St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


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Project members were grouped according to the following geographical regions: 1-The region in Purple is Kurdistan; it consists of three provinces (Irbil, Sulymaniya, Duhok). 2- The region in Yellow is Ninawa the capital is Mosul city. 3- The region in Brown is Al-Anbar; the capital city is Ramadi. 4-The region in Green is Salahidin; the capital city is Tikrit. 5- The region in Grey is Kirkuk. 6- The region in Teal is Diyala; the capital city is Baquba. 7- The region in Maroon is the capital city of Iraq Baghdad. 8- The region in Olive is Al-furat Al-awsat; it’s made of four provinces, Najaf, Karbala, Babil and Qadisiya. 9-The region in Coral is Wasit and Maysan, the capital cities of those provinces are Al-Kut and Amara respectively. 10- The region in Beige is Dhi Qar and Al-Muthanna; the capital cities of those provinces are Nasiryah and Samawa respectively. 11-The region in Turquoise is Basra.