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N Y-DNA Project

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  • 1030 members

About us

7 January 2022: After a long time of more or less inactivity, the project awakens. 

10.10.2012: Recommend all to upgrade to highest numbers of Y-STR markers possible, currently Y-111.

08 Dec 2006: First major hg N paper released!

29 Oct 2006: The first age estimate for Y37, Y25 and Y12 for the project shows an estimated age between 7 894 to 6 210 before present.

29 Oct 2006: The modals have been investigated.

16 Sept 2006: I recommend to members who do not want to use too much money on DNA testing participation in the DNA project. They do for free sampling of Y-STR, mtDNA and later next year also X-STR and Autosomal STR testing. The participation is for free and require only a pedigree tree for four generations and all must be born before 1900. The sampling is even easier, only requiring you to do a mouthwash for 45 seconds. Expect a year processing time.

22 June 2006: The database is now ready, it contains data from several scientific papers and include not only European data. Contact group adm for download link if you didnt receive the bulk email.

08 June 2006: The project now has 72 members, coverage of all hg N in FTDNA Database 11%!

19 May 2006: I recommend members not to waste money on FTDNA's Haplogroup Test/Backbone Test IF you have exact OR close match(es) on the "Haplogroup" menu after FTDNA login. If somebody else have testet for N haplogroup and have exact 12 marker match with you it is highly likely you belong to haplogroup N (LLY22G), so you get a free ride paid by others. Save your money or invest instead in more makers to pinpoint your origin more precisely in the future.

13. April 2006: I strongly encourage members to add their geographical position of their most distant ancestor and the name and birth year of their most distant ancestor at your best ability, because it will help weeding out recent immigration. The tools you need you find in the setup menu after login on your login page at FTDNA webpage, everything you need is there. If you only know your ancestral country or county of origin add the capitals or county capital position, if your ancestor's village is not on the map use the closest bigger town of your ancestor.

14 Mars 2006: Project opens.