
  • 278 members

About us

Our surname project was started with the assistance of the company Family Tree DNA, which also gives us a few possibilities: First please note that there is also sponsorship available at this time, in our general fund. (Read "WHILE FUNDS LAST".) This can of course only be allocated to help pay for people's test kits. If you find the prices too expensive and you wish to take advantage of the general fund - in other words the sponsorship of fellow Lancasters - please contact me by mail rather than joining using the web form. On the other hand, if you are NOT a Lancaster male, and you don't have a relative that you can sponsor directly, you can contribute to that general fund that can be used to encourage volunteers. (You can also tell me how to spend it - for example if you want to be distributed over the next 5 Lancasters with Ulster ancestry, I'll do that.) This project will increase in value as it gains more participants. The more participants, the more value this project will have to us and future generations. So please spread the word! A 12 marker test is the minimum, for which the group price is $99 plus postage. This can be upgraded later. 25 markers would be $169 plus postage, and 37 markers would be $219 for our group. 12 markers is often enough to make our broad groupings within families, but 25 or 37 markers are far superior for real genealogical progress, and become more necessary if you discover you are a person with a very common DNA signature. See family 2 in the results below. Members interested in ancient human migrations are also able to have their mitochondrial (mt) DNA or their SNP markers tested at group rates, and they can also become involved in the National Geographic’s “Genographic” Project. Click here.