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U3 mtDNA Haplogroup

  • 621 members

About us

11 February 2009 - I have updated the phylogeny of all the full mtDNA sequences in GenBank, including one from a participant in this project! Note that there are 22 full U3 sequences now, versus just 11 last time. 11 February 2009 - Ron Scott has compiled a complete list of U3 sequences in GenBank, which is a very handy resource. Thanks, Ron! 24 July 2008 - I have posted updated phylogenetic trees of haplogroup U3, showing the "family tree" of our members (first link) and participants in mitoSearch (second link). As before, subclade U3a is colored red and U3b is colored blue. Only entries with both HVR1 and HVR2 are included. I have also constructed a phylogeny using all the full mtDNA sequences in GenBank, including one from a participant in this project! I have also updated the mtDNA results page of this website so that all participants are subgrouped into either U3a or U3b.
28 March 2007 - I have posted a phylogenetic tree showing all the U3 and U4 haplotypes from mitosearch that I could identify. U3 is in red and blue at the top, while U4 is in black at the bottom. You can also find a map showing the frequency of U3 in Europe and Western Asia.
22 March 2007 - I have posted a median joining network diagram of mtDNA Haplogroup U3. The network includes all U3 entries that I could identify in Mitosearch and SMGF. Subclade U3b entries are colored blue. Subclade U3a entries are colored yellow or red. Red designates those entries (mistakenly) classified as U4 by FTDNA but which are truly members of U3a.
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