
  • 13 members

About us

The Lake family that settled at Gravesend on Long Island in New York in the 1640s and the Eastlake/Eastlick/Eslick/... families of Devon both descend from SNP R-FT272260 in the Y-Haplotree. This project is intended to include all those who are positive for R-FT272260 in order to see what we can determine about how these families connect.

Note that there are significant Eastlake (and variant spellings) families in Cornwall. We do not yet know if they are R-FT272260. So, we are hoping that some of the Cornwall Eastlake men will do the Y-DNA test (preferably the Big Y-700 test or at least the Y-111 test) to see if they are also R-FT272260.

This is a Y-DNA project. Please do not request to join unless you have a Y-DNA test.

Approved members will be added to the project's closed e-mail discussion group.

The co-admins for this project are from these related projects.

  • Lake:
  • Eastlick:
  • Eslick:
  • Español
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