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Y-DNA Results:

Abeyta - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Aguilar - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Aguirre - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Alari - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of France. 50% of modern day Frenchmen share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Alderete - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Álvarez - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Anaya - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Apodaca - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Aragon - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Aragon - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Archibeque - N1c: Northeastern European Origin. Haplogroup N1c is a subclade of Haplogourp N, and is perhaps 14,000 years old. Its first appearance is either in Eastern Europe or in Siberia; the question of its exact origin is still not solved. The presence of N1c and N1b in modern Siberian and Asian populations is considered to reflect an ancient substratum, possibly speaking Uralic/Finno-Ugric languages. The Magyars, a group of nomadic people, attacked from the east, from what is now Hungry. Superb horsemen, the Magyars swept across the plains of the Danube River and invaded western Europe in the late 800's. They are probably the origin of Haplogroup N in France.

Archuleta - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Arellano - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Arguello - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Armijo - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Arrey - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Arteaga - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Avila - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Ayala - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Baca - T: Eurasian origin. This Haplogroup is about 40,000 years old. T is believed to have originated in Central Asia, and have diffused outward in many directions - perhaps migrating north to the Baltic, and most definitely moving south to the Middle East and the Mediterranean. The Phoenicians belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. In a DNA study done in Spain it was found in 10.7% of those sampled in the Cadiz area of Spain.

Baca - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Baca - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Baca - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

Baca - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Bachicha - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Barreras - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Barron - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Bazan - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Beaubien - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. The Franks (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered France in the late 5th Century and the Vikings conquered Normandy in northern France in the year 911. The Franks and the Vikings ancient homeland was Scandinavia. These two Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into France. 25% of modern day Frenchmen share this origin.

Bejarano - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Benavides - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Benavides - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Bernal - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Bernal - G2: Caucasus of Europe. This is a fairly rare haplogroup found mostly in men from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The G2 branch of this lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. The Alan Sarmatians were military allies of the Vandals and the Suebi during the conquest of Iberia, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup G2 in Spain. The Alan Sarmatians' ancient homeland was the Caucasus Mountains. About 8% of northern Spaniards share this origin.

Blea - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Bonney - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of England. 56% of modern day Englishmen share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Borrego - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Brito - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Burrola - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Bustamante - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Bustos - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Campos - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Candelaria - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Cano - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Cardenas - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Carrasco - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Carrillo - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Carrillo - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Casados - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Casaus - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Casias - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Castillo - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Castro - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Cedillo - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Cervantes - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Chacon - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Chalifoux - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of France. 50% of modern day Frenchmen share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Chavarria - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Chávez - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Chávez - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Chávez - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Cienfuegos - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Cisneros - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Cisneros - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Coca - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Coca - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Contreras - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Córdoba - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. 

Córdoba - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Coronado - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Coriz - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Corona - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Corona - G: Caucasus of Europe. This is a fairly rare haplogroup found mostly in men from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The G2 branch of this lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. The Alan Sarmatians were military allies of the Vandals and the Suebi during the conquest of Iberia, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup G2 in Spain. The Alan Sarmatians' ancient homeland was the Caucasus Mountains. About 8% of northern Spaniards share this origin.

Corona - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Crespin - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Crespin - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Cruz - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Cruz - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Cruz - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Curtis - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Ireland. 81% of modern day Irishmen share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Deaguero - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Deaguero - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Deaguero - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

De la O - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Delgado - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Dimas - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Dominguez - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Dominguez - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Duran - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Duran - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Duran - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Espinosa - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Esquibel - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Esquibel - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Estrada - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Estrada - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Falcon - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Fernández - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Flores - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Flores - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Franco - L: Turkish origin. This haplogroup is found primarily in India and Sri Lanka, and has also spread into several Middle Eastern populations (Turks, Saudis, and Pakistanis). The Seljuk Turks migrated from Central Asia into mainland Iran formerly known as Persia. They are regarded as the ancestors of the Western Turks, the present-day inhabitants of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

Franco - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Fresquez - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Fuentes - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Gabaldon - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Gallegos - G2: Caucasus of Europe. This is a fairly rare haplogroup found mostly in men from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The G2 branch of this lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. The Alan Sarmatians were military allies of the Vandals and the Suebi during the conquest of Iberia, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup G2 in Spain. The Alan Sarmatians' ancient homeland was the Caucasus Mountains. About 8% of northern Spaniards share this origin.

Gallegos - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Galvan - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Gaona - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Gaona - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

García de Jurado - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

García de Noriega - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

García - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

García - R1a: Eastern European origin. The R1a lineage is believed to have originated in the Eurasian Steppes north of the Black & Caspian Seas. This lineage is thought to descend from a population of the Kurgan culture, known for the domestication of the horse (circa 3000 B.C.E.). These people were also believed to be the first speakers of the Indo-European language group. This lineage is found in central & western Asia, India, and in Slavic populations of Europe. Slavonic mercenaries were used by the Moors in the second half of the 9th Century, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup R1a in Iberia. 2% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

García - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

García - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Garduño - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

Garley - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. Haplogroup I dates to 23,000 years ago, or older. This haplogroup is found throughout Europe, although most of its branches are in Central Europe and Scandinavia.  It exists at low frequencies in Northeast Africa, Central Siberia, the Near East, and the Caucasus regions. Haplogroup I represents one of the first peoples in Europe.  It is the paternal ancestry of the ancient Germanic tribes, they are the origins of Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 in modern day Germany. 35% of modern day Germans share this origin.

Garza - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Gavitt - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of England. 3% of modern day Englishmen share this origin.

Gómez - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Gómez - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

Gonzáles Bernal - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Portugal. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 6% of modern day Northern Portuguese have J, J1, or J2 origin.

González - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

González - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

González - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

González - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

González - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Griego - G2: Caucasus of Europe. This is a fairly rare haplogroup found mostly in men from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. Some scientists currently think Haplogroup G may have originated in the Northern Middle East. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The G2 branch of this lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. 4% of modern day Greeks share this origin.

Guillen - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Gurule - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Gurule - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Gutierrez - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Gutierrez - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Gutierrez - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Guzmán - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

Guzmán - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Harris - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of England. 56% of modern day Englishmen share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Hernández - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Herrera - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Herrera - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Herrera - C: Native-American origin. The C lineage is believed to have originated in southeast or central Asia. This lineage then spread into northern Asia, and then into the Americas.

Hidalgo - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Hill - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Scotland. 79% of modern day Scots share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Hinojos - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Holguin - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Holguin - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Huerta - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Jaquez - G2: Caucasus of Europe. This is a fairly rare haplogroup found mostly in men from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The G2 branch of this lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. The Alan Sarmatians were military allies of the Vandals and the Suebi during the conquest of Iberia, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup G2 in Spain. The Alan Sarmatians' ancient homeland was the Caucasus Mountains. About 8% of northern Spaniards share this origin.

Jaramillo de Negrete - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Jaramillo - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Jardine - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Scotland. 79% of modern day Scots share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Jauregui - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Scotland. 79% of modern day Scots share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Jiménez - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Jirón - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Jurado - G: Caucasus of Europe. This is a fairly rare haplogroup found mostly in men from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The G2 branch of this lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. The Alan Sarmatians were military allies of the Vandals and the Suebi during the conquest of Iberia, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup G2 in Spain. The Alan Sarmatians' ancient homeland was the Caucasus Mountains. About 8% of northern Spaniards share this origin.

Kirker - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Ireland. 81% of modern day Irishmen share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Labadie - I2a: Balkans of Europe. Given that the Franks conquered France in the late 5th Century and the Vikings conquered Normandy in northern France in the year 911, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup I and subhaplogroup I2a in France. The Franks and the Vikings ancient homeland was Scandinavia (where the I haplogroup is most common). 25% of modern day Frenchmen share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of France (I2a2).

Lara - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Italy. 44% of modern day Italians share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Leal - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Leon - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Leyba - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Lobato - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Lobato - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Lobato - A: Sub Saharan African origin. Many proposals for haplogroup A's origin suggest it was associated with the ancestral population of Southern Africa's hunter-gatherers. This is because Haplogroup A lineages are frequent among the San people. 

Long - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of England. 56% of modern day Englishmen share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

López - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

López - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

López - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

López - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Lucero de Godoy - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Lucero - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Lucero - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Luera - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Luján - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Luna - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Macias - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Madrid - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Madrid - C: Native-American origin. The C lineage is believed to have originated in southeast or central Asia. This lineage then spread into northern Asia, and then into the Americas.

Madrid - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas. 

Maese - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Maese - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Maestas - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Maldonado - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Maldonado - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Man - K: Eurasian origin. The K lineage is an old lineage presently found only at low frequencies in Africa, Asia, and in the south Pacific. One descendent line of this lineage is restricted to aboriginal Australians, while another is found at low frequency in southern Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East.

Manchego - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Manzanares - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Marcilla - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Mares - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Marquez - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Martín Serrano - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Martín - C: Native-American origin. The C lineage is believed to have originated in southeast or central Asia. This lineage then spread into northern Asia, and then into the Americas.

Martínez - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Martínez - R1a: Eastern European origin. The R1a lineage is believed to have originated in the Eurasian Steppes north of the Black & Caspian Seas. This lineage is thought to descend from a population of the Kurgan culture, known for the domestication of the horse (circa 3000 B.C.E.). These people were also believed to be the first speakers of the Indo-European language group. This lineage is found in central & western Asia, India, and in Slavic populations of Europe. Slavonic mercenaries were used by the Moors in the second half of the 9th Century, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup R1a in Iberia. 2% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Martínez - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Martínez - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Martínez - L: Turkish origin. This haplogroup is found primarily in India and Sri Lanka, and has also spread into several Middle Eastern populations (Turks, Saudis, and Pakistanis). The Seljuk Turks migrated from Central Asia into mainland Iran formerly known as Persia. They are regarded as the ancestors of the Western Turks, the present-day inhabitants of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

Martínez - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Martínez - O2: East Asian origin. Haplogroup O2 has two primary lines, the 465 line and the M95 line. Both lines are found in Asia. The 465 line is at high frequency in Japanese and Korean populations and at low frequency in east Asia. The M95 line is found in Southeast Asian populations (Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and southern China).

Mascarenas - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Medina - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Medina - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Medina - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Mendonca - T: Eurasian origin. This Haplogroup is about 40,000 years old. T is believed to have originated in Central Asia, and have diffused outward in many directions - perhaps migrating north to the Baltic, and most definitely moving south to the Middle East and the Mediterranean. The Phoenicians belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. In a DNA study done in Spain it was found in 10.7% of those sampled in the Cadiz area of Spain.

Mestas - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Miera - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

Miera - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Mirabal - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Mondragon - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Montaño de Sotomayor - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Montenegro - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Montiel - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Montoya - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Montoya - T: Eurasian origin. This Haplogroup is about 40,000 years old. T is believed to have originated in Central Asia, and have diffused outward in many directions - perhaps migrating north to the Baltic, and most definitely moving south to the Middle East and the Mediterranean. The Phoenicians belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. In a DNA study done in Spain it was found in 10.7% of those sampled in the Cadiz area of Spain.

Montoya - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

Montoya - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Moraga - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Morales - E1b1a: Sub Saharan African origin. It is currently hypothesized that this haplogroup dispersed south from northern Africa within the last 3,000 years, by the Bantu agricultural expansion. Haplogroup E3a is also the most common lineage among African Americans.

Morga - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Moya - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Muniz - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Munoz - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Murchison - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Scotland. 79% of modern day Scots share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Nanez - G2: Caucasus of Europe. This is a fairly rare haplogroup found mostly in men from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The G2 branch of this lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. The Alan Sarmatians were military allies of the Vandals and the Suebi during the conquest of Iberia, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup G2 in Spain. The Alan Sarmatians' ancient homeland was the Caucasus Mountains. About 8% of northern Spaniards share this origin.

Naranjo - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Scotland. 79% of modern day Scots share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Naranjo - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Naranjo - L: Turkish origin. This haplogroup is found primarily in India and Sri Lanka, and has also spread into several Middle Eastern populations (Turks, Saudis, and Pakistanis). The Seljuk Turks migrated from Central Asia into mainland Iran formerly known as Persia. They are regarded as the ancestors of the Western Turks, the present-day inhabitants of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

Narvaez - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Nieto - G2: Caucasus of Europe. This is a fairly rare haplogroup found mostly in men from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The G2 branch of this lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. The Alan Sarmatians were military allies of the Vandals and the Suebi during the conquest of Iberia, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup G2 in Spain. The Alan Sarmatians' ancient homeland was the Caucasus Mountains. About 8% of northern Spaniards share this origin.

Olivas - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Olivas - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Olona - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Ortega - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Ortíz - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Ortíz - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Ortíz - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Ortíz - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Otero - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Pacheco - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Pacheco - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

Pacheco - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Padilla - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Paéz Hurtado - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Paéz - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Peña - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

Peña - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Peralta - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Peralta - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Perea - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Pérez Romero - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Pérez Serrano - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Pérez - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Pérez - O: East Asian origin. This lineage dates to about 35,000 years ago when it evolved in Central or East Asia. Over 80% of today's East Asian population is haplogroup O, and this lineage is nearly completely restricted to East Asian populations.

Pino - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Italy. 44% of modern day Italians share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Pittel - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Russia. 7% of modern day Russians share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Quintana - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Quintana - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Quirós - E1b1a: Sub Saharan African origin. Haplogroup E1b1a is an African lineage. It is currently hypothesized that this haplogroup dispersed south from northern Africa within the last 3,000 years with the Bantu agricultural expansion. E1b1a is also the most common lineage among African Americans. It is an old, diverse haplogroup with many branches and is found distributed throughout Africa today. It is also found at a very low frequency in North Africa and the Middle East.

Rael de Aguilar - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Ramirez - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Ramirez - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Ramirez - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Read - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Ireland. 81% of modern day Irishmen share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Rincon - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Rivera - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Rivera - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Rivera - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Rivera - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Robledo - O1: East Asian origin. This haplogroup is found at very high frequency in the aboriginal Taiwanese (possibly due to genetic drift). This haplogroup probably originated in East Asia and later migrated into the south Pacific. Individuals carrying this lineage are thought to have been important in the expansion of the Austronesian language group into Taiwan, Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.

Rodarte - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Rodríguez - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Rodríguez - J: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Romero Robledo - G2: Caucasus of Europe. This is a fairly rare haplogroup found mostly in men from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The G2 branch of this lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. The Alan Sarmatians were military allies of the Vandals and the Suebi during the conquest of Iberia, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup G2 in Spain. The Alan Sarmatians' ancient homeland was the Caucasus Mountains. About 8% of northern Spaniards share this origin.

Romero - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Romero - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Romero - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Romo - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Ronquillo - O3: East Asian origin. This is the major lineage of China. It is found throughout East and Southeast Asia. This lineage also occurs in central and northern Asia at low frequencies, as well as throughout the south Pacific. It has been hypothesized that this lineage may have spread through the south Pacific in the same wave as haplogroup O1.

Roybal y Torrado - L: Turkish origin. This haplogroup is found primarily in India and Sri Lanka, and has also spread into several Middle Eastern populations (Turks, Saudis, and Pakistanis). The Seljuk Turks migrated from Central Asia into mainland Iran formerly known as Persia. They are regarded as the ancestors of the Western Turks, the present-day inhabitants of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

Roybal - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Ruiz - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Saavedra - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

Saavedra - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Saiz - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Saiz - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Salas - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Salazar - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Salazar - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Salazar - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Saldaña - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Sánchez de Iñigo - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Sánchez y Vergara - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Sánchez - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Sánchez - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Sánchez - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Sánchez - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Sánchez - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Sandoval - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Santillanes - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Santistevan - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Sena - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Sena - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. 

Serna - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Serna - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Sierra - G2: Caucasus of Europe. This is a fairly rare haplogroup found mostly in men from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The G2 branch of this lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. The Alan Sarmatians were military allies of the Vandals and the Suebi during the conquest of Iberia, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup G2 in Spain. The Alan Sarmatians' ancient homeland was the Caucasus Mountains. About 8% of northern Spaniards share this origin.

Silva - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Tafoya - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Tafoya - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Tafoya - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Tafoya - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Tafoya - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Tapia - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Tapia - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Tenorio - J1: Semitic origin. Haplogroup J is found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Torres - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

Torres - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Torres - E1b1b: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Phoenicians, the Greeks, and the Romans belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Troncoso - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Trujillo de Moreno - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Trujillo - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Trujillo - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Urioste - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Valdéz - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Valdéz - I2a: Balkans of Europe. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. I2a is found predominately in the Balkans where it probably mutated from "I". It is also found significantly in Sardinia and the Basque country of Spain (I2a2).

Valdéz - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Valdéz - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Valencia - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Valencia - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Valerio - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Vallejos - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Varela de Jaramillo - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Varela - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Varela - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Vasquez - J2: Semitic origin. Mostly found in the Middle East, Mediterranean, and North Africa. This haplogroup contains the Cohen modal lineage which is found in about 5% of those with this origin. Sephardic Jews and Arab Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. About 28% of Sephardic Jews have this origin. 3% of modern day Spaniards have J, J1, or J2 origin.

Vasquez - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Vasquez - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Velarde - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Velasquez - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Velasquez - Q: Native-American origin. The Q lineage is the lineage that links Asia and the Americas. This lineage is found in North and Central Asian populations as well as native Americans. This lineage is believed to have originated in Central Asia and migrated through the Altai/Baikal region of northern Eurasia into the Americas.

Vergara - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Vigil - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Villa - I: Nordic (Northwestern European) origin. In 409 AD, the Suebi (a Baltic people) and the Vandals (an Eastern Germanic people) established themselves on the Iberian Peninsula. Less than 100 years later the Visigoths (an Eastern Germanic people) conquered Iberia, after they had conquered Rome, and settled there in the year 507 AD. The Visigoths’ ancient homeland was Sweden, which they had left around Christ's time. These three Nordic peoples brought Haplogroup I and sub-haplogroups I1 and I2 into Iberia. 13% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Villa - E1b1b1b2: Mediterranean origin. Mostly found in the Mediterranean, Southern Europe, the Middle East, North, West, and East Africa. The Berbers, the Carthaginians, and the Moors belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 10% of modern day Spaniards share this origin.

Villalpando - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Villanueva - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Villarreal - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Villescas - G2: Caucasus of Europe. This is a fairly rare haplogroup found mostly in men from the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The G2 branch of this lineage (containing the P15 mutation) is found most often in Europe and the Middle East. The Alan Sarmatians were military allies of the Vandals and the Suebi during the conquest of Iberia, it is likely this is the origin of haplogroup G2 in Spain. The Alan Sarmatians' ancient homeland was the Caucasus Mountains. About 8% of northern Spaniards share this origin.

Visarraga - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Basque and Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of Spain. 68% of modern day Spaniards share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Warren - R1b1: Western European origin. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype. Celtic people belong to this Haplogroup and they were among the earliest settlers of England. 56% of modern day Englishmen share this origin. The following markers are common to the people bordering Europe's Atlantic within a couple of steps; DYS19 (DYS394)=14, DYS388=12, DYS390=24, DYS391=11, DYS392=13 and DYS393=13.

Yturrieta - Q1a3a: Native-American origin. This lineage is strictly associated with Native-American populations. This haplogroup is defined by the presence of the M3 mutation (also known as SY103). This mutation occurred on the Q lineage 8-12 thousand years ago as the migration into the Americas was underway. There is some debate as to on which side of the Bering Strait this mutation occurred, but it definitely happened in the ancestors of the Native-American peoples.

Mt-DNA Results:

Haplogroups A, B, C, & D: Native-American origin.

Haplogroups H, I, V, W, & X: European origin.

Haplogroups U, K, & T: Mediterranean origin.

Haplogroup J: Middle Eastern origin.

Haplogroup L: African origin.

Haplogroups M, N, & R: Ancient maternal origin.