
  • 151 members

About us

This DNA project is provided for the collection of mostly Y-DNA samples from various branches of the Linville family to validate Linville family genealogical research efforts. Please contact Dr. Alice Eichholz ( or Mike Linville ( ) regarding any questions about the project. We have determined a "Linville" Y-DNA signature that seems valid for about 13 generations (R-Z156). We are also interested in adding some autosomal results to the project, particularly trying to identify missing Linville daughters and wives. If you know or suspect you have Linville ancestors and particularly if you want to validate your male Linville Y-DNA we would be interested in hearing from you. Be sure to click on the tabs for additional information and project results. "Activity Feed" on the left is for discussions or join us on the Facebook page: Linville Family - Ancestry and DNA. "News" on the tabs above will have the latest resources. If you have questions, please e-mail either of the administrators, Mike or Alice - email addresses above.
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