• 5103 members

About us

This group project is for those who have been classified mtDNA J*, J1, J2, or subclades. By joining, you will be included in the project database and will have the ability to compare results with others in that database. Entering geographic coordinates for the origin of your most distant known maternal ancestor will also contribute to a cluster map showing concentration of origins.

Since mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is passed by the mother to both male and female offspring, we have both men and women in this project. However, only the females can pass it along to their children and thus testing of mtDNA can provide data useful in analysis of matrilineal (mother's mother's mother's etc. mother) ancestry.

This mtDNA Haplogroup Project groups individuals that share the same Haplogroup in order to verify common patterns and further develop knowledge about this Haplogroup and migrations derived from it.