Phelps of New England Origins

New England Phelps DNA
  • 164 members

About us

There are several ways to get together with other cousins and work together on their common Phelps line.

Two Facebook Groups!  Both are private groups.

Descendants of New England Phelps  - All Phelps descendants from any of the New England Phelps lines are welcome to join this group!  This includes anyone who had Phelps ancestors in the entire Northeast region including New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and southeastern Canada.  This is a great opportunity to get together and share and compare notes with other cousins from the New England Phelps lines.
Phelps Genealogy in America - Both Northern and Southern Phelps descendants are welcome.  Also, Phelps descendants in England, Australia, New Zealand, etc. are invited to join us!