
J2b2a-M241 (J-L283 Europe; J-Z2432 South Asia)
  • 1213 members

About us

This Y-DNA project welcomes anyone who is predicted by STRs as J2b2a-M241 (European branch: L283. South Asian branch: Z2444), or has tested positive for M241 or one of its downstream SNPs, such as: L283, Z590, Z628, CTS3617, Z1296, Z631, Z1043, Z8425, Z2432, Z2444, etc.

This is the partnering research sub-project of J2-M172 Project at FTDNA.

Support Research: join the research for FREE, invite near and distant Y-DNA matches and send us your additional Y-DNA data.

For kits ordered after Dec. 2014: To get the most informative grouping, please go to Privacy Setting "Who can view my DNA results in group projects?" change this to "Anyone" for public comparison. This pre-setting was introduced by FTDNA since late 2014 (approx. kit #370000 and higher). 
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