ancestry ordered Deep Clade I (2) Din-N donor with Ukraine ancestry ordered Deep Clade I and L69 (3) Din-S donor with German ancestry ordered Deep Clade I

July 15, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch 369 in lab with due date Aug 30, 2010 which includes the following order: (1) SNP L161 ordered by Isles-C1 donor with English ancestry.

July 15, 2010: FTDNA reports a new order for SNP L69 by Din-N donor with Turkey ancestry.

July 19, 2010: FTDNA reports a Din-N donor with Ukraine ancestry tested positive for SNP L69.

July 21, 2010: FTDNA reports a new batch with due date of Sept 6, 2010 includes the following orders: (1) L69 ordered by Din-N donor with Turkish ancestry (2) L233 ordered by P37.2-West donor with USA ancestry.

Aug 04, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch 372 in the lab with due date of Sept 20 which includes an order for SNP L161 by Din-N donor with Turkey ancestry.

Aug 13, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch 373 in the lab with due date of Sept 27 which includes an order for SNP L233 by P37.2-West donor with Scotland ancestry.

Aug 18, 2010: FTDNA reports a Din-N donor with Turkey ancestry tested negative for SNP L161.

Aug 18, 2010: Cece Moore posting on Genealogy DNA forum: Mitochondrial and X This is a good explanation of the difference between mitochondrial and X.

Aug 28, 2010: update to ISOGG I2a tree Bernie Cullen explains the new changes affecting the I2a group. Sep 01, 2010: FTDNA reports a new batch 376 with results due 10/18/10 which contains the following orders: (1) SNP L160 by M26-C donor with English ancestry (2) SNP L160 by M26-B donor with English ancestry (3) SNP I-L69 by Din-N donor with Greece ancestry (4) DYS 441 by I2a*-P37.2-Alpine donor with Italian ancestry (5) DYS 441 by I2a*-P37.2-Alpine donor with Prussian ancestry Sept 24, 2010: Sardinian-American is L160+ Bernie Cullen discusses L160 effects to M26ers.

Sept 28, 2010: FTDNA reports completed test results for L160 is derived (positive) for Din-N donor with ancestry from Greece. Sept 28: Stonehenge boy 'was from the Med'

Oct 6, 2010: FTDNA reports new batch order 380 with due date Nov 15, 2010 which includes two orders for SNP L161, one from Isles-B1 donor with Germany ancestry, the other from Isles-C1 donor with USA ancestry.

Oct 24, 2010: Tim Moore, kit42413 of Isles-C1,emailed this link to a blog on I2a Isles: Genes of the Cruthin Don't miss Dr Tim Owen's comments at the bottom of the blog

Oct 28, 2010: FTDNA reports a new batch in lab with due date 12/06/10 which includes the following orders: (1) SNP L160 ordered by I2a1 Sardinia donor (2) DYS 441 and SNP L233 ordered by I2a*-P37.2-Alpine donor with German ancestry

Oct 28, 2010: "Empty" Haplogroup I2a2* filled in?

Nov 01, 2010: Updated Warped Founders Tree

Nov 3, 2010: New Clade within I-M26

Dec 3, 2010: FTDNA lowered prices thru Dec 31, 2010 as follows: Price for new kits 37 markers regular = $149, now $119; 67 markers reg $239 now $199; mtdnaPlus reg $150 now $129; Family Finder reg $289 now $249; Price for upgrading Family Finder regular $289, now $229.

Dec 7, 2010: Bernie Cullen has made a new subclade for I2a.  This raises the number to 23 subclades. The new subclade is I2a1*(M26+L160- 413a,b = 19,22).  There are five members. Pretty well self explanatory, the new subclade is defined by M26+ and L160- and at DYS marker 413a and 413b the allele count is 19 and 22.

Dec 16, 2010: M26+ I2a1 Oldest Clade

Dec 22, 2010: M26+ Age by Region

Dec 23, 2010: Corrected I2a1 M26+ Age by Region

Jan 11, 2011: A few statistics: We now have 427 members in the I2a group. 427 of course have 12yDNA markers, 396 have 25 yDNA markers, 345 have 37 markers, and 210 have 67 yDNA marker tests. There are 23 subclades in the I2a Haplogroup with six distinct subHaplogroups. Of the 427 members, 321 have shown their paternal "country of origin" to be in 35 different countries of the world. We center on the paternal line rather than maternal since yDNA pertains to males only. That leaves 106 members who do not know their paternal "Country of Origin". In the main, most of the 35 countries are in Europe, or the UK.

169 members have taken mtDNA tests and there are 53 distinct mtDNA Haplogroups. 46 members have opted for the mtDNA Full Sequence; 113 the mtDNA Plus; todate there are -0- mtDNA subgroups. Sorry for the absolute neglect to mtDNA but this Project is mainly for the study of yDNA Haplogroup I2a.

Four members of I2a have taken the "Walk through the Y" SNP search test during 2009.  Five new SNPs were discovered in 2009: L158, L159, L160, L178 and L233.

44 members of I2a have taken the Family Finder test.

January 13, 2011: Larry Mayka, kit 56266, a member of I2a and also Group Adm of the Polish DNA Project at FTDNA, has proposed more WTY "Walk Through the Y" SNP tests for the Dinaric groups which todate do not have one WTY.  Each such test costs $750 US and our general fund balance is $131 at I2a so we need donations, any amount will be appreciated.  To donate, go to the Background webpage of this website, scroll to the bottom and find: To donate to the general fund please CLICK HERE. That icon will allow you to donate any amount to the I2a general fund.

January 14, 2010: Thanks to those who have donated to the new WTY SNP search for Dinarics.  We need more donations to get the WTY fully funded.  We are hoping new SNP or SNPs will be discovered which will split Din-N from Din-S and Disles.  If SNPs are discovered, they will have to be tested at a cost of $38.50 US each, so we need donations for the SNP tests in addition the WTY test. This is a very worthy endeavor so please donate whatever amount you can afford.

January 24, 2011: Bernie Cullen has discovered a new subclade: I2a1a-DYS425=10(M26+L160+).  Presently five members belong to this new subclade. Is is Sardinian, members test M26+ and L160+ as well as having allele count of 10 at DYS marker 425.

January 26, 2011: Glad to report the WTY "Walk through the Y" SNP search of Mr. Lawrence Malka, kit 56266 is fully funded. WTY is a SNP search of 200,000 base pair of the Y chromosome.  My personal WTY during July-Nov 2009 covered only 100,000. Our thaks to all who donated to this worthy endeavor.  We are hoping new SNP(s) will be discovered which define I2a2a Dinaric/Disles subclades. We only guess the SNP search will take six months.  If new SNPs are discovered, then we will need to test many I2a members to see how they are affected, whether they test positive or negative. 

January 27, 2011: Familytreedna reports the estimated completion date for the Dinaric WTY SNP search is between March 9 - 16, 2011. This is good/quick news. Please be thinking about testing any new SNPs discovered.  We need all members of I2a to consider testing to see what effect the SNPs might have.  Tests will cost $38.50 USD.  FTDNA will conduct SNP tests which use your existing DNA and take about five weeks. Let's keep our fingers crossed that new SNPs will be discovered and will define Dinarics/Disles/Isles effectively. 

Jan 29, 2011: Rich Hill posted this on the DNA forum: Top ten DNA News websites

Feb 3, 2011: rs7892855 and the I tree

Feb 21, 2011: FamilytreeDNA announces a discount from $750 to $500 for the "Walk Through the Y" SNP searches.  This offer requires the donor's results be public.  FTDNA does not show how long the discount will be. Interested persons contact Bill Morrow

Feb 24, 2011: Don't contribute to an FTDNA project using a gift card

March 10, 2011: FTDNA reports that Stanislaw Jan Plewako's WTY is now in the lab under batch 403 with an estimated due date of 27 April, 2011.  Bernie reports that his WTY will soon be sent to the lab. Other WTY's will be forthcoming soon.

March 5, 2011: Bernie Cullen applied for WTY SNP search, self funded except for one donation.  Bernie is M26+L160-

March 15, 2011 Larry Mayka's WTY is now official with a newly discovered SNP L147+. Thomas Krahn says anybody wishing to test L147 should do so under L147.2 for the time being. Larry is Din-N.

March 18, 2011: list of potential WTY SNP searches: one I2a1*; one I2a1a*; one I2a2 Din-N; one I2a2 Din-S; one I2a2 Disles; two Isles; and one I2a3 Western. All of these are self funded. Some still need donated funds. Any donation to the I2a general fund would be appreciated.

March 22, 2011: FTDNA reports 7 orders for SNP L147.2.  One is Disles, one Din-S, five are Din-S.  Presently the orders are in "Pedning shipment to lab" We expect these orders to go to lab by Wednesday 23rd and be given a batch number and expected due date.

March 24, 2011: FTDNA reports 8 lab orders for SNP L147.2 are in batch 405 due May 11, 2011.

March 28, 2011: FTDNA reports one funded WTY SNP search order for Isles-B2 donor is in "Pending shipment to Lab". Usually by wednesday of the same week such orders are sent to the lab and due dates are established.  

March 29, 2011: Bob May, Group Adm of I2* emailed that Thomas Krahn says the SNP rs7892855 from 23andMe is named L460 and he is doing in-house testing before putting it on the FTDNA site for testing. Ken has placed the node on his warped tree as downstream of P30 etc but upstream of P37.2 so it could have quite a big implication on the total I tree.

April 1, 2011: FTDNA reports three "Walk Through the Y" SNP searches are now in the lab with due date for Din-N April 27; M26+L160- with due date May 18 and Isles-B2 with due date May 18.  Also there are eight orders for SNP L147.2 with due date May 11.

April 6, 2011: FTDNA reports four test results for SNP L147.2, all tested positive: two Din-S, one Disles, one Din-N.  The remaining four orders are due May 11, 2011. One order for L147.2 is pending shipment to the lab. J.Plewako's WTY is due 4/27, Bernie and Roy Hale's are due May 11. Seven orders for SNP L160 have due dates: one due Feb 16 (overdue); one due Mar 16 (overdue) and the rest are due April 27. One new WTY for I2a1a (M26+L160+) donor now pending shipment to the lab.

April 14: FTDNA reports five WTY pending lab results. I2a1*(M26+L160-) due 5/18; I2a1a(M26+L160+) due 5/25; I2a2a-M423-Din-N due 4/27; I2a2b-M423-Isles-B2 due 5/18; I2a1a(M26+L160+) due 6/1.

April 18: FTDNA reports one WTY pending shipment to lab, but unfunded. Donor is Din-S, lives in Winnipeg.

April 21: FTDNA "Pending lab results" shows six orders for SNP L160; two orders for SNP L161; one order for L233; three orders for L147.2; five orders for WTY.  There is one order for WTY in "pending shipment to lab".

May 31, 2011: FTDNA "Pending lab results" shows five orders for WTY, all overdue.

June 01: Bernie Cullen discusses M26 clusters

June 2: Ken Nordtvedt discusses Sardinian I2a1 Haplotypes

June 15: FTDNA is having a sale on upgrades from June 15 through midnite June 22 as follows: Family Finder $199; yDNA 12 to 25: $35; yDNA 12 to 37: $69; yDNA 12 to 67: $148; yDNA 25 to 37: $36; yDNA 25 to 67: $114; yDNA 37 to 67: $79; mt to FMS $229; mtplus to FMS: $199. To order and upgrade at these special prices members can log into their personal pages with their kit number and password. Click on the "Special Offers" link found on the left-hand navigation bar.  All orders must be placed and paid for by midnight, June 22, 2011 to receive the sale price.

June 28: FTDNA reports the WTY SNP search for kit 131251 Stanislaw J. Plewako should be completed by July 6th, 2011.

June 29: Stanislaw J. Plewako's WTY test results are in, new SNP L621 was discovered. His subclade = I2a2a-M4233-Din-N.

July 11: ISOGG has revised the Hg I tree and this affects our I2a nomenclature.  We are also expecting more new SNPs will be discovered, so we will hold off renaming the 25 subclades of I2a until later. 

Aug 19: Bernie Cullen's WTY test results are in, new SNP L672 was discovered. Bernie's subclade = I2a1* (M26+L160-)

Aug 19: Charles Wickwire's WTY test results are in, new SNP L673 was discovered. Charles's subclade = I2a1b1*(M26+L160+)

Sep 13: Roy Hale's WTY test results are in, no new SNP found. His subclade = I2a2b-M423-(111 markers includes Din-N, Din-S and Disles.

Sep 16: Oscar Baldomero's WTY test results are in, no new SNP found. His subclade = I2a1b1* (M26+L160+Z106-)

Sep 22: John Dobson's WTY test results are in, no new SNP found. His subclade = I2a2a-M423 (111 markers includes Din-N, Din-S and Disles.

Oct 14, 2011: Status of WTY "Walk The Y" SNP searches at I2a: Nine members have applied; seven have WTY test results; one is due this week; the ninth application was not processed but we are attempting to re-process. Four new SNPs were discovered and we are testing I2a members to determine how the new SNPs affect our I2a tree.

Nov 15, 2011: FTDNA announces sales in yDNA, mtDNA, Family Finder prices for new members as well as current members. If you have been waiting for a decrease in the prices, this sale will continue from today thru Dec 31, 2011. Upgrades for current members include: 12to25 = $35; 12-37= $69; 12-67 $148; 25-27 $35; 25-67 $114; 37-67 $79; Family Finder = $199; mtHVR1 to Mega = $229; mtHVR2 to mege = $209. All orders must be placed and PAID for by midnight Dec 31st 2011. New kits: yDNA 37 = $119; yDNA 67 = $199; mtFullSequence $239; SuperDNA (yDNA and FMS) = $438; Family Finder = $199; FF + mtPlus = $318; FF + FMS = $439; FF + yDNA 37 = $318; Comprehensive (FF + FMS + y67) $627.

Dec 26, 2011: Andrew Paprocki, kit 209633 subclade Din-N, application for Walk Through the Y was approved Dec 25, 2011.

April 15, 2012 FTDNA approved the application for WTY for Michael Fleming, kit N10316, subclade I2a3-L233-Western.

April 19, 2012: FTDNA announces a sale on new members kits and upgrades for existing members, starting 6pm Thursday April 19 and will conclude at 11:59pm on Saturday, April 21, 2012.  All prices will be automatically adjusted on the Familytreedna website. 

April 24: I2a3-L233-Western's Michael Fleming's WTY is now in "Pending Lab Results" with due date of 6/13/12. Our thanks to all who donated to help pay for the WTY SNP search.

May 3, 2012: FTDNA reported the WTY SNP search for Andrew Paprocki, kit 209633 is completed. Andrew's subclade is I2a2a-M423-Din-N.  A new SNP L1224 was discovered. We will begin testing the new SNP when FTDNA adds it to their SNP catalog. Earlier tests may occur. 

May 9, 2012: Charles Connon, kit 110023 has ordered a WTY SNP search.  His subclade is I2a*-P37.2-France.  His Haplotype differs alot from most I2a members so we are confident his WTY will find a new SNP which will define his subclade at the least.  The cost for the WTY is $750 and we need lots of donations. Any donation, $5, $10 will be appreciated. To donate, go back to section: Background of this I2a website, scroll down to the bottom and find: To donate to the general fund please CLICK HERE (in orange color). Click onto the icon and this will allow you to donate any amount to the I2a general fund which in turn will be used to pay for WTY's and other important research endeavors.  Another way to donate is to email Familytreedna:  and make your contibution, be sure and ask that it go to the I2a Haplogroup general fund.  Many thanks.

May 10: There have been 19 contributions so far totaling $525 towards Charles Connon's WTY. This is great, keep the donations coming in.  Each WTY helps all members since we are are under the same main Haplogroup I2a. You can view the individual contributions in section Background of this I2a website. Scroll down to the very bottom. Only the last ten contributors are shown, but you can view all others by moving to back pages, click onto the page numbers at the very bottom of the Background webpage.

May 21, 2012: We have a new WTY SNP search ordered & fully funded by Tim Davis, kit 110417, subclade: I2a1b*(M26+L160+Z118-Z106-) who has Wales 1640 ancestry.

May 24; Tim Davis, kit 110417, his WTY SNP search is now in the lab, batch 465 with a due date of July 11, 2012.

May 31: Three WTY's are in the lab. (1) Michael Fleming, kit N10316, Subclade: I2a3-L233-Western, batch 461 with due date 6/13/12. (2) Charles Connon, kit 110023, Subclade:I2a*-P37.2-France, batch 464 due 7/4/12. (3) Tim Davis, kit 110417, Subclade: I2a1b*(M26+L160+Z118-Z106-) batch 465, due date 7/11/12. These WTY's bring our total number of WTY's to 17, including the I2* WTY earlier in 2009 which was financed and sponsored by the I2a group. See our section: Results for a recap of all 17 WTY's.

June 8: Mike Fleming reports that FTDNA received his additional DNA samples for his forthcoming WTY SNP search. It would appear that his due date of 6/13/12 for the WTY results needs to be changed.

June 14: Mike Fleming's WTY now has a due date of 8/13/12; Tim Davis's WTY is due 7/11 and Charles Connon's due 7/14/12.

June 29: New SNPs affecting M26ers: Z2050, Z2051 and Z2052. All can be ordered at FTDNA. So far, three members of I2a1*-F(M26+L160-) have ordered tests; two members of I2a1*(M26+L160-) have ordered, one member of I2a1*(M26+L160- 413a,b=19,22) and one member I2a1b1a-(M26+L160+Z118+Z106+) has ordered. All tests have due date of August 15, 2012. Email Bernie Cullen if you want to order one or more of these new SNPs. 

July 9: Familytreedna is having a sale of upgrades and for new members. The sale begins today and ends Sunday July 15 at midnite, and orders must be in and paid by then. No extentions. NEW KITS: yDNA 12 = $59; yDNA 37 = $129; yDNA 67=$199; Family Finder = $199; mtFullSequence(FMS)= $219; FF + yDNA 37= $328; FF + mtDNAPlus=$328; Comprehensive (FF + FMS +yDNA67 = $428; UPGRADES: 12 to 37 = $70; 25to 37 = $35; 25to67=$114; 37to67=$79; 37to111=$188; 67to111=$109; mtHVR1 to Mega= $209; mtHVR2 to Mega= $199.

July 10: Three WTY's still in lab: Tim Davis kit 110417 subclade: 12a1b*(M26+L160+Z118-Z106-) due 7/11/12; Michael Fleming kit N10316 subclade I2a3-l233-Western is due 8/13/2012; Charles Connon kit 110023 subclade: I2a*-P37.2-France, due 9/3/2012.

Aug 1: Three WTY's still in lab: Fleming due 8/27; Davis and Connon due 10/1/12

Aug 22: Fleming's WTY results reported, 4 new SNP discovered: L1285*, L1286, L1287, L1288*. Two * may split the present L233 subclade, which is excellent news. However, after testing by other L233 members,  it has been concluded that L1285 and L1288 are "private" to the Fleming family only. Meanwhile L1286 and L1287 was found to be derived by the Alpine group and Western and West Isles groups, so it was concluded these SNPs come after P37.2 but before L233, thus defining these groups.  The change is I2a3 (I-L1286) inlcues Apine, Western and West Isles; and I2a3a(I-L233) includes only Western and West Isles groups.

Sept 13: Subclade I2a3-L233-Western and West Isles members have began ordering tests for SNPs L1285 and L1288. Later, tests of SNPs L1286 and L1287 may occur. The tests are to determine whether new Subclades should be formed. These tests are to see which members test positive (derived) or negative (ancestral) for each SNP and those results will tell us if new Subclades are needed.  

Sept 19: Charles Connon, kit 110023 has WTY results, five new SNPs discovered: L1294, L1295, L1296, L1297 and L1298.  Also he tested negative for SNPs L1285, L1286 and L1287.  SNP L1288 was not tested. Our congratulations to Chuck. We will be testing these new SNPs to see how they affect other members. All the "France" group (with DYS388=9) has tested positive for these SNPs, so we have a new subgroup: I2a5(I-L1294) nicknamed "France".

Sept 24: Tim Davis, kit 110417 Subclade I2a1b*(M26+L160+Z118-Z106-) has WTY results, two new SNPs discovered: L1299 and L1300. Our congratulations to Tim.  We will be testing these new SNPs to see how they affect other members. 

Nov 19, 2012: Bernie Cullen, volunteer co-adm sent an email to all I2a members discussing the five new subgroups: (1) I2a1 (also called M26, nicknamed Sardinian) (2) I2a2 (also called I-M423, includes Dinaric, Disles and Isles ) (3) I2a3 (now called I-L1286, includes Alpine group and the I-L233 groups Western and West Isles (4) I2a4 (also called I-L880, nicknamed Northern France, and (5) I2a5 (also called I-L1294, nick named France).

November 23, 2012: Today our 800th yDNA member joined.

Dec 31, 2012: We have 810 yDNA members todate. That's an increase of 216 members this year.

Feb 21, 2013: 12 members of I2a have tested Geno 2.0 todate. This is Spencer Wells new testing of SNPs by individuals.  The purpose is to discover new SNPs which have not been tested by our I2a group.  Hopefully the new SNPs will split current Subclades into smaller groups.  

June 28, 2013: our 1,000 yDNA member joined today. 

Nov 8, 2013 our 1100th yDNA member joined today.

Jan 01, 2014: There are 1159 total members including 1131 yDNA members

May 5, 2014: There are 1221 total members including 1200 yDNA members.

May 20, 2014: SNP S17250 can now be tested at FTDNA. This SNP splits I-CTS5966 group. Those who are Din-S test S17250+. Some Din-N people are S17250+ and other Din-N people are S17250- . We need more test results.

June 2, 2014: SNP A417 may split subclade L233.  Tests are available (cost $25) at a new company of Thomas and Astrid Krahn.  Bill Morrow tried to order but his mastercard credit card was not acceptable, they may only want PayPal? Zdenko has asked FTDNA to add A417 to their catalog.

September 9, 2014: Two new SNPs can be tested at FTDNA: A493 (ChrY: 15 196 350) and BY128 (ChrY: 22 020 653). A493 seems to be philoequivalent to Z16983 (Dinaric I-Z16983 group). Also, BY128 seems to be philoequivalent to Z16971 (Dinaric I-Z16971 group).

November 5, 2014: SNP A814 (ChrY: 21 660 475) can be tested at FTDNA. It may split Isles PF4135 subclade. 

November 10, 2014: Three new SNPs can be tested at FTDNA: A813 (ChrY: 14 786 918) for Isles-A,  A811 (ChrY: 18 064 640) and A815 (ChrY: 16 903 681) for Dinaric. Currently, A813 is philoequivalent to PF4135 (Isles-A I-PF4135 group). A811 may split Dinaric I-Y4882 group and A815 may split Dinaric I-Z16971 group.

December 8, 2014: Two new SNPs can be tested at FTDNA:

  • S2703 (ChrY: 17 361 387) which is below L1498 and derived for Isles-B1, B2a, C and D (M423>L161>L1498+)

  • Y5598 (ChrY: 21 753 595) below Y3118; recommended for Dinaric I-Y3118 group (M423>L621>CTS10228>Y4460>Y3118+).

January 6, 2015: I-L1498 Isles SNP S2742 (ChrY: 19440521) downstream from S2703, ancestral for Isles C2 and D2 and derived for Isles B1, B2a and maybe some other B groups, can be tested at FTDNA.

January 12, 2015: I-L1498 Isles SNP A1514 (ChrY: 19180631) downstream from S2742, derived for Isles B1, can be tested at FTDNA.

January 13, 2015: I-CTS10228 Dinaric SNP S8201 (ChrY:2687476) is available for order through the Advanced Tests at FTDNA. Recommended for CTS10228+ Y4460+ and Y3118- individuals.

January 19, 2015: I-L1498 Isles-B4 SNP CTS4122 (ChrY:15407906) is available for order through the Advanced Tests at FTDNA. Recommended for L1498>S2703>S2742+ individuals (Isles-B4).