J M172 - J2 Y-DNA

Pre-Chalcolithic Paternal lineage grouping and haplogroup research
  • 7443 members

About us

Please join if the kits Y-DNA is confirmed or predicted J-M172 or one of its sub-haplogroups. Please do not join if you are from other haplogroups like J1 / J-M267. J2-M172 Project Goals: study the pedigree relationships (phylogeny) of all J2 lineages (subclades J2a, J2b, etc.) down to Pre-Chalcolithic Ages, assign project members to appropriate groups and partnering subprojects. Gateway Partnering: Members will be joined to appropriate J2 partnering FTDNA projects (M67, M319, L24 (>Z7704), PF5197, M241, J2 Middle East) for easier terminal research on subclades and subgroups. Share DNA results: Grouping is pending until Opt in to Sharing DNA results & L./A. Access + Matching is activated for public comparison. This pre-setting was introduced by FTDNA since late 2014 (approx. kit #37000 and higher). Please give Project Admins Limited or Advanced Access in Project Preferences so we can see your Y-DNA matches and download updated raw data for better analysis. If a relative lineage is Y-DNA J2 please test and join a kit of a male of this lineage (brother/father/husband for women, maternal uncle, cousin, etc.). Warning: kits without Y-DNA test results interesting for J2 research will be removed.
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