Isle of Man

Studying the family names indigenous to the Isle of Man
  • 763 members

About us

The genetic origins of the Manx people are mainly Celtic, with some traces of Norse Viking as a result of the Viking occupation of the Isle of Man 900-1265. The purpose of the YDNA project is to try and clarify more accurately the identification of the Manx male population and to identify which of their neighbours they are closest to genetically. Also there is some evidence to suggest that an island people will be less genetically diverse than a larger population - and this study will try and establish whether there is any evidence from the Isle of Man to support this.

There are a range of family names unique to the Isle of Man - and men with those surnames, and who know they originate from the Isle of Man, are invited to join this project. 

More information can be found at

The recently started mtDNA branch of the project builds on insights already derived from the YDNA study, and aims to learn more about the ancient origins of the women who were living on the Isle of Man up to 1000 years ago. As the project grows, it will also support genealogical efforts to trace Manx support genealogical efforts to trace back Manx female ancestry. Anyone whose earliest known matrilineal ancestor came from the Isle of Man is warmly invited to participate.


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