Jewish Q

A genetic genealogy community and collaboration
  • 477 members

About us

There is a bigger Y-DNA Haplogroup Q-M242 Project that welcomes all Qs, and we encourage all the members of this group to join that one as well. If you have Jewish ancestry on your direct paternal line, please also join the Avotaynu DNA project. Through these two projects, Adam Brown and Rebekah Canada are doing active research to explore and document the Jewish Q lineages including when they entered the Jewish Diaspora populations.

We have identified over 300 kits in the Family Tree DNA database who match our criteria. Thanks to Rebekah Canada we have groupings that will help us match up closely related people and get a better feel as to how long ago our Most Closely Related Common Ancestor lived. We are strongly encouraging all Jewish Qs to have their Y-DNA tested at the 37 marker level and to order the Q-L245 SNP Pack, so we can get closer to matches that can be documented. If you can afford it, we encourage the Big Y test.

We have a discussion group at Yahoo Groups where we discuss what we know and don't know. We invite you to visit our group and join and ask or answer questions as the case may be. We also have many of the published research papers and other interesting files at this same link: Ashkeanzi-Q Group

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