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R1b-L1066+ (CTS1202)

R1b-L1066 SNP Found in Ancient Remains Longniddry Scotland 1500 - 1300 BCE
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The SNP L1066/CTS1202 has been found in ancient remains from Evergreen House, Longniddry, East Lothian, Scotland dating to 1500 - 1300 BCE. 

Current dating of L1066 using NGS data (ref.
L1066 1767 BC (2348 BC — 1231 BC)

The sample is recordedin the supplementary table 2 of 'The Beaker Phenomenon And The GenomicTransformation Of Northwest Europe'

He is sample I2653 / Skeleton2 / GENSCOT22: 1500–1300 BCE.

L1066 is known in build Hg 19 by the SNP 7265766-A-C. See Alex Williamson here

In the supplementary table 2 it is formatted as 7265766A->C

Great Britain
R1b1a1a2a1a2c1e2b3a1:CTS1202.1:7265766A->C; R1b1a1a2a1a2c1e2b3:S883:15339857A->G; R1b1a1a2a1a2c1e2b:S868:19033817T->C; R1b1a1a2a1a2c:L21:15654428C->G; R1b1a1a2a1a2:P312:22157311C->A; R1b1a1a2a1a:L11:17844018T->C; R1b1a1a2a1a:P310:18907236A->C; R1b1a1a2a1a:P311:18248698A->G; R1b1a1a2a1:L51:8502236G->A; R1b1a1a2:CTS2664:14416216G->A; R1b1a1a2:CTS10834:22796697T->C; R1b1a1a2:CTS11468:23124367G->T; R1b1a1a2:L265:8149348A->G; R1b1a1a2:PF6399:2668456C->T; R1b1a1a2:PF6438:9464078C->T; R1b1a1a:CTS3876:15239181G->C; R1b1a1a:CTS5082:16005138A->C; R1b1a1a:CTS7904:17732408T->C; R1b1a1a:CTS9018:18617596C->T; R1b1a1a:FGC57:7759944G->A; R1b1a1a:L502:19020340G->C; R1b1a1a:PF6463:16183412C->A; R1b1a1a:PF6498:21312064C->A; R1b1a:A702:10038192G->A; R1b1a:FGC36:13822833G->T; R1b1a:L754:22889018G->A; R1b1a:L1345:21558298G->T; R1b1a:PF6271:23984056G->A; R1b1:CTS2134:14193384G->A; R1b1:CTS2229:14226692T->A; R1b:M343:2887824C->A; R1:CTS2565:14366723C->T; R1:F93:7671535C->T; R1:L875:16742224A->G; R1:M306:22750583C->A; R1:P231:9989615A->G; R1:P234:21117888T->C; R1:P238:7771131G->A; R1:P286:17716251C->T; R1:P294:7570822G->C; R:CTS207:2810583A->G; R:CTS3622:15078469C->G; R:CTS7876:17722802G->A; R:CTS8311:17930099C->A; R:CTS11075:22934109A->G; R:F63:7177189G->A; R:F82:7548900G->A; R:F295:15594523A->G; R:F356:16629782T->C; R:F459:18017528G->T; R:M651:9889199G->A; R:M734:18066156C->T; R:P227:21409706G->C
Reference to the archaeology, see - Baker, L. A Bronze Age burial ground at Longniddry, East Lothian.Proc. Soc. Antiq. Scotl. 133, 125–136 (2003).

Another individual (sample I7640) in the study was found positive for S883 (a Z2185 equivalent) which is upstream from L1066.  The remains from the Middle Bronze Age and radiocarbon dated to the 14th century BC was from Clay Farm in Cambridgeshire, England. Sample I7640 was a no-call for L1066, so could have been positive, we just don't know. See

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