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I-M223 Y-DNA Haplogroup

ISOGG Y-DNA Haplogroup I2a1b1 (was I2a2a & earlier I2b1)
  • 6003 members

About us

I-M223 Y-Haplogroup Project is for males that have tested or are predicted M223+ or on one of the two sub-branches, I-FT355006 and I-P222 or on one of their confirmed sub-haplogroups. I-M223 is also known as I2-M223 or I2a1b1 by ISOGG as of 29th June 2018 and was previously known as I2a2a and before that as I2b1 and I1c. Sub-haplogroups include but are not limited to: I-A427, I-B293, I-BY138, I-BY18, I-CTS10057, I-CTS11871, I-CTS2392, I-CTS1858, I-CTS1977, I-CTS616, I-CTS6433, I-CTS7618, I-CTS8584, I-FGC15071, I-FT108839, I-FT355006, I-L1193, I-L1194, I-L1195, I-L1198, I-L1201, I-L1226, I-L1227, I-L1228, I-L1229, I-L1230, I-L126, I-L1272, I-L1290, I-L137, I-L369, I-L1425, I-L623, I-L699, I-L700, I-L701, I-L702, I-L703, I-L704, I-L801, I-L812, I-M284, I-P195, I-P222, I-P53, I-P78, I-P95, I-PF6894, I-PF6896, I-S17707, I-S18331, I-S20743, I-S20905, I-S21760, I-S2361, I-S2364, I-S24, I-S6480, I-S7753, I-SK1258, I-Y10626, I-Y10660, I-Y10668, I-Y11858, I-Y15292, I-Y36144, I-Y3670, I-Y3709, I-Y4142, I-Y4725, I-Y4750, I-Y4751, I-Y4752, I-Y4955, I-Y5282, I-Y6060, I-Y6098, I-Y7240, I-Y10626, I-Z161, I-Z165, I-Z166, I-Z170, I-Z171, I-Z180, I-Z183, I-Z185, I-Z190, I-Z2054, I-Z78, I-Z79, I-ZS3, I-ZS1.
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