About us
Conclusions on these Y-DNA clusters can be found in the Clans Eoghan DNA Project.
Interesting links:
Scottish Surnames and Variants
BBC - Family History - What's in a Name?
Land Feudalism and Clan McCowan ( scroll down and start reading at Overview )
Septs of Clan Campbell: MacOwan
Sept of Clan MacDougal: MacEwan
McCowan UK Distribution Map 1881
McCune UK Distribution Map 1881
McEwen UK Distribution Map 1881
McKeown UK Distribution Map 1881
Coat of Arms links:
DF41 MC15 McCown McCune likely originate from Armakewne
Ancestors of the Scotch-Irish by Joseph Condit McCune
Wikipedia: Scotch-Irish American
Francis McCown at Massacre of Balcony Downs
Malcom McCown vs Chief Cornstalk
Wikipedia: General John Porter McCown
Original report on Y-DNA of Francis McCown by Leonard McCown