Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


  • 776 members

About us

This surname project is recognized by George Gordan MacMillan of MacMillan and Knap, the Chief of Clan MacMillan, who is also a participant.

Anyone with the MacMillan surname or one of the many variations, or one of the sept surnames, is welcome to participate.

You do not need to belong to Clan MacMillan, but you may wish to join, as much valuable information and many contacts are open to you there. Please see the Clan MacMillan website

A special online group has been set up just for participants of this project. It is a place where we can natter on endlessly about our haplogroups, markers and other arcane stuff to our heart's content. After joining this Project, you will receive an invitation to join that discussion group, so watch your email!