Summer Sale extended! Save on Family FinderY-DNA, and mtDNA through September 8th!


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About us

At the time this project began on 29 Feb 2016, we were aware of some persons who have been Family Finder tested who connect to the family of Thomas McGallin born about 1776. (see a chart under Photos). We also are aware of other persons who connect to this family who have been tested with Ancestry's Autosomal test.

On June 29, 2016 Y DNA results for the first male with the name McGallion were completed.  He is also a descendant of Thomas McGallin.  His close matches revealed several men with names such as McKinlay, McMullin, etc. but no other names that sounded similar to McGallin.  We all appreciate that he did Y DNA testing which should benefit all of the descendants of Thomas McGallin.