Irwin Clan Surname

  • 739 members

About us

The Irwin Clan Surname Project welcomes all male adults bearing surnames sounding like Irvin, Irvine, Irving or Irwin who have taken a Y-DNA test (and men with other surnames whose genetic signature matches an Irwin, and women who can persuade a male Irwin relative to take a Y-DNA test). Its sister project, the Clan Irwin Surname DNA Study (see analyses all Irwin Y-DNA test results, helps members to understand their test results and their relationships with other Irwins, and advises on further DNA testing. Since the Project and Study were founded in 2005 nearly 50 branches of the surname have been identified. The Study respects all privacy concerns and is recognised as a world leader in Surname BigY testing. NOTE: On the Results page, to see all results set the PAGE SIZE to 1000 and refresh *** (give the page time to reload) For our Study's Goals, Privacy Statement and regular updates and analyses of results see For queries and further information please contact Study Administrator
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