
  • 416 members

About us

The project is 13 years old

There are over 290 members of the Meek Project

Through 2017 there are 218 members with a Y-DNA test, 108 with Family Finder, and 56 mtDNA tests

Attention: New policies at FTDNA require that each member proactively set their privacy setting as well as “op in” to many feature. Without doing this your participation in the Meek Project may be limited. You can set your preferences in the “Manage Personal Information” section of your FTDNA account after you sign in. You can view the FTDNA privacy policy at

The link to “Manage Personal Information” is below your name and address on your FTDNA dashboard. On the next screen there are five tabs across the top of the page.

Select the tab “Project Preferences”.   NEW! For the Meek Projects elect the “Edit” button. Open the top drop down menu, which is blank, and select “Grant full access” or "Grant limited access". 

Select the tab “Privacy& Sharing”.

In “Matching Preferences” select “All Levels” from the three dropdown menus.

In “Project Sharing” select the check box “Op in to Sharing”. Otherwise your results will not be displayed in the project results chart.

In “Origin Sharing” select the check box “Op in to Sharing”.

In “Family Tree Sharing” from the drop down box select the option you desire.

Select the tab “Account Information”

Select “Beneficiary Information”. Please enter a name and E-mail address of someone you know who will be willing to manage your account and preserve your data. If you have no one please enter the name and E-mail of one of the project administrators.

Select the tab“Notification Preferences”.

Select the Level of E-mail notification you want from for each test. For Y-DNA many people deselect 12 and 25 marker matches as they are usually not informative. Select 37, 67 and 111 marker matches.

Select the tab “Genealogy”.

Enter what information you feel appropriate.