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I'm not an expert on the LAKE surname in America but I believe the following is correct as far as it goes. If not, someone let me know.

Many of the LAKEs in America originated from a LAKE who settled in Gravesend on Long Island in the mid 1600s. From Gravesend some LAKEs went to Staten Island, some LAKEs headed westward (at least one LAKE went to Hunterdon Co, NJ), and some LAKEs went south to South Jersey. During the Revolution at least one LAKE went to Canada from NJ. Also, a LAKE in Hunterdon Co went south to Ga.

There was at least one LAKE who landed on the Eastern Shore of Md in the mid 1600s. These LAKEs spread west into Va and WV.

There was also at least one LAKE who was in New England in the mid to late 1600s. These LAKEs spread west into NY and north into Canada.

Y-DNA has shown that these three groups of LAKEs are NOT related to each other in a genealogical sense.
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