Clan Lenny

Mac an Làmhaich
  • 27 members

About us

From the old lands of Leny in the parish of Callander, Perthshire."in a curious document among the Stirling of Keir charters, giving an account of the families of Leny of Leny, and Buchanan of Leny about 1560, the Laird of Leny says of his family: 'I find in the beginning the Lanyis of that Ilk hes bruikit (possessed) that leving without ony infeftment, except ane litill auld sourd gauin to Gillesiemvir De the King, and ane auld relict callit Sant Fillanis twithe (tooth), quhilk servit thaim for thar chartour quhile (until) Alexander his dayis.'"

The little sword is mentioned in a charter by Alexander II, 1227, in favor of Alan of Lany and Margaret of Lany of the lands of Lany on the resignation of the said Margaret: "To be held and possessed by them and their heirs as freely and quietly as the said Margaret held them before this resignation, by virtue of a little sword which King Culen formerly gave by way of symbol to Gillespie Moir her predecessor" (Bed Book of Menteith, I, p. lxxv).

"Our critical age," says Cosmo Innes," will not receive a charter of Alexander II as proof of a feudal investure by King Culen. We have many instances where the patriotic forger has escaped some of the readiest modes of detection by ascribing the deed which was to dignify his family or burgh to some traditional king of high antiquity, the falsity of whose charter it may not be so easy to expose" (Legal antiquities, p. 87). 

John de Leny, son of Alan de Leny, who had a charter of the lands of Drumchastell, c. 1270 (Levenax, p. 48), may be magister John de Lena or Lenna, a witness in 1267 (REG., p. 177,181). A later John de Lanyn of Perth, who rendered homage, 1296, may be John de Lany, juror in Perth, 1304 (Bain, II, 200,414). John de Lany was constable of Tarbert, 1325—26 (ER., I, p. 52). Robertus de Lanyn, M.A. petitioned for a canonry of Dunkeld, notwithstanding he has the church of Conveth, 1381 (Pap. Pet., I, p. 559; see also Inchcolm, p. 159—160). As Master Robert of Lany or Lanyne, provost of the church of St. Andrews, he appears 1408—14 (Bain, IV, 780,801; Pollok, I, p. 463), Donald Lany witnessed an Atholi charter, 1455 (Athole, p. 708), Patrick Lany was witness at Lany, Perthshire, 1545 (Rollok, 40), and Bartilmo Lanye was a beidman in Edinburgh, 1575 (Soltre, p. 230). Patrick Lany in Lany and John Lanie in Monbrachie were fined for reset of Clan Gregor—1613 (RPC., XIV, p. 640,643). Leane c. 135 (2) Lennie or Linay, an Orkney surname, from Linay which once formed part of the township of Beneath-the-Dykes in Grimeston, Harray;"but it is possible that North Isles Lennies may have come originally from Linay in North Ronaldsay" (Clouston, p. 33). Mawnis Lenay was a witness in Harray in 1557 (REO., p. 108), Rob Lenay was juror on an assize in 1576, William Lena, witness in 1553, Henry Lene, witness in 1545, and Magnus Lyne, tacksman in Grymestath c. 1500 (ibid., p. 138,227, 249,408).

Coat of Arms: Lennie, or Leny ( Scotland ):  Sable, on chevron between three bears' heads argent, muzzled gules as many cinquefoils of the last.

Crest: A dexter arm proper. holding up a covered cup or(gold).

Motto: Pro Veritate ( For Truth )

Mac-an-Làmhaich: Lennie of that ilk.

Mac-làmhaich: The fish called the sea devil.                                               

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