
  • 282 members

About us


Before we begin, we must answer one very important question. Is our name spelled LOCK or is our name spelled LOCKE? Both spellings of Lock and Locke are found throughout historical records from the exact same years. Even though some families added the “e” to their name and other families dropped the “e” from theirs, both spellings are correct. For the purpose of simplifying these project pages, we will sometimes use 'Locke' to refer to both spellings of our name.


Perhaps you've been asked at some point if you were related to John Locke, the English Philosopher. While it is true that many Locke Families originate from England, research has shown that the Locke name is also found in families from Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Russia, as well as families of African ancestry and even families of Chinese ancestry.


With the vast migrations of people in the last three centuries, there are now Locke families scattered around the world. Thanks to the advent of Y-Chromosome testing, we not only have a much clearer idea of where in the world those families have spread to, but we also have a better idea of just how many unique Locke family lines there are.


Besides Lock & Locke, there are also similar spellings like Lok, Loch, Lack and variations that also sound like Locke such as Loocke, Lockee, Lockie & Lockey. If you have one of these similar surnames then you are certainly welcome to compare your results with members of this project and if you find a match, then we invite you to join our Y-Chromosome DNA project. Please note however that the extra resources provided are specifically focused on the names Lock and Locke. If your research suggests that there was a surname change in your family line from Locke to another surname, then please contact our project administrator regarding joining our project.


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