St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!

New Zealand Provincial

For Provincial settlements as opposed to genetic families
  • 1463 members

About us

Updated 1 July 2017

Use the menu bar to the side of the project page to navigate to any page of the project website.  To post to the forum ("Activity Feed"), make sure you are signed in as a member.

Please look at the Links and the FAQ pages to the left hand side of the Project

For both genealogy and DNA, I am here to aid.
You just need to ask.

New Zealand is a pacific nation which is populated by persons from probably every country (and ethnicity) on Earth.
You can locate a map at

If you have ancestors who travelled to New Zealand (male or female), please hit the "Join" button in the banner.

For the project to give meaningful information, all mtDNA and YDNA project members need to be placed into their "ancestor port/area arrival and settlement" categories, according to their DIRECT paternal ancestor's entry port and according to the direct maternal ancestor's entry port.  Please do not send me this information when the direct line is broken.  By that I mean, the Y-DNA testers need to supply their father's father's father's port of entry;  the mtDNA testers need to supply their mother's mother's mother's port of entry.

If you cannot do this, then please tell me.  (I do not require anyones ancestry but I encourage you to place such information in your personal FTDNA Home page in 'MyFamily').

Although it is best that female testers locate a male member of their family to test his Y-DNA as her/their proxy, I am happy to welcome those men and women who, for example have only tested Family Finder (FF) or have transferred their autosomal results from 23andMe or from AncestryDNA.

Here is a hint for you if you have tested FF.

Once you (or anyone) joins a project, you can go to your FTDNA Home Page and in the FF menu, then select  "Advanced Matches" from that menu. Check FF and select whether you want to see your matches in either the full data base, or just in the specific projects that you have joined.

Because it is a pain switching from one window to another, I have three browsers, so that I can get the same person’s Home page up showing different reports for the same tester all at the same time.)

A New Zealand data base of Family Trees can be located at
But this site hosts more than just a data base - much more!
You will need to register to see the people for whom you might be searching, but you will be intrigued with the concept of the site if you care to look at the introductory video.
(Disclaimer: I have no pecuniary interest in this site).