
J-M67, J-Z7671, J-M92, J-L210, J-Z467, etc.
  • 727 members

About us

Welcome to the Haplogroup J2a-M67 project.
J-M67 arose ca. 12000 years ago (10000 BC see Discover FTDNA & YFull) with the main expansion center likely in Anatolia with early presence also in the Armenian Highlands, the Caucasus and all along Mediterranean and Black sea urban colonies, like to South Balkans and Italy. 
The oldest known human samples are: Ripa Bianca 19 (5200 BC, Neolithic Central Italian Adriatic), Unakozovskaya 2055 (4540 BC, Eneolithic Northeast Caucasus), Arslantepe 22 (3400 BC, Copper Age Anatolia). 
Our knowledge of the main branches within haplogroup J-M67 has increased a lot since 2008, the year this project was founded. We now know that there are three main branches (Z500, Y4036, Z7671), as well as one additional smaller branch M67(xZ1847) that is in the process of being refined.
Please note (Summer 2024): the project is updated but not frequently by the volunteer Admins. Please see in the partnering J2-M172@FTDNA project for support and j2-m172.info/.../m67/ for some M67 research (mainly 2013-2017).
For known Sub-Haplogroups see FTDNA Y-DNA Haplotree J-M67YFull YTree J-M67 and J-M67 Basic/Sub part of J2-M172 Research Tree simplified (last major updates in 2017, see image below) or if you have done BigY consult the FTDNA Big Y Block Tree
  • M92⇾PF7412⇾Z515,Z6253: Colin Rodgers
  • Z500⇾Y6240,Y6243: Angela Cone
  • Z467⇾Z447⇾L210: Chris Rottensteiner 
  • Z467⇾S25258⇾⇾SK1336⇾⇾FGC21357⇾SK1337: Chris Rottensteiner
  • Z7671⇾CTS3261⇾CTS6619⇾Z7675⇾Z30676⇾⇾Z30685: Chris Rottensteiner
  • Jewish Clusters: Wim Penninx
  • Other Haplogroups: Co-Admins welcome!
Although there is no official cooperation, the following sub-projects should be mentioned: M92>CTS2906>L560>L556 (WIRTH) FTDNA Simon, Friedman, Issroff, ... ; M92>PF7412>Z515>Y20196 FTDNA Rodgers; L210>Z482 FTDNA, Rothschild, Lizza, Akaha, ...

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