Nidderdale DNA Project

  • 161 members

About us

BIGY is the best test a man can do for YDNA testing.

* To provide a repository for YDNA haplotypes from Nidderdale

* To discover which haplogroups can be found in Nidderdale and to learn more about their distribution

* To enable researchers to connect with their genetic cousins

* To verify existing documentary research

* To find clues for further documentary research by identifying the possible location of earlier ancestors

* To help break down brick walls caused by illegitimacy or other Non Parental Event such as adoption

* To find clues regarding the origins of surnames

* To learn more about our distant origins

* To preserve DNA results for future research to protect against any male or female line becoming extinct - [my family has a very rare Haplotype sub-clade and is on the brinks of extinction] i want to know why and how many more families from Nidderdale this affects.
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